Ordinance 1611
G13DlNAP1CE ND. 1611
AN aRD12~4NCE Qr THE CITY ~>ctCtl, ~' 24~ CITY ~ Ci1PERTIPD
the City Council has adopted a Lateral Plan for the City of
Cltpertitt~o which oantains a Circulation Element; and
FktffitBAS, said Circulation Elenxstt includes policies r+ec~nxd,ing
circulation in the City of Cupertino; and
WF~tEAB, it is a policy of said Circulation Hlenent (polity 4-3) to
cataattrate traffic on freeways and arterials that serve oannercial. and
industrial areas and to shift traffic away from res+~*+*t~t arose to the
netwrk of ft:~eeways and arterials; and
WHEREAS, it is stated polity of said Circulation Element (polity 4-6)
to develop traffic tnstaganatt plans for neigttborttoocfe affected by
unaooeQteble levels of throttgtt traffic and to design these plans based on
the oonoEpt that arnmite or tltrnut~ traffic should be redirected fzsyu
local regi~„r;nt streets and minor oollectore to the freeway, expressway,
and arterial attd major aollecGor streets; and
WftE[i~i.4, staff finds and declares that the traffic divertere provided
for herein will greatly aid in carrying out the above described traffic
circulation policies of the said Circulation Element; and
WHEREAS, an January 1, 1984, State Legislation added subsection (F) to
Section 21101 of the Celifot:nia Vehicle Odds petatittinq local authorities
for those highways under their jurisdiction to adopt rule ertrl regulatiats
paottibitinq vehicle entry to or exit fmn, or both frrn- any street by
means of traffic barriers or other design features that are oansistatt
with the respatsibility of local goverTmpstts to provide for public health
std safety for the above put.~oees.
ppW, ~tE, the City Ootmcil of the City of Cupertino does ordain
as follows:
Section I: Cttaptet 14.04.125 ie herevy added to Title 14 of the
L~rtino i+lmicipnl Code to read as follows:
14.04.125 ~,tes and R,eaulations for Installaticsi, t4>dLicat;M or
R..~,,,~t of Traffic Divarters
ORDII~ti('.E ND. 1611
1. A ~+ff; r, is a t+oadway desi~ fanfare whidi is
placed :upon n street ar zoad~sy iai order to prohibit vehicvlnr Craffic
firm entering to ar exiting fran ar both to and fzom nay street.
2. A 13311 (cal-de-sac type) is placed across both
lanes of traffic and prohibits both eodt fmn ntd eatranca tro a street.
3. A di. extends through the aetlter of en
intersection frvn one corner to the apposite corner across en intereecti,on
forcing a turn to the right or left.
4. A s?mi-~;~'a"~'°r is plaoad across one lane of traffic and
prohibits entry to or exit from a street.
5. Offi~1 l4 ~1 ~19B@ are the signs approved by
Coltrane in accordance with California Vehicle Cade Section 21400.
6. A 1~1 is a~ street other than n mn jar ar mimr
collector as sho~m in Table 4-B of the Circulation Element of the General
Plan. 7t~e Circvlatian Element calls for the deliberate disaouzagm~eat of
ttuvugh traffic of suc3i stnaets.
B. tunEs
1. Traffic divetters shall be placed only an etree;ts under the
jurisdiction of the city.
2. Traffic divertars stall be placed only m local streets.
3. Rye ciivertar stall be in aonformenoe with the policies of
the Cirailetian Element of the General Plan.
4. Placen°nt of diverters shall be consistent with the
responsibility of the City to provide far the health and safety of tis
citizens, including pmwisi,on of enecgesscy vehicle access, effective
decreases in exposutB to noise acd pollution, and decreasing aoci,dents cad
enercIl- use.
5. Appropriate traffic control signs shall be placed an and in
the Vicinity of each diverter.
atDIIint~CE ND. 1611
C. R~(~IiATI~ffi
1. A r+equeet for inetnllatiAa, r~enoval or modificntica:of a
divier'ter m~+ be initiated by the Deportment of Public Works ar by the City
~~ • 2t~e reins~tnllaticu s~oval~ oroai tian of aadiverter8
foot the suggested
2. Fnc3i request for installation, removal, or modifionticn of a
diverter shall be reviewed by staff, who shall pr+epnre a written report
containing the foll,vwing information to bs sutrnitted to the City Oo~a:cil:
a) ~e actia:s proposed and the reasa:s for support of the
request. Pbr existing diverters, the report shall include the history
of the diverter i.,rluding the date of installatiai, reeisan why it was
z __.~_V._ _..~~_ `;' if any, and statements of support
reoaived, if air.
