Ordinance 184 t ~ ~ 'V w~ WwaiR~ T .It~lI~1~1~1~i~~ ~~ M^~'1~T~n~~~F ~~~~ ))) ~~yp/~/y~-,q~ ~I~l.i" fit' 1IR ~~~~\M~ ppyy,, pp~~ r~ ~sl~ ~ 1 W i 9I. .w,.,.,,,,.. ~~ ~~ ~ ti.dfi ~8 b~- ~'1~-DlS'!'1 n~ t scree tftwtri ozt#•.~o~ts~h fit ~`p!M {~ ~ t~ ~ ~~,I~IRt~a6~1` S'~le~t~k`~.~Q teP~'9.t~Q2'~ r~' ~ ~ ~Li~tl~ ~7~R id ~ on ' ~ta'G agt~.l.lae~'!. ma~sa~a~s~nt ~oix of t~rE tk~ty of ~~t ~~-~., yes d~-~- Pilc~i eeifid'z 'tt~t G+p~~~.l o! 'th+e City of ~tt~rtizX.~ x~eetit~ ~exat~.cea +~~ t~ a~z~sl.r~4"t+sr de~aori~o~ tesr~ta~y to eet.id Cit~+g a~r~e ~ie~ te~rx*it~at~ ~!i~e outeide o~ ex~ ~a atsz~sti~t- t4 tri~ee batxn~a~e~e o! tlxe City of Cttpert~.no., a~r~ I~~H~S, th+e C`2 ~y Cc>unci.l or the C'~. ty of Cu~-z~~inA d~Q, on t~h~t 1.~th ~~ eat ~3~a, 7 1, ~tss axsd eda~,Y, a R~eaolutlori tar they pra~ae~c! ~-rbnerx~-- t2~ Q~ ee~t9 't~+s'~rlLvxy to the City ~t C+,zy~rt~.ro, on zch4.a~, R+ean~.vt~aarz rratioe o~ tt~ e~iy, hra-.zr end. pl.eca xht±n sew ~3~:ere any ~~eraen ovenliz~ re~-~ ~£:'~'t~RlX'ty ~l.th,tn each ~Gex~sr",~tory acs ~rKap~aed to he anne.xect a~ h~,w~nt~, an;~ oh,~e>t~.~ara~, to 'tt~+e p'x~:a~wa~e~ artrt+~~ttlrat~ *szi$ht ~'i~r~+°:~lt` t~F~~o~ thg zed,,.-~tlaC~~ve bt~dly ~~!! ~+t~ow ca~e~ x~hy ac. ;ti t~~ rr:t tf~ r~• ~hota:~c~ ~~~:~ ~ ?~e ~ s anYZexed; ~xrAd ?~J14~s} sair~ f~aolutio,~ tree ct+~Iy, ~e~egu~iarl;{y arzd 1ss~et"r~lay }x;tbl~.s~,c~ at let tr-~.ce, t~ntt zit mare t~:;1;en thin or~Ge tz ~re~:k, i.n the ~~,ert,itto ~.oz~rler, a ne~repape;r r~P ger~ex~as c.1 rcu ~a~.~3on ~-~.k~li z~her.~ ~,~~ than f:he Ciuy o'.' Cu,~rrtinc>y ar~~ in th+c ~unn~~v~.a.~ ;~t,~n:lard, ~. ne~r:s~a~i~• ~r genez~l t::i.rriz_ X,et~art pv-biished rrith~.n the ~vsant,;y ~~' aa.rxt~ Caax~, t"~~ co",~nt~. ~n Nlaich ~?:S Zf>eaMreld tail" ±e3t'?"`~.~OI'~/ F-r0~03iS'!~ ~O ~.' $fi(1@X~d; tic'~7 1i~~, Much I~ertr Ong MI~~.F3 P.R'l~t~ ~l-.ix`:51.~Rr1~ tc~ aa~.ei n,ot2ce rantainesc~ JL~. saint I~eal.utlor~ nn the ?th dr~:v o:' ......~.A~at,..:_.._.._, l~~fil, ztt t~~e t~~ a.r~t! gxa.ce f'Axead tter*rein;; ar,~'"".'~._ /~ ~~f iAS,fC~~~ StIC+~'1 h~$r'Saa$ ~~~ rsU~ :~!!'~S!- than 10~t~ ~~V} ~~/ii~~ ~.~~ ~r~ then ~-i.xty (~Q) da.ya dram tPte data oi' Gh+~ p®.es~e or ~~id l~tao2utlc~n; ar~~, NHS, at tt:er asic~ ha~r~.r~; thex~ xls~ no ve,l.