01050042 (2)n CITY OF CUPF,RTINO `� nmt,DINC DIVISION. • ." ` x'x ' `- CONTcRACTQR;INFORMATION PERMIT,- t, UUILDINGADURHSS: ,... , PERMIT NO. 20,272 CARTWRIGHT WY R. E 'ROOFING,, - -tf 09050042 . OWNER'S NAME:. - - APPLICATION SUIT DATE. I_EE-`SEN L AND CHI—MING :^,_OAt LFlnln 'GI_._'05ZO3/2001. µ'ms PHONE:• - SANITARY NO. CONTROLNO, - -957 °CZ ARCHITECIIENGINEER:, (. BUILDING PERMIT. INFO , ' o�j BLDG .ELECTPLUMB' MECII , Z LICENSEDCONTRACTORSDLCLARAl10N •- -. ''IOb_DESCrIptlOn ' Z v=Ni FZE= m I h hY B r th t l : I 1 p f Ch pl q l' b .wlh Sel 7(NNp dD' 3nfineH JM las mCodc and ny lsense `" -- -. -. ,, -' � "r E » ��—�. z;. REMOVE. 1. LAYER OFEXI+STING• WOOD SHAKEI ''; f• ""' t a ARCHILFCJ S DFCI AR T IN—STALL NEW 30 # ASTEN FELT 8' NEW WOOD C ° '. 1 annenund lar Pt r n.� +nvn be n,e I a, p m r ran_, I .. i P r.: lariat . 19 OWNER BUILDER DFCI ARATIONy. 1hereby flou1 C LuamwL forme as F+ Z¢ effir. am a.ma,ur the t I hollowing aps,ion Section 7031B d Proficai Coale Any air, or county - a•y py ❑ .5, wh h ts a a I R p J h p y Damen •. ler o °_3m _ pr tI e. � I.requirestheapplicant for such pto file. sg cd Immem lath IcJp It rh p fth C t tL' W (Chaplm9_ Sq. F't.,i'IOOr Area - 't - p umrnragwith Section 7007 of Division 3 of the Businessand Professions Code) ,YalUdtlOn or that he is exempt merefmin and the basis fonhe alleged esan oman Any vmaram - ^ of Semion703l5bytinyapplicantforaperniitsnbjemsthvappliconlm a..... penally " molt more mad Five handled dollars ($504 ` .• APN Number Occupsn)pl " '- ❑I erofine pmpeny urn, employees with xogae a theirteeompeoLlion, + �' _• wsill n m k im:t t ': I JErwr : a,,plytoaa H d Professions Col Th Contractors; License L I t - ?1.Pt4$0]0,R@t iredInspections - owner of property Who builds or improves thereon, and whodoes such work ]itnaell' ,. othrough his awn employees. provided that such improverricalsars, not intended or s offians] fim,ale. If, lowevin, the brildingo, improvement i,,.Id dh one yaar n1 _ k ?.. " t r • - •aopletma, the owne holder will have the burden ofprov gthathedidnotb�lder — - 305 - FRAME. approve r pm' r I) '307 .INSULAIIOhI`.. ❑I fm v typcJ g t 71( wd But.... I. rcC:nc I de) ROOF,TEAR constrainfor c' , tIthe dp 3' t t (spec. pmr : lm I t b IJ iht �mercx) ..601.•-OFF t .,.611, fi0" = h t r such pixe,wd licensed p snarl r m I_ Liam Cl ComeSlaexmptunderB, aPCnnthis reason 60_3 , ROOF; BATTENS. D� Duna'' ante 6Q4—.. ROOF IN—PROGRE5S"'Ii - 'WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION E 11 Ih by ft J p Ily fp � y flh f II gJ 'I I _ ❑ 1 have d will maintain . Cend t f C 'm m ach-imand for Worker's - . C pe : f a provided for by Section 3700 1 the Labor Inde; far the pr f re of thework fur wh Nn th s � r n t Iv'ssueA: "_ _ - ❑ I huvo antl will nmimain Worker's Compensation Insurance, as required by Section .3700 ordep Lulmr Cade. for the pa fmannw of the work for which this permit is is11:I MMyy{�W kk C p t n Insurance carzmr/and anPolicy number am , ;" cL.1/1J.L_ Paley No. 7 11 �1%V Old - - CERTII AHO OU EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS CO INSURANCE +,a • (This section need not he eounpleral If the permit is for lane hundred' dollar, (SI W)rr less) - •- Ivilfy that io the perfornumce of (lie work for whichthis permit is issued, 1 a _ shall not employ tiny person to any munncr so asto beaimmiuhlem ro dm Woken: , • _ . Compensation Laws of California Dam,- Applicant, NOTICL TO APPLICANT Il.addromkingthi'CnTcal,fExe m ynsholld t - ibe .uhiecno heWorker'sC naPe a rip .