22201 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY BuildingAddmelldin Project ldevdPflea 1. MIT NO. josa F�Nwoo9 tr 22201 rrl. kpkAu%-ro me. CITY OF CUPERTINO-BUILDING DIVISION af�sll APPLA cen'n u3.Nn: APPLICATION I PERMIT,qr <Ue WArV0,;sv-q gs70 S BUfLDINGELECTRICALPLUMBINGMFG11AMCAL CATEGORY coNTROLI ArchBeG/Engineer. Lr,No Q ELECTRIC PERMIT FEE BUILDING PERMIT INFO Add. PFRMH SSUANCE LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION _ I hereby aHlrmthe l amliansed urderprnvieleruiof Chaplcr9(ommen APPLIANCESRESIDEM7AL � u Ingwith Setlb 7000).1Dty .3ofthe Budrasand Pmfestlou ,.d ]Meru iit 11. PANELS LI¢ue(ZLa. OvL1 �5c,9S A L&Y- s Date S��Cortncmr ARCHITECTS DECLARATION 1'1000 AMPS I understand my plans s)uBbe used m public neread& JOVER IOOO AMPS V1 1,3110TE $/SQ.Fr. �j LlreruM professional SIGNSELBCTRICAL 6FWh OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION SpECIALCp2CUfr/hiLSC �(-Y Fp' � I hereby afflnntlut l am exemptmn ¢ frthe Contnor'•License Law Law f¢the Og ❑ f-0-wing realm.6edim70315,Budnmand Pmfe•aloru Codr.Any city or F��� cmntywhkh requbaaa pereaB tomW rruM alter,Improve,demolsh,or repair DMP.MEIFR ORPOLE KIST. 7anyw mmpr tolbL anee.abonyulm eapph=tf¢mchperml[to 9�6IY]Syp.R DEVICES il Ole a signed statement stateent the he is[Io neprovisions;put to the provoof Iha r� Centraetols Lkeave law(Chap¢r 9(mnurcncing wkh Se o7000)dDM- 3 slen3 ofthe Buenee•and PofubesCode)orthe he h exempt therefemard SWIMMING POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION y.' the beta,for the alleged eaemptbn. Any violation of Seetbn 7MIS by any <� applicantmB M u for a persubjethe applicant to a civil peh ¢m y d nore than OUTLETS-SWITCHESR FCURFS w ' fiv bundred dollars(5500). I,ae owner d the property,or my empbym with wages u their vole NEW RESIDENTIAL ErE= SQFr. STORIES TYPEODNSIRLCTION compeoartlm,wWdo thew¢kand Nestmceunbnot Wendedoro((em for 7,{ p sak6cr.7011,BuelnevaM lardewbm Code:The Contndoys Ll¢me Uw Ey$ doesndapplytoanownerdpopertywh Wtldaorlmprovnthermreand OCC.GROUP RES.UNITS work himself«through hlaownempin/ets,provided that such impmvcrnewarenot Intendedprofferedforwa .If,however,thebuildingor TOTAL 11 T,10 Impmvemerd i•mld wXhlnoreyearafcomplelbMlhewvner-Wllderwlilluvc ' llyrk cndpmvingthnhedW=Wb fldorl yp afmpurµsedule.). QTy. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FLOOD ZONE AIN LJ L ae avner of the property,am e.hievely mot og wkh IkxruM mntracroa to rormtmtt the 7 PERMIT ISSUANCE '� (ur Project not 011,Bush o and IMembne Code The Coon loop a Lkan�Law does not apply to an owner d property who ALTER-DRAIN 6 VENT WATER MM cT)4- 0 Improves Ihceon, and ALM mrdnrn (or mch p-ojec. With L.Tactor earrouedpunuanlrotheCmtntlesLKxrue Law. BACK FLOW PROTCCr.DEVICE FEESUMMARYFFI LJ f ins exempt order Sec B A P C (or IIW rtuon DRAINS FLOOR ROOF,AREA,GOND. SANITARY Y_ N ow. Due R NG t WOR"M'I COMPENSATION DECLARATION 1 r ❑I hereby affirm the 1 have a¢d10¢te of consent to•eI-beure,¢a \ =TR" PERTRAP �s[,rj SCITOOL TAX Y_ N ¢dlBrrte