Ordinance 1588
ORDIID1t~ IAA. 1588
AN CRDII~tiLE OF '1118 CITY C~1CII, OP 'ifi8 CITY OF CiJpS~IIrfl
~n~c lo.a7 zo ~ a~srrn~o r~ICIpAI. coos
xnauATnic clcAti~rtE/z>:e~ooo v~ro>Zlc r~c1~s
HE IT OROAII~9 by the City Ootu:cil of the City of Q:pertin~ as
sacrlox 1: Chapter. 10.27 fs hereby added to the cvpertino baudcipni
Cade to z+asd as follows:
(~P'lER 10.27
10.27.010 Short Title.
10.27.020 Intent end Repose.
10.27.030 Prohibition of Vending Machine Sales.
10.27.040 PJo~ions.
10.27.050 Violations: Penalties.
10.27.oio s~arr TITiE. his Ctlapter shall be lmown as the •Cigar~ette
and/ar .Tdaaooo Vending Mec3iine oa~diiallce. •
10.27.020 IIJ>ENP A8ID POItP'06'E. 2lle City Ootntcil filrle that the
wv~i tali t ity pf cigarettes end tobacco pavducta marketed tht:+algh venditlq
machis>es whirl: dispense ouch produc.~ts pramtes the use of tobacco prc+oduct~
amoaq minors contrary to existilg state laws whidl pcnhibit the sale ar
distributias of cigarettes and/ar tobeoao ptnducts to persac~s under the
age of eighteen (18). 7l:erefame, the City Council finds and declares it
rdeaessary to enact this Cilaptc~.r to reoogniTS the prarote each laws, and to
pr,otec.-t the public health, safety a~ welfar».
(a) ElOOept as provided in 10.27.040, it shall be unlawful far arty
person, mrparatinn ar other entity to place, install, maintain ar control
anyr vending madLine ar am- other aad:ine ar device designed for the
inn anysp:~iblic place within the Citye o ar other tobacco pzioducts
at this C1~ep~r 'public plnoe• is defined ae
~y (b) Fbr the P~P~s of the public are invited. ar in whic3i euy
to whi.ch~ permitted 1~~^{1i~ ~ limited to, P-~b~
of the Pub reoepti,ai arees-
~tionTesta~n ~` ovabinationsr retell -esta~blistirestte.
aid marketing
establiatm~ents. >• ~ f ~~~~. private cafeterias, ar any
waiting rears,
workplace or work areas.
~. gated fray the terms of this Chapter ar+e
10.27.040 ~~~ ~~ alcoholic images Fxirsuant to a Type
~~ ~~~~~ from the California Alcohol Beeerage
48, R7+pe 61 or 4ype 42 license persons radar
(7ontrol Board, the teams of which license p~tubit~ the pranises,
twenty (21) Years of age from entering and remnininq~~~ shall ba
aid whic3i oaiply with this section. ~ vendis~4
located at least 25 feet from at-y entry Ito the premise.
10.27.050 VI~ATICN: pQ~LTIES. Any Pe1~ vlnlatinq any ~ etas
of this asaptar shall be guilty of an infraction Qid Punic •
~~ ~ Chapter 1.12 of this Code.'
Zhis o~noe shall be in force an take effect 30 day's
after ifin 1 edoPti+~•
Ong of the City Oo~mcil of tha City of
II1iI~ at a z+egul of }1~~ , 1992, and Ft~1CIF~D at a
this of~the City ~~ of the City of iD ~ -18.th.-
~'~ , 1992, by the following wtB°
day of
~ -.._ f r-v3 City OQSII1~
AYES: Dean, Goldman, Koppel, Szabo, Sorensen
1JOE'S: None
AB,S'F1dT: None
pB,STAIN: None
//1A6,~1 1~~ctJ~
~ Clerk yor, City of