02040121 (2) CUPE CITYBUILDI G DIVISION PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION- BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10303 DEGAS CT AMRITPAL KALLA 02040121 OWNER'S NAME: APPLIC IONSyBDT AMRITPAL KALLA 04�22IM62 14WONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. O eeZ ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: O O BUILDING PERMIT INFO m BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH U r I L'] L I D i LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION z m 1 be«by of irm Thn 1 am licensed under provisions of Chapter 9(commencing Job Descri tion „f5 wiNSeaion]BO)ofDivision3ofine8usincssondPmressi...Code.and mylicense BATHRM & KITCHEN REMODEL. is in full force and erten. 0 e U License Class Lir.a Data Cum Tar PWL 3'=G ARCHITECT'S DECLARATION C5 1 understand my plans shall be used n public records Yao Licensed Professional AUG 2 i 2002 oa OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm that 1 am exempt form the Contractor's License Law for the h z a following reason.(Section 7031.5.Business and Professions Code:Any city or county BUILDING 1'�DI�� 6 2 5 O O s F D which rebates a h,or repau any nNcome O U $ perm(( from applicant forsuch Permit dcmohs 63$ -pdmmt ssane.olsoreq_ smavipiocam for Contractors Bleee Law (Chstatement - _ _ __.._ _.. _ (bathe Inn. itpursm nq the Drb t ions; the theBusies L n nm Low ons,C 9 - Imhat he g_ m Section am and fbe basis a of the Business and Profession Code) �`•;'_ 13,�� b LY Y1'Qr.`Ple rr;y y r ,••,a ^Valuation ar ores io rs 31.5 b tang applicant li and the bass far he alleged exemption.An Inion '• ' "" - •' -` 's- y ata ' -of Section]OILS by any appli<am for a permit subjects the applicant ro n civil penalty tofnormn:ethanflehundreddoRm.a5om. 10 1APN NXV-*DAT ION +`+T::t, Occupancy Type Las n ormeprop or my employees xamwages a.theirsolecompensation, 102 - PIERS w l_ad d;�a,b,k:and the.tmnare is not mended°r nee,ed-rorelr(Sao.]aw, '6dsin2u and Pmressions Code:The COmmactor s License Law does not apply m 10 3 - UFER an Required Inspections' � - owner of progeny Who Wilds or improves dterem,and who does such work himself nr m sugh m.own employees.provided That such improvements are not intended or 104 - REBAR ._'offend for sale.If,however.the building or improvemen(is soldd-within one r _......_—.__._. nom Inion,me owner-Wilderwill have the WNenof y`n° I05 - 'ANCHOR"-BOLTS-" - p proving matnedianatbaudor 106 - SEWER & WATER improve for propose of sole.). ❑1:as owner of the Progeny.ora exclusively contracting with Gomm<ommnorsw --- - -UNDERFLOOR- PLUMBING'---";•�-:�—.-:(::-'.--------- _ _ construct the project(Sth.]Baa,Business one Profession:Core:)The Commmor'r 2 O 3 - UNDERFLOOR MECHANI CALF.-'' Licanm Law d s not apply To an owner M progeny who builds or improves Thereon, . - ' _nod who cora cu"M inch pojecu with is conumor(s)licensed-pu wM m d«.. re ___--204-._.._UNDERFLOOR- FRAME ->--------=-------..._.__—,_.___-- :S Contractors U crud .. ❑lune em't 7pe, as A ' s a P C for this reason 205 - UNDERFLOOR. 