BPC 04-16-03 RevisedCUPEILTINO THE REGULAR MINUTES OF THE BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION Wednesday April 16,2003 REVISED Conference Room A Cupertino City Hall 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 MINUTES ATTENDANCE Mr. Joe Walton, Chair, called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. Staff: Goepfert, Arrants Commissioners: Present: Ms. Hua Julia Fu, Mr. Geoffrey Paulsen, and Mr. Robert Levy, Mr. Joe Walton Absent: Vice Chair David Greenstein ( prior notice of absence given to staff) Citizen: Anne Ng WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS - APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of March 19,2003 were approved. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - OLD BUSINESS - 1. Pedestrian Crossing at Stevens Creek Boulevard/Highway 85 NB On-ramp Commissioners reviewed two plans. After a general discussion, all Commissioners agreed on the same plan. Staff will send a letter to CALTRANS noting the changes and implement with a work order. Regnart Creek Trail - Chair Walton and Commissioner Paulsen gave a report of the meeting on with Mayor Chang, Council member Lowenthal, City Manager Knapp, Director of PW Quails, Asst. Director of PW Goepfert, and Director of Parks & Recreation, Therese Smith The idea of this proposed trail project is generally supported by Council member Lowenthal, with an initial focus on the section between Blaney Avenue and the new Civic Center. Mayor Chang expressed interest in reaching all cultures for input, in this effort. Chair Walton suggested a walk by staff along with Jana Sokale, of Environmental Planning, specializing in trails, to review the section between Blaney Avenue and the new Civic Center. A follow up of the findings will be given to the commission of the trail possibility and estimated cost. Chair Walton discussed fencing recognizing it as a possible mitigation with neighborhood residents citing the Creekside Park project. Chair Walton suggested a survey with questions generating comment responses rather than yes/no results. Commissioner Paulsen suggested this trail be a placeholder in the General Plan. Commissioner Levy was concerned that the project was placed on the City Council consent calendar, suggesting to residents that this is a bonafide project rather than a proposed project by the commission. A general discussion followed regarding the different thoughts on the process of trail developments. Commissioner Paulsen added the City Council desires a one page report on the trail. NEW BUSINESS - 1. Review Joint Powers with Los Altos - Curt Riffle, Member of Los Altos BPAC a. Tabled until further notice 2. Segway- a. Two have been observed in Cupertino. San Francisco banned the Segway on sidewalks, November 25th. A general discussion followed, with a suggestion that a demonstration of the device be held, inviting the Public Safety Commissioners. A motion was made by Commissioner Paulsen, second by Commissioner Hua, all commissioners in favor. Staff to investigate demo. Note: For additional information go to http://www.walksf, org/segways/ or http://www.walks f. org/segways/why.html 3. Letter of Support For Lawrence Expressway Crossing at Mitty - a. Mr. Goepfert relayed an email received from Celia Chung of VTA. The email explained that County Roads is developing a Pedestrian Plan as part of Lawrence Expressway, this plan would include any pedestrian improvement projects such as a crosswalk at this location. It is not known if this location was included. Therefore, Mr. Goepfert and Chair Walton will jointly prepare a letter to Santa Clara County Roads supporting a crosswalk at Lawrence Expressway and Bollinger Road for the use by students of Mitty High School, Cupertino High School and Hyde Middle School. b. Motion to draft a letter by Commissioner Paulsen to Council member James, VTA and Santa Clam County Roads, second by Commissioner Levy. All in favor 4. Lawrence Expressway at Bollinger Road - a. Item number 3 incorporated comments and discussion for this item. 5. Future Items Discussion a. Bike to Work Week - May 12th - 16th * Bike to Work Day is Thursday May 15th Chair Walton reported the status of the banner's refurbishing and that it will be finished and ready for Bike to Work Week. And the survey card is being printed and will also be ready for Bike to Work Week. There was a request for the Countywide Bike Map put out by VTA. It was suggested that staff request +/- 500 to be distributed at locations posting the Bike to Work Week posters, and Bike to Work Day energizer stations. Staffwill contact VTA. Energizer stations: Pruneridge & Tantau (HP); DeAnza (Apple); Stelling & Alves (Quinlan Center). Energizer station refreshments will vary but all will have maps, powerbars and water. b. Public Transportation - Cut in Outreach Program Status of the program. ADJOURNMENT - There being no further business or public comment; Chair Walton adjourned the meeting at 8:44p.m. The next Committee meeting will be on Wednesday May 21, 2003 at 7:00 p.m., City Hall, Conference Room A. Respectfully submitted, Diane Arrants