Ordinance 1403
Q~PTFI7S 15.04, 15.08, AND ].5.12, FU~T SYS'TB't.
THE C~~ OOgA1CII, OF Tf~ CITY OF WPF2S1Z1O HfI2ESY ~~ that Chapters
15.04, 15.08, arxi 15.12 of Tim he~t~ebytamer~rledzead ~ pAr~E~-ibit
pertaining to Water atxl ~9e
~DCTCID at a regular meeting of tha City Ccxmcil of the City of
clzpeztino this Srh day of *_~,_..~rv-.---, 1986 and II~II~CI'ED~t 20t~ y
meeting of the City Oamcil of the City of Cupertino
of Tan~arv _, 1987 by the tollowitg Vote:
pp{~ ~=+«1P~ of t~+e C{tY oil
Aye; Gatto, Johnson, Rogers, Sparks
Np~: None
Agg~; Plungy
pgg~t: None
City Clerk ~~~ ~~
ORD7.NAPICE N0. 1403
Title 15
15.04.010 Definitions.
15.04.020 Description of service.
15.04.010 Definitions. 'fie Pollowig teens when used in this title
shall have the following respective meanings:
*For statutory prvvisionts regarding the mmicipal openatian and r+egulaticn
of the city's water supply systems see Govt. Oode Section 38730 et. seu.;
for the prevision z~egartii:g the power of cities to prescribe, revise and
collect charges for water and services Banished by thee, see Govt. Oode
Section 54344.
A. "Applicant" means arty prospective const>rner applying for water
B. City means the City of 0.tpetti~o;
C. Oonstmfer means any pezsant, firm, ~Yr oorpoiatian,
partrtezship, associatixt, the City, any public oorFxu~ation, political
subdivision, city, oamty, district, the state of Califasrtia ar the United
States of America, ar arty department ar agency of any thereof, who uses
water Bit.Ttistted by the water system;
D. "Council" means the City Catrtcil of the City;
E. "Date of presenttatiort" resorts the date upon which a bill ar notice
is mailed ar delivered personally to a consumer;
F. "Domestic service" means the furnishing of water Par housQ2told
rt>sidenttial purposes, itcluditg water used for sprinkling 1aWi14, 4~
artd shntbbery, Par watering anneals and livestock, far washing vehicles
and for other similar and atstaeaiy purposes.
G. "crnmtercial service" means the furnishing of water to premises
where the ooa~staner is Primarily engaged in a trade, busitess ar
H. "Intdustrial Service" means the Bnrnishng of water to p2nnises
for use by a oodt5tmer in atvtufacturig ar prooessirtg activities;
I. "Izrigatian service" means the rt„-ni,~,t ~ of water far
agricultural use;
J. "Metered service" means the R~rnishing oP water by n~eastu+ed
K. Main extension" means the aonstructian of water distribution
pipelines, including service ooru~ecskions, beyond existing facilities;
L. "Manager" means the City Manager of the City ar other person
authorized and designated by the Manager to perfa¢m the services ar ma)ae
the detenninatians permitted or required under this title to be made by
the City Manager;
M. "Pr+emises" means any lot, plaoa ar parcel of land, ar any
building or other structure ar any part of any building ar structtu:+e
having a connection to the water system;
N. "Water" means water ftuntisheci through the water system•
o. "Water service" means the services, facilities and water
furnished ar available to premises by the water system;
P. Water system" means the enterprise system far the supply,
treatment, storage, trancmticaion and distribution of Water, including
lanes, easements, r+esesvoirs, water rights, Water tanks, Water mains,
we11s, Pte. P~~~ equipment, storage, treatment, transmission and
distribution Facilities, and other works, properties ar
necessary ar convenient Par a municipal water system far the city.
Q. "Water facilities" shall means existing water system equipment
app~a tersarx~s.
15 oa ozo ption or service. Zhe territory serviced by the City
shall be all territory within the bavxtariea of the City now ar at any
time h~+eafter serviced by the water system, and, at the discretion of the
Council, nny other territory outside the baadaries of the City in which
the City at the time has water distribution pipelines. (Orti. 107 Secti~
2, 1959).
