28274 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES-USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING I, -ELE6 RICAI. PERMITNO. 2 H Z 1 7 BUILDING DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING-MECHANICAL BUILDING PROJECT IDENI'IF'ICAJ'ION BUILDING ADDRESS: //,,//gyp a SANITARY NO. APPIJGSTTON SUBMITTAL DAT K E. O ^ i M1 UNIT# LOI'♦ 1 l pWNFRSNVN IAJQ/ PHO COWel N14 NAME: vOr-6_� S qCO: NhrC CON'IAOLI# ARCO HCFANGINEER: LIC NO: ADUR r" • FAVI l/ V CONTACT: PHONE �Lia /tw/s �J QTY. ELECTRIC PERMfI' FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Ifo JV C ICs 'Z52- PERMIT ISSUANCE DC; M RCT PLUMB MECCH LICENSED CON'IRACfOR'S DECLARATION APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL 1:1 %1T1-}I• El OZZ I haebyaffirm Out l ton lice 1uMerpnvia'mnofClupter 9(mmncxing with — JOB DESCRIPTION Ji400mid Near.7]end).fecyv�.J Mole Bistos. vu rProfectiCoda Beaman u ELS s. my Beain PAN FZty I�avc Clms_1,)_—tic.# 530139' UPTON AMPS QN Doe Comerear 201-1000 AMPS ZOhz' ARCHITF,CTS DECLARATION OVER 1000AMPS W.IT.FLOOR AREA S/SQ.FT. O Z—0 I umknnnd my Plums 001 be used is Public mc«d.a F vel'-uI SIGNS ELECTRICAL 4Y�y� I,iansN Professional OWNER-BUILD ER III?CLARAI'ION SPECIAL CIRCUIT/MISC. n x•0 10F.. I hereby r,(Ss that I am csempk ar the Catrxhxa L'lanu law round, the L tvl�OyQ fnlhwing reuann.lSalion]OJl s,nminets artl Prm(casinns Cade:My my ac�unty TEMP.METER OR PWE IZIL (+ m.] which myuike a prmtit to cowmet.Weq Impmve,demolish,urrepair any Wvctum ty`a'jY� primm iu i.sm...Iso squirts tte applicant for.ah Permit to file asigtlai sr.ru POW ER DEVICES t i w'<0z that he is li¢nted pursuant to tK mvie.of dia C.&,Liana Law(CM1aptc LL ommencSWIFIMING POOL ELECTRIC ' as 9(ci,with Section RM10)of Division Jof the Buirea told Professiore Coda) ATION or don heitcacmPt thcrtfmm artl tie,buffsher the WkgMeaatytim.Myvidetimor OULETS-SWITCHES-Fl RI! ion tZ,Q Sccr ]O3"by any apgican for a permit subject. m the iWieto a civil prulty of tla mactban five M1urdrtd loiters(53(101. NEW RESIDENTIALFLECIR _SQ.FP. RI TYPE 1 N s�� ❑ I.anmfiva u ptopeny,«myemployen wikhwageudehsakcompolsesimt, a32 willdo the wak.Col he Centratasr.Ur. I'wclems isle(Sa.1.sm visian and Rofaskxu Code:The CauactNa Liceme law Jas rot epp1Y to an owrcr of o.nm whotwillsorimprovethemm,venwhouc ouchcnrthimself«thmagh hiz rmPloym',priu,,it,FmvrM1imis-h!cnlsme mtinlrndcdaoRacd fmsale.If. OCC, P RPS.UNITS however ill buildingorien o"smie.mldwithinnayear of c«nova for theowrcr- TOTAL. sal..) will have Oe burden of proving that he did tun buildaimprove f«Nrpuse of u1c.). ❑ Lmowncr oftn<pmpmy,emescludmly nminain¢wiN lianscd cankrnmmto QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE t ID o E AI'N crostmct the projem(Sea 701L Soames and 14ofe.iae CMc:)The Cmmma ar'S (jcerue Low dee tmkapply to anowmcofmoperty wllo builds or improves thaan.mcl PFRMITISSUANCE whin c..,fa inch Projects with.amuadirB)Bern i pmuaot to tie Calextac Licenve law. ALTER-DRAIN&VFM-WATER(FA) FEE SUMMARY ❑ 1 em cacrtgt uMa Sec ,B!P C fm This tan BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE, SANITARY Y DE N pear Date DRAINS-FLOOR ROOF.AREA.COND. RECEIPT# WOR KMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION SCHOOLI'AX Y N ❑ Ihertby affirm tlwlfurcearifkwte nfumsent to selNin.ac,as atdf kc of PIXTURPS-PFJt TRAP RECEIPT# Wmken'Cum;rn.,ion ltuurmameccnifcd ttpy thcrmf(Stt.Jg(p.lab CJ which PARK IFI. Y N ctivcm all emPliryec z.fide.this Pumit. GAS-EA.SYSTEM-I INC.4 OUTLETS RECEIPT# RJicy# BUILDING DIVISION IIJS Comlwny GAS-HA.SYSTEM-OVER 4(EA) PIANCI IECK FEE ❑ Ccnifac t,y is hcrtby fumishad. Cl Cenired copy is film with the city inspccdom division. ORFSR9NDUSTRI.WASTE.INTIRCFJTOR GRADING FEE CIiRTIRCATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASE TRAP SOILS FEE COMPENSATION INSURANCE