Ordinance 190ortz~'~ ~.~r~c°~ ~g~ Aat aR~:~c~ OF crR~° o~ czar ~x~n ~~r~rzarc i of ~~~t~rrae; l~MC-. 2 B7t 4i~kdd3SZY~.tI~IQ R G'~"`~AX~ ~01€~1`~t~ OF CI~7t OF r.`ST~'~`7f'II4~ IPRf~Ii ~1-~~, +~ca ~Wtb2rl~irl,r'y' fd'~', l~b~.~ rata ap~-~..lo~t~c~n ot+~,a, t'i.Aedl kry JoPIC~i; F. R~,, +t`vr tiler ,, .t ~f ~x~f;+~a' x~~r' ,f TOE e~^~ R~ J4gj etrtd R~ ~. i l4-~ 2 l'~.1. e t x`l ~* 1. to atrr, ~l-lit eere~ RN3r8 k~3tri.e~G ; azhQ ~i~S, ~.y"yo~'1 d~ i~oC~.eam- 1~,nd arf~:etx* tsar pruk~~,~.c k,,~#rir~e the ~'~.gr~.~.~y ~~atisalon r+e+~~ditc~ `~+~ tlxe ~`Xt;r ~oiy that t~ x~?.,a~seiflcs.tir~~a i~* gx~A~nte~ci, etxb~actt #:O ~ir'iGt~.At9r a~"rS.Ot!'~~~ ~~ 11~-g, ttllee ~pe,rt~r t0 bd z~et<c~al4d i.a p3e+earen~.ly Sn ».n R--3-l~I az~d ~i4 d : ~~ ~i stM,o$i ~d WAS, +~ eeeF of tits eub~e~at proport~r 3~t ati;~!:hed heretc+ sa ~.. hlbit "A" as a gtwpdrwad e~end~e.~t of th+~ water 7aa1~.r~ I~dp of the Ci.t~r Af Cutpei°tino; Bastion ~.. Tha.t ~~~ t'oalowing deascx~il~~~d property be, arx~ hrel"e~~1 is zoned +~ -~ and. R-~-h olas~siYieation rtub~e~;t to the aant4ltiu~ t~~~t forth ,in 7~.hibit "~", and that exhibit ".A" atxsrhed her+^to is ~~ls par"L of L'h~' ~~~ Zoning lip of the City of Cuper'~.~.r•.o, $ub~yct ape~^ifi~-aly to th~~~~~~3on r;f pr~~pex°t,+ fs~r the widien~.rr~ of ~il.ghw~.y Q. A11 that cert+~in real property situate Ae,~ the City of t`u~aertino, County of 3antg CI.a~.y State of Calif'o~rnie.t described as fo~.lows: Rezon+~ r ram R-1: ~-~ Qnd R-3-H to M-~11-H: ~E~3lNtiYNO at a point 3n the cent ~ r:iir>te of F~:-ratoga~ Sunnyvale k~tc~,, formerly Sa~r~~:c~ga any, ~!~~u~tain VS.eN Road, digts.nt thareon South 5~1.t~ i'eet ~r<~m 3.k~e interaectior- a.f Bald centerline with the ~i np ~i vide niy R~~ctiong l2 end 13, 'd`.?S., Pc.21~S. ,. M.~.R.I~., saf.d golnt ~~f beg~nn~ir~ beina~ the aoutheasterlyt corner of that aartaln F+ax~e~el of ~.ani deaeribe~d in Bleed tx~o~n John Cnstagr~olo, er ax.~r., to John K. MaaGo~an, et vx, dated Ju'tp ~~, 1955, and recorded Ju3~.y ~, 1954, in Rook ~'~'6< Oftiaial Reco~s oi' S rata Clams. County, at page 46U; aYkd runnix~ ttxerice South ~' i~~re-t along Y:he south- erly l~.n~ of said parcel deacMb~~d Sn deed to Hacf3o~tan, ~fiq.0~i Feet to the a~autlhwester~~ earner theretrfp L•h~ene~e Sdc~rth alca!