Shaf7ter 15.08
15.08.010 General provisions.
15.08.020 inside City limits-Privets fire pmotsctian service.
15.08.030 Inside city limits-Public fire hydrant service.
15.08.040 Outside City limits-~erally.
15.08.050 No Eras water service.
15.08.060 Separate pr+~mises under single control.
15.08.010 General rnovisions. A. Zhere are herebyr levied and
arse-SSed upon all prenises oonnec,~ted with the water system the water rotes
and charges hereinafter set Earth by Council r+esolutian for water
furnished ar available to suciz pr+eatises by the water system. 4he purpose
of said levy and assessc~ent is to provide i°lurls far the payment of
principal and interest cal all water revenue bwxls heretofore ar hereafter
issued by the City for the purpose of the aoquisiticm, oonsttvction,
improvement and financing of the water system, for the payment of the cost
ORDII~NCE N0. 1403
of additions to ar improvements of the water systems, grid for the payment
of the cost of maintenance and aperatiar: of the water system.
the City shall make a r+easarsable effort to supply water at the au3~ ar
property line in adequate quantities and at proper working pmessures to
meet the reasonable needs and r+equis+ements of ca~miezs with domestic
service, oamneroial service ar industrial service. Untreated water for
irrigation service will be supplied to the extent and thrax~s the water
lines available far such service and only by means of gravity flow.
Failure of the City to provide water in sufficient quantities ar at pr~apar
working pressures, under the provisions of this Title, shall net give rise
to any liability as against the City, its officers ar employees, ewoept as
otherwise provided far by general law.
B. All water supplied oot~ers (except water for irrigation service
where meters are not yet installed) will be measured by means of suitable
standard water meters. A cubic foot will be the unit of measurement,
unless otherwise provided far in the rate schedules hereinafter set forth
by Council resolution.
C. All water rates and charges shall beoane effective upon
coru~ection of the premises to the water system. Delinquent charges and
all penalties thereon shall o~situte a lien upon the real property served
under provisions of Governmerft Cbde Section 54344 et sea.
D. Water rates and d~z-rges set Earth by Courri]. resolution are
applicable in all cases except as otherwise r+equis~ed puzsuant to any
ocrttract vn3er which the City acquires any part of the water system, ar
where Cour:cil may specify other rates and charges far water service in any
contract approved by the cxaanil for service to any c~~er for large
quantities of water for oam~ercial service ar industrial uses.
15.08.020 Private fire protection service--special condition. Rhe
following special oorditiaLS shall apply to the provision of water service
rexdered by the water systea far privately owned fire protection systems:
A. 'II7e fi.Z+e protection service ooQmecticn shall be installed by the
City at the applicant's cost wd~ich is not reRurdable;
B. If a diatributiai main of adequate size to serve a private fire
protectia~ system in addition to all other normal service does not exist
in the street ar alley adjacent to the premises to be served, then a
service main fmn the nearest eacisti»g main of adequate capacity will be
installed by the City at applicant's cost which is not r+eRux]able;
C. Service hex~xu:der is far private fire protection systems to which
m ooav-ections far other than fire protection purposes are allowed. Said
systems shall be installed arxi maitrtained aooordinxi to t2•.e requirements of
the City and are subject to inspec,~tion by the city. Zhe City may require
the installation of a standard detector type motor approved by the Boan~i
of Fire Underwriters far protection against theft, leakage ar warts of
D. Water delivered far other than fire protection purposes shall be
c2~arged at the rata astalaliatsad far general mataxvd water aarvioo for
domestic, oa:aneroial aryl industrial uses.
ORDI2~NCE N0. 1403
E. `ale City will s->pply only such water at suc31 pressure a8 may be
available from time to time as a result of its normal operatics of the
water system.
