Ordinance 463(a),~ AN O~tI'iI1tQ,,~l~ t3F THE CYTY ~JF C;i3PF~i'Ilhb /3.:"iRNt+I1:G OP.D3NA.`ICt. N~O. 4~i3 IEY ?'HE DF.SIGY~iATIt°N GF THROU~~l4 STRI:LaT5 TtEQ~.-IRINC: AR;x.~IAL STOPS AT I'RSECxIt3NS T~tERF~lITFi; AND DP.CLdRItnG I'!iE URGEN('Y ?H~RF,i°F "i7JtE CI'T`Y COlIliCl:I. ~(?F THR CITY dF CUPEftTxNO DOF..S R5~!i.BY 4fiDAI1N: SEL7IOH 1. Purp.~se. It is tbs express purpo;~e o¢ this Ordinance t,~ amend Exhibit "A" to reflect. the installation of an a11-directional vehicular stop Ott t~Clellan Road and Rubb Road. SECTION 2 ~. AASendae+~.nt. Exhibit "A" c-f f~rdinance No. 453 is hereby amended to reflec+ the installation of stop suns oa McClellan Road at .~Jubb Road and henceforth shall read as the attached Exh:bi.t "A". dated May 1, 1972, arntil further amended in like manner. McC_LELLAN ROAD betw.~en the eaBterl.y line of Footh_L11 Ro~alev,~rd and the westerly- I ine of Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road except at its intersections with Bubb Road and Stalling Road. SECTION 3. Statement ci Rrgenc~, This Ordinance is enacted as aY~ emergency Ordinanre. The facts constituting the urgency aze the immediate necessity of providing traffic conrrc+l along those eer.tain streets and highways as designated on the attached Exhibit "A". INTRODISCED and ENACTED at a regular meeting of ~:he City Council of the City of Cupertino or. the lst day 9f` May ~, 1972, by the following vote: AYE5: Councilmen - Irwin, Jackson, Meyer.a, Sparks, Froiich NOES: Councilmen - None AB~~ENT: Counc.ilmta - None ATTES? : , ~1PPROli ED City Clerk Mayor, City of Cupertino 4 r DE51iCrt+(A,~.t.~=~; V ~l. '.:RK~3iIG-i S1'!t ~:TS OR Hi~CNi~f'IF~YS "EacYl ib i t 1~n Ord. t~Ta. 4b~ ~dt~ 1tATUC~,A-__StMN~'YY~„~,~~A~D f~rat~ they n~aztherly city l~ir+ait t.o this x~ortt~erly ~~rtgb,t-o€- va~• of Y#,alil.~+er Road except +at it3 intetyter_t1.~aat wi.t.h Fk~aaeeszbanad i~+atd, Juanutf-er~~ $err~e Fray (flouts ZBO) rrn ~usd o€€ a:r~¢as, +ea+d Stev~cns Gfieeic gouLevard. ~~ CkI~C ~t3I.T f'roer the ens ts, ly city limit to the wex to r ly ci tq l.ia-it except a-t i~ intexaectian with '~snteu Awenu~e, Fimcf- Avernus, Wolfe ta,nadfWSl;.etr ~lirea~, tonal Avenue, Blau A~nua, ~arata~a-•Sssw~uy:ale &rad, 5te11itaR llorad, lts~- A~r~etane, and Foothill B+rulevard. '~OI.FB BD,AU from the sot~tm lir,~e of liorsstead Road to the synth city liasit except ~` at to inters~tctit~ t~rith Ptru~ridge Avenue, Stcven~e Creek mc-ule~rard, cad with the Sears 1!-.partwent Stors tantrazate. HflI~STAD betveea the essterly city lirdts cad the westerly city lisdts r except at its int~srsectiaaa with Taaatau Avenue, 6tolfe Road, Dlsaney Avex-ue, Saratogi:-Sunnyvale Road, Stalling Road, and Haary Avenue. S'TELLIKG ROAD betverea the south Iiat o€ Hos~st~.ead Road and she southerl~r city i~mits except wt its intersactioa with Strvc~ Creek t~o~slev:rd and M~cCieel.lan kaad. tiCCLLLI.AN RDAD between the eastearly liar of Pcot:hill Eaulevard nand the +~reaterly ~"~~'~ne o aratoga-Sunnyvale ,Road except: at its iantersecticxi<s with Bubb Raad and Stel7.iag Road. FtXJTtl1IL B011LEVAaD £rat~ t!><e northerly city Iianit to the acrue.hSaely riF,ht-of-6rsiy !~~'~ian~-~McCrell~ Road. ALVBS DTtiYR between tht easterly lice of 5telling Road an~i the resterly line of Saratoga-Sunadpvale Road. BOLIZNCLeR SAD beti+eea the east lice of S:ratoga--Sunamlvale Road and the vast lice a€ 6laasaX A~snsate. bt~B 11DAD bctat~ren the sastb lite+wKe a; Stevzae freak lbuRevard and the zlortk line of itaeinbw Drire a:cept at its fater,rr.ctian with ticClellan Road. STEYRRS CA1f'€tJ~J RQAD bet~reep the saa~tt2werly .right-ot.,.~ay -Brae ::~f M~Clellaa Read cad the soath.erl~r c~tY lianit. ~.AItBt K'~' bate~ae+n tt~e sauti+erl~r lit,a>! of Huraesteaaci toad to tae ~atortherly lime of llollinger t.°-aa except at its i~ntersertioa with Steveaas Creek boulevard. ~~'~ ASR beaCVaen ~ northerly wia+s otf Drakr Derive and the southerly line of Price Avere+se except at its iat~~rsectiou wilts St~~:wsaos +Creek Rvu2evsrd.