Ordinance 467(b)v• gR~YNAi~'8 ~9. if,'~ (b~ AI't AlUZ~illBlG~ OF CTt'f t3F ~. . '•~tT'l1lIQ /~1~31i.`iAi~ tH~IDTAJIC?~ ~IfD. 46? ~ ~.'1~ nR6Xt,'~ATX~bR aF ld~DIr7Q~4AL 51'x' ZN':'1~t89C"~YC~ AX S{T.1FL'~'LA D7lIVE Aft! ~~ ARIA !~ AT U~II'S'~! A'~7F ~, F~'IB~AX.i~ D~t1V E A~ PI~'BtR.A AC'S ~iE G3.'T9' C~dUIi-'".7[L Ode 1'fl'E ~CXI°Y 0~' Clip'~TI;~O DVS F~SR~ UBUIk.TN: Sectior- 1. ~t~sd+aent Fxhi~ait "/!°' of 6rdinance Db. 4~7' ig h:r~ebg* mended td incY~dc tho taJtlo~ririg emuas~erated 3anCereectiati-e +whit.h are des~s:.ganated ae being stop irteraart~long as~3 henceforth ~t!-a.11 :wed me the atr_ached Exhit~it ``A:` ualil further wnended in like ~.;. M+s~r. APPROACHING S~'RRETS r IRFD TO SZ90P 62. 'i~esterz- 1}t'3ve b2. :colield Drive G3. Dempster Avenue 64. Fitzgerald Drive 6S. Penninsu2a Avenu~x AT A?3'~ ENTRANCL~ , T'2~ERRflF i~ll~ Scofiebd Drive Western Drive P~:nn~.xzuu:.a A•vasnue Dexapeter Ave^~ue and Dearpater Avenue and Pentninsula ~lvenw Fitzgerald Drive INTRODUC:tA a4 a Ycgular oaeeting of tha :'it!p Council of the City of Cupertiaa on t;he nth. .~ day or .Ianuary, 1-371, and P2tE4,C'fE1) at a regular meting of the City Council of the City of Cuperr.iua~ on the I~thdr~y of J~~nuary_____.~... ~~ Y~'/Z, b}~ the foYlowing vista: AYES: Cotinc~.laaen: F'ltzgex~a3d, Frc~].1,ch, Qre~en, Nc,H1, S1 oke~ NOES: Counriitiren: Nome ABSENd' : Cnunc ii~ren : None R~ F'RQ`'FD : ~ -- -- _ ~~~ ATTEST: w ~°~~~~~ "• ~r-eb zertify thsL t'tse Ca. +", of Cupasrtixsy px~pixasnc.e I~o._„•, .._., 1 .-4 7 ~. •_~aid prd.ix~uwce wbith ~_m atL:chi ?zereto ie a true ~ euaa~r pt~.7 been pubL~ iahe~i or pos.:rod pvac r,..~- li. ~. Ryder, City C1~ exic ~:rhibit "A°~ Ordir~w::a~ ~CsS , 467 (,b J1if'P'Rt-.i~ 5`~"lt~'ta~ IGtY.t~ :"Y; ;~TC)P :~,r !~~~~ ~~,~ ~~~1~:~~ tiaxg~ ~.. Limas N`~'a~s~ t~irlr,~~a~ :•~. 3iS2ki:A+ar~txt .~v~tu~ S. Axx~i~.rlsx` ~fht~v-a a. ~s~- ~~~,~. Wriva 7. Culaas~ns~- lw~ ~ ~ it'i~.lkilmas~ ~-va~ta ~. Ca~ut~Yatox~ ~t~.v-st Yfi. lCa.a~1~t`tst.yu ll,~r++tr~e~xa !.:1. ~rxlkll~rria>o~! Jlvntneue 12. ~t~tsta ~a'aar Dt~ive i3~ Lfnd~- 1~I.rr~ ~~-. Retrt Curti 15. I,3s~ t.+aae III. p~oxxrCt~-fa ~tx'a~.et I t . ShaC to:cic Dt »~v4e Its. Mt. C,.rastx Dr,;ivc 1Si. Pa14s 'Ve~rde~.: Caux't ~C. I.a ~'~loaue Uri.,ve 21. binazth Dx'i.ve 23. kleteor Ari.ve Zvi. T.R1a~eC ~/r1c'P.