Zhe following special oaditians shall apply to the provision of
water service zrsder+ed for public fire protection:
A. Hyniranlts owned by the City will be installed, maintained,
painted, inspected and relocated at the experLSe of the City fr+aa r+evesnrea
of the water system=
B. Hydrarsts owned by a public agency other than the City will be
installed, mair~i-Ainw~1~ painted, inspected and re-located 8t the expense of
that public agency. Zhe City will install and own the tee in the main,
the hydrant branch and the control valve;
C. All fire hydrants will be attached to the City~s distribution
mains only as authorized by the proper public agency Any public agency
i petal l irg such 2sydratrts shall provide the City iri writing a designation
of the ownership, size and type of hydrant and ita location prior to
i rural 1 nti~;
D. Number of outlets in standard outlets shall be limited to one
four inch and two two and one-half inch outlets.
E. Water delivered thragh fire hydrants far purposes other than
fire protectial, shall be dlarged at the quantity rate established by
council resolution Por general metered service;
F. ale City will supply only s1x31 water at such pr'essLa+e as may be
available fYrxn time to time as a result of its narmal operation of the
15.08.040 Outside Ci1ry limits.
Unless otherwise provided by council resoluti~, the rates and
boundariesF oP the City shall be in amcxmts equal to and charges
which would be applicable if the premises were located within the City.
15.08.050 No free water service. No water and no services or
facilities of the water system shall be Banished to any oonstaaer or to
any person (including the City) free of charge awcept as required p:asuant
to any contract under which the City aa;uires any part of the water
15.08.060 Separate Drelrtises under sirxxle control. A. Separate
premises under single control or management shall be Furnished water
through separate inxiividual service oaru:ectiar:s unless the City elects
otherwise. Separate houses, buildings, living or business quarters on the
same lot, piece or parcel of land ar on adjoining lots, pieces or parcels
of lard, under a single caltrol ar management shall be Banished water, at
the optican of the City, by either of the following methods:
i. azra~gh separate service o~nections to each such house,
building, or living or business quarter; or
2. 4hrough a single service carmectioai to supply all of such
houses, buildirr~s aryl living and business quarters in which case only one
minimrm cisasge shall be applied and the responsibility far. payment of
charges far all eater Banished shall be paid by the consumer having such
control ar marsagemeat.
B. Ewcept by special agreement with the City no oonswoer shall
resell any water furnished by the City thrwgh the water system.
15.12.010 Meter tests--Adjustment of bills far meter erroar.
15.12.020 Q~azges-Billing and payment.
15.12.030 Payment r~esponsibillty--Credit-T~orary service.
15.12.040 Notices.
15.12.050 Enforr~oertt provisions.
15.12.060 Service Refusal.
15.12.070 Supply shortage-Service intelzuptions.
15.12.080 AYU~ections-Pprmits~fain extensions.
15.12.090 Department-D.rties oP Manager.
15.12.100 Appeals.
15.12.110 Violations.
1. Prior to Znstallatian. Every meter will be tested prior to
being installed and no meter will be placed in service if found to
register more than two per+oent fast ar slow;
2. upon Oansumer's Request.
a. A wnstmier may, on no less than one week's r»tice,
request that the City test the meter serving his pz+emises,
b. No charge will be made far suds a test, except where a
oais~mws requests a test within six months after installation of the meter
ar more often than once a year, in which case a service fee will be
assessed as established by Owxmcil resolution.
c. No service change will be made if the average mater
error is found to be more than two per~eatt fast. 7Yse om~stm~er will be
notified of the time and place of the test prior to testing.
