Ordinance 1576ORDIV,~VCE ~0. 1576
Atl DI~AlS:E ~ '18B CAY (P ~ C~1P1ffit 2.86
OP ~ CDF~'IIiD MfINICIPAL aCO~ Zb >'3fl~.IS~i
lIM ]1PfCF3]i~B 1~ C10!lQl~
ate City Council of the City of 0.~ertirn omdains as follows:
Ski I - ~i7Q+ll1S.
Qlapter 2.86 to be entitled "Affordable Fiousirtg Oommittee," and
Sections are hereby enacted to be rxtmbered, entitled and to reed as
SBC~3,oi1 2.86.010 fiat.
2lte Affaxsiable fiousinq Oc~tittee (AHC) of the City is hereby
established. Otte AHC shall consist of seven members as Follows:
City Couttcil member,
Plarvting Commission member,
F~~esetttative frrm a Cupertino financial irtstitutiat,
Repr+esetttative from a CZ~ertino busirtesa,
TWo Commutity members,
City's appointed rspzesentative to the Santa Clara Catnty ovanmity
Develc~ent Block Grant (CDBG) Citizens AdvisC¢y Committee.
Ztte Repa+eee:stativea fry a f~Mt~+t irtstitutim and a business, the
Ormatatity Members, and the City's re~rtative to the Cdtrlty CMG
Citizens ldvisazy Committee shall not be officials ar employees of the
City, nor cohabit with, as defined by law, nor be z+elated by blood ar
marriage to any member of the Committee, the City Manager ar the staff
per~son(sj assigned to this committee.
Otte Direc~tat: oP Cam~.tnity Development and the Finartoe Direc^tar shall
be tton~voting members o! the A8C artd shall pcwide tedtrtical assistance to
the C~ittee.
9act3at 2.86.0¢0
AHC members who are rspt~ttatives o! a fiN.mt~+t institution cQ a
business era not required to be t~tino residents, but the financial
institution and the business represented must be located in Cupertim.
the ts+o unity Members and the City's appointed r~spt:+a$erttativa to the
Santa Clara County CDBG Citizens Adviscay Oommittee must be residents of
Zn selection of Community Maobers, the City Cbtatcil may give pciarity
to: (1) applicants who are familiar with the aperatiQt of law inocros
housing; (2) applicants who reptesertt cammtrtity axgartizations, and (3)
applicants who are ]vtowledgeable abaft the hatsirg needs of gtc~s
targeted far affaadable haisirtg develapmettt whidt include, but are rnt
limited to, the following:
Single parent families,
Fiomelees persore,
Families o! lov irr~®e,
Disabled persons,
First time txmlebttyers.
9lettiQ1 2.86.OC30 Sleds of ottice.
A. AHC members serve at the pleasuze o! the City C>mmcil. the term
o! oflioe of the m®bexs a! the AEC shell be !ar lour years oo~cing an
the date o! thou respective appointments to the AHC or its pe:ecieoesaor
a~ittee and shall end on January 15 0! the year their terms era due to
expire. tJO AHC maober shall serve more than two ooneeatt3ve terms eaac~ept
that a member may serve mra+e than two oor>aeattive terms i! he ar she has
been appointed to the ocamittee to fill an unexpired term of lees than tea
B. Zha appointment, reappointment and rules governing inczambent
members o! the AHC are govealod by Resolution No. 8357 a~! the Cup~tiro
City Camcil.
9ectim 2.86.040 prdQ to ®mir,.*te,.,~ o[ a tom.
I! a vacant' oases other than by expiration o! a farm, it atoll be
Tilled by the City Oaaril~s appoitrimeztt !ar the unexpired portion od the
Slectiai 2.86.060 cbnirpersatn.
Rhe City oo~ancil m®ber will act as Qlairparson o! the Gtsmittea. ~e
vice-tZ~airpersan shall be elected rnm a®ang c~ittes members. T~exm oaf
the vice-Ct~airpezsan shall ba !ar one year and shall begin rn January 15.~
sectim 2.86.060 1laetitegs.
