Ordinance 386r. OptD3 N A1-74;P; NO . 3~6 AN1 C~#tIiTN~NG"l~; CIIA,~.:CRa h S~''EC:CALrI~TNI CIF'AL D F•LEC'~"Sd~O I~ 9'ttE C~x"'1 O.F CC7FEA':.`I~#Q FOti 'FHE F~IRF~L ~ 9Q8R~1:1'hCINQ T't3 TftE ELEC~C'QRS bF SAxt? CI'i'i '~ l~t~i t~F Y1~Cir:tAIt+3ii A ~KflIDgD Ili' iIR~9:t 6~F 3ltr D ~"Y~ ~ A '.i'RE /t~SlI3IS20N, C1~IK'S'!'!lt~C'F'I~t .AND 1,:0lQp'LETION AF 'T~i$ FC,IILL+OitZM~ ~iICIFIk~. IlLgR4~~lEJ~''J', 'Kt 1IIT: Lf'BBA~tT BV~'LDZtR16; IR~GLILFYNtt TSE y83~'It-IA` CST OIL 3~1Z w~~; f~;4TN1•Z c; It^/'aL I~R~1VE~w fJL1Ri y i`ii'i I~i~l~ 0~ ~S.r 1~~7'~,.~.f~'i6.r~~y~Ta ~~ ~A~i~ IND9~TEDl~R3S ~ BE IMCt3Y~RET~ TttEJRE~d~.. AND TAE 1KAXYflDl~t RATE ©~+ ~NTF&".T' ".".'?:- hEPAIU TttEF.EUP~r J~tiNti ~'RC1iI,~I~?td F{,~?: SHE >.E~'Y t~AtD COLLEf,TTt?~I ~}'~' T~XE:; ; FZXTNQ ~'~tE 3,~'1'F c11~ ~~Zi~ FL.k;j-'#`~.C,~t'~r 't"~tE ~/4NN'E~ OF H~',I.bIN!3 ',~TNE ~~II.J77Gp YC.~+,'~i) 1 ~ 1).~lP i'Vl~~, ,[Y ~..+l A•L~." 3. Ll Willi:+~i' ; ~0:{'~~ Caf!t:St2~,,ii'~,q`"i ~Iv ~~Ip SP~"t'~At, !'!1.-~IICSFA,L+ t`3Gi~iD EI.E~''.rXt-;M ' "!:3"fi Y~IF. f"E/A~tk~:.~xaU1~1SZd~tt"~tP{a~~r.[, ELECTION ~, `~; Sl y'w i-]t iJ~L..~! SJ~1 ~~~~K~~ ~y l.7[.7 k! ~~~: t , .;i'.: f Lb+~ ~"lt;;r i:'e~~r~ . _k ~ ', p~R,~>~~ S::x~~ ~eY~ c:~sl~~~ "tht Cdux~~:"~,f ~'~ ~ a ~ ~.!~~ City ~~ Cu~:~r~ ..y•:ln~~ b;/ res4lut~.on duly ~.~a~~~~r+, ad•,yzt ~.,,~r~.~~r ~t ~ }}~,/"P~~z~R~6t C~`' t?~f 1,+~~xn~13 ~itl3y end x•~s~~,t~r.~y k::el~'.i r by ~!"~'1r~et~4`,°~ are ~a~e of i~g2"4" th~tri trro~wtk~lyd~ oaf :~~1. ~lte la+~tmbt~rs, dici d~te~.lta~ th~e:t t~i~:• ~ubYic intrreat aid ~~+e~a,-a~i't~J da+~tznd Lhe as~s~uis~tio~~ ~ cone*°~u~tiQrc grid Gc-e~- ~~~k$.ar~ o~C -tik~a ~ni~i~-~i ~a-pr~ravt~aat~ hrrr_i~-a~+t•er ene~~at.is.n~~f3. ~~d +~.Yd i'url:ne~r d~~t~~#,.m~a tYa.+>&'w the goat e-# a~t.A<X propo>~~d as",~., :~-M~pw~ ~t~~+~ ~ a~ ~ o~ ~t tt~ ~~ ~d out o~ t~he ardina~y ~n:iad in~came and re:~cnue of eieid riunl~cipalit.y av-d that said mw~icipal impr~.~:ment w;ll.l r~equcire an ea~ien~li- tt8a'~ g'~~;~at¢r than t#~e amov~nt allowed thei*elor by thte annual t~.~ 2e~-, a~c~ wi~.i xe~u:ityt th+~ tncurrx,na c~i'' a bonded indeDt-- ~edneeas th~er+~forY wt~is~h r~+e~sa3.utivn was duly ~entt~red ox~ the ~inw~tes ~-f ~a~id ~ret:~ ng of the Catca~8i~., ~an~t le now on file aid of reatard in the Cl+artr y s office of sai~! Gi ty, I~fQiii, ~S CY~Y C~~t}IICI~. Qy' THL~ CYTY C)F I;UPSRTTIK! DK3~3 ~RD~IYK AS ~hL1lGr~.t.jM'S section 1. A speec.igt c~unieipa3. i pond election be end is he.~.~tby ord4x~ed and Ki21 ~5e held in tT.e C~.ty of Guiertiaa (hereinat''te~^ caz,?,~~s. "the City") vfl 'i`ueaday, April ~~ 25~~8~ ~-t wk~.ieh t~.r.~r,lar: nf^tat~. be auba-itt~d '~o the qua11- ~"iltd e:t.c~rtgra of the C::ty the giiettxr~n of ittcur~ring a bonded t.ndatteds»eaa ai' the City for the ot~,~ec- and purpo$e set fr~rt:~a t~ tht fa~.low;XnR .