d. A oooszm~es shall have the right to require the City to
conduct the test in his presence ar in the presenoa of his
repr+esenntative. F~ese the City has no property meter testing facilities
available locally, the mater may be tested by an outside meter
manufacturer ar its agency, ar by any other reliable organization equipped
for water meter testing, in which latter case the consumer may demand a
duly notarized statement, certifying as to the method used in making the
test and as to the axuracy thereof, _ _
furnished to the fifteen dam after test will be
~. ys oa~letion of the
B. Adjustrnent of sills Par deter F~rar.
1. Fast Meters. l@resr, upon test, the average meter error is
fauxi to be more than two percent fast, the City will reftu~d to the
consumer the amount o! the overcharge based an corrected meter readings
for the period the meter was in use but not exoeedirrg six moarthsi
2. Slow Meters. ld'ien, upon test, a meter is found to be
registering more than five percent slow, the City shall bill the ooa~stm~er
for the amount of the u~arge based upon correcsted meter r+eadinls far
the period the meter was in service but not e~roeeding three months;
3. Nonregisterirg Meters. Zhe City shall bill the oonsimner far
water wed while the meter was noruegisterirg but for a period not
e~aceeding three months at the mirtirann monthly meter rate, ar upon an
estimate of the cor~mption based upon the oanstmoer's prior use during the
same season of the year if oorrlit,ions were unc3~arr3ed, ar upon an estimate
based upon a reasa~able ocmgaarisan with the use oP other ornsumers during
the same period, receiving the same class of service under similar
ciram~stances aryl conditions;
4. General. Notwithstanding the above described time periods,
when it is found that the error in a meter is dire to seas cause, the date
of which can be fixed, the overt3~arge ar the ~e will be oanputed
back to but not beyond such date.
15 12 020 Chases--Billi*+sr~;a. A. All water charged shall
beams due arxi payable at the City of Cupertino offices on the date of
presentation thereof and shall beaioe delinquent err the fifteenth day
after the date oP preserrtatian, except that closing bills, where service
is discontirnred, will be due and payable an date of pr+eseittation acrd
collection will be made at time oP prnserrtation. All bills far water
charges will be zrndered by the City and issued at regular intervals.
Meters will be read at regular intervals far the preparation oP regular
metered service bills and as required for the preparation of apeninq
bills, closing bills and special bills. Eac3i meter will be read
B. Opening bills, closing bills, regular bills for periods
o~taining fewer days ar moze days than an average billing period, and
other bills requiring pr+oraticn, will be cotnputed in aooordanoe with the
applicable schedule, but the amount of the fixed c3iaxge ar minirmmt~e
specified therein, will be prorated an the basis oP the ratio oP the
number of days in the period to the number of days in the average billitrg
period. Shculd the total period of service be less than one month, no
proration will be made arxi no bill shall be less than the specified
monthly fixed charge ar' miniaaaac3~arge.
oaa~sumess will be bp~rintedf arsubsantially~the~fouowing 1a~i~quage: City to its
"If this bill is not paid within fifteen days after the date of
presentation, service is liable to be discontinued. A cash deposit arYi
reoormectior- fee may be z~equired to r+e-establish service."
15.12.030 Payment responsibility. A. All water c3~arges shall be the
ultiimate responsibility of the property owner of the real property served
by the water system. Charges may be billed to the oonstm~ex who requests
oonnecti~ to the water system, or his successor in interest, ar to any
ORDI2~JCE N0. 1403
perso:t requesting that such bill be mailed to him, provided, however, that
failure of the propexty owner to receive water bills shall not relieve
said owner of the ultimata respar~sbility far payment.
e. Each applicant far metered servvioa will be required to establish
credit before receiving service. Credit will be deemed established if the
applicant meets any ons oP the following oorditions:
1. IP applicant is the owner of the pr+einises tipart which service
is requested ar of other real estate sewed by the rater system)
2. If applicant makes a cash deposit as established by Cctulcil.
3. If applicant furnishes a gual2titcr satisfactory to the City
to secure payment oP the water bills; ar
4. If applicant has been a carzstIIder of any predeoessar of the
City and during the last twelve consecutive months of service by said
predeoeP,ssor has paid all water bills without Par naripaymutt
C. Any applicant who has previously been a constm~er oP any
predecessor of the City anti during the last twelve months has had water
service discoritirnted because oP nonpayment of bills may be z~egttired to
reestablish credit by making a cash deposit to secure payment of his water
bills equal to twice one estimated bill for the service desired. Any
consumer whose water service has been discariti,rtued far nonpayment of bills
may be required to rt3establish credit by making a cash deposit equal to
twice the amount of an average monthly bill for the services desired.
