Ordinance 1615ORDINANCE NO. 1613
The CIry Coundl o! the City of Cupertino heztilry ordains thu Title (1 of the Cupcrtiao Ivtunidpai Cade is hereby
amended to read "Steeets, Sidewalks and Laadsaping'.
The City Council et the C[q at Clrperdao hereby otdaint also drat Chapter 14.1 S JCeriscape [aadstape is added to the
City Mnoidpal Code as follows:
The City Council adopted ResolWoa No. 13E7 amt tgt'10o estabils6 watts rate faaasn and roMtxioos for she
conservation at water with a specific goal of reduang mater conatm~ption. Ice an eSst to eve landscape
IrrlgaHoa aRer, these and iMgatloo derign perimeter nee psepaeed In addition. ihefe gttidelina cviU
provide moro speciSe direction for project devdopaa and camulunn peepaeiag laadsope plain s weU as city
staff and commissiodoouacil members who will review these planer. The ruidess~ are intended a be long-term
Po~7. irrc~peatve ~ prevailing ctimadc cooditiota. By following these criteria, the City will ba better prepared
for periada at low pred~tadon sad water shortage that may nears in the tbttne. This chapter is adopted based on
the foUowiag Endings:
The Stale I.egitlatm+e has fo~md:
1. t That the iimNed snppty at rtau waters is tatbjeU to ever incresai~ ds~anda
1.2 The California's eoonomie prosperity depends oa adegmte satppllcs otwaamr.
1.3 The Stara petit, promoter oonswatian sad elscieat use of water.
1.4 The laodsarpes provide rx'ratloa aeeas, da>Yr aU and water. prevent eroaiao, air ttre protactioa and
teplaoe eco systems displaced by dnKloi~ents.
1.3 That the tandtgpe design installation sad matntenanoe can nerd should be water elEdeat.
Coasisteat with the legislative findings the purpose of this Ordinance is to:
1.6 Pramoee the values sad bae~ts dlaodswpa wh11e tesmy~izing the need to invest water sad other.
resortnoa as eIDdeody as posabk.
1.7 F.subliah a strsrcaere tar desigrting, installing. sad maintaining water e~ landsapa {n new projects.
l.g EstabUsh ptwirioot tar water management prarxioa and watgwaate praveatios for epabli:hed
ta.ts.ozo: neAnidosss
"Aati-0ral~ valve" 44' "ChaNt vaM" IDaat a valve loosed nndet a spsioidsr had to bold water in the system
50 it minimizes drainage f20m the lower devatioa sprinkler halo,
"APPUeatla. rate" ttttxaa the depth at water applied to a gives arcs, nmalty matured is iaehet per hoar.
"Appikd water" tnam the portion o[ wattx wpplied by the irrigation tyssem sad the laodsc:pe.
"Antomade Coatrouer" mast mechaaiol or solid stater times apeele d operadag valor tsarinas to set the days
sad length err dine der wager apptiadors.
"Backfbw prevntlen device" mans a safety device mad to prevent pollution err cosrtamination of the water
supplied due to the revette flow of water from the irrigation syseea<
"Cemetery" mean a banal ground for burying the dead.
Ordinance No. 1613 • • January 4, 1993 ~
Page •2-
"Ecobglcal Rarteratloo Project" means a project iauationaUy altered to establish a defined indigenous, historic
"ERectire prccipitatioa" or "usable rainfall" means the portion of total procipitsUon that is used by the plants.
Precipitation is not a reliable course at water, but t:aa ceatribttu to some degree toward the water needs of the
landscape. For the purpose of this document, 'effective precipitatba' is 2SY. of local annual than precipitation.
"Emitter" roans drip irrigaUoa fitting: that delrnr water slowly from the system to the soil.
"EstabUshed Landscape" means the poim at which plaau in the landscape have developed toes into the soil
adjsaat to the root bulb.
"1LstabUshsadt" IDaaf the first yet oiler iastalhag the plant m the 4ndscape.
"1Gdaated Appded Water Ufa" mtsms the patina of the Estimated Total Water Use that is derived Erom apptied
water. The F.soimated Appiiod Water Use shall not exceed the Tvfa~dmum Applied Water Allowance.
