Ordinance 1595r • • ~II~Iti~ t0: 1595 Chapter' 16.32 • S14a!@G POOi.Ss See Q~rter 90 aP the II.B.C. Sections: 16.32.010 Repose. 16.32.020 Oefiniti,ans. 16.32.030 Scope and aQpli,~tion. 16.32.040 Safety TeglllL+elBt~'8. 16.34.050 NeY CIDBtIllCtioR ]eequis+ssad8. 16.32.060 19'ffQO~at auti4arity. 16.32.071 ~lirmtirr far pewit. 16.32.072 Wst of pedit. ? ~ ;''; 16.32.073 Sr3re3~78 of fees. 16.32.080 Vi,olaticn - Penlty. 16.32.090 Sevezahitity. 16.32.100 Sffec~ive dabs. z _ .. * Prim ardin~ure history: Ofd. 139. 16.32.010 Paapase. Remains the same. 16.32.000 Definiljars. (also inrlt:ie definitims as stated 3n tibe 1J.H.G) L "ppiuwed" means aeoepted ar acceptable under an applicable specificatim stated or cited in this chapter, ar aooepd'.ed as suitable for the proposed use under prooedtses and power of the Arlati,,tistrativie Autharity. 2. "Approved testirrq agency" means an organization primarily established for the p~a'pose oP testing to approved startdasds and apFa'cverl by the Administrative Autharity. 3, ~'a~intst,-ative Autharity" is the irdividual official, boazd, department, ar agency established and authorized by a state, ooimty, city ar other pblitic~l subdivision created by law to administer and enforce the pravissons of the swiaming pool Dods as adopted ar amended. 4. "Swiamirg pool" means any oonsttvcbed ar prefabricated pool used far swimming ar bathing, aver sixteen inches in depth. 5. "Swimnirg pool -private" includes all oonstxucted pools which are used as a swiamirrg pool in oarmectien with a single family rresidenae, and available only to the family of the householder and his private guests. 6. "Swimming pool - public" means any swimming pool other than a private swimming pool. 16.32.030 Scope anti ,~,~lirzatier~ A. Administration 1, Acitninictrative Authority and Assistants. 4d~ever the term "Administrative Autharity" is used in this c3rapter it shall be omstrued to mean the Building Oflicial ar his authorized repr+eserttative. 2. Duties of the Administrative Authority. the AcIIninistrative Autharity shall maintain public office hags necessary to efficiently administer the provisions of this chapter aryl aroerrhnerrts thereto and shall perform the following duties: a. Require sulaaissirn of, examine and dyeck plans, specifications, drawings, descriptiena ar diagrams where necessary to styow clearly the character, kiwi and extetrt of pool work covered by applications far a permit and upon apprv~ral thereof shill issue the permit applied there.far; b. Collect all fees far permits issued as provided by this chapter, issue receipts therefor in duplicate, the duplicate Dopy of which shall be maintained as a reoc¢d of his office; "E~HIHIT A" c, At~ninfatar and enfaroe the provisions of this d~aptxr in a manner consistent with the intent thereof and inspect all pool work authorized by any permit to assure oomplianoe with provisions of this c3~aptRr, approving or oordemnirg said work in whole or in part as conditions require; d. Issue upon request a certificate of approval for any work approved by him; e. Cadenn anti reject all work done ar materials used arc being used which do not in all r'eepec'ta comply with the p¢vvisians of this chapter; in to obtain f. Order d~arrles in wor)aoanship or materials ar both ccaQlianoe with all provisions of this chapter; q• Znvestigats any construction ar work regulated by this d~apter and issue suds notices and orders as provided in Section 16.23.0608 and C; h. EGeep a record oP all eseerttial ttansactians of his office; i. Transfer all fees collected by him to the proper authority provided by law to receive such fords; j. Maintain an official register of all persons, firms ar corporations lawfully entitled to carry an ar engage in the business of pool installaticn; B. ApQlication. i. No provisions o! this chapter shall be deemed to require a d~atge in any partirn of a pool system ar any other wank regulated by this dtaptar in ar on an existing pool when such work was installed in aoocrdanoe with the law prior to the effective date of the e~dinanoe eodilied in this dY+pt~er; except when any pool system ar Dods work regulated by this dmpter is determined by the Ar~ninistrative Autharity to be, in fact, dargera~s, unsafe and a menace to life, health ar property. 2. 21te provisions of this chapter shall apply to all new oonetsuction, to any alteraticns, repairs ar reaor~x.'tian, except as provided in this dtapter. C. iippeir's and Alterations. 0n existing pz+emises an which pool i attwtia1g are to be altered, repaired ar rera~ratsd, deviaticns from the provisions o! this dtaptes are permitted, pr~wided such deviations are fazed to be rteoessary and are first the n„~ninia+rwtive Autharity D. Public Pools. Requir~ntsbfar public pools shall cxnply with Division 20, Chapter 1, Sections 24100 to 24109 inclusive of the California Health and Safety Code, and Q~apter 5, Subdtapter 1, C~'oup 6, Sections 7774 to 7833 inclusive, California Administrative Code, Title 17,'Publlc Health, and plans shall be reviewed by the Santa Clara Carnty Health Departzoent. Stzucttnal plans, site locations, and stxucttffes relating to public poo]s shall mast the requiz+eaestta of other sections of this dsapter. (Crd. 6a4 (part), 1974) 16.32.0~0 Satetp regnireaents A. EWery person who awns ar is in Possession of any per, whether as purchaser under axttract, lessee, tenant ar licensee, rn which there is now situated ar at arty time hereafter may be situated a swimming pool, fish pond, wading pool ar any other body of watar regulated by this chapter, any portion of whidi is sixteen indtes ar more in depth, shall mai„tain Cn the lot ar prenises upon whidi suds switaoirg pool, fish pard, wading pool ar othex artificial body o! water is located, and ca~Qletely surrcurding suds body of water. Bazri,er r+egnireserrts -shall av.Qly with Ohifi,ed Build3rg Code e. Marmtiade deoorative~ols of water located within a oomnexcial ar irdu..