20637 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Pra'eet Identification PERMIT NO. Building Addrena: 2163`( 20637 Tywrte s e IW one: A A A phCITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION Contr sora a c o: APPLICATION / PERMIT L v d — C&#A) 0*A4BUILDING-ELECTRICALPLIMBING- CATECARY CONTROL# Architect/Engineer. Lic o MECt)AMCAL' /^c el e.a"'1 QTY ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Add. g w4 DI Uf U-t• inif" PERMITISSUANCE ❑ ❑ El CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION L�4 I hereby affirm that l am Rcensed under provisions of Chapter9(commenc APPLIANCES-RESIDENTIAL JOB DESCRIPTION ingwlth Section7000)of Division3 ofthe Businessand PrefesslonsCode,and my I'loofinco.in full fprAe and died. / 22� rpNEls , Date seCkss Lk.# Date Contractor ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 201-1000 AMPS q�++D CO e useaspucrecords.]understand myplamshaUbd blOVERI000AMPS SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA FZr I] LlmnsNPrfesslovl SIGNSELECTRICAL Q OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SPECIALCTRCUIT/M R r; r IherebafArm that lam exempt from the Contractor's License law for the - 7a Y O F,x foflowingreamn.ires,aprmittoosinemandr,Imprve, ernol Myctepir TEMP4POWE�DEVICES ETERORPOLEINST. ��pp uu33 countywhkh requlresa perMttororetmct,ilter,impmve,demolbh,or, repair anystmu mprlortoitsbsuance,aL quireatheappliontfwwchpemtitto file a signed statement that he is licensed pursuant to the provisions of the Contractor's Lerme Law(Chapter9(commencing with Section 7000)of Divi- OL ELECTRIC sion3 of the BusinessandPrefeast..CodOmthat he is exempt therefrom and _ VALUATIONapthe barbforthealleged exemption. Anyt tolacon ofSection not mreany - � OtC ape hundreddolt for. ars(SS ecu the applicant toatlWl perulty of not more thanflue hundred dotbrs(5500). a IIALELECTR 7�n ❑Las owner of the property,or my employees with wage as there sole STORIES 7YI'E CON5IRIICTION mpons< cols Ckc. 0KBuleo the ess and Pr and the adurebnMIntended o License d for Law 5 O sale ldoes nec. pply toartlOwand Professions,Code:The Contractors License law g$ whodossuch loan owner of through lds and C.GROUP RFS.UNITS whodoessuchwork himself orthroughhisowne.If,li weprovided that nor Improvementsarenm Intended arofc foraale.ILhower- the buildingve TOTAL: improvement bsold withinoncycaro(complelion,theowner-builderwlll have t4LIZurden of proving that he did not build or improve for purpose ofsale.). QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FLOG ZONNE APN L as owner of the properly,am exclusively contracting with licensed PERMIT ISSUANCE contractors to construct the project(See.7014,Business and Professions Code: The Contractors License Law does nu apply to an owner of property who buALTER-DRAIN&VENT-WATER(EA) Wilds or Improves thereoM and who contracts such p(ojects with a co.,Iactor(s)Rmnsed pursuant to the Contractors License Law. BACK FLOW PROTECT.DEVICE FEE SUMMARY LJ 1 am exempt under Sec. B&P C for this reason Owner Date DRAINS FLOOR,ROOF,AREA,COND. SANITARY Y_ N_ r� WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECLARATION RECEIPT m ❑I hereby af(imn that 1 have a niRcate of consent to scINnsure,m a FIXTURES-PER TRAP SCHOOL TAX Y N certi(Imte of Workers'Compersatlon Insurance or a certifledcopy thereof(Seo RECEIPT# 3800,Lab C.) GAS EA.SYSTEM-I INC.7 OUTLETS PARK FEE Y N I'ollry x RECD p Com an Winedcopy b famished. GAS EA.SYSTEM-OVER 4(EA) BUILDING DIVISIONFEES certlBea ropy b filedwith the city Inspection division. GRFASEANDUSTRL WASTE INTERCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE CERTIFIC