"&d0ated Total Water UM" mono th6 aoaosl total amount of svaier estimated to ~ n~--a-d t„a';;-,+ t`a rtx.;ia
in the landsaped area healthy. It is based upm such 6ctors u the foal evapotranspraUon lire, t~he~sine of the
landscaped area, the typo of plants sad the eHScieacy of the irrigation system.
"LT Ad jostmat Pastor" means a lftetat o[ O.g, that, whey applied W tefereaoed evs~pottranspirsdoa, adjusts for
pleat factors and irrigation el8denry. two maja iatltteaoa upon the amotmt o[ water that weds w be applied to
the landscape. A combined plant mix with the site-wide average of O.S u the bads of We plain facer pottioa of
thb calcvLioa. The irri~stiaa ellkcieaty proposed of the ET Adjttstmeat Faaor is 0.623.
"YvapetraespinNoa" moos the quantity d want evaporated from agjaam soils surfaoa and transpired by
P~ ~i a specific time.
"Flow-Rate" mesas the rate in which water Howl through pipes and valves (gallons per mimme or cubic foot pct
'Intntratloa Rate" mesas Urn rate a[ waxer carry intro the soil ezpraaod v a depth a[ wasa per unit of time
(lashes per hau).
"Irrkpu.m 1CAkkstcy" mans the meaauemea< o(the amoost d water beaet3dalfy used divided by the amount of
water applied. IrrigaUoa effideacT u derived from mastuemeob and estlmiata d itrigstioa system
characteristic a~ maoagemeat practioa. The minimum irrigation et'Rcieacy far porposes d this ordinance is
0.625. Gttyter irrigation etkSckot77r oa be expected from weU designed and maiataiaed systems.
•Lsadseape Anehiheet" mate a cati8ed laodsapn professional licensed by the State of Calitania.
"Lmdseape Ateiitat CampQaaa Statesaest" roam a one-page chedt list and a narrative sttmmuy of the
project as shorts in Sation !0.
"Laadseaped Ara"mom the psmd area less buiMing psd(s) driveway (s) and parking area(s). Planted arras.
water bodice, Palos, deco, wallcwrys and nanrtal arcs are included in the soaapt d landscape area.
"Lateral Lisa" means the water delivery Pipeline that supptia water 6tun the water soocao so thn vakw or outlet
"Local Mena Prafpitatioa" mom the Depanmeat art Water Resoam 20-year histericai ninhtt data
"Main Line" mom the pt+esauized pipeline that deUrvds water from the wear sotrtse to the valve err outlet
Ordinance No. l6l S January 4, 1493
Page -3-
'Mailmnm Water Allowance' means the upper limit of annual water use for the established landtcaped area It
is based upon the area's reference cvapotrutspiratio4 the ET Adjuament Factor. and the sine of the tandsrrpe
are The amount of water tncommeaded on an annual basis is the irrigadon schedule shall mt exceed the
maximum water allowance. The MWA formula is zs follows:
MWA ~ (ETo) (0.g) (I-A) (0.62) 0.8 ~ ET AdJtrpmem Fsctos
Ir1WA • M"~+^+~~••, Wsur Allow+aaca (gallons Per year) LA ~ Landscaped Area (square foot)
ETo ~ Refetenae Evaporaaspintion (inches Per year) 0.62' Cowersion Fsctm (to gallorts/sq.R)
"MakY" trteans nay material such a leaves, barY` craw or other materials felt loose and applied to the soil
surfsoe to reduce evaporuioa.
"Opetadaf t?remre' mans the praatra at which a system of sprinidess is designed w operate, usually indicated
at the base of the sprlatJer.
•prerlread Sptinkiar Irrigadon Systesf" meam these w[th high f]osr rata (pop-npa, impulse sprinklers, rooters,
"Overspray" toeam the aster which L delivered beyond the IandsaPe arse, wetttag pavements, walks. structures.
or other eon-Iaodsaped arras.