-trial development ar within a planned unit develop~ttt project where the pool will be owned and maintained by a Homeowners Associatim may be maintained at a depth in excess of sixteen incises provided that the desic~ of the pool has all of the following safety featimes: 1. ihez~ should be no larc,;e abrupt charr~es in water depth ill areas of utx~ontrolled access. 2. Slopes should be oontsolled to ensure good foaling far perams in the water, r'egartiless of whether ar not entry to the water i9 alloc+ed ar prohibited. No Elope steeper than five to one (are vertical foot far each five feet horizontal) shall be allowed. without approval by the Administrative Authority. 3. All slope a=eas shwld be designed and oonstnx,~ted to prevent or restrict week and insect growth with minims tisbidity problens. In general, this requires some Parcm of hardened surface an the elapse. Shar+elines eznsion should be prevented to preserve the safety oarditions built into a project. The Administrative Autharity may require the applicant to obtain aM submit a safety report from a safety consultant to assure that all safety aspects of such pool have been considered. F'recing to pmovide adequate prt~.xction, when z+equired in this section, shall be installed immediately after e~acavation. D. Deception. Nothirq in this sectirn shall apply to any body of water owned ar operated by the City. (Ord. 1431, 1988; C2~d. 722, 1976; Ord. 624 (part), 1974). 16.32.050 NeY oonstzirX3rn Tequirees~. A. Alteznat$ Materials and Methods oP da~stzuctim. 1. Zt~e pmvisions oP this c3~apter are not intaded to ~avent the use of any alternate material, method o! consttvction, appliance ar equipment provided any suds alternate has been first appa:wed and its use authorized by the Administrative Authority. 2. Fk~en there is insufficient evidcs~oe to substarttinte claims for alternates, the AcLninistrative Authority may require tests, as proof of compliance, to be merle by an appzoved agency at the expense of the applicant. H. F}gineering Design. A11 design, oonstxucticn and worlananship shall be in oonfcz~aity with accepted erginewrinq ~actices and shall be of such character as to slaw the results sought to be obtained by this d~apter. i. EVery pool stsall be equipped oa~lete with appQwecl mechanical equi~ent ocatisistiiq of filter, Rm4. PiP~g, valves and oc~onent parts. F7{CFFPID*I: Pools with a supply of fresh water etiuivalent to the wlume of the pool in the specified ttaT~over time will be allowed. ..,. z • C. water tieatirg FY;uipm~ent. 1. An app~vved penoanerrt bY-P~ ~' ~~`'YPt~ devise shall be installed to provide a positive means of retaining water in the heater when the pub is not in operatirn. 2. When the heater is installed in a pit, the pit shall be provided with app~mved cbainage facilities. 3. All water heating equiPmE'nt shall be installed with flanges ar ration oaviectim adjacent to the heater. 4. When water heating equipme[tt whidt is installed in a closed system has a valve betweer- the applianoa and the pool, a pr+ess<u~e relief valve shall be i.,atalled an the disCttaLge side of thB water heating equipment. Far traits trp to and inrcltrding 200,000 S.T.U./hr. ~t the relief valve shall be A.G.A. rated aryl far inputs aver 200,000 B.T. U./hr., the valve shall be A.S.M. E. rated. 5. A dteck valve shall be located to prev~ettt badkflow of hat water Pray the heater. D. Gas Piping. Gas piping shall oortQly wdth the asrent adopted Uniform Pltmibirg G1ode. E. Final Inspec,•tian. All pool installations must be ooupleted. Rhe pool shall be oaipletely filled with water anti in operation before final inspection. F. Setback Requit'ements. 1. Five feet required between property line and pool. 2. Five feet z~eciuired between st=trcttu~es aryl pool. ire above setbacks are to water line except when easemersts are present that prohibit enccoactmpnt; the five feet dit~nsirn shall be to back of pool structtme. F7CCEgPICNS: 1. Ztys five feet requir+anerrt between horse and pool may be reduced it the design is approved by a registen.-ed professional engineer. 2. A portable pool containing 600 gallons ar less aM erected ar placed a't the surface of the grand ar aancrete base may be located within arts foal fray stzuctttres and three feet fr® property litre. ate three-foot setback distance from a portable pool to a prcpetty line may be redtx~ed ar eliminated it the affected adjoining property owner signs a urittffit statmectt approving the reduction. (Ord. 1353, 1986; Ord. 624 (part), 1974) 16.32.060 $I!C[C~tt autbrs3tl-• Remains the same. 16.32.070 Pesit - Acquired. Remains the same. 16.32.071 1~13cstion for pewit. Remains the Sams. 16.32.072 Oost of pewit. Remains the same. 16.32.073 SY~]e a[ fees. Ruins the same. 16.32.080 V3a~latiar -Penalty. Remains the Same. 16.32.090 SeVesahil.lty. Remains the same. 16.32.100 ffifective date. Remains the same.