08-004 Public Mgmt. Advisors, Meyers Neve
i'ublic Management Advisors LLC
January 2, 2008
Mr. Dave Knapp
Office of the City Manager
City of Cupertino
City Hall
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
RE: Engagement Letter
Dear Dave:
I hope that you had a wonderful holiday and happy New Year.
As we discussed, I am providing an engagement letter on behalf of Public Management Advisors LLC
(PMA), the consulting arm of Meyers Nave established to provide management consulting services to
clients on a wide range of maters involving public agencies. We are pleased you have chosen to engage
our services for consulting advice, and we look forward to serving you. This letter will describe the terms of
our engagement with your firm.
Scope of Engagement. As generally described in our August 14, 2007 response to your request for
proposal, we wi[I provide the City with a review and analysis of the operations of the City Attorneys Office in
light of the impending retirement of the City's long term City Attorney. We will provide a report and
recommendations to the City Council to provide guidance in its decision making to recruit and fill the
position or entertain other options for the delivery of legal service to the City. Within our firm, I wilt be
respohsible for this engagement, and my direct dial telephone number is 510.808.2032. I am immediately
available to commence this assignment. We discussed the possibility of having a report or draft report
completed in time for consideration by the Council in conjunction with its budget deliberations. If that is still
a goal, we can develop a schedule around that deadline.
Fees, Disbursements, and Travel Costs
Our fees are based on the amount of time spent by us on behalf of your firm. My biding rate is $275 per
hour. To conduct this project, I would expect that the total fees would not exceed the $5,000 cap that we
indicated in our proposal. This includes interviews with the City Attorney and appropriate City officials and
staff, review of relevant city and city attorney operational documents and budgets, drafting of a preliminary
issues memorandum, discussion thereof at a meeting with relevant parties and preparation and
presenta#ion of a final report.
In addition to fees, you agree to reimburse us for disbursements incurred an your behalf or as necessary to
perform this assignment. We da not attempt to make a profit on our disbursement charges, but merely try
to recover our direct costs. To simplify the accounting for both you and us on such charges, we will add a
555 12th Street, Suite 1500 ~ Oakland, CaEifarnia 94607 ~ tel 800.714.7427 ~ fax 510.444.1106 ~ www.puhlicadvisors.com
Mr. Dave Knapp
Cupertino CrryManager
January 2, 2008
Page 2
"Disbursement Charge" to each invoice equal to 3% three percent} of fees billed, which is intended to
cover all routine disbursement costs such as photocopying, fax, telephone, courier and overnight delivery.
In rare circumstances in which extraordinary disbursement expenses will be incurred that would
significantly exceed our Disbursement Charge, we will discuss such charges with you in advance to
determine the most economical means of handling the expense.
Finally, in addition to the fees and Disbursement Charge, you agree to reimburse us for all actual third party
out of pocket expenses (e.g., parking, meals, lodging, etc.}. [n connection with this project, I anticipate that
these expenses will be minimal, if any.
We will send monthly statements which are due within 30 days of receipt. if you have any questions about
an invoice, please promptly telephone or write me so that we may discuss these matters.
We would request that you review this letter carefully and, if if is consistent with your understanding of our
respective responsibilities, please so indicate by returning a signed copy of this letter to me at your earliest
convenience. Enclosed is an additional copy of this fetter which you should retain for your records.
I Eook forward to working with you.
ince [y, '
J e .Williams
anaging Principal
c: Billing Department
These terms are accepted and agreed
to as of the date of this letter.
Dated: rule s , 2008
Dave Knapp, City Man ger
City of Cupertino
] 045215_1.DOC