Ordinance 1421 .~ tee No. 1a21 Art of ~ crrx axn~c>z of ~ cast of wt~xi*na~ '~ N® FOR A REDEVEiAPr1FNP AfaFrtCY 7U FUtiC1'ION ]N 'III CPPY OF QIPERTatO AND L~CLARa1G 'III: CPPY COIIIiCIL OF 'IIiE CITY OF GtIPFRTa10 'I~0 1~ ~ g~yFZO};.¢Np AGEQICX Rf~ CPPY OG[RdCII, QF ~ COPY OF CIJPERTII~ DOES ORDAIN AS FOLidtBS: S~tion 1. mat the City Courril has determined that there is a oc~ainity need far a redevelopment agency in the City of Cupertino and does hereby so declare that thee is a need for a Redevelopment Agency to ftrnctiai within the City of Cupertino p~n^suant to Health and Safety Code Section 33000 et. seq. Section 2. 'That the City Can~ril declares itself to be the Redevelopment Agency of the City of Cupertino pursuant to Section 33200 of the Health and Safety Oode arri finds that such acticer will serve the public interest and promote the public safety aryl welfare in an effective mariner. the City Oauril further de ,dares that all of tha ri.c~rts, powers, duties, privileges, aryl imarniti.~s of the said tnmmurity Redevelopment Taw are vested in the City Caincil. Section 3. 'The R~ed~e{veloppmyen~t Agency created herein is designated as the "CtlpertiIlO Redevel"Y'..a"' Ag"' l . M Section 4. 'chat inasnaich as the populaticar of the City of Cupertino is less than 200,000, oampensation of the members of said Redevelopment Agency is hereby established pursuant to Section 33114.5 of the Health and Safety Code, as such section may be amended fmn time to time; provided, however, that no member shall receive oc~ensation for attending more than fair meetings of the Agency duritrg any calendar month. In addition members shall r+eoeive their actual and necessary expenses irxurred in the discharge of their duties. Section 5. 4his ardinanca shall take effect fiYa- and after thirty (30) days following its passage and adoption. ORDII~U4NCE N0. 1421 at a z+egular meeting of the C1ty Council of the City of ~ this 18th day of Nay ,1987 a~i E2~41GTID at a regular meeting of the City Camcil o! the City of CVpertino this lat day of June ,1987 by the following Vote: y~ Members oP the City council AYES: Johnson, Plungy. Rogers, Catto NOFS: None ASSENP: Sparks Affi'PAII1: None AFPFR7VID: Ie~L`S.~i~J{~" Mayor, City of