@t 7.5 M l.yskae.c Stze~eti: ~5. hattu~rasasi Avexztat~ ;I7. A~ule:t Drive 2~. ~~~edr Dri.F'L! ~~. Gceenlr_af Dxi.vp 3Q. ~ti~.ford Arive 32. C)rnnge free Lar.:e 3x. F7.uzn Tree Lane oy3. T.~nc:tu .4venuer ~! . Craft Ar:i.ve :35. S.aren.risxn Avenue 3Ea . iif.z~t a rgreer, C; ~.i r 37. i~e~.lo Plaaee ~S ~ Tnsrre Awec~ue _",9. k~lsi~.r~ey ~y rare. Lea th~das i~tay 4:t.. d.zenwi.tw Avea~~e rah < IClctn~+a+i E)riv!± w3. Uisxra Drive (t~lnx•e.L epprr-~;sh 1 44. C.usssazds Cas-re h5. t;~revc~~+,~. Drive 6ti. Iias~t'iy Lane 47. Larr'/ Way 48. V'AstCa Driva fi#yaao~si,~por~: Br~.ve ~-astxxalsptirt Rx-i~s,t B~~axee~fm~arr Dx„irr~s ~o~x rar~s~a ~.~~ r;a~~xabs~a ~~~~~ C~Iu.~t14~e3, ,~vrx~.ne ~ti,lk.izy~.~z*s At;~rx~ue Cal~:~nt~it.sx A~,extue a:auetTatc.~:x Street L~.t~Iy l~asz'e¢ Lliratty Lain C.~trsciy I~xze- ik~: ~A:ti7 L'C ~«~d ~eaxe,x "ferezn~ G.ri.ae^ i,is~cias '~xata lr+tr~.ve Cas~.let:ot~ Street. C~alunncaua ~~'~*,eza~~~ ila~rturar* Ar3_vsz ~1~8xdC}rt r~Ye.r,r~~. rya ~4~,~e ~:~s~N Aiarv Avenue ~,x:suxa Aven~~+~ Cf#8~t 112 f' ~'1+Q'x'1ltH. ~81ft~n~e lq`~I+2T1UE CasCit~e t~v~z~ue Ca~t1:~a Avei~cie Merxi.tt' Drive Mez-xitt Dri.~v~~ kr+~re.rldge Ave~~~ae l~i.li.cr Ave:xat. e Ml?_lex- Avt:nuc Cold kiarbor ~..vexx sr Pr'lce elvetau~ Pae.ificia !)rive i'::c ~~£ ~ c ire. A~' ides P~~:.igir_ia I7ri,~~e P~tat ~Bk~stes 1)sS.ire East Pstrxtps t3riv~ Paraest Ave>xue ~tand~% 'raene Rand;t t.erz~ }~6exxi.tt Ari.vr tiey~ri[t Bz1vc Mexritt ,UrAve t ~. r` "'e A'~~'Iit~hCi~IliG S~'9.1~i"1~5.Mt7r#~~:R~#7. '~C? ~7'k~~ ~~, ~tx'~t ~sil~e Dove ?-fl. Lirida ~I:+ete Dslrrs 5~. '!,~ Pa3~o~a Drive 3x. rae~Uas rsr+de~ ~-ia: 53. Y3~ksb~artg }~rivs ~+t. Yfet C~aeataa Coasct 55. iil~-i~t Avtau~e ~~. i~.,aay ~,.ne 37 . Y1 iIa tte ,Axit+t A,ves~+e Sal, Fist ]SotaLes Drit-e 59. Sass ~Latea ZDrlve 613. Ba~psrt Avenue bl. iissterr~ Dzi~•e 62. Scaiield Drt~~r+e 63. J~esip~eter Ave~nse GG. gexaldDrive Fitt 65 r p ~ ~C ~.~.l~~~la Ake~}~~ ~ciiibit "A"' 4Jtd tx~et~t t ib . ~. T ANY EV~T~'.t1lIC~ 7('I?~,Tt~Y Ni'!i'~1 'Terraec~r Drive Sx~nt ti T+er~- Dxiv~e gxl~~ta ~ez~urs iiri~~ e 'der»rlCS Dr3'.~t Sa~cC Sst~ftty Drive Aios~arth ~fx~i~-e La liner D~i.we t~d'rCBt .°"ix;PA~tliG ~.uc i1.1 a Arrescee G~.aemris~ Avat:+ue~ iteaa~a;rt Air Ea1tt ~ttaCee Dz3.vP gcaiield Dt~~ive N'este!ra ~rz ~e~xiaae~ule. A~v+~mu+~ Devsast~e~r, Aweenue and Peumin,4uTr~ s~~r~r~:~~ w.