d Werken'Compeunlm Imuran¢¢a¢trifled ropy Ihemof(Sec. RECEIPT 35(IO,Lab CJ G -1 INCA OUTLETS PARK FEE Y_ N_ Policy s RECEIPT s Com ny GId-0OVER BUILDING DIVISION FEES I ICenlBed ropy b hereby fumishN. L~Ji CeNfcd ropy b filed with the Wy lupetlon division. GSIRL WASTE 1NTERCQ'IOR PLANCHECK FEE CERTIHUTE OF INDA TION FROM WORKERS GPAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE SRY STORM EA 2iiaFT Date Recd [# (Tlda rection n3ed n¢he c¢vplemd If the permit is f¢ane hundred down ENERGY FEE Y N mW)orle 1¢dilyth hat Ir,the perfom2n¢o(IM1e work forwhichthiv penNtbhuM, WATFRF6�ATER NT _ I s12B not employ any perm in any r an a • p the WATER SYSTEM/TREATING Workeri utbn via fOWoml.,Dam { PAID O z ApplicanNOnCE uL a �,.mr l NEW 7(mDFxML PLMB. .FT. Date Recel t# Z O should ETOAPPLICANt:e, ori,ma Comp CedlU no Eaemtine La o F y ebmldouoresecorne mbjhwith heoply with Campouallm p. is neortha Gbor TOTAL � _ Cadman n naul forthwith mmpy with mch pmvLsbm or Told shall he BUILDING � deemed reroked. W O CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY S I MIC FEE CL Iherebyafflrmthat there feammtrunlm krdingageruy(orthe pedomv TOTAL ay ELECTRIC FEE M Z on of the wo4kfor which thin pe,ret66auM iSec 3097,CW.CJ L 00 lender.No. PLUMBING FEE CK7 LL ~ Under•enddClma• QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEB MECHANICAL FEE Ow 1endlfythae l have read this appBnlbn am seelhatthe above lofamatluo � C(j FEES PAID oser.l agreeto comply with all d manPFRR eityaruntyordfiuio d aae.lawe MLSSUANCE Nrelating to building mrutmnlm,area herebyauthMaempresentalhce(thls F Z ehy,to enter upon the above-mentlnned ptopertyfcrfimpearlonpurpu•n. ALTERORADD TOMECI-L — Athn. e,I en y an d keep har m the Cityof Cupedl Date Recei t# grnm•,ons ab eapeun whkh xray in any way Rome AIR HANDLING UNYIT(TO 10,000 CFM)mesequen¢of the gnuing d this pemdt SUBTOTAL•AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10,MCFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX t/cmiractm Dale no-uusr Hoop(w/DLCnCONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: RDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE t or tune buBdto «cupant pore or hendk havrdoua HEATINGUMT(N100,000B'[V) Date Recei t# y Cupertino MurddpalCodc Chapler9.IZ and the I kahh and Safely Code SMion 7G59')(a)7 FdEATING UNIT(OVER 100,DOO BTU) TOTAL L ❑Yrs M No Will the appllmnt or future building—pert..equipment a devices VENTILATION FAM RINGLE RFMD) ISSUANCE DATE which yend t harerdous air mora Mt2nm a defined by the Bay Mea Ab QuaINYn nage— 'r' BOILERLOMP DILL OR 100,DM BM �A Y ❑Nb an" theF rdws Ceele,brtle.255ncsunder.125534.1 of BOILFRCOMP(OVFR 100,DOOBM �o the[ a sad that lith Sa Safety Code,SMbuntly have a tend,that NA J urdentardthat notify the building &the requi hav3s hkhtrust It i,toy NEW RESIDENTIAL MEIN. SQ.F7 'I/ F r¢povmllty,to notify the oemparu d the rtqulrernente whkh resat be,rrct � f prior to tswanm of a Cediilote of Occuparuy. /Tea ` tl�� s Owner.authorized agent DateISSUEDB . TOTAL: OFFICE COPY