Ordinance 434(a)r ORI~YYVt14CE l~D. t~34~aa ,~ i~.~/~{f~F 7rr'S^yy~~.(~~:yI~(y3~i OP G','tll~A A.~ JCI.~ CI~ITIt~I~ :~~~t~~3~p.Mq f~T 3 ?!-~ ~~'f ~'' ~!'1~14~. ~ TB! ~it~ '1'I~ Aa4 A T'Bn'SIITIYE ~' IS t3~~2Y"~, l~f i~BCk,~ '£~E SGT Z'8P '~ C3~Ci Cq~TIL dM` '~6 ~.~!'~' ~ G~',l7.l~D ~g AS ~0l:1 ~, the !'t't7- as~Y has need the CitJ- to as~rnd Cos~+#i- tiae wa. 13 o'F hft ~ esf Hardie lice. 434 ~Sy aeleti~ the reo~rir,~t tyf as+~wal of a e'bsrrre3a~p11ottsa+t ~-lteze BOO consideration of a teatativts ~srq+, ~, the pt~op+rsx~ty ascetic dasitYta tcs file a tentatia+t rap sod hsa >ao ~ewalS,atot pleas fox deft a!~ tie prcape~cty, ~! ~. tae P,ls>s>atag Corriasioa has raevie+wtd this request as~d rebcaa~aada that d~ralope~at plan appr~ral be rsd prior to i,eso+s.ACS, of a 61xi1<liatg pt7rwe~.t, thereby .ua+arixt~ psopar cantrol over the daw.:iop- aeat, 1l~i/, 7~, bE IT A ASS Y'43.2.LNi1S Section i : That Cooclitiom No. 13 of >vxhibit b, Ordixeancer ~o. 43h, shall be aseasa-d to tend as follows: 13. A dtvelapsoeat plaY- ahov~i.ng 1=~: ~Kiaa aced gceu+erai type of buildings and general arranges>teat of parking and la~scapir+g shall be approved by the Planning Coaatis- ~iac pricer to the iasusac~t of a buildta~ pearit. lldher+ztice to a development plan xppraaed b4 the 'Planning CoaNi>«sioa shall be s canditiaa to appxoval of a buildi>ag pewit. Ice c:sse the applicant ar hia successor ~rishes to revise sn a~~praved de~relapreat plan, such revision shall be sub- eitted to thffi Planning d'•oaa-ission. The designation of ttae sane nk-all be 83-2.2ada, and it stsgll be so indicated an the Zouiag !lcep. Sectiaa 2: This e-rdix~aace shall take effE~:r. ~~ediatel3r upon its exsact~aat an an urgency a-dinancae. T*:s~e facts ° uta-ng its urstsscy are:. That Qrdinance 1la. 43'4 sstti.ag the, zG~;~ ~a for the sub)ect area van enacted after public hearings and 34--day vsic.a.t~g period fax refere>adv~wF :.hat the canditi>5n of filis-S a dar~r~eloprdent plan p>`ic,r to recordati~m of a tentative mr~p was bas>Cd as the preeiss of ia*~~diate d,ase2opeent of the aces ++t,ich develope;eat has b*xn cltlayt~d in the public ,interest a>a!t because of. factors beyond the cant:'ol of the app2i.caa*., to grit: a tight •aacey varket, and that a profer devslnpeMent of this azr..a vi.tl be aiRled by ~r~arious parceling and revision of lot Hoes, nonce of which o! tl~easel~r4s repairs public hearings or refereudus; that it is i>rs~edintely urgent: that the present c-w+ae~°s create two aev lots rerru7~ting fror change of ices lines. t -1-. ., ~.~ K r P~'T~~ 11~! ~A~4Eb a~; a rs,guls~r mot.=.~ t,~f the Citg~ C~incfl of t~ Cfty o~ Cn~~~rti~ eKr thzu ~~_ d,oy of flt~~Get-c~er I96gw ~r the toll t~otie: a"~: .~AeeY- - ~,~'en, F i ta~er,a ~ d , i~ i , ~ tgke~ , ~?~mpster +titT'1~': Goms~i.1~ ~ ~r+e .,~~,. Y ~~.•:y C3er ~" I he~rnby certifp that the City of Cupertino CJxdix~anc:s No._ ~' attacked haxe~to is a trot sad correct copy of said Ordim:~rce xh:t'ch has hen publish~sd or posted pa-z~sar.t tv 1a~. n f ~t~j • ~ s R~ y ~.. City ~~