~-ea~sure, to yii',: gEkS SIRE SUHl9'Il`TEI) TC) YC12'E 4F VOTF ~tS MEASURE: Shall the City of ~T~rary Cupertino incur a : XE~.S : ~-ui.ld3ng) bonded lniebtedneas rt in the Principal : a.~wnt of ~30q,000 for tPae acquisi- : r i on , oo» r~ t x-~c ~~ tx ern arcs +N Q~ap ] e t i on o f ._._.__ ~ ._.._....~... the ta~llc-win-g munic''.pal im~:rovement:, ~: to wit . A library -.,uilding to be . cont~tru~cted by the City on city--owned : air;~i :;. ::T:w ^l.vtc Gent;~r tc+gether with : NCB oxi'~-street parking racxliti.ea and othtr : s^.te iwpr ~vemeXate ther~l'or? 'i'he estimated aom~t: of th~~ Aunicipal i~orprc~rement as east larttt irs said ~asurcr r, inaludi~ leSul and all ottaer fees < ~ ;, ~ ~ ,r - ~ , ~ 1[~.trt #~it~~iO1."~#~-~.~St~r ~ati+~e , and s$la at the bonds evidencing the! indebtedness propc~~sa.~d to be ine:urred for su~ih aKanicipal taepr+ovemant and the cae;~:a of printing said k~onds and all other coats anal expensed i,~ c.idtntal to or aonnerctad rich the a~athorizatior~, ~ssua~~ce a.nd ~a+sle of sa#.d brrids~ fe thea ~aer+• e9f f300,000~ ee;tsd the saount of t~se indebteeecl~ae~ss pa°e~pweM t® ae inexu;rz-ad 4'or said eunae:ipal rt~eawsnt is tbe~e etam- o~ X300, C~00. It is the i.Htentfoxa of ti:lw Council thtst •uld library bt~i~ldin6 rl.ll be csonstt~uatee~d by the City atteY reeaatted to and furnished, ea~ui~-ped and stoeSceei rich boolca and opetratR4 ~ by the County o;C Santa Clara uhsl+~r a~ agreeesent tez be a:souted by the City and said County, all fox° the point benefit of the inhabitants etit the City sad o! said County, 3e~ct~ion 2. The Cqunc I does her~.by sab~tit tea the ~~ualified electors of the City at said special muni- e:ipal band election said measure set torah in Sea=t~,on 1 of thin ordinance, and designates and referee to said measeere in the farm of Da11ot he;~i~einafter prescribed to.r use at acid election. (e) Said apeaaial municipal bond election aha11 be held and conducted„ and the voter, thereof canvassed, and the returns thereof made, and the result thereof.' ascertained !snd determined, as herein provided; and in ie.ll particulars not prescribed by this ordinan+:e, aai~i election a-hall be 'geld as provided by law for the holding of municipal el+ec- tiones in the City. (b) All persons quallfied to vote at municipal electic+ns in the City upon, the date of tl~a election herein prcavildead for shr:.ll be qualitiad ~ vo~~e upon the measure aubmitt~~d at acid special ®unieipa~. bond e:iee-etion. (~:) The palls at the polling pleases heretnalter des.ignRtrd ~tha7.1 be opened at ~i:UK3 a~clock A.l+t., of said day of ex~e+~iioaz a~:~i atiall bt kept o~~en e..*n1~ inuausly thereafter urt1.1. A;Or~ o'c1acM P.N. of ea;:d day at e~.ection, when the polls ~ha~21 be claaec! {except as pravide~~i in Section 181136 of tl4e Etc%tiane Cade) , Brad the elect iar of~'t,ce~•s shall thereupow~ pracee~.! to canrar~s the balants cast thereat . ~d) 9~a.