48664 (2)' 1014 Cranberry Dr. Building Permit Confirmed Not Required CITY OF SAN JOSE BUILDING DEPARTMENT • T APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Date-------. .z.------all ----------- 19!7� Permit No------...... -------- The undersigned hereby makes application to the Electrical Impr of a City of San Jose for a permit to install electrical fixtures and/or wiring as listed a raver side. Esemp4ion from requirement for State of fealifornia for of t r- i e is hereby claimed by undersigned: owner Cal r' n e ❑ Undersigned attests 4he} s ate of Cali(orn o ra or' icense # is in full force`and effect and pr ry aufhori as is a I' at' San Jose City Business Li ens I certify that in the perflrma a of he w ch this permit is issued I shall not employ any person in any manner so as to viol to a wor men's compensation laws of California. OWNER ADDRESS USE OF BUILDING /45 jC� FIRM9�1�- Q' � SIGNED 280-201n A 1014 Cranberry Dr. H.Q. (Y Uzoz-oga :s��ewaa uoi}oadsul leuH A8 �— , uo!}oadsul 46noa' snoeuellaos,N JaMod 6w44611 speo-I aiadwy ase4d dH sia}aW }o jaywnN sJo}o}H svawo}suejl su6lS �s}mojio }o jogwnN MH — sJa}eaH MN sa6ueb, sailM paa j 9ns a:lS M), sJOkl sdwel ,GnojaW }!npuo0 poa j 9"S az'S sdwel uoo}sa j sajn}z!j 4o}!MS a�ln�as azis sp�eo9laued saloe}daoed sanM eo!AJOS azlS sp,eo94o}!MS s8404!mS 4!npuo0 eoi. oIS az'S s4aul9e0 'slaued s}aI}n0 PIO MON 9NIMOl1Od 3H1 3ZIW311