19902 (2) APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES — USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY Building Preen Identification PERMIT NO. B°Bding Addny: 19902 2i0o� . a one. / (J CITY OF CUPERTINO,BUILDING DIVISION A� c Na Ix.Ne APPLICATION / PERMIT y d BUILDI NC-FLFLTRICALPLUMBING-MDCHANICAL CATEGORY CONTROL eft/Englrcem Lie Na QTY ELECI'RICPERMIT FEE BUILD ING PERMIT IN FO Addres, PFRMITISSUANCE ❑ ❑ LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I hereby affirm that l am llceraed under prwWwo/Chapter9(®nmen APPLIANCFSRIESIDENTIAL BDESLRB'HON IngwIthSeetbn7000)of Div m3ofthe Buabo dPmfes Code,and my II=ia In ful soros deflect. PANELS Linen Clam LfcY_u De( Cordractor .�� �}�6-ll. ARCHIiE ECIA ATION 201-IODO AMPS nt0 Z I urdenotand my plan shall he,uad as public records, OVER IODO AMPS SQ.FT.FLOOR AREA $/SQ.FT. L4cruN Prefembral SIGNS ELECTRICAL G 6 G OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION L Iherebya(Brm that!aro exempt from the CorunctorsLbeveLaw for the SPECIAL CfRC1RT/MISC �p f ntyngte requ&ctape7 town mOt ,mpm , Co h, tl ar 6Li—� Y ty 7FAiP.METQt OR POLE INSF. F muntywhlCh megnwapemdt to[Ovinct,alter,Mprove,drrrolbh,orrtpair anystructurepol toltab au ,ab mqu4e eappeontfwsuchpemdtto POWER DEVICES !'S O Ole a algned datrmert that he b Raved Pennant to the prmv doro of the PQj uu..rI� ContraetOri Liceve Law(Chapter 9(wromenWgwith Sectbn700MofDiv. k,�ol ebn3 of the Busing and Profembra Code)ortbat he is eampt therefromand SWIMMINGIIDOLELECTfuc VALUATION a Sn.••,-ill the bub for the ahaged e.emptbn. Any vldatbn d Seebn 70115 by any �:[J o� appeeent for a permit subjects the appheant to a eivll penalty of not more than OUIS,ETSSWITCHFSFDn IJRES /� <,jA t � �fundredddan M. NEW RsmFNnA.r Ec RsQF STORIES TYPE ONST CU On' 7�n I,a.owner of the Property,or my employees with wage,as their sole pe ion,will do the work,and the structure Is rot intended or offered for p alesnot apply t-an aandf Property ropeCode The or imp or.Llnvelaw don not apply loan owner dpmpemtywho does.6 woric horeself or through s owo,d.orim,provithrron,and OCC.GROUP REST Trs cied that such Improver mare notIhffioM arofced(orale.them ver,irksbuildingve TOTAy improvemrnt hwld whhln orcyearofcompletbn,thewvner-bul6ierwW have tkajZurdenof,movingthat he did sutwlldorimnprowforpurpo,eofsale.). Cry. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE FLOOD ZONE APN L as owner of the property,am eachoively contracting wBh lloeumd ntneetoa to core fired the project 7Dlly Business and Praf®bv Code. PERMIT L%UANCE a The Contradori Lieeroe Law does nor apply to an owner d property who ��DRAIN&VEM-WATER(FA) Wild. or imp.thermn, and who enortl aa fee such pepjects wuh a .MlIacter(O Bansed p.swot to the Contactor.Llh v.Law. gAp(pl,pw PROTF�t'.DEVICE FEE SUMMARY LJ 1 am eump under Set B L P C for this Pawn OUTSIDE DRAINS FLOOR, SANITARY Y_ N_ S Owner Dale R RODE.AREA,GOND. RECEIPT 0 WORKMAN COMP aN5AT10N DECLARATION FIXTURES PER TRAP SCHOOL TAX Y N_ ❑1 hereby affirm thatCor I have•.roost,d convent to ON thereof ora RECm'I Y 3MLcretuloateCof.