Ordinance 126- ~~ ,~. Y \~~ ~ - ~~ .rIW ~ ti/r .ii~l~ ~~ YNC~ V~IR"J~iAr ~~ ~1MiJWA 1 V~ WiAi' RN~41/Ii NV`• ,r,~J~`` ~t' ,,//~~'~1~1~',~'~ti ~!.~~~~~y~yy,+~p~{1~~jj~1~1R ~ ' i'~.'~X 4F ~1P~ ~, 1 ~A 3'~• iL :I!-ti .G~~~~°"~riYF~r4rPr~~ ... r.i.....w..ww~ryr .rrrrir......r.~w....w \Ai1l%a ~~ M~1~ ~d~.I~i ~ ~~ iRi~fp i~r ]I0 1~71~i pis, ws- 11q~-rlil'as~r !~. 19~.++r am apR33.a+.xt9~an a~rr t`il~ ~- ~~ and Paa1~ ti~tt,ae~'+ut~'~, ~r t~e- T~ d! ~!!'~ ft~ a~1 ~..~:~ Ddla~+,a~icrt to tl~'~{tiArti~ ~faMi dtM tlkataiCt al'1d at't~r tMbt ~~.'~a 11~-7C"~!A(M! the ~laxx~ing Gt~d.il~tl[,i re1d ~fi tl~ ~i~' Ca~t~ri1 that tit ~,~.laaeifiCatfl~gio- be ~nta3.; and ~'~$A.~a, tt'!e ~ tt! ~fA 2'+~Lt?t1i-d i» p7c'eaen~l,Y iri ari t-r2:1~-Ri I~atriCt, and A3, a ~ of the nub~rct P~''nPa2`'~Y is attaof.,~l ~w~to a~- I+~thibit "n' as a urt~po~eed y~d~seaatt at 'the Master Zoudu~g Itap cif ~.he City of C~~~ert`.'-.no: 1~FT 9~i' R~C:~E , ~ IT CROAY~D AS FC?LIR7!~ Sec'sion 1. 1`Aat t2s~ toZ.l.aWing deac:z~ib©d ptapart~y De, and hea~try 3.•~ zoned to Q.,3..H claaaitication aub~ect to the aoxxlitiont- set t'ort,'a in f.~d~kztt Et, arc! that ~ibit "A" atLtcbed heretc9 ins ~oade p«'d"t, of the I'.atsts~x" 'i'onir.-g l+lap of the C~.ty of Cupertino • All that certain real property ai.t~ate in the City of Cu•~er. tizso, bounty at San'ca Clara. 5tatie of California, deaor'~hed a-g tol:~o-~~a: ~Baginning at a one iaach ircan pipe ~t in tt~e aouthsrly i.:..:~ of fie:~eatead Road. distant thereon ti~irth 8~I de8. 55' East 4+50.00 Feet f.~~cxs a ~ x 9 stake aErt. at the intersection of said southerly ~.ine of HOauest,~ad Read •,titin the easl;er"jq• I.irya of Stalling Fcad; thamce along aa~.d southerly lure at „~omeaL4ad Road Alorth 89 ~S• 55' Meat 2.00 feet to a one ind~ i.rcx~ pipe; *1-.enc5e South 0 deg. OS~ Raat 536•J4 tc~t to a one inch ircxn rfipr,; tha~-c,« Y~ortJ~ $9 dog. w3' ~0" Me9t 220.E test tt a orae ink Iron ,piers; thence 3~•arh 0 dE~. ~~r ~e't. 537wW 8~et to the Pow of begi~ing. I.q-.Ita~.nir~g 2.7'15 aCl"'Bt~, gore 02' les~a. , Section 2. This Rrdixzarce ,stsal.l take effer'~ and 3~ in tcr,^.a thix~t,;y (3~D) ~$ attea• ik¢ Pasaa,gw , t~l h!~tor~r the e~gairati on of t9.t'tecxn (lei) days :''roa and otter its passage, this Ox~dine`ice shall be publiahod once frith the twees of the a~e~wbers voting !or or egadRrrt g2:e sacae in the Cupertira Courier, a '-'~+~P~' Publiataad in a$9,d County o!