D. All deposits made with the City to establish credit will be held
by the City in a special Fund affi may be applied by the City to unpaid
bills for water service when service is discantimted ar, to the extent
that there are no unpaid bills far water service apart disoariti:n~anoe
thereof, will be refunded to the oaris~amer; provided, that after a cans-aner
has for twelve oanseattive months paid all bills far water service prior
to delinquency, the City may refurrl the deposit without ititer~est.
E. The City will, if r» utztte hards2tip to its existing oans~miers
will result therefrtin, furnish teag~orary service udder the following
1. Ztte applicant will ba required to pay to the City, in
advance, the estimated net cost of installing acid re<rovitig the facilities
necerssaty to furnish the service; and
2. tdtere duration of service is to be less than one billing
period, the applicant may also be r~egttired to deposit cash equal to the
estimated bill, subject to adjustment atxi reriutd ar repayment itt
aocordame with actual bill rendered upon disoontinuatre of service; or
3. 4dtera duration of service is to exceed one billing period,
the applicant may also be rec~ired tc establish credit in the manner
prescribed far pezaarterit service in subsectiart B oP this section.
F. In the event a temporary service becomes permartenit, the City will
refund to the temporary oonstaner the amount paid far a te~orary service
installation apart payment of the applicable oarutectioat fee provided far in
this title.
15.12.040 Notices. A. Notioev ftrom the City to any oar~m~er will be
given in writing, either delivered to the oartistimier ar mailed to the last
known address, e~ooept that where ootx~tiaris warrant ar in any emergency
the City may give verbal notire by telephone ar in person.
B. Notices frao the oonstmier to the City may be given by the
oonsamer ar an authorized represmztative vezi~ally ar in writing at the
office of the Finance Depart:oent ar to any City employee ar agent who is
authorized to zieceive notices ar ~~~Ai*+*a, ar may be seat by mail to the
Fintuk7s office.
15. L .050 Enfor+ognent nmvi si ryna, A, ~e ~ggr is C2]SYged with
the enforcement oP all of the prwisians of this title.
B. A consumer's water service may be discontinued for nonpayment of
a bill for water service furnished iP the bill is not paid within fifteen
days after date of pr~eserntatian. A mar's water service may also be
disoontirnied for nonpayment of a bill for water service furriistsed at a
previous ar different located served by the City, if sucYn bill is mt paid
within thirty days after presentation at the new location. No service
will ba discontinued under this subsection until at least five days after
deposit by written n»tioe from the Manager to soh consumer in t2se United
States Post Office of Cupertim, Santa Clara County, California, addressed
to~per~ ~wd~an noktoe is given and stating the City's intenticr~ to
C. the City may refuse to furnish water and may disoo~ntinnne service
without notice to any premises where apparatus, appliances ar equipment
using water is found by the Manager to be dangerous ar unsafe or where the
use of water an such premises is found by the Manager to ba detrimental or
injurious to the water service furnished by the City to other oons~nners,
or where the Manager fink that negligent ar wrasteful use of water exits
on any premises which affects the City's water service. ~e City shall
have the riot to reEtnse ar discontirnie water service to any prelaises if
necessary to pzntec.~t itself against fraud or abuse.
D. In the event of violation of any terms of Chapters 15.04 thrax~
15.12 (except under subsections B. ar C. of this section), the City may
disconnect the premises to whid~ stu3i violation relates fry the water
system after first notifying in writing the person causing, allowing ar
ooamtittirg such violation, specifying the violation and, if applicable,
the time after which (upon the failure of such person to prevent or
rectify the violation) the Manager will exercise authority to disooau~ec„-t
the pr~emisrs fran the water system; provided, that :tech time shall not be
less than five days after the deposit of such n»tice in the United States
Fbst Office at Qnpertino, Santa Clara County, California, addressed to the
person to whom notion is givens provided hewever, that in the event such
violation results in a public hazard ar menace, then the Manager may enter
upon the premises without notice and do such things and
expend such sums as may be necessary to abate such hazard, and the
reasonable vales of the things dome arcs the amounts experxied in doing
shall be a ~e upon the person so in violatioa~.
