Ordinance 1413• o lad. 1a13 AN ORDI2~INCE OF '!~ C1'I'Y , CITY OF WPFTtT>ZJO, PROVIDING FCfl2 TF~ RDfAJIA'IZON OF TRAFFIC AT THE SITE OF RCaAD Cdt SRREEP OONST%7CFION QR N(1: BY AxTIIiORIZED PERSONS The City Council of the City oP Cupertino does hereby ordain and enact the following ordinance to be added to Chapter 11.36 of the municipal code oP Cupertino, which is to read as follows: Section 1. Provision c (A) Persons engaged in mad ar street oa~.strwction maintenance ar repair, including but not limited to, employees of the City of Cupertino, aryl persons oontzactirxg to perform said work, may while engaged in the perfornanoe of that work, restrict the use of, and regulate the movement of traffic thr~~ ar ar+au~d the affected area whenever the traffic would endanger the safety oP workers ar the work would interfere with ar enlarger the movement of traffic thr~axfh the area. Traffic may be regulated by Framing signs. lights. appropriate control devices ar by a person ar persons oaitrollirg and directing the flaw of traffic. (B) It is unlawful and an infraction far any person to disobey the instructions of a person oontmlling and directing traffic ar to fail to ca~ly with the directions of warning signs, lights or other control devices provided far the regulation of traffic pursuant to this Section. 0 ~e City Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to file a certified copy of this ardinarae upon its becoming effective with the Sheriff's Office of the County of Santa Clara, State of California. This ardiname beoaaes effective thirty (30) days after its enactment. 'II1e City Clerk shall cause this ozslinarx:e to be published at least once in a newspaper of general circulation published and cin~ulated in the City within fifteen (15) days after its passage, in axordance with Secticci 36933 of the Goverrmrnt Code; shall certify to the adoption's of this ozdinarsce and shall cause this ordinance and her certification, together with proof of publication, to be entered in the Book of Ordinances oP the Council of this City. • IJO. 14L3 at a z+egular meeting o! the City Catncii oP the City of Qapertinp this 20th day oP Aoril ~ 1987 and ~ at a regular meetitr3 of the City council of the City of 0.~ertino this 4~h day o! _ trey .1987 by the following vote: Y~ of the city ~~*~-t i Ate: Catto. Johnson, Plungy, Rogers, Sparks NOS: None AffiENP: None Noae