Ordinance 467(e)J ORDll~AJiC:I? 1~. 467 !a ) AN ~ARDIflAnCH OF T~tE CY'PY OP Ct1P?:1-`TT,10 ~A~tDt1iG d11Atl1112dCE 1i~C?. 457 DY THE T~Iti~i1lit71i GF ADOZTIfflGL STOF IM'E~bCTI4llS AT DEltPSTP~ 111iE~tlB AXft! $TO~I~ii AVBNUE, AT licCd.Ri.l.Art l~U/1U ADD ~ttntf 1~~. AIID AT ICI~p 1.AiBiL~ Ate Fitt+T~ 1~11-Y; ~i 11i~.AMZDC 1'!~ 11R~HNLT ~D'F THE CITY COLT~IGIL OT ?HE CITY OF C17PER'XT.Np t~F:3 BYRP.1t"t' 41DZAI.ti: SEt."fI41i 1. Pvsvosre. y'ha 2saffic~ Ehsiaeer for tbs Citl- of Cupartido bas det~exatioad that them is a naed for additior-al stop controls as Das~reter Avenees and Stakas Avenues, on ltcC3.ellan ltaad at Stthb 11+asrd. axad o-~ Kirvin I.sae st yel~ ton tiny . SBCTIOIV 2. Meic9ddent. Yachlbit "A" of Ordinsnce lio. 457 is hereby ~drtd to irncludce tihe f+allaviag enumerated intersections r+bich are darsi~z~ated as bMing stcsp iuterarctions and hence~Forth shall read as the attached Exhibit "'A'" dried May 1, 1972, until further amended in like ma~ep. A ranching Streets Required to Stogy ~1t Auty Entrance Theraof itith bl a Ki rWi.n Lane Felton 1Way All-Directional _ Yehic~,:.~..a~ Seo~ P.a u+r~ ixcd 11. i~ster AVtx~uts and 5tokts Avenue 12. Mibb Rand tad McCla~llan Road SF.Ci'YODI j. Stateaent of Ur~encr• ?his Ordiaaue~: is enacted as an eeaarRency ardinanee. The facia coaatitutinR the urR~eatcy arrl tp-e iaaasdiats ~o~ecassity of pravidi~o; traffic control an McClallaa 1Roa:d at Hebb Road. I~C!'RODUCED snd El1,AC'T':~ at a regular esetinR of the City CCsun~cll of the City of Cupertiaa oA 1st day of ~Y .1972, bq the follaaaing Vtitie: ~. AYES: Councils~er: - Zsi-ia, Jaclcsao. Mesa. RParicr, Prolicb HOES: Cou~cilsar~ - Morns AiSII9R' a CAVncilalee - Moots Cult Clerk Nayo~r, City' of ~Gupartiao ~ Eatbib i t "!~'~ Ordtt~anor lio. ~i67 (e) 1ti''11ICUI.AR S'i"AP ~AUik~ED !AT C~TAIN INTEItSLi'TX ~8~ 8'I'B~`S ugttlBiCD 70 STOP A?' AiiY P112RA1M.~ '~! iR'i!i 1. td.oda Vista Dri~ne Dp rlnRie~Oi't Driv+t r~,. !t, eraser (liartls approadt) df*asisPo~tt Dri~re 3. Wilii~aa Avenue ltyssisRiapott Driers 4. 8atnta 'lcxmsa Axive AyMnni~rpart priers S. lbu+ckar Drivc Serrate Tessera Ari~+r 6. Santa 'Terrtaa Drina Colueaua Mreranra 7, C.alaa~aua Aveave Linda 'i~sta Drive a. tiilicitaaaaa Aenenue Colu^bw A~+ue 9 . Caa tle tan $ treat iii lkir~an Aet~rptr 1+D. Clasicstan Aerenue Col~-as Awerrae 11. Su the rl.awd Av~ttaeus Cas t le Laa S t rae t l2. Terra Bella Dxive Lindy Lathe 13. Lindy Plaoe Lindy