�Workeri C«npevatlanlivurannaa/anrtlffed copy thereuf0ec. GA FA,�.�-1�+0��TS PARK FEE Y N owl 1'_lfL�e lf/`�Y77 —C_ RKEBTI' Comm�nx�j�Q� ���� GAS EA.SYSTEM] DVERA(EA) I ICen ifled dtpy Is hereby( mishhed. BUILDING DIVISION FEES pwcJ rlNed ropy b filed with the City ivpenbn divhlob. GREASE/INDUSTRL WASTE INnRCEPTOR PLANCHECK FEE CERTIRCATE OF FXIMPTION FROM WORKERS' GREASE TRAP PAID COMPENSATION INSURANCE SEWER-SANITARY-STORM F.I.IDOTT. Date RCCCI pN (ITISx im,need not be completed Bthe per h fororc hundred dollen (51 W)or les,.! WATTR kffATER W/VQJT/ELECTR ENERGYFEE Y N I mnify that b the perforrvnm of the work for which W.pemdt b homed, I.hall not employ any penon in any evnner an n to become subject to the WAITR SYSTF]vl/IRFATin'G O AWOrkaWutbWmn CompennlAw.ofGia.Date PAID PP Z 0 N TICETOAPPLICANI':If,after making thisCettilleateofEumpbn, NEWRF9DENTIALPIA7B. 9�ST. Date Remi to shculd beenm e.obFCt to the Workers'Cornprmotlon provision of the LaWr TOTAL: ~ N_ Cade.You moot/nthwlth mnply with suN prod.bv orthb pemJt.hall he �, Q ] deemed revoked. W — CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FEE CLO Thereby filrok"fo hat lherebamvttut soed(See ,Ciforth,perform- TOTAL. ELECTRIC FEE � Z lana of the work(orwhlch thh permftbbsred f5ec.3p9a,Civ.C.) U O Lender—Name PLUMBING FEE LL I— Lendee.Addrem QTY. MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE MECHANICAL FEE O W Iadl/ythelhavenadthbappllatbn.Ms tethaltheabave in(orrmvtlm ll hromxt.Iagreeto comply whhaBtltyard muntyordlnanmmd lat<law. PFRMITISSUANCE FEES PAID. >. relatingtobuildingmvmarb trecti ,."herebyauth N reptesentative of tbb F my to enter upon the above-menllavd property,for WperUn perrpo.ea ALTER OR ADDED MECH. U) (We)agree to save,irdemharmless But an d keep harmlethe Cly d Cu ni.. Date RCcel tq V agar ilabWtln'l cis rn am vpew whiehmaybanyway.ocew AIR HANDLING UNIT(IO 10,000 CFM) SUBTOTAL: d City In the gnntln dthls pemdl. AIR HANDLING UNIT(OVER 10,000CFM) CONSTRUCTION TAX O gvture of Applira ontr.nar le miAUSF HOOD(W/DLrT) CONSTRUCTION TAX PAID: H RDOUS MATERIALS UISCLOSUR WBlthcappevntaht -Wildingoavp.ntm.o .,latdbha.dma HEATINGUNTT(fO100,ODOBIU) Date Reccl IN mmaterlalns defined by he Cope A o"dFal Code,Chaper9.l,,and the dean ye, sarery cme u,5epyoel( SoJ2p)i F7F.Inhe UNIT(OVER 1pp,00O eTu) TOTAL: Q I�Ilitho appBnnt« tort buildingm pant use equipment or devim VENTILATION FAN(SINGLE RESID) ,15�5lU3ANCE DATE whkhav h emit rdm.air roodaminant.u deBrrd by the Bay Area Mr P Qu Wy Management DM rlct, BOILER-NMP OFR'OR 1W,IXO BTU) Y. H}�/ MAN 2 6 4haveread calth>dfet mode,h equtremenbunder nd 2533 , I of BO CR.NMP(OVER100,000 BM 1990 the Celiforntaat Ifth kSafety Code,not rr .dyrei h ve 33 a tenant, nan,that it urdcnlaMOat nth,Wilding ooruoa of the ntlyhiveateichLthat it mot NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQFT. mapovibility sato of a Ce oaopf dthe rayuiremrcnb which mmusl be not prior to issuance da Ce d pa Wv7 Ta3� t 3 l Qo nermauthortuda t c ISSUEDBY:12� Oils.-I V(/��C TOTAL: OFFICE COPY