Ordinance 1591ORDIIr~NC8 ND. 1591 t f7 ~ ~ . ~a9 :. AN ORDIIOlNCE OF ZZ~ CITY O30Z1CIL OF ZHE CITY aF' CUPSRTIt~ ?1lffi~IDIIJG CHAPZER 16.20 OF Z4ig CI>PZERTI2rO I+~JICIPAL d3D8 AtID ADCiPTIIiG ~ 1991 CAI.II~LJIA tR~IIP~t PL[rBII~ O3fl8 Z40; CITY ~1CII, ~ ZfiB CITY OF OIZDAIIi3 Z40,T Sections 16.20.010, 16.20.020, 16.020.030, 16.020.050 of the (~tit~o Mmicipnl Oode are at~ended to read as follows: 16.20.010 Aclopt'.ed by refereooe. Zt~at orrtain Dods entitled 'illtesnatinnal Association of Plumbing Officials ihlifornt Plumbing Code, 1991 ffiiticn, • Doe copi~ of which ie oil file in the office of the Building Department fas use and elmmillaticn by the public, ®ooeptitlq those provisions mted in this c3lapter, is adopted by reference. 16.20.020 Nape insert3an. 'l~le names "Qlper'tinlD' and 'California' shall be inserted in the appropriate places provided therefor in each and every section of said thlifarm Plumb~tg Code, 1991 Ddition, whets either the tlal[le of the City or State is left blank. 16.20.030 Inootporaticae and . NeW sections .]I1QO7.pDr8ted llltO and aloendmellte to the (wlifmmiw tkliform Plumbing Code, 1991 Edition (the eectial Inmber's tleranitrer used Will ODG•L+P.BpOnd bo the Itlanb~s .ill the [~flifcyrt,iw iAlifOlAl Plumbing Code, 1991 Hditinn, or will be inserted in the most appropriate sections thereof) ae follows: 16.20.050 Her rirg. Zile otdinanloe codified in this dsapter shall, after first reading, be scfieduled for public hearing as provided in Sectiron 50022.3 of the Governnellt Oode. Notice of hearing shall b8 published pursuant to Section 6066 of the Govetzrmeslt (lode in the Q>pettillo Oxn:ier. Oopies of the California Unifotnt Code and the ordinance codified in this c3lapter shall be an file with the City Building Depnriot~lt and ~l for public inapecticn. II1iR00UCFD At a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of ttlpertim this ~_ day of ~_, 1992, old Enacted at a regular meeting of the City Clxmcil of the City of Cvpeztillo this ~_day of ~, 1992, by the following wte: Ordinenoe No. 1591 , ~ r ~* z::'~w~x ct~"s yg~ Manbat8 of the City (btmcil ~ `~~` AYES: " 'Dean. Goldman. Szabo. Sozensen NOE3: None ~ ~ ~ __ AB.SFNP: Roppal ABSPAiN: None APPRdVF.D: i Cl ~~ ~ ~ ty ~,. ,, . _ ~ «' :~.4z ,.s _.,.. .__ ,. , j . j a .._ C ~_, _, .~ :.. .-_ .._.._ t_ v