~ the westerly line r,~ ~iti parc~:Z dt-:~cr~.b~t in d~:ed to ;'S~caawan 94.04 feet to ~4h~ in~:e;rsectivri Frith the nr,x~t!1eri~.,r line df that certain parcel of Xt~.rtid dNSGrihed 1n ~F3s°~l~ t0 NoboY~1 Hiil.~an2, 11~: iZi[1 x'eCAY'~lt~ 111 $OOk `, vf~lM:iv~i 'r`4't?COYC~$ ~af :#~lr~t8 ~~,.~,a"'~. CClLiZtt~-, Ott !° S; ~'1"-~'T9~''!'•' ~tcuth 69~ 5gr wee~t slang lay r; ~errtioned line 316.56 feet to the ~.nterr~ectiori with m fins: draMtt, plti'a11e1 to and dlgt,ant x~sterly ~i96.5~ teest, mex-s~~.red at right angles, Y'rom th+t ai"'ar~c~ri2::ioneed cl,"z'a:er13.'ttr a.f ;4s~-f.oga~-~rrxunyva].t ;~a~i;, thence .. ;~..b • ~.~,., .~ttth ~'~.~:~ t~~Q peei~~lel ]Yne '?,~~.i6 :,ee~t t4 the an+„er~a~cM fiats ~-itl~, t-.k ~t~uthpr~y :1.::;yt: ui` ~ra~1..'t ~ar~c:~l cZ~~,~z°~h, d, ~.~~ d~~s'a to l+L.~.n:l; t1h~e~,i;,~+~ ~ra~°th ~,~'~ ~+ ~,.~tst ~:~o~ ~aat t~'crt:4.crxX 8itw!e ~! ~.t,a ~~~~ts a~t:cns:~car« esat+~r1~ ~~a.~,~ ~'~rrt tcs ~.ta in~~~at~t+o~r~ a'l~l~ ~ lix,±+ dx~nw~n ~Y~~; Yep. t~-c~ a~x~d ~ita-ta~nt ~w~ t f~r~r' 2~,,4p. t~w9 t`11~t~~ t~+ee8u x~ca at ~1.ght +ur,~Iatt, ~ r~ she tr~k'are~- 1~!lAe,'/`lyl~Z~ti``~a``''~,,+GSt1~}~~3({'"~.tay,Q t~~ ~~Q~°w~14iit•«a'~' UIE//1~7/''~,,V'/iP~~'~t,~i{:~ ~Alt+'4r ~"ira~p.''nj:'ld~t{~.~~4GL'~!'h t~.'iVn~ ~}~L .M•7rN ~~~~. ~A'~ a,~tw;** WVa~ fl~'~t~. ~.~ ~hW ds•6r~K ~~w, ;a~a~ticm ~.t~ tlae aaut~l~r_Xy :~~.~ r,~' `~h~t ~e~~!n 1*Car;~ ~x°` ~.tl1`~ tiel~cz7t"~-~-~ .~A L~+'d~ed ~'1""G~ 11iotHxrii ~~t:,'ki1~.~. Ztn~~`! i'tsa3'z3.lCC~ ?~':': i~as~ to ~a~ ~-* ~ turd ~+t~ ~, ~+a~tn, ~ta~ ~ka•~ram~+r ~~ ~~ ~~~ ~pat~t C~R'~let tt~r, ~t Pgg~ ',~'~~ ,aa l~ox-tb; '°" ' '~-ttt tt3. Latst t~seti 3~e l~t~.t~ t~et t~ fitua ~.aatex~uet"tl,txra ~~.tla ~t.iC~-~tiorr~ tsex-~ar~~.ra~a Qt 9eir.rttbogtk-~gr~~tle 't;, t~°rRar, . t~,~ a~'~t~e~r~.tne a.~9~'~~ -t t.~'r paint ~~' ~• ~~~ • Aeza~,~ ~ta~ ~-ltd-~ tt~ ~-~-8t }x~,`~ at the 3.xz± ertte~ctitn~ oaf t1^~r nex~~~rri~ '1#.ns~ ~a~ thmt oex~~n p~.rae~. a1' 1,t#,tx1 c~atu~c~i in ~aad t+~ ~~x~ T~6.1t~i~, e-t pax, ~aos~~ din Soo-k 2 orr~c~.~ax .~rflt® ~~' 8s»t~ ~lazvy ~ts+.~ it ~e t~'~1 xit.h the +eel~tetr'1,1~' line tar "+!