DRC 12-20-07Design Review Committee December 20, 2007 Cupertino, CA 95014 (408) 777-3308 APPROVED MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE HELD ON December 20, 2007 ROLL CALL Committee Members present: Committee Members absent: Staff present: Staff absent: Marty Miller, Chairperson David Kaneda, Commissioner None Gary Chao None APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December 6, 2007 Minutes of the December 6, 2007 Design Review Committee meeting were not approved as there was no quorum vote WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS: None POSTPONEMENTS/REMOVAL FROM CALENDAR: None ORAL COMMUNICATION: None CONSENT CALENDAR: None PUBLIC HEARING: 1. Application No.(s): ASA-2007-17 Applicant: Keith Kolker (Cupertino Development Corp) Location: 10855 N. Stelling Road (Las Palmas) Architectural and Site Approval for final building and landscaping plans for an approved residential development Design Review Committee decision final unless appealed. Staff member Chao explained that the residential development was approved on July of 2007 with the stipulation that the Design Review Committee review and approve the final landscaping, color scheme and pedestrian walkways designs. At the City Council meeting on July several items were specifically mentioned; landscaping, re-alignment of the street curb, pedestrian scale ,trellis features, roof color, gazebo placement and access to the neighboring 2 Design Review Committee December 20, 2007 church. The applicant has addressed all of these issues with this application. Chairperson Miller asked about the count of the units on the developments. The color of the roof materials was discussed. The City Council mentioned a darker colored roof, but the applicant's study indicated that a lighter colored roof would be more energy efficient. The entrances to the common interior courtyard areas would be enhanced with planters and trees. Staff recommends that the applicant work with Staff to design pedestrian scale trellises or archways (or similar architectural features) at the entrances to these common courtyard areas. Final design/revised plans shall be reviewed and approved by the City prior to issuance of the building permits. Commissioner Kaneda asked about the logistics of planting climbing vines along the outside of the soundwall bordering the freeway. The applicant, Keith Kolker, stated that they were comfortable planting vines along the inside of the soundwall to help curb graffiti, but didn't feel they should have to plant along the freeway on CalTrans property. Staff member Chao explained that this is a standard requirement and that the applicant should contact CalTrans. Commissioner Kaneda questioned if this was indeed a CalTrans standard, perhaps it should be reviewed and verified to see if it is actually a standard in use. The landscape architect, Paul Reed, listed two kinds of ivy that are typically planted to fulfill these kinds of requirements. The applicant also mentioned that they were unhappy about having to loose five feet of public area in order to meander the sidewalks to accommodate more landscaping. Staff member Chao explained that this was discussed at length at the Council meeting. The sidewalk design was put into the conditions of approval so that this residential development would adhere to the same requirement as another new residential development located nearby. Commissioner Kaneda stated that applicant has done a good job with this application in addressing the City Council's concerns. Then moved to approve the application with the condition that climbing vines be planted along the inside of the soundwall along the freeway with the intent of ultimately growing up and over the fence to cover the wall along the freeway. Chairperson Miller agreed with this amended condition. MOTION: Commissioner Kaneda moved to approve ASA-2007-17 SECOND: Chairperson Miller ABSENT: none ABSTAIN: none VOTE: 2-0 OLD BUSINESS: None NEW BUSINESS: None Respectfully(( submitted: ~/GL G~Z~ Beth Ebben Administrative Clerk g:planning/DRC Committee/Minutes122007