E. Ups failure of any consumer billed ar the owner of any premises
to pay anl- water service charge prior to delinquency, the following action
shall ba taken by the City or the Manager to enforce such payment. In
each case where a~ bill far water service renains unpaid after suds bill
beoanes delinquer-t, the Manager shall:
1. Discaru~ect the premisFS fmn the water systeJn for nrx~ayment
of water bills; and
~iDINANCE N0. 1403
2. Cause an action to be brought on behalf oP the city against
s ~h ~ responsible far payment of such bill to r+eoover the atttount of
plus interest at the rata of 7g par anntmt trrm, day of
delinquesxy and any legal costs isxur7oed as a z~esult of such actioat.
3. Cause alien to be reoortled against the zeal property sewed
by the water system under the provisions of Goverramxtt Code Section 54344
et. sea.
F. Fdtertever any premises have been disoanrtected fmu the water
shall not be z+eo~u acted to theme wat~ex~ syste~a un ~deliriquent charges
have been paid, together with reoo~utecticn ~e and until credit iB
established pursuant to Section 15.12.030 ewcept as follows:
1. Far the put~pose of health and safety the Manager may
authorize service reconnected far a tempar~asy period not to etaceed fifteen
(15) days.
15 L 060 Servirp ~iiccrx,rirnum:--Refusal. A. Arty oonslauer may 1]ave
his water service disoorttitated by giving notice to the Finance Deparhment
requesting disocntirntanoe not less than two days priar to the requested
day of discotttittuannoe. Fac2t such oonsttmer shall pay all water charges up
to and including the date of disoontirtttattce stated in such notice. In any
case where stx2t notice is not given, the const~er shall. be required to pay
far water service until two days after the water department has knowledge
that the oonstnner has vacated the pmetnises ar otherwise discoattirated water
service. ate City shall make a reoorvtection charge for restoring water
service to any over whose water service has been discontinued at their
B. Rhe City may refuse an applicant far service under the following
1. If the applicxrtt fails to omloly with the provisions oP
Chapter 15.04 thrvttgh 15.121
2. If the irttexr3ed use oP the service is in the opinion oP the
Manager oP such a nature that it will be detriaietttal ar injurious to
service furnished to existi~tg oonstm~erss
installati«t Por ut~iliz~ i of the Manager an applicant's
i.ng the service is unsafe ar hazardous ar of such a
nature that satisfactory service catutot ba r~tdesedt
4. If service has theretofore been discontinued far fraudulent
use, service will not be rattdered tvttil the Manager has deterutined that
all conditions of fraudulent use ar practice have been corrected.
Fdien an applicant is refused service ruder the provisions oP this
sutbsectiort, the Manager shall inform him of the reason for the refltsa.1 to
serve him atrl of his right of appeal to the council hereunder.
15.12.070 Suooly sYtortaae-Service irtternmtions. A. Rhe City will
exercise r+easoQ'table diligence to provide oorttirntous an3 adequate water
service to oonsumiers artd to avoid any shortage ar interntption of delivery
of water, but cannot guarantee oa~lete ft:~eeclan fran interntpt•3on 'Ihe
water department shall have the right to suspe~~d water service tet~orarily
to treks neoessaty repairs ar iaq~rovemeztta to the water system. 7n each
case oP te~or.uy ~tc~cancion oP service the water deparbnent will notify
the wnsuzrers affected as soon as cirtiwnstartces permit an3 will prosecute
ORDB~NC~ N0. 1403
the work of repair or imprwe~errt with due diligeryoe and with the least
possible inootrvenies~oe to ooa~ers.
B. Wring arty period of threatened ar actual water shortage the City
shall have the right to apportion its available water supply ~
consumers in such manner as appeals most equitable under the cix~cxm~.-fences
then prevailing and with due regaz~i to public health and safety.