'INSULATION act DaTeeyy '�//J's/vL 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING WORT R COMPEIySfsT10NDECLARATION 302 - 'PUB & OR SHOWER Inmeby Mo.Orderpenmtyafarjueyorl�ofthefonawingdeaar,rana:- 303 - ROUGH MECHANICAL ,J j. '•0 1 have and will mainuin'a'Ccniflc;m of Consent io self-insum for worker's 3 04 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL h1 Compensation, as Provided far by Seen.. 37W ofthe"IaWr'Codr, for he 305 - FRAME - _ performance of due work for which This permit u issued.. ❑1 have and will.' Armin Worker's Cdntpen'uuiddlnsurance,as required by Section 306 - HOLDOWNS 37ao or The labor code.far he arfom,.ma of The wark'm,which This parrim is 307 - INSULATION astud:Ma 1` Policy number y kc s Compc u lnum c arae d am CERT;IFl,t CAOFI IFROM w:oRCER ' COMPENSATION INSURANCE- Tra t 309 - ') $T�2IOR .Li TH ._.... . �-_INTERIOR LATH--__--V-_--__ __.__. ..___. (11t m n read not W mmplmetl if the geneses rs for one hundred dolhrs l rno0)mleaa) _ 311' - SCRATCH COAT - ![ T'Tariff,that n m parr - �anne k io Wren m pe .Ti :axed 1 - am n ploypby� an�(wp :o rax each «T mewrkra 501 - FINAL ELECTRICALENERGY`- o situation Laws Cel f �4(tat /_- [� Z �`�y� e ' - A ! ./ - - _. ._. 502------- FINAL PLUMBING. ENERGY PLIC barter iuming n CnfmaofEaampaon.you should must 503 - FINAL MECHANICAL' ENERGY become ben mtI Nod It Com -nkatc. -`• 1 pe pro nsl deemed Coalued. us ZO ran mcoplywdna nproao rmapmtnill-_ --eemvokea 504 ____F,INAL._BUILDING ENE_RGY CONSTRUCTIONLEIIINGACENCY505 - FINAL ELECTRICAL 7 1 he mby aP that mem is a co suuclon lending agency fm the perfommnce N _ W .. urine work far which this pemM s 'deeds« 309]Cn•c> 506 - GAS TEST - W..Q "Umdr Nm ae ._ ._..W._ :......_.. -._.__.__ - ;D1z Lend :Add s 507__-" FINAli-PLUMBING' - V_O 1 certifyThat Ihave mad This pplcato d late 0.1,MjW form ton is 508 - FINAL ME(JHANICAL' .F correct 1 agrea m comply with all city'and conary,orifinances and state laws ralatiog 509 - FINAL GRADE O.,U to Wildingxsvxuctmr�and hereby summarize mpmsentauvesofThismytocmerupon i'st 510 - FINAL PLANNING _ the pupeny for inspersion purposes. a 1")amee osave,mdem'vifyand keep harmlesi,Me City of Cuperiinoegeimt 514 - FINAL PUBLIC WORKS L.-T i liabilities,pdgmc(s,cosu and expenses which may in any way seem,againn said V. City I mnsT, car the gram g f 'is poor t ' APPLICANT, ER$'r \D 10 'RLCOMdLY WfrH ALL NO\- �r r •/)/ soDRceREc A'no.s r' •> i - yPoi/ l Issued by: Date m of Appl camOLO frac r _ ( _', a / ` HALkR US MATERIALS DISCLOSURE - Re-roofs W 11 me a Cupertino m furore ip Code, Clue t no«o hull haaamous..'coal C defined by tti 3 yen Municipal Cod Ch par 9 17 d The Health d Safety ` 'pe of Roof - Code Section 255311,1+ t y T ('• ;-. a r f : ., .• � _ _ _ _. _ ..._ _All roofs.shall.be inspected poor-to.any.roofing matenal being installed. _ will adm apcimnt f r, Wddngmc a rayAma ip oto aeveerpmah If a roof is installed without fust obtaining an'inspection;I agree to remove _ nit havrdous av c n«mma¢ der W by Jin Bey Area Air Quality Man gemcM g m"] 1 .all new materials for inspection..•Applica nt understands-and will comply with ❑Y no '.. r all non-point source regu]atlons " _. �.._. *-- alit m. e h d chard s tronals req+25533 d 2c,4 pm,6 95 of me it ` Col Tara e H a1Th Be afety Code Sections 8505 15533 nd 8536 1 nde rand that dmc building dove arc rrently�1 e(enT mat(smY rtsPom bl iyt nmify _ oc,vpant of me«q +CY. rem u /Nc ustye m t p o to issuarns,ova Carl of I - - II 2L�pZ Signature of Applicant. Date °g=' All roof coverings to be Class "B or'better womb Th z D m OFFICE-- . .