~.s~ protests by any o~nror ar oxnex-e oP Qr~~~-t~.lt (~~~ c, 1" the value oP ttxe te,rrltory ympczncyd to k~ at+t~exead, eccorda,ng to ~,Yur .La~a~t~, e~~l:l~eci aaeeae~a,~Krt mall wP tY~ Gaunty a~' ~»ta C'ire-r+~t, 3tatte ~~P C,e.7liX'o~.~nia~t ex~ a~ rA~,zte~;:~.nled by the City ~~a~l; anci 4~'IC.`3, the caty C€xun.cl.]. r~l~~acla ttx~-~`. the terri.r.ary pPO~,eed try be erta~-:~c,dtd 3e cantS.gu~tta to t.)ze hrxixx~x~llre t`rr£' the Ctt,y c-g' t;uperrt~nu, anti th#t ~:ttlt Aa00~ .S.A 1~l3s~,i?.hebxtlyd ~~t"P.~tO)'`~-' A.~ t~lrtgt~lyd 'c,~r ea,1Q t3c~vezrrrit Co-~ of G1a1.1,to~3,~, ~{ tint 1t ie- xc~r tt~e Duet 1r~tarrest ~ aon`rreraioi~e e-I~~~in® 'fit !~'yt tle~d t+~x~rAte~ry- b+e- axu~escet! t,~r~ aaticl qty a! 3 l~q~, ~'~lK9~R~, tl,~ ~y X013. n t tt~ ~ ~ t y Q t ~'t,~t~i. doer s ~rb3r aa~~alx+ ~a ta;~~,e~ttt= Y ~M r ~ a ~~ '~"'~ +i.~^~:vEtloxt r<t'," tt9~t ~2~1.'i.xlfia~ttbi.tad '~-4~~"'YC'~,'~C ~'"~' l~tT'1~3,P2-. ~t`'t~~ ~~~~~~. 1'~mr,~ + the '~ is ~~-y ~ '~~+~, a t~~ ~.ic~ t~t~.. ~~' 13Rta SLX~ ~~ ~~1 ~IR3~2i~' dt~~ tq ~~ ~"~.ty O~ ~i~Q!~~,Y'dd~ a~~ ~1ilt ~2~$ ~br't~~lT `~ ~"~. 3!!i9 ~'~t1-llt~,~ t+D K~~ i A.Sa7E. 'thi~.ft +X'x, ~'~t"~Y a3.t'lita#;A ~f rx t~~ ~C4t~t~r q~" ~32'~~4 ~;LB-~'~k, ~~te at' C~.~;R.i''+t~X~,, d~ao~~e~ ~t.~ ~'o11t~~-a: 1 e~ r~~at ~Tnt~ of th~e- t~ortlyea~t: ~ ©t' tfie s+anath- a'aat~ ~ru~:ia+ri ;~', '1k~~rs~~;hip 7 sth, :t~f-rrg+~ ;~ 6~~~t, 1~. D. Ry ~C ~tM ~-i~[ pc~~irrt ~lb~ o3t~ a po#~t an t~ p~aent C~,Ly .Ltts1'.ts 11ri~! of the ~.t~- of 'Cupez~tit~a; tt~ue running s+`.+~sthezl~ a;iur~; the praaerat rity t.it~ri.t~s Iin~- o~ the Cit$ Af G4tpe~t~tmj ~tid City 11st1tD 211ie b~tin~~ tt~t nest+trl,y 1~.raR ot` thle e~-ste~rl;1 ~ of ~it~', ffie~uth~at ~ oP Seett~ 2'~`, to :~~xe sxr~extt~ewe~-t co~ox of aa..l.d ns~xthe~.st ~ ~x flea aa~tthe~~~ at' ~ect.~.an ~': tt~n~:e lttav:~.z~ said C~1t~ ~~t.~sdtas 1.3nc +»f tl~ C1tY- of Ctxyxrx~tino sx~ '-*~»r~ sc~i.th~r~,p a1ax~ atia7.~i ~eat.~;r~.w 1°,.n~ of the ~t~'tr'Cr~}+ ~ t~f ~$^~71.1t.i'~t~k3:a'tr ~ G~" Ct;~.i?TS fie"{ 371e1 M,,}11t.31g!x'i~' 3~~~;'E~ the Keate~rly line Gf th+e d~ox•~theast a of the rcor~theaet ;~ ae~ :~~~ctlon ~i, 'Tortrnathi~- ~' South, +~ ~ l~~+st, I~4. D.13.k M, t~7 the saw ~t~west corner ©f aa,1d r~oy-theas~ off' ttze nortfYeaa~t ~ o~'M zer ~i,©n ~E ~ thence eaaste~Iy alor~ the srnat~:r.eri;r lire of aa.i.d northe<.:~t ,~ r~~ *.t'iP r;ear~~.hw eaact c+,i' ~erti.r~n ~~ to t:,L lrxtcrse~tZon t;~ereaf w3.t-.