_C. '!he City shall not be liable for internrptiarr, shortage ar
occasi~ of water supply or water presaa+s ar any loss ar damage
15.12.080 Cor'u~eetia*+s-Permits--Main >r7ctertisions. A. Pezmits -Any
ty aoquisitia¢r~of thesysteln~nr any awhose premises
is undergoing a relatively large change (25$ greater than the existing
rate of flow or anunral oansur~tion) in water use, shall first obtain a
permit fran the Manager.
resolutior-~garf the it ght to obtain a sear ch~irga as established by
B. Application - fiery applicant for water service shall sign an
application form, provided by the City, on which the Following informatics
is to be provided:
1. Applicant's name, address, and curretst data.
2. Street address of the premises.
3. Estimated date service will be required.
4. Purpose far which the service will be required.
5. The applicant shall review the auz'ent regulations
oor~cernrirr~ "Regulations rnlati.ng to crross-cacurectior~s", Title 17,
California ~ini~tive Code, and SectioPr 15.30 of this Code.
Applicants shall state aai the application Form if any materials,
processes or systems require the installatia- of "cross oorurecticar
devices" ~ the City's water system service.
6. The maximmm arxi miniman rates of consumption (gpm) anri the
estimated total yearly oortsumptiott.
7. Any Other date or fact which may be required by the City Par
determination of the size, capacity, ar type of cross oo¢~nection
8. the applicants shall indicate if they are the owners,
tenants, or agerrts oP the premises.
9. 'II~e address where the bills are to be seat.
Zhe application is ea~].y a written request far service and does not
bird the applicant to talon service for a period of time larger than that
upon which the rates and minimum charges of the applicable rate sc3vedule
are based; neither does it bird the City to serve, except under reasonable
Two ar more parties who join in aa~e application far service sha].1 be
jointly and severally liable for payment oP bills and shall ba billed by
means of single periodic bills.
ORDB~2JCE N0. 1403
C. Consumezs making any material ~e in the size, d~aracter ar
extent of the utilizing equipoertt or operation fns which the City is
supplying water service shall immediately give the city written notice of
the extent and nature of the c3rarrge.
D. Failure by any Person ar any consumer to Pile ens application
containing the information required by Chapters 15.04 thrYxx,~i 15.12 shall
constitute a violation of chapters 15.04 throuc~i 15.12. No application
shall be conclusive as to the matters thez~ein set forth nor shall the
film of any application preclude the City Plmt oolle~*i ~ &cm the
oot~aner responsible far payment (as provided in Chapters 15.04 through
15.12) by appmopriate action such sum as is actually due aryl payable Par
water service under the provision of Chapters 15.04 thrrxx3h 15.12. Each
application shall be subject to verificatien by the Manager. Any persor-
who takes possession of and uses water fmn the water system without
having made application for service pursuant to Chapters 15.04 thrax~l
15.12 shall ba held liable for the full amount of the service z~ende.red.
E. Rhe City may require a written contract with any case where
urrus-uai quantities of water ar oorLStruct:ior- oP special facilities are ar
will be required.
F. Except for any oannection made pursuant to subsections G. ar H.
oP this section, the City will, upon Payment of the applicable ooau~ection
it~s~water main to the curb line, or at ie~ctioan, to~tha property line
of any premises for which a connection to the water system is requested,
P~i~d such abut upon a public street or existirxg water main
right-oP-way ai which a water main of the water eysten is located.
G. All meters and service connections shall be irLStalled by the
city, subject to payment of applicable corvyec~tlan d~atges. No rent ar
other charge shall be paid by the City for any meter or other facilities
located on a o~stmier's premises.
H. All service connections, meters, main extensions and
installations paid for by applicants aryl all other facilities IUrnished by
the City, whether located wholly ar partially on public ar private
property, shall be and main the property of the City whic3r shall have
the right to repair, replace and maintain the same and the riot to
remove the same upon discronti,rruanoe of service. Zhe Manager or other duly
authorized agent oP the City shall have at all reasonable times the right
oP irgr+ess to and egress from any oonstmier's pr+eznises for any purpose
Properly relating to the ~ ~ ~h.!s~g oP water to the oons~m~er. Any
inspection work ar reoamnendations made by the City ar its agents in
connection with plumbing or appliances ar any use of water on the
consumer's premises, either as a result of a oaoPlaint or otheLwise, will
be made without charge. No agent ar employee of the City shall accept any
personal crnq~ensation fmn a oonswner or applicant for any serv;ces
I. the City shall not be responsible for any lass ar damage caused
by any negligerx~ ar unlawful act of any eons~aoer ar any other parson in
installing, maintaining, supplying ar using any apPliarr~es, facilities ar
equipment for which water or water service is Rrrnished by the City. Each
constaner shall be held responsible for damage to the City's meters and
other property oafrising any Part of the water system resulting frcmm use
or operation of any appliar~s or facilities on such ~alstmrs's premises,
including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, damage caused
by steam, hot water ar c3mmzicals.
