Ordinance 393t7R4T ~IANCIr 1~L~ . 30? 111!1 ff8AI1!it-i~CE Ole 'itt)~ CITY (?F GC'FFE1tT~Ift? P~OViDiNC SALARIF,S, Fbh T1iE i t" Cat ?NE GI'I8 COT1NCiL Tft d1rC~NDAIiCB ~JITH TtIE PR~Q~/iSiGNS OF SECT;.{~1 36516 4F' i .iE t~VERltliLrJi't' Wt~, STATE QP CALIFORNIA '~ Ct'fx 00~CZrY. Olc T1HE CITT 0! CUP'EkTI2i4 D(1LS Q~tUAIN A5 Y?'DI,i.(I~iffi: Sectiat~ is STkfl~>iY EAS"LS Ssrtiott 3i-S16 of this Gave~rraeeaic Coda of thr tste of California autharires the City Council to rr~act an oraina~nce providing that each ~taber of tht Gii:q Gounc'Li ~thail receive a sal.ar~ in accordance virth a schedules srt forth in sari ~sectiun. Section 2: CITY PUPLrt.l1"fIQN City of Cupertino ts~ a General lrav city vita a papislatian in exoesa of S,t1+D0 ptople but lean than 35,400 paopl~. ~eCt1~JII 3: SU.ciPlvi+1~IE?3~ 11GAINST CN~1JaCIAG CO"iPENSATION LIPT'ED 'The Attnrney General has ruled tt-at prohibitlars aLtainsC changing of corapensatian for city offic.ialr during the terms of office does nGt apply during the esistrnce and rontinuanc,e of military action by the United States its L'tetnac~. Section ~-: F~II~II)1!vt; CF Ef+?I7LE:!'t>;:NZ !ti .I-IE PL`Bt,II"". Itv7f.FtF:aT The members of tl'~e ~ i;.; ''_--sn< ii have oF~en and are rio~ '~Fing recut rcd to give a substar.tia~l anx>u;rt isf t~mt to tt~e Ac'ministratiou of r~unicipa: affairr~, and [hat cornr~,ensution therefore '.n ac corctancE 4tith the prov3sir,ncc of c'ertiort '36516 of ssi:i Government Cade is in all respects rcasanable :end nct efisarq. Section S: AMOUNT hf SALARY ANU EFFFC?7VR DAiE Earn of the r;~r:~.,ttiers of ttse City Council of Cit}> of (:upertino shall r+~~FSve a monthly ~a'tacy of $15G.Cj~ pet rw~nt`-, r~r f:~+ction thereof', sa.I~.ifes to bECUme efftrctive~ as of April 1, 1969. 1~rgtiD{i~"f,fi at ~ r~~f;~~lar MPPrin~ c-# the ('itv Coirnci]. of tine CiS.y of Cupertino this 3rd day of MafCh .959, and f;:tiA(.T1~D ac a regular rnerting 4f tht City C,c~unrii of the t,'ity~of Cupart.ina this i7th day or .._._._ ~.~_.Marth.-_-~= 19b9, ~y the fpl l owing vote : - _.__ _ _ AYES: Caun^_flrnen - Dempster, ~itzger~ld, Stokes, Noel ~:taf S : Councilmen - None ABSEt3?: Councilmen - None AQSTAtN: GounCilm~n - Beavers ATT1rS1: APPRp VEA ','~ .,: ..e.~ ~,,