Mi.sect ion tml na be carylerd iftbe permit u forac hwdmd dollan(SI0B SEWER-SANITARY-STORM EA.2IMIFT. ENERGY FEE alis ) I ttrtify that in ths,performarcc of the work for which thi.Parini is used.I shall WATER HEATER W/VEJELECIR tont employ any Pennon in my owrcr is,u as 1,ac.tubjttt to the Workers' PAID Z Comctumim Law.of Coliform. Dam WATEA SYSIEM/IRFATING Due Rcxi # Applicant Q2 N[YI'ICIiTOAPPhICANT:If.efurmekingtM1isCrnirwenfr ertpian,ya should NEW RISIDENf1AL PLMB. SQ.ET. OTAL: r G bec.mambjwnuthe Workn's Contprn.wtitm revidism ofthe__ Cade,yw moat fX > fmhwikh cunPly with such a.,isi«u'oethi.s Pernik shill he deentedrevokeJ � BUILDING FIJI �• W CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FIJI Q Ibcmby affirm that there is a construction lending.gamey fa the performance of E=RIC U O die work la which this Permit is is.aed(,Scc.XyG.Civ.C.) Letukr.N. PLUMBING 0 F Leader.AM. QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE FPV U I cerity Ban 1 have mad this alglicatian am time that the above htf«roatim u Cl1�" comet,lags an comply with all any lord rnumy aahle ofv tywe srtl•"gb PERMIT ISSUANCE MECHANICAL FEE F' y daidin8cw.ractian.ed hcmby auth«ire teprettnutive ofdda cityroetl¢.upon the CONSTRUCTION AX U Z above morn onM pops,fa im,ts ori pnpaa ALTER OR ADD TO MECE. (We)a rue 10 save.iMomtifY W tap hmmku the City of C.'.'ma u B.1liti .) ycosumdcalgtsc.wM1ich mayln.ny way ecmre.gait.vii City AIR HANDLING UNIT(TO[0,"CFM) nfthcgrentin Cr 1 AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10. CFM) ' Sig es(Applic.UC me.r '7 orMfc FXHAUSTHOOD(W/DUCI) PAID HAZARDOUS MATIRIAIS DISCLOSURE BEATING UNIT(TO 100,00(BTU) Disc Rttcip# Will kle oppllaut er form building occupant sires re htadk herardws marsdiW BEATING UNIT(OVER 100,00(t BTU) u Jame]by the Capenino Mo din cil Cada.(hrync 9.12,andde mill uSafaty Cade,Satin 255]2(.)? VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RFSID) ❑Ya ❑No Willdeappliruu«(artva balldirt�accupW urcquipmrntadrvrm whicM1mJt BOILER-COMPUHPOR 100.0(BBTU) ISSUApN1E DATE cwtvml..",<u delved by the Bay Arta Air QlulitY Muugemmt W !l Dwrin] err BOILER-COMPIOVER 1001000 BTU) aY r � ❑Ye ❑No NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ.ET. (7/4 is JII q 1 have teod ire hvardous matcrieu tc9ummde mem.under CTugcr 6.95 of the �s/4 �V/� C+dd is l truth&Safety Code,Samek.253115,255]1 and 255]4. 1 under, 1h.1 !!�� a[ if the building dtws n«currently have a tern mt,thin it is my asponsibiliky to mtify the V/- ` xcupum of the � rabCmMnki which may he tat prhb .N i ,,a of a CaOrralc of oc",,aay. pwrcr«eathariud.gem Date TOTAL: ISSUED BY: OFFICE of, &(:,,I 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Cupei roll Building Division 1 (408)777-3228 (408) 777-3333 (fax) April 23, 1996 I Owner 19680 Drake Drive Cupertino, CA 95014 Re: Expired permit (copy attached) ��� � Dear Owner: According to our records, the referenced permit has not been finaled by a City building inspector. A permit is considered to be valid only six months from its last inspection date. If your permit shows that the final inspection has been completed, please send a copy of the permit along with this letter to: 10300 Torre avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014, attention: Building Department. If your permit has not been finaled, please contact the building department (408) 777- 3228, so we may arrange to extend your permit and schedule a final inspection. The City of Cupertino requires a response within ten (10) working days from the date of receipt of this letter. If we do not hear from you within this time, the building department will have no other recourse but to resolve your permit as expired and discard the records. Thank you for your cooperation, Building Department Staff, City of Cupertino Printoo on Reevclod Paper