NO PERMIT NUMBER (2)Lot No. 460 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO Sanitary No. 6.; 37 File No. Smw Do to 2-6 196 1 Application is hereby made for a permit to A o a story, Type SI T to be occupied only as 9 4W oe in accordance with Plot Plan, Plans and Specification filed herewith, Estimated Value of Improvements FEE$ - 9s • CO Owner --,e,92dOF Contr. Phony l 9A - 3,�-Ss r $ 3.Q coo.4i Plan Check $ Address A,)• Address State License Approved i APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT �S -i 9 ) 2,5—7 Date FEE$ • 119��!>(/Lt. 6JJ 0/I. �yG� Conti. V .%O,F�it.. C9. Address 1I9snq-X- Phone '�2 /w State License/,q//n/9� �89 "r 'Z1, Approved � APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING & GAS PERMIT Date 3-1 9 196 9 GAS FEE $ PLUMBING FEE $ / ,, /� Conti. Fi�Y al'n'a�A..{t n n Address & 4f;zz•rU � lam• Phan! 96 " 94 3 State License 1-,2 9 Approved • LI -.,y APPLI ATION FOR APPLIANCE P RMIT C) Dote -3 196 FEE$ �Z12 Conti, 11172AQ r7 �% -y /'D LLL Address /7f dW [-�t� Z /LP �l Phone - '6' 9I -�6c5 State License 11199--:2� - Approved 4y Applicants agree not to violate any of the ��- Workman'.s Compensation Laws of the State of California RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS BUILDING INSPECTO rwv ran.. _ FOUNDATION — .UNDERFLOOR _ FRAME LATH PLASTER GRADING FINAL_ FINAL SLDG._ ELECTRICAL DATE INSPECTOR MISC. UNDERGROUND R ROUGH WIRING_ FINISHED WIRING FIXTURES FINAL PLUMBING, GAS & APPLIANCE DATE INSPECTOR MISC. DwLI� rLVa Rcy.- SANITARY NO. UNDERGROUND ROUGH PARTIAL ROUGH ROUGH COMPLETE MAIN DRAIN u FINAL PLBG. FINAL GAS_ FINAL APPLIANCE CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Ave. CORRECTION NOTICE Department Job Loc ated at 0-711 C h f)fl .................... ................. ................ '10 V------- k.�. --- .............. 1­ ............................................ ................................ .......... ............... . . ............ -------- ---------- ............. ...... . ...... ..................................... ............................................................................. ............. ............... ....... ................. : ............................. I ................................... ..................................................... ............... ........................................................................ ......... ........................................................... ...... You are hereby notified that no more work shall be done until the above violations are corrected When corrections have been made call -the inspector., 252-4505 Date: .. ....... . ....... . . ............ 7 City Telephone 5 Inspector: ...... ...... CERTIFICATE! 'OF - COMPLETION ' BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Date ......... .............. 19-0 BDjUding Permit No. X11f,71 ,-The Building Located at-10.71W ...... Owned by ....... :-e.. ... e�j! i � . ..... ----------------------------- Has Been mp or Use As: .... C2� Mere i t �el I I 6FFICE COPY xx CITY OF CUPERTINO f 1v ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE Q I <1 You are hereby authorized to connect electrical service for Owner or Tenant ... At ..... /.67..,,31........ ` ........:G .. J,el; ........................................................................... l 2 � r No. of Wires .....�.............. Size of Wires ..... �......... .... Size ofSwitch -,'�z... C .. Motor Load .......................... Vol rage .................... .......— Phase v ............. HeatingLoad ........................ K. W............ ...................... . Voltage ............................... 1..v.. New .... temnnect........... _.. ..Light................ It(_ No. of Meters ......_/., • t/ No. of Add. Meters............ Heat ................. 220............ Three Wire.../...... MmQ Power ............... Three- has ........ \Lrve Mrtrr... .... ! / Ii LECTRICAL INSPECTOR GAS,SERVICE NOTICE' OFFICE BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTIN/O g....... J./...... b9.................................' 196...... To You are hereby authorized to connect the GAS service for ^. Owner or Tenant ........... &v.............. co- .......... ...................................... At.......... p...... C.gT(N..vt --- . ...................................................... New Service X ................... No. of Meters ...... I ............... Reconnect ................ :............ Move Service ....................... No. of Add, Meters .............. `Move Meter ........................ ................... PLUMBING INSPECTOR Bldg. Dept. Office Copy BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No. ........ Plumbing Final Plumbing Permit No. -51-Rr!Z ........ LotNo.......: %------------------ i Owner or Tenant --------- .......... p At -------- /0-7-1i Tract ......... Date Connected ..... 61 .. . . ....... . . . Z•.1-..49 ............... 19 ... ........ Date Final .............. 