- sof the lnbrrC de ydumust fn ' ` m di comply with such pmvesiprsorllhospeit shall be dee red revoked f x - - - CONSTRUCrIONLENDINGAGLNCY ��"" lhomby aRm 11 td ereaaconvWU'nn lwJ ng ag ey forthe pertTnamed M of the workC which this pmmit is issued (Set. 3099, Civ. C.)• Q Landre'a Land.Name, • V z Lmdp,rAddod, 1 denhyda, 1 I uvo rcud his oppl ton and sure that the above informalinn Is , - - - W tom. 0 correct. 1 agreeto comply w th all city' tY d' d slate laws relut ng lab ll' a f Jh by m - nice, ordinances and 'tyt '.. C.) g p canHoer upon �. e. G>a m h nemioned pmpeny forinspecti purposes. _ - -E. Ar (We) agree ve indemnify dkeep h I theCtyot Cupernog u - - . " rt N R5`j 't d p .c. 1 h aY vny way accrue aga n.t d ..+ is ,C) c hg ort igoft ennit Lac C S II CWITHALLN IC ;UL:RC PANT Issued by, '• '�V/1 Date ^ _ a Signaam a n hrnndamtmrmr Date Re-roofs x. - MATERIALS DISCLOSURE W'llm ppllc t ft reMuld ig rmcupum sora arkndle h,ulN us nermlal Type of Roof as defined by theCupertino Muy a pol Code Chapter 9 12. d the Health and Safety- ..Cod Section 255i2(a)' \ .:- 0Yas _ Ill Na ' --All roofs shall be inspected prior to any, roofing,matenal being installed. Will die applicant armors, building occupant use equipmentardeviceewhich If.a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove .. emir ba ora ata wr aenlmnman . a. defined by the Bay Area Air Quality Management DistriaC - ° .. all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with °Ycx "° e non-point'source regulations. -_ I have rand thehazardous mat a I: requirements d Chaps 6.9 f the Calf Harlon &SattyCJ Sections 25511525A3 4255341 d nJ lhm holdgdnremt currentlyfacda� tmtt. y p .'b'I'tyI 'frm .'1. °` I Hent st be et pr or m i,mamce of a an R of �ont nature of pp icant ' Date •Ovivi-mmm - ,,• ,a.e ' -All roof coverings-to be Class B orbetter- ,. .. - ,OFFICE ' a. .. Building Division aYO 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014-3255 Telephone: (408) 777-3228 Fax: (408) 777-3333 CUPERTINO Building Department Subject: Reroofing policy for the City of Cupertino. 1. Prior to permit issuance, you must agree to comply with 1997 UBC Standards and manufactures specifications on reroofing. 2. New roof coverings shall not be applied without first obtaining all inspection and written approval from the building inspector. A final inspection and approval shall be obtained from the building inspector when the reroofing is completed. 3. All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing installation. 4. To receive a final sign off from the City the following steps are required._ 1) Preinspection and/or tear off approval. 2) In progress inspection approval. 3) Final inspection approval. ` a) Spark arrester installation. 5. If plywood is installed, a plywood nail inspection is required. 6. Any roofing which is applied without first obtaining an inspection, will require the removal of all new material down to the sheathing so that the proper City inspection can be performed. We understand the above policy on reroofing and will comply with this policy. Homeowners. Name: Address: �7 h /L1 ti Lp 11 Reroofing Company Name: CQy ra I Wo Applicants Joe Antonucci • (Chief Building. Official) 6/13/00 ..