24348 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY emlaln Pectei lamtlrwtlan rETLwrN24348 a 4 3 4 8 Building Address: Z 01 _7 to Irl . �Q �rr3e. CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION 1 72' '.Name: Lie.Nee APPLICATION / PERMIT ` 2' fp L l� BUIIDINGELECTRICALPLUMBINGMECHAMCAL CAiFLORY CONTROL e ArdiBcn/Englnesr Lie.No: BUILDING PERMIT INFO QrY ELECTRICPERMIT FEE Address PERMTISSUANCE ❑ ❑ ❑ LICENSED CO.NMACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that l am lkemadi under provldons of Cha pier 9(mmmmc APPLIANC64RESIDENTIAL Ing=h 70W)of Divldon3 the Budemaand Pd refnotuCode,and PANELS JOB DENUMMON Ikenae UP TO 2DO DaCoraractor CHITumd CURATI AMS µqqW07 ]undennand my phmelullk used upublle recordFR.. OV1000 AMPS $Q.FC.FLOOR AREA zj E (Oj Llmmed Prafembvl SIGNSEI )CIRICAL <<�S OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 4+1'CIALCIRCUIT/MISC F.�, liumby.fOmthatlmexempt(menthe Comrulora Llormel.awforthe Q following rtuan.(Bectlon 70715,Basins,and Pmfmbu Cod,..Any sty or OG coax hkh ima tommtmct,altenlm P'b TEMP.Nf=ORPOLEINSf. K0 true Pew Prove.demoBeh,oro PTFLLED IN ra,I any nmctvrtpfirment "masa,alao onme,E rt,ttantt the ro each perf r to the POWER DEVICES O S f Ui,i- floe a signed Ice.La tout k t Iloenscd pursuant to the pmvbbv of the Con3oftheLlcernel�w(Ckpter9(mm)ortn wRe=niptthemfh Seetion 700M ommrul F Og do lu.f fe th,adlsaM Prtdeabr. Any virthatklaexetinnMIShy,md SWIMMING P U T 5tyy�ON u �^ the bub for the aIle ed sae ions An ttolatbn d S ky 7(D15 H B rrPt Y by anY OIFILETSSIVITCFffSFIXTUREScm 11h, untfor•perMtISM.lithe applkmttoa ticdl pewltydna enrothan sFj live hundred do1Wn he pr. NEW RERDPN'DAL I=TR W ❑I,as owner l the property,or he employees with wage u thele for ��'ournpenaTYP CONSTRUCTION k C3c,don,7DK Butimdo the wedsandthes C de, locothdendMorofferedfor p vie t5ee 7fIM,Buninm and]ho!®bv Cade:Tk CoraraRors LI¢me Ipw s$ don not apply to an owner of property who builds or improves tkrton,and OCGCROUP RFS.UNITS who doe each work hlmaelforthwgh M,own employ.,provided that.meh ImprovemmU m nd intended oraEfferent foreale.If,however,the building or TOTAL Improv neem bedA within oneyearofcompledon,the owner-0uilderwW have t ram ad of proving that k not bund or improve for purpose ofsale.). QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE L1,as owner of the property,am erdusWely oauucting with lloereed FLOOD 7DNE APN oantnctueto mmimcttk pmjea(Sec.7064,Buelneuand Profesiora Code: EMIT ISSUANCE The Contractor'.Lieenue Law doe nor apply to an owner of property who VENT- WWW or improves thereon, and who mnucts for such p,," with ALTER-DRAIN 4 WATER MA) cxAWet¢(.)llamacd purtuant to the Cmindds Lice.Lw. BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE FEE SUMMARY LJI am exempt under Sec B k P C for this rtOUTS I DF TP anon DRAINS.FLOOR,RODE,AREA,OOND. SANTTARY Y N_. Owner Dns REiCF 1'. WORIQIANI have RATION DECLARATION FDCrURF_SPERTRAP SCIB O TAX Y_ N_ I]I ra ereby affirm C 1 have a¢Nfl¢te of consent to self lnoart,u a i t fWprken'Cunp(��rnatlon lrmuran¢gma¢dillN mpytkreo(LSec. RF('1]pT. T38d00,ab C.)