~~ ttZe ea;>±'ext~~ ll~;e af. aai~i ~-~e+~tl.ort ;~~ ; ~ti~r~c::~ {;~uLh~rly a?r~r~ t~ta.:,.~ ~;ast,e~r'~ ~ ~~.n~ r>fmaid S~t:tfc~n ~ to the sQt~,rt~~~~ at corner ui" the r~e,x•Ct~ea.st k ~:~f Sectl,on 3lty said cn.;^~er a:~at+ "u,a~.~ ,; a~~ ara~,~c ~~~.~i!: in ~,.h~ px~aeiZk. City i..im1+~~ line of 'tkae C1,ty r~i~ ;,a,x°at;~~a; ther~r..e cry, ~'~irtutr,;~ aout2~~er'ly alea:-~g ~e-f.d easterly tine of Section ~ at;~' ~:~~~~~et~t ~i~:y- Z.iral.4a lirzH o!' t.h!~ ~:~.1ty of >,~:z~~,ti~~;h to s pvlni, tt~~Ar~ ~~ <list~lnt 21',:- Lt3GL .:>!:~1~.Yt~'1"'Z3 :.Y'tJTll ~~.i.~a ~iii.ic~~;i~~~ <'.~J1'S1isY' :ai ~;(,i, ;i•iT.'+y+a!.=%t:.`,~~ 1 ~7P ~-ctia.~ 34; thene'.Q ~e;ava.rg ~aSd prese~;t ~;~it,y L1m.zf_.~~ l~.n,~ ash the G3t;~ eaf Sa.rato,~a. sr~d z~ur3n;ir~g rtar~thw~txtei~Xy an ~. ~?:ixert l;arix.> from the X.ast dr.,acx~ibed poirst to the ma8t i~ie~rther:~;,~ corner .~~` tt.E~t ce~°ta:l ri parcel a* ;.ens cariti~e;~~ed tc~ lo~a,i se G~arro~f <.•'~.ac~~rer, gat ~•~.1 tyy lllft T'~-ed rie~ecrrd~~ ~..n ~ic~I: 4??~t, Ot'f`S,c1a1 ~;t~~r:i3„ ~~~.ge ,;.lt, an the ~~ffl.ce ~f ~i~m FtscordleTs ct tree Gc~u~rYt;~ a1:' `.aa.~xt~3 Marra, ;.~~irx cflr-r~er taering r~ point ox~ t:he weater:l~~' 7.1ne cif the southes.st ~ c,~' Lhs nor. ~th- r~aaat ~~; Qf a.1,t~ Ser.:tlrar; ; thence sauttxerl g ~ CsTZg Bald a~evter7..y line at' said southeast ~~f Gt~e nc~rthewr-e~t ~ oP 5rct;iara '3~ teY tt~~ S~?u~.t"1w~$.'3t sorrier of said ooi,ttr~~s!!t ~ oaf th~r nor~hecaat ; of ;,trcLi.c~r, 31~; tk~ence s,l.ong a narti~we;~c~:rl;f :t1r;s: of ~a1d paz~ce~. ca~,veyea tc~ Louise l~at~r~id Cooper, et dl, mouth 64Q Wea~t 2.C~i chairen tca ttxe n~arth- eaa4: c4r:,er aX' that certat.ix~ ~F.B13 s.cre pr~cGel a~ac~a~fa nr; fret Gex°taln r"~c~uv:t~ ~~' ; tal`v~;~ ~~ :Xis ~aa.a'l~ C~;.' ~. w. ~+~Z`, 4t i~7:, Z'.+..~.t"~ ~.n'~ :~!~.- cor~ed In &301 ~ o.C Mape a'w F~:~e ~8 in the caPf~.ce of t.'i~a ftecot~iQr oP the County of 9~s.nta Clax~.; thence a2ca:r.~ the Ce:'-eral nc-rtheriy lima aP ~-i.ri j7.8~3 acres t~,rc~~1 the !"ol;.~owirig CcaurAt~z~ : ,~x•tn ~~ 1;~,r Weat• ~~.