b) Htiatinq conditions in the area which would be affected
by the proposed installation, reroval, or modification, include but
are not limited to:
(1) traffic wlumes, patterns, and speeds:
(2) existing traffic control end traffic omtiol and ,
traffic menagen~ent devices
(3) an-et:z~set pnrkinq le~ele and pntternsi
(4) accident data; end
(5) emargeiuq vehicle access routes, public transit and
school bus routes, end other public service anti delivery
Both the streets directly affected by the divarter and
the streets which would be expected to handle diverted
traffic shall be oacmtiidered. Pot existing diverters,
the accident data should include an assessment of role,.
if any, that the diverter cosy have Played (bath positive
. and negative).
(c) Design options of the diverter or divertera.
(d) Probably impacts of the proposed installaticcs, remot-al
or modificatiAts includitsq but not limited to inpacts an the cotditicns
described under (2) abcue; an air pollution, fuel use, std noise; on
tratssit service; an etergenty vehicle eoaeea titres; cn residcntial
quality of life atsd eetiamted costa. Both streetts directly affected
by the diverter or divertezs and the streets which would ba expected
to handle diverted traffic shall be considered.
(e) Staff shall request crnmettts an the p~poeed diverter
Eton the Depnrhnants of Public safety and Pleruang and c~anamity
Development and the Coutsty Transit District if nisy =votes are impacted
end shall attads these oannetsts to the report
(f) Alternatives to the proposed action.
(q) Statemetsts or fitditsgs tseoessary to o~Qly with the
California E~svirota>psstal Quality Act.
(h) staff reoams~dntian.
3. In addition to transmitting the staff report to the City
Coutscil, staff shall also send copies of the report to the initiator of
the request, to neighborisood organizations in the area of the proposed
acticn, to indivir3uals who have stated an irttereat in suds msttere, std to
the County Transit District if arty bus motes are impacted.
4. Noti.oe of a public hearing shall be given pursuant to the
manner set forth in Q~apter 19.27 of the Cupertino DfaLicipnl Code.
5. After the close of the public hearing, the City (kxmcil may
order a report recamienditsg that a diverter or diverters be installed or
tattooed or modified or that no chatiga be made. The report shall contain
written finditsgs that the proposed action meets eac3s of the rer~,i~~+ts
set forth in Secticn B, shall specify the effect of the proposed action an
traffic wlume std on the health and safety of Cupertitso citizens as
Coutscil may adopt they staff~t-eporta ads the findit~s support °fCite
6. Rise Public Forks Departmetst shall process the appropriate
etsvi=vnm~t.al doclmesst.
7. The Director of Public FbrkB shall euimit all reports
getserated pursuant to these regulatiass tc the City Coutscil.
Ci2DD!~N1CE N0. 1611
8. RY~e City Cotuticil shall by resolution authorize the
installation, renoval ar modifiontion of any diverter. If the ie
for the installation of n new diverter, then the Director of Publ c Works
shall review the diverter after six months of operation ooncarning any
impacts as outlined in section 2b of these Rules and Regulations end
report the aonclusians of such review to the City Gtxmcil.
'Ihe Department of Public Works shall aoasider physical
imprvverments for the designated diverters during each year's budget
process. Any such i~xoverents shall be pr+ooessed in the sere meaner as
any capital inQnavarent in the City e~ooept that the Departanent of Public
Works may amept oocstributions i cash or in kind to provide for
i~rzovenents of diverters. First priority shall be given to inpaoving any
diverter to enhance public health and safety. Second priority for
placement of physical impivvesnents shall be given to divarters in older of
their date of installation.
SectiAn II - Publication
the City Clerk shall cause this ozdinance to be published at least
ones in a newspaper of general circulation published and cimileted in the
City within fifteen (15) days after its peerage, in aooomdenoe with
Section 36933 of the Doverarerst Gods; shall certify to the of
this ordinance and shall cause this orduanoe aid her. cartif cnt.i,on,
together with p~znof of publication, to be sabered in the Bock of
Ordinances of the Council of this City.
IIPIitOD[lf~ at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of
C1lpertilyD this 21st day of Sg~nmhnr , 1992, 8I1d P2~LZED nt a
regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupartim this 5th
~y of October , 1992, by the follaring vote:
AYFS: Dean, Goldman, Koppel, Szabo, Sorensen
Nl'~3: None
ABSF27P: None
Q2DINArXE BU. 1611
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