°rtta~: ?"~~" fiN~t.x~ea! t'igtas 'q'3a.'~,'~ ~,dd.itic-n", a ~~ of ath~.Gh ~,r! Pileacf ~+~` Tectr~ll ~e!~~r ~,~ 190, ~.n Basalt 3n ~,t' at ,ea ~~, ~ tend 33~ Jr.. ts~.si I~c~orda nr tai CJtax~- Cuvnt~~, a~ runreltr~ +rece '3out~t ~ ts3Q ~d" fleet aZcang sxa~d earrterly ~~.,~a of mat 7~3~ 39.76 teat to the inter~tection Kith ttas sautr~r.l.g i~ne or ~~a e~ ar xa,~a a~s~~.ee~ ~.~ ~eesX to l~'iii:anF; thence ~iorth ~~5~3' ~n~t aelong ~~d eautherl$ ~ixirs ~oo~ ~.8 teat t+~ t3~e intere.~ot~ion t~i.th ~ 3 the clro,~ ptex~XleY to a~t'1 tSl atant »eeteril~r b~5. ~2 Feet, measured at a~l.ght ang3~ee, f .tram Ch+~ C~t3St~'3`L9.RC ~r :~teY'ptt~,-3unnyvaia Road, f4rtnerl.y ,S~e'r~at~a a~ ~~ain Ytatw !bard; thet~oe ATarth a3ong a~eid paz~l~.a~ ;L~lt~ 3~~1.76 feet to tXte int~tx*aeo~;ion with of®r+~mrntioned. nor~hez~~.y YAn~ c+f ~he par~:el QP 1.~-nd de~acr3bed its deesd to '~a ~.t4:a~r~.; ther+ce :"~cy+xth ~8' Test m2ong l~ttt st~~tzt;tsJx~<i 11.ne ~~. s~?. Peet tts the puS.nt ox b+~,gi~uatt,g. ~~~t:i~an 2. 'X"hla t~rdir~nt:e shetly take et'retit a~~d '!re to Poi^4ce thxr~y ~, ~~ r.'at~t-~ +~~tisr ~.t~i .aa~e, ~ns~ he tox~ the ex~1 r,~t:t~~n o~ .t'~. f`ts~s.~n t ~,., ~ rta~, rY-~~~ a.t~d artez~ Stns ~rsaag~e;, tl~.a ~1a~rltne-nce sl~el:i b~ ~x+sbl.xe~hes~ a~is:t~ ~. th tPee :games of t'~ taettu~ex`s vat~.ng rot or ar~a9 net the same ~.zz the Cet~r-~ ex~t~.ncs Cc.+uz-ier, a nexa~pap~er ~uib:t.i~+hed to aai4 C~avnty 4r ~nt-.ar C1a,t"~ . Ir~txr+~duoe~ at to regular ;r-re 9. ~ nt the Ctt ~tx~nc~.x ,nC ~.he G`1.q;b ~s.f ~'~ertgna an the .,_'~, day of , ~ .~ . 191; ~aess~d ~d adopted at a reegvler awtt~. 1, tia City ~c o fi~~ C~.ty of G~at~rt~.na c>n i;he cry of ~" 1" ! ~~ I~~, Rvx tr+e x o;,lrr+ttt-~ vaz.~ ~ t/~t~ C , l ~ ~lE','1 Z t .~ •~... ., 1. _..d~a~ ' ~ ~ ,~ ..,{'~ t'2 ,F t: ~ , ~,~/ f ~r s l~~rrers~tr lC. l~rtln ~ PPt~Ci~PI): aJ' Nick J. I~~a.n~o y a r w__._.__._._.. ...~......, ~...~..,._..,,._....... _ ...., _;~.~ E,r:. ,,- ~.~. ,~ ,.~.. r,"y • ~ -. Y ' y~. ~,~'~ : " •„ i C t' ~~~ w~~nr.~w.e.ryerwww.~.+.+wo...aa.e~e ~~`~~ i t , I . ~, } j ~ '~~ I ~ ~q . ~Y ~Y fi. ~~ i, ,~~ ~; ~,, ~"7 o ~~ , ,_ », .. _ ., ~ _ r . ' ~. Mwa, + .x " .D ,,r,~r. ;.. ,~ '..