A. Zhe AEtt shall establish a r>3gular time std place a~f meeting and
rules o! conduct t2>Exeo! and shall hold at least one regular meeting eadn
H. A ma j~rity o! the AAC shall oanstitatte a quorum Tae- the papoea o!
transacting the business o! the ~ittee.
eecdrian 2.86.070
Kaobers shall serve on the AHC wdt2latt a~eatian.
sactian 2.86.aeo !lijae-ity vote requiim-
A majority vote of the quorum is required to appc+we a
on any matter that is presernted to the C~lttee whidi racgtitls a vats.
Seati+rn 2.86.090 Aeaords.
'12~e Oo®tittee shall keep an aoc~rate record of its prooeodirgs and
txansaations and shall render such reports to the City Qauicil and
Planning Conmisaion as may be raq~sired.
SeCtiaf x.86.300 ties.
~e powers ani funet,ions o! the AHC shall be as follows:
A. Zb assist the PlarVting Commission and the City council is
housing policies and strategies !~'iaplemantatiat of Ganaral
Plan Housing Eleasnt goals.
B. 1b raoommard policies for inpl,ementatian and manitaring of
affordable housing projects.
C. 7b facilitate innavatiws approndm+s to : "', . s busing
develapmant and to generate ideas and interest in ~aiinq a variety of
housing aptians.
D. Ft~en requested by the Direc~tar of ocmmuiity Davelo~~ertt ~ the .
City oo~r~cil, to make z~eocamardations to the Planning Oomotission and the
City Couiril r'egazdirg affordable hwairg proposals in a~onnsction with
applicatims !or development including, but mt limited to,
r~eoommerdaticns !or passible fee waivers, other irnentivas, the n~mbQ and
type o! alfa¢dabla units and the target groups to be earvsd. Any referral
to the AHC shall be limited to oansideratian of affordable haaairg
proposals which exceed normal housing r~eciuir,ements uMer the applicable
prwiaions of the City~s General Plan or ardinanoas ral,ated thereto.
E. 1b make reaommerdations to the City Council regarding any request
far relic! from the normal housing regvil~rts order the applicable
prwisiane of the City's General Plan ar ozdinanose related thereto. '
F. Tb make r~eooQa~erdations regarding zequests !or money fzta the
Affordable Housing FLtnd.
G. 7b provide intormatian about a!lardable housing.
H. 1b mast with ~ighborhood, oces~tiity, regional, and business
seas t~eoessary to reoeiva input and assist in generating affordable
I. Zb help identify sour+oes of finds to dsualap and build alfa~dabL
J. 1b perform any other advisory functions authorized by the City
sectirn a.e6.uo city staff aesistanoe.
7l~e AHC shall have available to it such assistance of City sta!! as
may be required to perform its Rutictions, the staff assigt9oents and
admir-istrative prc+ooedux~ to be wider the general dixectim and
supervision of the Dir~ectc¢' oP Camzuiity Development.
se~tinn a.s6.lao
the AHC may adopt from time to time suc3t rules of pr'ooed~~+a as it may
deem necessary to prcnperly ~oercise its powers and duties. Stich rules
shall be subject to ap~ttoval by the Council before beocminq effective.
All such rules shall be kept an file with the Q~airperson of the AHC, the
Mayo, and the City Clerk aryl a Dopy thereof shall be ~+**++a-+~ to any
person upon request.
Sectiat a.86.130 Sffect.
Nothing in this dsapter shall be cor~i~ed as restricting or
antailing any powers of the City Camcil, Plannirq Commission ar city
The City Clerk shall cause this ordinance to be published at least
coos in a newspaper' of general cirtiulaticn published and circulated in the
City within fifteen (15) days after its passage, in acocudanoe with
Section 36933 of the Government Oode; shall certify to the adoptim o!
this ordinance and shall cause this ordinance and her certification,
together with proof of publication, to be entered in the Hook of
Crdinat~cea of the Oaaril of this City.
II~OO~IXTD at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of
Cupertino this §yl day of yZ~jy, 1992, and F2inGT~D at a regular meeting
of the City Ccxmcil of the City of Cupertino this T~ day of ~~~,
1992, by tha following vote:
Ayes: Dean, Goldman, Koppel, Szabo. Soreaeen
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstainf: None
/ / ~~ /
City Clerk ~~'~~, City of Cupertino