~.d spacial r.~unicipal bc~~sd eiaatioan hereby aalle~d shall ire and !• herltbT csrnsolidated xith the ileneral Munic~iperl Blecl:icx~ tc be geld is the ~:itl- c+rt llpril 9, ig68, aYl as rea:utred by and pvrsw~tt to 1aM; and the elesti~on pro- cincts, palling places and officers of elecction rithin tie Cit1r for said special ^wiicipal bond election ,+ereby called shall be the save as those selected and desiSnated by the Canncil for slid Qaenerml Municipal Elactl.on bl- its I~esolutian No. 1564, en- titled "RESOLU'TIOI~ ,AI~1D aRDER OF TOTE CZi'X COUNCIL OF 'IfiE CIT!' OP` CUPLRT'I1~0 DE3IariATIIiQ PRECIltCT3 AItD YO;.t.INtf PLACES AKD ::FPOIIiT- IffG HERS C1!' ~'REC Il~C'.!` HC?AAAS P'ffPt t3ENERAL ligJl~iI CY YA.L ~:LECTI+~H TO 8E HEED PM TUE3AAY, A°ItIL 9, 1968, AND i?IRECTIAit3 T.~ GITY CLERIC ~ FUMLISH A NL?TIGE OP Ei~L`Tla~l, LIgT OP .ELECZ~:?.ON OF`F'ICERS A1~TD POL~LIH4 P'Y.ACES AND NOTICE OF Iip}IINEES FOR FUl3I.iC 0,~'FICE AlitD SURE '[~C1 8E VOTED O.N,'" paasecf and adopted on February l9, 19E'i8, and u set Forth in the n~atice of rlection atfit~er~ end polling places entitled "ELECT'C©~1 OX~+'ICERS AID POL.~~'Tl~t3 PT.ACES" prapoaed to bt pu'bl1 shed on lrebruaryr ~l, 1968, im the t;upertinc~ Courier, to rhich resolution and m~otice reference is laerebr ~snecitieall? made !or a dr~ignatYan of the precinata, polling places and election officex~o- of iCb~~ -speeSal ~eunicipa2 bond elti~r,-- t3.on hereby called. {e) Oir91y ane furs of balloti shaxi be ~-sed at said aarneral Municipal Election and said spa~~:lal sunicipal bond election her~-by eonsolidated tbe~rritb, t~3~.4oh, is adA~.ti~t x..._ ?~.?~, ~ .731. '~{~~ '''~ ~~~ ~' ~ ~ ~,~, rY' . - - ~ . rl~ ` ... Each votesr to date t'ox~ said ®e~esura" t~ereby~ ar~bniitte~i and fvr incurring said b+~nded 1.aedebtet~tte~sg shall etamp ~~ cro~as { X~ in Lht~ blaizlc~ space op;~+~si.te ttst card "YES" on LfiZ bal~.:~t to the right o sal;! measure, rung Lo votat against satid~ aseasure sad tr~~gais~st 1,nc~urring said irrd+sbted~ze:as shall st~aa~,p a ca•o$~~ X) in tt~ ~ lank space ~pposit+a t~s ~rord "~0" ar. the ballot to the right w1' saSd ~esaut~e. Oa ati><eat •+atax~ b~xtlo~tu the aro ss (~ 1 ~r be ~~.~rlsed s+3th ptn or ~tfc i l . (!1 "'he rat~•rns of said election shall 5a made out and ei6ned b1 the eleattaa aft. ieerrs sad shall ba bf then diepuaited ttfth the City Clerk, L~tgether aitD th+e ballots asst at said eisatioay ~~u'b the Coten<rti lifall fret at its us~:al meeting place and a:~envass sa,Sd rettxrna oa Tuesday, thR 16~:h day of ,April, 1968 {the !•irst T<:esdtyr ad't.-r said eiec- tiot~) at the hour oP 8:ofi a~c3:oe:k f.M. end deci~ ;het re.- suit of said special ,aur~icipal boYwd ~tietctie.