J. It shall be a Violation of this dsaptar far any person to tamper
with any of the property omprising the water system.
K. Contributions in aid of construction - Rhe City shall pay the
applicant far main extensia~s atzi imtmovenoents whenever the applicant
installs i~ which exceed in size or capacity the minimum
capacities ar sizes established far the applicant's pr+emisea.
In additi~-, the City shall pay the applicant far imprwem~ents
installed beyond the projected frontage of hia pr+e'mises, or whenever his
prrmises do not front an tha main installation.
'lYie rata ar amaatt of payment by the City shall be established by a
"Schedule of Reimbursement" adopted by the Oaaycil. However, the
applicant shall bond affi ocnstrtx,~t all facilities with the City's payment
oocurriry at formal acceptance of the work.
L. FYntttage Pees - YdsEnevet an applicant's P2'elnises fronts sn
existing water main which was not installed by the applicant, but was paid
for and installed by the City ar any person to whcm the City reimbursed
monies far a main extensiony the applicant shall then pay to the City a
fznntags fee in aooorr]anoe with the sdledule of reimbursement adopted by
the Council.
15.12.090 Decoa_+±~w*+*-Duties of Man~a,+r. A. A water department of
the City is ci'+eated and established arri shall have jurisdiction,
supervision and control of the water system and of the oonstzuction of all
rts, additiass and extensions thereto hezeafter oo~tstn~cted or
improvements additions and ext~sions thereto~.~~ ~~ and all of said
8. Subject to the general eontrvl of the Council, the water
department shall be under the general supervision oP the City Manager and
shall consist of such number of emplcyees as are determined by the Manager
to be necessary.
C. Zhe Manager or designated representative shall supervise all
oonneckioais to the water system, shall collect all water bills and charges
ar~d all owv~ection and other fees herein provided for and shall enforce
all of the provisi~s of this chapter and shall keep an aaurate
aooountfng and records showing the source, amount and disposition of all
furls received by the City heretmder.
15.12.100 ATM')ea1g. A. Any pion ~p sha11 }~ a right to appeal
as provided in any section of this chapter or who shall be dissatisfied
with any determination hereafter made hereunder by the City or the Manager
may, at any time within thirty days after such determination, appeal to
the council by giving written notice to the Manager and to the City Clark,
settiixJ forth the deteratinatiort with which suc3i person is dissatisfied.
~e Council may, at any time, upon its own motion appeal from any decision
made by the City ar the Manager heretiuxlnx. In the event o! any such
appeal, the Manager shall transmit to the Council a report upon the matter
appealed. Zhe Council shall cause notice to be given, at least ten days
ORDII~tdCE N0. 1403
prior to the time fixed for such hearing, to all persartis affected by such
appeal of the time and place lixed hY ttse Ootmcil far hearing such
appeal. Ztse Council shall direct the City Clerk to mail a written notice,
postage prepaid, to all such. persons moose addressee are known to the
H. Rending decision upon any appeal, relative to the amount of any
charge hereunder, the parson making ouch appeal shall pay such c3~arge.
After the appeal is heard, the Council shall order refundded to the persaa~
making such appeal such amount, if any, as the Oouncil shall determine
shaild ba relluried.
1F_1~.110 yio~ations
Any person violating ar refusi~ ar failing to oamgly with any of
the pnovison of Ci~apters 15.04, 15.08 and 15.12 shall be deemed guilty of
an infraction arxi, upaa- conviction thereof shall be p~utishable as set
forth in Chapter 1.12 of this Code.