°~'0 i'eet, t4eSr~h 7~' '~5~ Vest g~i.t7C feeet, .5rsottk•~ t~~c' i15, l~l~eett, 7'~.~ L`Gtat, ?,PQ~th ~1 30~ Test ~a9.~o t'e-+~t, Seth 82d ~.5j Wt!st 5!9.1.0 feet, Nn~th 2~ l5+ blest: ~iU.$Q t'eetr North 5~3 :t!"7' ~lemt 12~ .$Q tR~~t Sa~uth 8j 30~ ~isat 99,10 %'eet, Sa~uth ~'~ qA~ ~eeat 1~1~.1© fe~e3;, 1Wo~-tty ~ ~ Wetct !. flw1;, South gga t~~ Mart 10.44 feeet, erg nth tX~+ stet 21,x,, i'e~ert t+~ t.~r iht~ttr~tret~y-n of ttw w,a~,tc~rl~ i1.r~a At' thti 1~At ~ 4f tll$ld tiU~ ~~ th~a'!~! X'~lOI't?ltlr'lt~- f~-1.o'C1Q l:a~d ~set~- e;~~ x.i.twr of t~ ~~t ~ $eeti~a ~trd ~ct~t~tt.~~iz~g nax-th~rxli~+ a~a~ '~hra wts~~rl~- 23ne of t.~~ a-t Cat' s~~c.ic! 3~srtl.vai ~''~' to ttx, no:rth- ~r«st ~w~irxw~x~ u.~ ~~;~ ~+~~~ti pr s~-i~! ~,ct ~~~ ~7 s th~~-~a~- ~~~~~~~.y ••, aqk„ ~ ;,a"~a'%.," ;. _. ?"'~a~.. ~ ~.,~..vSfAt+"~'~ l ur.;x• .;s reR~J , ~v.: a,.aa~ „ . ,.gee. n.• r;..:,, ».. ~+,~~ .., _ _, k .. . .~ >. ~E ,:~ ~~ ~~..,'~~~ ,'~'$~'?1~`. ~~1 k.~y193V~.tx~.~."1a~ Ct~." ~~1r: mid 1~+197i~11~11'~ `..~+~ ~~ ~~~ :'~ g ~l~~~S~~.~i ~.~'p~t 4~,t~i' '!`~'~~"~[ X~ t11~ ~ .LQE ~~'tl~~ d ~~ tx~ ~"~,~~ +~~;th tFs+~ ~..~~x~r9~~r~ aY ~ta'r,.~e ~-~' +C~.li~'~~x~~:~t ,~ +~a~txR":E.~rr!~i ~~~ ct! t~.e~ ~~rdfna~nG~s ~~a~dtst®7~~r •x~n tla~ e~,~.t1 ax1'~9:ra~tnc~ '~~a.r~g +eff~+~ti~;~. ~1tCt-~+~~ ~.S'. t3t~.1 +o,R.~'~+f~~6I~!~! ~~' ~'tX"tti~~',~~,~'~t~ ftsz` ~~ ~3'1tM!3i;8~~.~~ ~~ i;,t~ to bYt~ :~;~: ~f~ ~ b~ ,pe~.d, amt tYutt tY~ut- era tai ~Yae! ~s~y sz~ bererb~ ~tl~~+~~d~ q'~..~'..~i ~} `T • .YJ. w,~~~ N'~1~.fi~Q~la ~~~17~~~w~r:Q, "~il~,, ~Q~~Ir+~l~~.Ip~ ~S.~MS~~1 ~~i~"~:t r~r w g~r~t:~tc~n`~ i~~s t~l~.rwa~race ~.~, fear ~,ny X"Et~6~~'Y1, ~r,~Ic2 tR} ' aane~zaa~'~ifit~t~.~.s. ~-oid, or inw~~i~iA bye a.n~r cc~t°t ~P ccat~nt ~fia:~.~S.czt,~,~cca,, t?~ ~a13~iL~y ~aiw' tk~t: a!e~,ir~~.r~ pazrt~.csrt ~c~~` ttr~.a C~~d~.n~nc~ a~~t~.1. scat b~ ~f£'~i~~~:~d tt~r~b~. ~~~ at~r ~ i^~~'aiata~ ~:~~.XaFt; vP rho ~iC Ca~xr*~;i:~ of ~~ ~~.t;~ cb ~C~ip~:t~tixac~ flr~ t~ia.~e `~ ~~~ ~P a..~~..~~ ~~.x ..~~,:.i~wd ~t ~a ~~~~..~!~ ts~scfiing ~P tdvt~ C'~.~y m~~.nr.~.~ s~r~e~;~".~~~ off` ~~,f~. ;~..~. ^,„~. M, 1~3c:x1, ,~, ~:i~td'T: Ccfu:~c': i y.m~r~ : ~, ~ A F P}t0'J~I) ~' e,/' FYI c k .:~ . ?'.~ : ~~ r~ ~~~ ~o r,~,`S t;r c. ~' ~ ~~.~ ~ ono • A~'TF.3'T: ~'$~rr.~nre K, bt~r~t.~,t w '~ w