Lae~e 1~. Regnant Gc~urt Linda Lame 15. Lindy Lane lEeSriart Rand 16 . Maaa rovi a Street Re bus rt DtoaK' 17. Staat~uck Drivt Santa Trss++esa Drive 18, lit. Crest Drive Linda 0ista Driers l4. P~tlat Verdsa Drfve [.satleto:s Street 20. La Palama Drive Calu~us wvenuc 21. Aiaaerorth !?rive Hsrtsan Drrfvt 22J ValZer Green. Dr~Cwe ,Bearden Avenue 23. Metrsor Drive Kerry ~4veaue 2t. Lube.c 5trtet t'lai'~- Aeresaue 25. Lubec 5trtet Aaron Avenuc 2b. Raatatnson Avenue 1llettor Drivc T7. Arwilet Drive Car ilea AwQSaue 2S. Matear Drina C~srtioe Avenue 2~ . Gres:lla~at Drive Cer tf ate Avernus ,~. 3tiliuxd Driert~ Cas[iere Avernus :31. OraraRe 'tne Larw tlsrrftt Dri.vt 3.~. Pluar 'Tree Cetera Hewitt Driwc 33~. Cratt DYiae xitsab Aare»ut 3i,. SQreaasao. Avetsa+asr. Fiot~ Aereaue 35. Yirttergrean Drava Cold ilarhs-~r A•.rarnue 3(+. Bello !lace Price Aeretra+t 37. DeaPro~se 1Placc rrirar Jttrtmoe 3s. 'Iorrt Aw,raure PacitEica Dxive 391. idaitnry Wadr Padlic.a Drie-4 i4. Los Oad+rs hart Padi`ica Drive 4l . T.i rvia Lane ye 1 toy: Magr ~2. Aaa~part Av~aawe Bart Es *ates Drive 43. Yi~sta Dn;•i~rs yorest 4wtaue 44. C+rrrstsvla Court Raaiy Lams 4.5. Cliave~a Dilate Leese ~tb. ~laaady La,ns l~rritt Dries 47. Lax~tat liar l~xaitt Drt.ve 43. tiiawta Grams !Nerxitt stints -1_ E.xhtb 1 t "A" Orelinance Ho. 4~i7 (~;) RPp140lICHIIfC STR..ETS Rfi~tJ2~ TO STOW 49 . .50. Sl. sx. 45. S4. 55. 54. 57. 58. 59 . 1. 2. 3. 4. .~ . f~ . 1. $. 9. 10 . 11. 32. T~:sras 8a12a ~~riwa D.itads Y~.s t.s ~?xtsaa Y.a Fa~as+a Dri~wtia Falas Ysreaa ~r~ Vit~]esrbnreg itrire V,ia taadrta Coear2 Gltttriaae l~veuue X17 L.aaa '~i1.3~a tJe Brasa Avxat*.sa xurn Avenue Maria, ~aa Hay AT ANY ,7~!'1 i~ 1'~ttRB~.~ t+ './I'TH fi e rx at~c Dx~wt Santa ?area: 1?~ive Ssnta 7erasa Arlve r$rzac~ uri.e Etas t !~ t alas Drive Airth b'rtve L.a filar Drina Fareat itrtet Lucille Avauv~e l~dtrigues Avec~ue ColuuLus A~renue ALL AIBSCf'IO~dAL VE~~it~II.AA STOP IfCE?? AT CERTAIN ZI~ERSECTZOttS i:ast Eatretea Drive apd La lfia-r Drive Pacifica Drive and Fazat_lone Drive Bubb Eoad uui Aain3arav brine Fnothill BOUlevard ind 5teYens 4ceek EOulevarci Easat Estates Drive and Aichvc,ad Drive '~eatern Drive mnd Scofield Drive Deapater Avenue, Fitrg+~rrrld Dxiv+e aad Pe.n2.x~ula Avenues Last Estates Drive and ~rlcnvi~ Avenue Pruneridge Avenue aand Tarc'cau Avenue Bast E~statea Drive ans~ Ilavisaa Avenue Deapster Avenue asad Stapes Avenue B+r~u Itaad and lScCle~.laa l~aad -2-