~ anr! Lre rea.e2t oi' said i3aaneral IAlenicipAl Election. Section The Gotutcil proposes to is~ve snd ecetll Donds of the City .tor the obsect and pux•pose, but raot etcceesv- ing i~hs asR~,ttitnt, specifie.~l ~fl said weras>~.re-, if tt+o--thlr,da of tha qualified electors noting an such ereasux•e at said speetal >aeu;icipal bond eriectioea a!~-il cote in faeor oi' sapid eeaaure. Said bonds shall bas xtsgo~:iabie in fors and of the character lc~~oxn as serial, and a~hall bsar inL+7resL aL a rate nat to t°aceseed sis {t;~ per cent per as.nt-um, paytbie se.aia~wtuail;~ {ezcept that interest fox• tht tYrs : )ear t~ftasr the date of said boneia ~ De made payable +at or befog th-e end of said )roar) . ProYision is hereby ieade for the o~went of fihe pria- aipal Qf axsd interest on said bands as follr~vs: At the Lime o!C maki~ the genai~al tout lev~- after inessr,~irag the bonde~a iadeAtedx~eas, st~+d anaiuail,~- thereafter uatii the hands ~ :.: y ..:-; 5... ,~a {. ~.M :. , '~ .. 47, q~,a1d or unto :l ti~ebre ir[ a au,~ ir- the treas~-rq ntt apart f~~r that puz~.~oae ~uff'~.cient to arr~-t a-2]1 pa;~n~~,s of principal tend lnt2re:~t ra,~ tiaM bands ~as they fiea~aiaec s~tr,±, the ~CoU.ncil. ,~.hs.ll T~~3~~ and ~~oileet a t~tar sub"~"icierct to pt+~n trte interest nn tt,e bc~ad~ en~1 such part ctf the principstY ,t~~ e~li bec~orre due bet'or~~ the ~-r~acee~Es of a tat la~~led it the next genex~ai taz lery so111 be s°,~ra.ilaDle; pro~rided, he+wea~ar, thew i! said bonds are ~ua~thox•is~td to be iseceed at rsa.i~1 elect±+an, and it is ~txpeated L.laat all. c+r~ any pax•1: of said bonds erili D+a sold at such ei.~ that the principal of or inter rat ors suoh bonds rill bec+~e dart beforf tt.rs pracee~ta o! a tax lerisd aftoz• sash sa.l.r~ rould be arrailal~Ye to pay suo+~ principal ar inter- est, thtr CounciY, at tfst t~i~e of fizina l,he sutnual t+ax iet-~r, Aay 1e~6y a tax ir1 an aeounnt cAaarly uufficier~t tq pay that portion off' tha principal o.C and int;ez•eat text s~+aid bonds which it is exile eted Brill becc~~as due before the p~~»;eeds ref th~r next suttee-ding Las le~ry~ rill be as:~ilable. :~f the earlieact a,~aturit.y of the bonds is ars.^e than oine year ai';,:er the date of issuance,, the CAUncil sha,lY levy and collect: annually a tax aiit'ficie.nt to pay the interest ~-s it la~,zr ,d~~e and to constitute a sinking fund foz• tl~t payaent of th+e principal on or be!'ore~ ~~aturity. Scteh fasces shahl be 1e~~rir~d and col- lected as an, ether City tasR~, ~~1xd shalt be in ad~itl.on to rill cattier taacea a»d Rhall bt ui~e~d only for payaent~ tF! th•~ binds and the interest thereon, 5e~ati~ox~ ~ . ~.'!wt City C.aerk et t-hR CitX f s hareby directed, upaas the passage arnd si~aoption o! this ox~3inanca, to ptcblish the same once a cre+,ek .f rr 2 veep in the CUP17.R'Tllp CQUQIffiR,. which is a n~erspapcer o! ~Keneral a:1.rauiat::l.on pula`- 1SAA~d i+ess than rix t6~ days a Mcrok in the City, and ouch ~-nblioa~.