Ordinance 1566 ORDII~IJCE TA. 1566 AN ORDII~NfE OF '~ CITY Q7fIIiCII. OF THB CITY OF COP'1~tTIlA Al43~IDING QD1P'ffit 11.12.030 08 'AIE Cf~II~ 2d&dICIPAL aOL, RELATItis 20 &S'1TBISS'Ei«1lP OF PR.II+D- FACIE SPF.2O L7PiIR9 ON bDfZEGtAN ROAD, BE1FffiQ MIRA VISTA AVENUE AND A POINT 900 FEET 90f7l4~tLY A~ mn~f Y 24D;RDQ~, AND D®LTARING THE T~1(.'Y THE CITY ~[II]CII, OE' THE CITY OF WPFRTIND DDE.4 HEREBY ORnAIN 74D1T Chapter 11.12.030 be amended to delete the e~dsting 20 m.p.h. and establish the following: i r.imit McClellan Road Between Mira Vista Avenue 25 and a point 900 ft. southerly and easterly thereof This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon ~actnent as en urgency measure due to the urgent necessity to enforce the speed limits. It i.s hereby found and declared that this urgency mmsure 3s necessary for the health, safety, and general welfare of the inhabitants of the City of Cupertino. IId'1ImoU® and EI~Clm at a regular meetisyg of the City Oounci.l of the City of Cupertino this 3rd day of September , 1991, by the following vote: y~ Members of the Citv council AYES: Goldman, Rogers, Sorensen, Szabo. Koppel IBS: None ABSE~fP: None ABSiTIN: None Ate': APPimV~: ~// City Clerk (Deputy) Mdyor, City o