Ordinance 484t]KDl3.r:T~C1: ~at,~. 484
AA 0!{DINr's,:;~~'G: of TsiE CT:TY Of' GLiF'l:.gTINU R1:C~KGtI!'d:7.1;tC;
',r7aF Dirt`~l1'THi:lvt'S OF '1'H£. Ct1'Y OP CUl'£R'fINO
u@.4t~Ci1 1. Pli S~
Tl~e parrpase of tbiie ardinanca S.e to pravtdes far a sense efficient organi-
utio~aal atrUCtnie for the City of Gupesrtittn, to designate Sts deQartmerits
utr'I divisia~nts. anA to desczi~he their functions.
Section 2. DetssrC~sents and Divisians
Tt~;t follcnring departments and divisianfi are hereby established:
A, Aep~+rtment of Administrative Se_r~9~ces. This department shall have
the fallo~-irg divisions: ~~ ~ _~
1. C_xty C1~rk Division. This ,j iv isian shall be r_harged with the
duties and respansibi.lities of a City Clerk. .
2.. Personnel _Divi_sion. This division shall be responsib3.e for the
3d:ninistration of~the }'e.rsonnel Gode a.nd for personnel ad:n,nir-
3. Bt:d~et Division. This division shall be re.soonsible for the
preparation of~the annual dperating Budget, t??e c.ompi7ation of
fiscal data f.rum rahich a Capital l.mprovFr,,ents i5udget may be
constructed, and tt:-. preparation of other statistical anti fiscal
analys.~s to be used as a managerial tool i;y the Cite Aianager.
k. Account ing.__Division. This dig.=isic,n shall. to respU-isible for the
day--to-day praeessing of alI fiscal records, the banking of cash
collections, t:he investments of monies pccr.stcant to instructions
from the Caty Treasurer, and t.'rie preparation of financial :state-
The Director of Adrninist,•ative Services shall be the head of this
department. He shall also i,e appointed City Clerk, Finance Director.
Personi5el U1reCtOr and Budget (7f f ices.
B. ~artment_of_Pl~r.r.in~ and Dc~relo_p~ent. T't-is departmen+: sh,alI hsv,~
the follouin? divisions:
1. PTannin~ Division. This division shall be responsible for curs<~r.t
and~lang-range planning, the devElopm~enx an9 maintenance of the
General Plan and Specific Plans, and leis processing of applicatiana
for llse T'crmits, t'ariances, and Changer of lenind.
2. T3uildin~•Division. This division shnli be responsible far the
enforc,~mcrct of the Building Cac'es, the Sign prdirl~~nce and other
' similar reLrulatoty or~~lir,anc:ss.
Tht Dir~~ctar of Pia~~ninF, and Llevc~iopmcnt sh:x! 1 be the hr<~ad of
this department. ~•ith ttxe fiRiilding Gffi~inl being responsible for
act f.~r=ities wit~:xi:x the $uilding 17ivtsion.
C. fiecpaXt~nt at Pxsblit We:rks. Thiac department shall `save the fol.low-
ing divialon8:
1.. 5trse~t Mtiatana Divi~ciaa. Phis division shall be traspansible
tar th+e wiataamaa ref streexts, trtorm d;raina and arrest Iighttr.
2. i4uildiaga and Grounds lliviaian. 7'hi~s division shall be r'Asponai-
bte for the maintenance of all C'!~y buildings, and all grounds,
including park sites, street medians, and the C{vie Chnter.
3. Water Utility Division. T'hia division was created under a
separate ordinance, but for operational $dministrative puzposes
shall be treated as a division of the Department of ,ublic Works,
except for customer service, acwounting., and fisc:al• :,u.ttera.
4. En~ineerin~ and Administratic.n Division, This division shall be
responsible far prav:iding engineering services aid general ad-
ministration for the Department of Public Works.
The Uirer•_tor of Public Works shall be. the head of this department.
D. D_e~rtinent of Parks and Recrn_atfon. Phis department shall be respons•-
ibl.e for all recreatiaual programs of the City, and for the planning
and development of fixisting and future park sites. The physical
maintenance of these parks, hr,weve.r, shall be cinder the DeYartr.,ent of
Public Works.
The Director of Parks and 1?ecreation shall be the head of this
E. Department of Fublic ~afe•tY. 'This ~eparta~ent aha13 be responsible for
law enforceme.ntyand fare protection services. Howevez, since these
services are presently contracted for by the City, this department
Shall not be implepented, and the Director of Public Safety shall noC
bt appointed, until the City Coc~ncii, by appropriate ordinance, resalu-
*.io:;, or other- action, dr~tt•rmines to administer its own lay: enfcarr.~ment
and/oi fire protFCr_1.on services.
The D{.rector of Public safety shall be the hear; of this department.
He sha11 also be appointed (thief of Police and Fire Chief.
Section 3. Author.;.t~ ai Cik~*iana~er
All department heads, ;aithoui limitation, shall be appointed by, and
responsible to, tiler City Manager. Thc: Cary 'L3na~c~r shall hive authority to
eliminate any division, to :add new div~sior.s, to alter their functions, .and
to rP.essfgn personnel from one division nr department to another division
ar dept;rtmee~t.
5.et;ian ~. Rr~~c~a?. of tTtconsi~.i:~nt PrfJtii~:w:-t:. Gz Vther Oz':.':r~.~r,t~~~,
...... .. .......~_.~.~~ .~~_.....-._,.... - _ 4
T"h;e pr~ti~3,sions of anv cer~3lnancc~ S~c'rctafaze enacted by the t;ity Go«ncil
which area t-acansi.sterr with the provieincts of this <~~rdi.nance, are, t4
try etxcaxt trf aUCh fnCUnsi~stenc.q, hereby repeaied»
I~t'#RtlU~l3C$D at s regular mretfng of tt~e City CounciY of Che City of
Ce~perti~o eee the ~Y"d~„ day t~I` 1K8,~ , 1~3Ta, anci F;1dACTED ~t A ~rQ~u~ar
~eetinS of ttNe City Ccwncil of the City a€ Cupertfno an tha 1'jth. day of
Nt~,~r, ______. lg7l. by thre follawin~ v+dte:
AYES ; CquXsc iitbetf
NOES: CAUnr il~en W
ABSENT: Courc t 1aen -
Frn~.ioh, Green, Stokes, Niel
Mayor, Ci ty of Cuperci.no ---^---.~.~_._
,~~r r ~sT:
//~~ ,r
I k,e•rrb;t certify t'ksat ihc; Clty of Co~.ertzno Or~?•+na+~.^e No .. ,?`~,__ _
sai ~ "ec tie c }+c:rk'tA ix a 4rue and current copy of said Ordinance whict-~ has
Lr~e.~n i,~ik~k i:::>k~~~ r~r r~{:;sLed puz~;usnt to lar~. ,/
6.5m. E. Ry~r.
City Clc~,