~`lo~ ah~;1.3 ~natitake ~t~tia+r of said eleot.ion. Mo ,. ..._ ,., ...r;: .~'9. N`~e f;' ~'`L° '#'iy, ~,ip9`r'u.~':a'~`4t'~ '~ x 1.;~! t -. .. " rL :r. , r~L,har C1ot~.~L' of tt~P., e~eCti'o~.•~ 1's~~r+eC~y c<~I~.y~~ need l~~ g~.rzn. 3e~~t~.tt~. '1'f~is or'd~lnsnce ah~tll b~~ !`ox*thr:;ttz en'erri~.i upe~n +.~he ~:i.x:~.ut,.a~ of the 4~~unCi1 a~~d ~n •~:he Vr~~i~._ na~cc 1~34e+k off' ~`.he ~it~r= ^'!z_La o.x~ArrttanceA being an c~rdi.n~u~4t galling ~d ordr'','(~ir~„ an e1~.ect~++~, er,•a~~ tb',ice effet^.t, t"r~oxz and actor ixa 4'Yatgl paaxa,~e ttnd alp~aroi~x~l. PA398~i ~lAR'~ Q~~~ tbi~~ ~.~:ttt :l~t~r of 1~'ebrua~~x .~q~8, pX tt~ ~'ollcwing rrota; A!l'~~3: Co~uYCi].ar~en Dda~p:~tei-, a~a~fmson, Noej,Stok~cx F~txaera~d llf 'it : Horse A8~lT; Aione /~~ ~.. J Y ~ o ty Atteat: •,~ er `~" 'T'he foragcing c~rd.iran~ce Naa ~r~aenLed tQ are for x.y~~roYa]. and t s heraby ~.~i~~z•oved thia~ 19th day of February , 1958 s b'ac'e~- a.~ci,~, cwt wr. octt,cr at ~~ e ,1r; ~ 1n+ -_,.,~! ~ .. .y _,n, ~ r.r~^ • ,:,w•• _ ' yu~,.~ry~:~'.A' , C~t'~1C';3 G~T~',"1FICA',~ 1, y'd:S.LCA~ ~. 1tYD1~, C13:y Clerk of the CitT o3' 4'xati~aD dxxta Ot 6~.i.,t'ors~i~tt, d'~ h~^~~rcby certl~.i'p ~Cb!tt the tv~~ei~ tedo+~ae is a tall, tFias and corr~it cQpt ~r:r ~ ardrl~~none~e irttr~daraed and read at e~ x~ergular afeetin~ +at 'the Coa~~~.~iZ at sand 1atT dwlg and rr6ua.3tarly and l+~sllt held aa! - 5tb +~ o!° llebx~t~r, 198, and •aid ardita.~aa Mar thfK=+~a!'~er doll pas~rd! and adapted b~- ~-ote of at leant tro» this of al.l +~t' tl~e a~~abrrs art the Councllf at a. regular t~,wrl:tag of the Cont~eil dr~l.y and ~~egularly and iegnlly held at Cho reaalw~ ~e~CSrfrg -xlmst~ ther4eof on the l~tta day t~f t+-:br~itrlr, 19d~„ «tf ~iCh a~teting all of the mewbers of the ~;.o~cit had dine naatic~s,, 8a fa3lotea: RTES: Cfl~unaa.her~ Dempster , ,loh~+s4~n , Moe I , 5 Cokes F i t,ECtera 1 d N'I~IIi'3 : None I1B.~.': Nana Ttsat I Mav-e carQrtttlly acam~ax9ect th~c sataE rc:ith +~he o~~AgS.aAx ~±nntes oY' 3aid greeting on tf.le and of record in q~,~ ottiae and that said or~cl^!nanGe is clul~~ entered oi" record in the atrnatn~r of that Coxcnc:ll a:nd in the Ordinance Hor-k: of uetd Ctty, and uaid ordlnanc~c ,~s a full. , true atxd correct apPt of the original ordinance adopted at a.aid meeting and 'rrttred in saeic! aLl,nutea and Ordina.n~ce RC'ok. Z`hsAt said ardita~etxae lsas nd-t baer~ awentl+ed, eodlfitd or .rescinded ~~ince the date of ite pat+raa~e and than the sane' is noe in full tame a,nd etteat . YlTfigS9~ ~ tr~tgd and the seal. at f,:he Citlr of Cvpertiuit- tb:~s ,,,[~„ 4a,Y at thrbruar-y, 195A, ~y4~.~~'i.~7~'•w1!~`~~~t r:•~~~~~~~F;'x•~ ~I ife:~.ti:~~Yn{~r~i~+,'!yyti~~ ... ., .yjw'~..r ~. e!IW~•~a -,.~a1~ ~~~,• .~M.~4:, ~ wllK4... .Jai . ~ I'~• ~'' ~V.. ~~. .,,~ ~.. ... .. jy . r.l ..~ ... .. ..