~ Saata C1rra. Intarodxzaed at a ~ of tt~e City Gr~ncL'L of the City at t~j~rtina on the day of , 1x+60, ~atsaed eorxi a~dvptad at ~- raQular ~-t.~• of t2~ti C1ty C~'zCi1 at t2n+ .,~ of Cupsrt~ ~ thr: , f~,,,~p~ cam' s~f ' , 'bf- tbe- fw~.lowri,tyr ate: ~,~~J-pis-~•,ier~s-~i.~,,,,ar~,,,rat Qi- d liiD~ a Ca~xx.~'h~a, ~'`s~ ~~ xs Gawr~ail~reaa, ~,,,~.,~ ~~ .~~a+ Y "~ Y -~ 4 , I ~f 1 } ~,y~ r. ~ • n ~ ~'fe~S9Lih.'4~ ; k ' 1 ~~, vii ?. y . '' , {, ~ v . ~1' ~~ 8 lw ~~stall ax~r~al itcx~at ~,i~C;h'te. Ali 11~'htiit~( s~Itll ~e 4r.- e~~;~dr~d :~ in an wey i~st~r"fe~ with! a-3~a~ae1:~ x°~es~.dentls~l dis~ri.rxta ~. S+Lreet trees w1~3 be p~miwr~ Sn tt2e p:zblio right~oF-te~t~- and uah~-11 ~ ©f ~ ~-pe appravea t~ the c~.t~ i.n ~~aces dt~eigx~ated by t~ c~.t~r, 3. Traffic aantrn~ signs vri.3.~1 be py,~ced at 1oa~ t: ane to tre epe- otfi.ed by thQ Cttp. 4. gi.re hydra:~t~a shall be 2.ac~ted ~.s req°xestr~~i ba the Ci,tir~ 5. A roesonry ~~rali. stx feet, kigr ~~111 be bui~.t separatiAg~ the com~+ercial are; from the r~.sidentaal. area. b, .All parking areas an3 driveways :aii.]_ bG p~atiy~d 1s shotwr av Lh~ plot plan. ~. CuYabs, gutters, sidewalr.s, a:~d structu.res sh311 be installed to grades and be cor, ~t~^ucted 1n accord~:~ce with stund~rds speei~ Pied by the City E~r.~glneez~. 8~ Lrains~e wltrhin an3 wlt:ZOUt the develo::me;~t sh~lx be ~,o the satisfaction of the C1t;y En~lneer. 9. Strait improve~.entM shutting the s,pplicat~t ~ s F~^uperf:y shall be according to City ~tan~erds Qnd spcclfiCations. 1n, Tt~a appiican~: shall be responsible fur comspletin~ site as sha~wn on approved plat plan, and sha11 r.~e renuSred ~u F~:y for re~ulrAd engknenring, ~hec ing, and in~~r~ection f~.es prioz~ ;;o issu~ar_ce of bui. lr~ 3.n~ ~aex•ralt b 11. Lfu~d scaF inp, shall be c. s ~ Tprov ea ~,rd ~ its to fined a s shoxta, on pl~st pl8r~. 12, Street wlaening and 3~edir,~~tior.s st~3 ;.1 t:c in accarclarsce with str. set widths apt xroved cy CStS- ~t~,inzer. >: ~; .: . .,~; ~~. ~~ -j . ~ .... -- 4 , }. i . 1J; {" ' ~ . j~; t .~ .,bl,i • .4lSSt~l, UY `!Y",! •~w +Ri i tip, ~~L ~~'~` ~~~i. i~~` ?, - `+ h _it i . .Yj't ~ a wM~•.IiwAwr++•i~ 5 ~ ~ ~~MM+~•~•a ~,~~~~~ ~ia wrw~• fi' TTT y1', Y jf j • ~~ ~ 5;`: 9 ~k,~ f, ~" y ~ + :~ ~ - -~ .~. ~ ~ JL.wr.y..u..~~ :Y' }' ~ ~,~`j~j ~CR.7LS '~ r,~ ~ ~ rt _ mR ~j•) ~'~ a a~ ~1, ~: • _~ .~ ~~ • • yrJ !.~ 4 ~ y S ~ `( 4 • •~ ~`- .Zt~ ~ ~~ #~ ~,!~"~' f~t~A i.~ ~. tea.. ~~ ~ ~~ 'var. ~~ - ~ . ~ ~. ~:,~ ~~~:~ ;,........~..br~triw` .....