"Plantlag Zoaa" rnaas the moo ideaatlod fot or by the sestet phtntiag guide b being plammg areas which le
defined by water regairemeats for plant typo, when is sea, expostrts, poblie street viability. project actlviry, facet
sad use eras, regioml climate. type ~ project. esnblished design patterns on adjacent or Darby development,
miao~cl3msta created within the project
"Bala Searing Device" trsam a system which automatically shuts off the irrigation system when it Wins.
"Raord Drawing" or "Ace Boob" mom a set o[ rcpttxhtable drawings which show sigai8aat change: is the
weir made during constnrctian which ate astraily tsasad oa drawings marked up in the 6dd sad other data
tLrnished by the .
"Rae:eadonal Arta" mesas atess of acxive pltq or teaesdon such u sports t3elds, schod yards, picnic grounds
or other crest with intense foot traffic.
"lReeyekd Water," 'TOelaimed water", at'ttnted sewage aIDtrent tYatr~ mesas tressed Of rayclod waste water
of a quality suitable for non-ponbk uses, wch as tartdsrape irtigatia4 mt intended for haman consumption
"ltekrsseed Enpatranpiratiera ere !To' rneam s standard masttremeat a[ mvironmeani meta which alfea
the water the a[ piaffi. ETo u given in inches Per dry, momh or year sadu an estimate of the evapotranspiration
of a large Sdd a[ four-to~sevm-inch taD, cool-season gtm that is well watered. Rderenoed evaportranspiration is
the Ma~amum Applied water Auowanoa so that regional di>Tereaces in cllmau as ire accommodated.
"Registered Hislaie Sits" mom a property formally des3gaated b7 the Secretary of the Imaior u having
Nadoaal or State hWoric signiffaaoa.
"Rehabllftadon of RehabWtatad I.aadstmpe' mean any rslaadsaping project that requires a Permit
"IOt:~aM" means water which is mt abwrbed by the soil err lsodscspe w whkh it b applied aed tloovs from the
arses For example, ruaofI may resalt from water that is applied st too gtest a rare (sppliadoa rate exctods
inSltration tau) or when these is a severe slope.
"SoU Moisdrts Seada~ Device" mesas a device that measures the amount of tvata is the soil
"Soil Ter:tare' mans the classiSeation of soil bored on the peroenage of sand, silt, and clay in the soil.
Ordinance No. l6 t 3 • • January 4, l99)
Page -4-
"Sprinkler Head' means a device which sprays water thrargh a nozTle.
"Stadoa' means an stn servod by om valve or by a set of valves that operate simultaneous!'.
„Turf" means a surface layer of earth containing ^ mowed grass wits its root. Atuatd bluegrass, Keatuclry
bluegrass, pereaalal tyegraas, Red fesater and Tall facve are cool-season grasses. Bermuda grass,. Kikuyugrass.
Seashore paspalum, St. Auguptnegrass, Zaysiagran, and BtrRirlo grass rtre w~atm-sasoccd amasses.
"Valve" means a device used to oonad the flow of water is the irrigatloa system
1. Except u provided to Section 4 (Exoeptloas) this Ordinance shall apply to:
a Ali stew ttad rehabilimed landsapinj is any mains district, ooaoeptwi muing plsa ata or :pedal
district that requites pttbiic review by the Att:hitecmral Sites Approval Committee a Planning
Commissi~ or City ConaeiL
L 'ibis :anion ahaU act apply to:
a New err teaovatod laodaape area comprising less than 2,500 equate feet.. At+e~ is this attgittry shall
submit a landsape pica to be approved by the 1)irator of Cammnniq Development aced oomQUes wiUt
the Addendum Guidelines o[ this Otdiamce.
b. Csmetaia
c. Registered Historical Sits
d. F,aologial restorati~ projects that des not ttxptim a Pef~ i +Y~+m
e. The Planning Commission a Att:hitatural a~ Site Approval Committee ttuq permit up in 10'Y. of all
plantings to be aoa~dtwght tolaaat variaies as long a thry are grarpod togettxr aced as be irrigated
f. The City tray albs d~sraua Qvm thL ordiaanoe for school yards a~ pubic Part and adjacent w
thematk sueetsapes, such a• those establishod wader the North DeAaa BottlevaN Coootptua! Ptah or
Stevens Crock Boulevard Caooeptional Zoning Plan, gives the samba o[ years that have goes into
estabUshing the taadsape 6aalevard setbacks sad their unique comribotion to Cnpertiao Civie ideatiry.