19 ....... .. ......................... PLUMBING INSPECTOR 111 12/66-IM ROUTE SLIP File No,Q "- Date Location_ Subject_1- Notes Approved_ 7-67 Ai Q- Date Inspector CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torre Ave. CORRECTION, NOTICE ....--- -- - .r. ............ Department Job Located at� -------- --------- -t............ .. :. .. - "--` --------- e- -- ------ ----------------- --- Crz.... ..........................�'%--------------- NO 'uL ----- .. .............. :-) �j --- - ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are hereby notified that no more work shall be done until the above violations are corrected. When corrections have been made Date: c ll the inspgctor.. 252.4505 -- ------------ City Telephone Inspector: ............... 10 1 ,Aa+irA nr, No. Street Lot No. 41 APPLICATION.. FOR. APPLIANCE PERMIT !'City of Cupertino'Q�� Oate Merch 121r 1969 Permit No. of.. Fee$ /700 O •F. ,n is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install gas appliances as the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said appliances in accordance with the or the Plumbing Code of the City of Cupertino, and all other laws applicable Premises Address P•0• Box 1506 Contractor, Agent Phone 591-2605 State License 110828 / Ap proved D. BGNHVICH JPlumbing Inspector PPLIANCE Gasop ven urnace ty Furn. d Air Futo ired Boilers ing Ovens M JFEES . Units ling Kit./Bath end. Vent S stem.. Indust.. Inst.Kit. & Vent Systemed Air Under 4000 CFM ed Air Over 4000 CFM "Ind. Ventilation S stem without Co fo t - Forced Air. Mech. each Power :.Gravit Sstem No. of Air Outlets, No. of Flues F Stacks for Metal Fire laces Smoke Stacks, Misc. Equip. _ I Under 15' Hi €-Over 15' Hieh �t Comfort Cooling 'Comp. of 20 HP or less - - & absorp. units with input 'r- of 500,000 BTU or less Comp. over 20 HP & Under 50 HP & Abso . units with input of 500,001 & Under 1,000,000 - Permit Fee 2.0G - Total 11 Total Fee I 17 . OC COT NO.— NO . J ,h >'srnerI APPLICATIOW FOR PLUMBING PERMIT z a CITY OI+ CUPERTINO 1J r o Sanitary No. 3 a Date G/ ! l�� SL 196 Z Permit No i 0 Pec $ d-9, a " Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a Permit to install Plumbing 0 a pipes and/or (ixtLlres listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said ��riccs i N and fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Plumbing Code of the City of a w Cupertino, and all other laws applicable thereto. ,/� ~ ~ Use of Premises �� /Ge(//�P Gy 00 > N Q o a Owner 1SGtii Address 1J�7G 1-5-al z By .lne Amnral P11101 , Inc. Addresszex�,50 e&eA- O CONTRACTOR, AGENT 3 ` - g Q96 9G4 3z — m Phone wz rc a /��.a�y' WILLIAM 4. SENEVICH 02 State License / Approved / '� U PLUMBING INSPECTOR r/ FIXTURES NUMBER MAIN DRAIN Units Fees 11 Units Fees Water Heater ) .SC Size Water Closet „fd Material p Bath Tub /.SC To Curb Shower / •S To Pro - Line Lavatories ..Sc To Existin Kitchen Not Conn. Dish Washer Waste Disposal Wash Tray STORM DRAINAGE Washing Machine ,SC 11 Size Water Softener Material Bar Sink To Main Drain Comb.Sink & Tray To Curb Dental Unit Drinking Fountain Floor Drain WATER SYSTEM Hopper Size / " Restaurant Sink Material ( / Sand Trap TOTAL FEES Urinal Fixture Feen O Area Drain Main DraiFee •pU Water Leader Storm Drain Fee Sprinkler System Water Sys. Fee O Relief Valve. SO' Vac Breaker Skimmer Filter Pool Sweeper - Pemut Fee ,p Total /., N. Total Fee ,,� NO. STREET LOT NO. APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO Date , 19 _ Permit No. -' Pee y 25. 70 Application is hereby made to the City of Cupertino for a permit to install electrical wiring and/or fixtures as listed on the reverse side hereof, and agrees to install said wiring and/or fixtures in accordance with the provisions of the Electrical Code of the City of Cupertino, andQall other laws a1)licable thereto. Use of Premises .1,, ;� Owner By Pt,,,,,,: San Jose. Calif. 25112 `4- State LicensOffi2,$y$•27 Q Address Address _ Approved _WI -LIAR M Q. BENEVICH ELECTRICAL INSPECIO{ ITEM 46 NEW RPL FEES Number of Outlets - /'60 A 0 O Number of Switches �. Number of Receptacles 7- - Number of Fixtures I — d 2 / C _ 0 Ran es or Ovens K.W. - a o cr Size of Main Service _ / too U Number of Meters 7 Number of Panels 160 Signs - T=sfomers Dryers v v Motors: q 0 v H.P. Phase H.P. Phase Power Poles Migr Pernut Fee 2.00 H.P. Charges Total Fees ems% �p� A'-) No!J `'... r- . Street ' 1.1P,R -7 1969 APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT c c = 3 d o U 12.3 Lot No. 401-A — City of Cupertino /� �2,37 SanitaryNo. ! ; Date9,Permit No. 4W 'P Application is hereby made for a permit to COn9 t mlC t a one story, Type 51J Building to be occupied only as singl-e-Ta-ffliy dweiiing in accordance with Plans, Specifications and Plot -Plan filed herewith. PI Ck Fee psi d Estimated Value of Improvements, I p /n n o' ° - Fees 4 . S 0 It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and all other laws applic a construction location, and use of buildings within the City of Cupertino will 4Keomplied with. Owner By Phone State License 7p r)47F ngame, Cali