(�ZJrILY-2l%3 /,� GAS EA.SYS7EM11-1 A'CAO[J[I.EfS PARKIg RFTER'T.— Co v `( W CAS EA.SYST OVER4(EA) rri an nd� he �hLiml ed. a BUILDING DI VISIO.N`FEES 11,�U1(/nyBiryedoo�f.nkd�wtth the sty wpectlon division GREASE/PIDUSTRL WAST INITIRCEPIOR PLANCHECK FEE CERTIFICATE OF FYEhIPHON FROM WORKERS CREASE TRAP PAID COMPENSATION cp[ ifpe4fEYlEt SANITARYSIORM FA NOFT Date Recel tM (ITbsenbn need nukNSATI NtINSURANCE E AVfororc hundrtd dallae S (SI00)arlen.) WATER HEAM W/VEJf./EECTR ENERGY FEE Y N I¢nlly that in the pedomun¢o(the w¢kfor which W.pemdt in issued, I.hall nor empb any P.N any manner so u to become subject to the WATER SYSTEM/TREATING Warken'Comperuatbnlaw.of C+Womia. Date PAID A ( PP leant Z � NOTICE TO AI'PLICANT:IL coking king thio dlf Celute of ElomptbNEWRESIDENTLV.PIMB. SQF7. CA n,you Date RCtit should become sub}N to the Workrm'Compematbn provhbon of the Labor TOTAL: CC N Code,you.9 forthwith mmplywlth such provbbroor this permit shall be ] deemed rt .ked. BUILDING FEE (L C G CONSTRICTION LENDINAGUNCY SEI IC FEE [l Ihercby.fnrm tmttkobaaomtmman Mingagencyfortkperfom. TOT ELECTRIC FEE 7 Z ance of the workfor whkh thla permit N Issued LScc.3097,CW.C.) U O 1,rode,',Name PLUMBING FEE LL ~ Lender.Md. QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FGB MECHAMCAL FEE O W Io-rufy Natl M1aec readtlLL�app11¢tlonard nate thal tM1eabovelnformad a bcrnm Iagrteto comply with all dtyand muntyordlnanomand nate laws FERMITISGUANCE FEE$PAID-. r TobulWing mruwnionand herebyauthomemprraentative,rdibbZcht rupon the above-mentbrcd property fee Inspection purposes. ALTTMORADDIOMECH.a ve,Indemnity an d keep harmleae theCity ofCupedb,oDate Revel tpaga WI ,�dgmewmn,and expenue whkh yin w.yacerue AIR HANDLING UNIT(T010,OD0 CPM) SUBTOTAL: .gl C odl79d permit. AIR HANDIFNG UNIT(OVER IO,l1Ip CFM) CONSTRUCTIONTAX Signature of Apptl¢nt/Contractor t EXHAUST HOOD(W/DUCT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Will the a ppllu est or future bund Ng oeetpent war or ha M le hanrdoua HEATING UNIT CIO 100,000 BT U) -Date R materlalaedefirHbytk Cu rtlm M. id .1 Cade,Chapter 9.17,and the 1e.hhandSdvtyc�1e M2(a)7 ITEAIING UNIT(OVER IM,"BTU) TOT _ ca Ye No illtheapp[hn tore budding o<apant use equipment ordevioes VENTIlAT10N PAN SINGLE RESID) ISSUANCE DATE whkh emit"rdn ..yr t.�uma ae defined by the Bay Area Nr QF-1 YenLnageme� �1dC7� BOILER-COMP 01-17 OR 100,IXq BTU) , Yes r]{eo have rtad the materials requlrtmenb under Chapter 695 of (TOILER-COMP(OVER lOD,000 BTU) the Caluomle Hedt &Safety Coae,Sectbma505,2i533.nd2S5,16.1 undentan t t lithe building dm not currently have a tenant,that It is my NEW RESIDENTIAL h1ECIi SQFf W report dY Ify the...pant dthe requlremenu whkh berM Aa.� prb,to ua dlBataof Occupancy. g� n Owner m authorlani agent to `' ' f TOTAL: ISSUED BY:-e`` . "r4 OFFICE COPY