The City shall rutempt to apply the guidr:lines elsewhere oa these site to achieve the highest possible
degree of water savings in the overall design
g. Singles family tesideaaa bated is as (R•t) muiag district.
14, i 5.050: Provision For Ncw a~ Rshr+biliated Landscaoa
Cow k~Pe P~~B ~ irriguion system design plans wiU be submitted ins CIty review prior to
isauaoe aI buikting pamita Said picas for bah the landsape area and itriyttion systems should be designed
under the direction of aced be artiflad b1 a State ~ California Ilaased laadsape architxt. Said pons are to be
scaled a~ dimensioned aavrate2y, bad shall be m~iewed in aocordaace with the tbilotving directions:
1. For projects !oared in mniag districts which require ASAC rrvies-, the Coooeptnal Lazdsape
Plaotlng/Irrigttion System iksi~a Pisa shall be spprwad by Atchitacaual std Site Approval Committer.
Ordinwoe No. 1613 January 4, 199)
page •3-
2. For projects lowed in Planaod Development zoning district, or within the geographic limiu ~ as arcs
governed by a specific plan or coaaoepanl zoning Plea. the Cooapaul Landagpe Plandng/irrigatioa Sysum
Design plan shall be approved by the Planning Commi:t~on err put of the DeAnittw Development Plea for
the overall project. Review of the Anal t.aodsape Pla~g and Irrigation System plans adli be sub)ea to City
SuS renew in ooajttocrion with spxiAatia>n and Ptans for tsstnaca of a baUdiag permit. The Cooapnnl
zoning plans must includ.: tba fotbwingr
a. All property lira and street aama
b. I.oat~n of all existing and ProP~ ~g
a I.acaNon of aII eaudng and ptopaa! walks, driveways, feaca. Pools, ponds. water features and retainia;
4 All existing Iandsnpiog proposed to be removed
e. Calalatioas showing the turf arer4 water area. shrub/trea era, area for annuals and a[ turf skpa steeper
than 10%
G Details of spray, ground cover. shmb and tree irrigation installadan
g. IdeaoAcatiaa ai ptaat zaner
h. I.acation type sad size of all existing sad prapaed pleats, including tta'f
3. The Final Landfaspo P4ndng sad IrttpTioa Systrm Plain inner indode all the intarmadan oontairred la the
Coaoepttnl zoning Pleas sad the following additlooal information:
a taadsape Architect Compltaoce Statement (Appendix A)
b. Calarlation of the ritndmttm Applied water Albaanoe (23 gatloat per aquae fact nuiltlplied by the
4adscapa era in square fat. Sued upon the Cuperttm 1:1'0 ot4S iacha per year)
c Calailadoa d the Fstimaoed Applied water ass
d. Cakvluion of the Estimated Tool water Use
e. Landsape design Plan
t Irtigation design plan
(I) loacioa trDe and size of au itrigadon oompooeaa, inelading water metec(a)
(:) static water ptes+ore at the Point a[wonection, tl+~ Pa mimme
()) precipitati~ rates a~ glloas per mimae Ax all control vahe dtwiu
(L) ragaitad operating prastua for each valve dreait. _ . ..
g. Irrigation schedda W , .
(l) establish new pleat malarial
(2) mainain Pleat material alter the Arst yet for spring a~ fill sersoos
()) maintain grant matsriai far the wormer season after the Asst year
(4) length dome the system will roe ibr each vsht dta>jt
(S) days tint Ihn system will operate far each program
(t7 staNag times of the irrigatloo scheduka
('>) estimated card of water abaosptioa a~ tanoti far each laodsap<lirrlgstdan moe
(i) estimated water wnarmpdOa far tai shrub and tree areas sad Ax the estdre landscape plan,
h. tiLinteaaaoe scheduler
i. Landscape irdgatlon alit schedub
j. SoII analysis (type and quantity d soil ameadmeat aM makh to be added ro project soib)
4. Said plans shall not roquite mere water ttse than the Mardmum Applkd water Albwanoe.
3. A Dopy a[ the approved landscape doc~tbn pssirage shall be prwkled 6o the prvpecty owner or site
manages slang with the record drawing satd say other infasmstian ttormally foswatded to the property owner
and siu manager.
Ordinance No. 1615 January 4, 1993
Page -6-
Any person who is aggrieved by arty anion taken by any City body or official msy appeal, by tllfng a written notice
of appeal with the City Clerk within fourteen aleadv days... Such appeal shall be beard by the City Conncil which
may affirm, amen, or revem the order. a take othsr action deewcd appropriate. The Clerk shalt glue written
notix of the time an piact of the bearing to the appellant and any othex permn requesting notice: In conducting the
City Council shall not b e limited by the lechnial Hiles of t!x evi.knce.
14.050.070: Violation
Penalty: Any person who violates the provision of this chapter shall be guilty of an infraction an upon conviction
thereof shall be puniahod as provided in Chapter 1.12 of the Cupertino Municipal Code.
14.050.080: Severabitity Clause
In any section, subsectio4 sentence, clause or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason held to be
uncoastitudonal, such decision shall not effort the validity of the remaining portions of this Ordinance. The
legislative body hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinam aced each seaioa, subsection sentence.
clause or phrase theroof: irrespective of the 13tct that aay one or more sxdons, submtions senter-ces, clauses or
phrases be declared unoon.~itutional.
INTRODUCED err a regular moedag of the City Council of the Cityof Cupertino on thb 4th
day of January . 1993, and ENACTED at a regular mating of the C1ty Connell of the City of
Cupertino this 19th day of January .1993, by the by the foliow~ng
Vg}g Members of the City Council
AYES: Dean. Goldman, Roppel, Sorensen, Szabo -
NOES: None
City of C»patlno : . , ,:
ATTEST:.; :,
,- ~ --
City Jerk
9.'fia ,._.,, .....
Landscape Architects certifying stakment for compliance with landscaping/irrigatioo guideline.
Installadoo addrest:
[rnstallation completion date:
Wattt Provider:
Landscape Architect (print name):
Parcel Siu:
Land Use:
][a j~fq (it'ao', attach expiaoatioa)
^ ^ 1. Minimum 90yG of aU plantings are drought tolerant.
^ ^ 2. Turf limited to linnctional aces; tnrf and water feature lea than 25SL of total
^ ^ 3. Minianrm turf arcs dimension ~ 1 S tt
^ ^ 4. Special ornamentals leas than 10% ~ laodsape area.
O ^ 3. Terradag/siopedcereas in conformance
p ^ 6. Drainage rwt~ away fmm buildings; on-siu reteadon of irrigation water
7. nc
Tredttuf separation in tree islands per ordinance.
^ ^ 8. Soil additives/amendatentserovided in aocordanx with attached narrative
^ ^ 9. Water features desiB~~PP~ Per Section 9 of this ordinanx.
^ ^ 10. Soil mulch added where appropriate (noted on diagram).
^ ^ 11. Pleating soils delineated on plan.
^ ^ 12. Sprinkler heads have matched precipitation rates within each control valve.
^ ^ 13. Precipitation rates for a given circuit do oat exoeod soil absorption rates.
^ ^ 14. Ail sprinkler heads have srniceabk check valves whore elevation diffenrniial will
causelow head drainage.
^ ^ 13. Sprinkler system designed for bad-to-bead covera8e.
^ ^ 16. Controller has multiple programming, repeat rycle capability, flexible tulentdar
Program, and monthly irrigation schedule.
^ ^ 17. Conholkr set to water between 5:00 p.m and 10:00 s.m. and equipped with rain
shutoff device.
^ ^ 18. Monthly irtigation schedule givcn to laadscape manager and or maintntance
^ ^ 19. Water budget included with plaro (annual).
20. Total water usage dtxs nol exceed the Maximum Allowed Weer Allowance.
I hereby xttily Urat the above informuion is accurate in oompiisace with the isndsape standards ~ the City of
Cuoetti no's outline in this ordinance.
Landscape Architect: