Ordinance 583t:
+' C}A~I]1JaidICR 1itl. '~+'~3
~': ••w~!1 ~y~y~ car ~~ ~r+~ _~~.y
JFP' ~ r~~i ~ Bi~F ~~i s ~' ~~Ik~w° ~~liMr 1~1~Y~
~'Y f1~E Cl,'!f Cl~UfICTI. Lilo' "lRi~ Cam` Q~ ~!"'~' ~~r~ A~ ~II
Sa~ctiun ~ .~ Am~enlt
~a-ct•iao 10 at Ordinance 1Lo. 13 is htereby r.~eleted and in ita pia,ea~ 4s
asrrac tad tk he- f of iar~ritq~ z
Section lAs '"i'tNe tnetar vaehici• li,abil:ltl- palia:lr rewired andsr
that pravi.aine~ pf Sectir-r ~ of th! v o~rd:narere shall
inarure tba cwae:r, ~-• da#ieed h~rrei.n, aaw~ aralr other
' persan ue~.r~ or reapc~natbl• Et•r than +uara o#` t ayuch
vehiele with the c:4rxa~t, exprs~sa or iaepliatd of each
ov~r~er, ngaisnat iu,aa frcee t.be liability is-pc,ard u
an a+~mex by ia~r f.ax i~y~, to, ar death of, awny person,
ur damage to praperty, xrc~aing out of the aYaitrten,rsx'•s,
ap4tatinrs or. ~M~,nerthip of army public wotor vehicle
to the r-mrunt car licit o!`. Fifteen Y?sausand Dollarar
($l5~Op0.OL1), exclusive of 1Yltereatt and caa~t.e, oat
accbt3nt of in~uory to, or death of as~- t,n+a perac~s-, of
Thirty 1'hauaand r.>ol~.a-rs ($3q,f?p0.L1LJ), excluaiw of
intereRt xnd ca~ata, an acrr •.~nt of an~- arnt atcci3ent
~ ea:ultirsg in ii-,~ury az ~i~th of mar~n than oat per,~oa,
and of Five Th~auxaaei Y~ollara ($S,000.pO) for daFSage
to property cf ott-r~r.s, resulting from any o1~e accident.
'Said mt+tar v~ahicle liability pai:icy shall insure
to the benefit of any atnd •11 peraoast, sufferirnr lass
or damage either to peraan or property, as l:rreir,
provided, and the lisbility of the insucarr.e carrier
shall be in na wanner abrageti+d dr abated by th+a
death of the tart/feasxar anc~/aor the over."
;~e~r t. inn 2 . Ef f ec t iva Date
`his ordinance obeli •takt ~rf fact and be in fnrce thirty (30) deya ai•_er
tts passage. •
1hTRbbU~C~D at a regular a+e~:tir~ of the Citlr Couewcil of c.hae Citlr of
L:ypertiric~ thin ~5~t'b day of .~...~L:r.~,t,..._--u ~.~...~....__._.,.~1~79, aAd g1L11CTEZ1 awtw
. a. ... ~ a
~- rR'Rt ~ ~~ ~1'Mdt pity Cauurcil Q~ t~ City of Cups.r~3ad~v. Chit:y~`aia7
of~,~,_y,_,~~~ 1973 by ttaa~ fnl.io~*inR va-:aa
ATE s C~ ~ xwwat '- .1~t~~1~+R-. l~r,~rlrlr•. ~puwts';Ra. InriA
~qE~t ~~ -~ ~ncprlt
/l~R~lf't a Caa^e dl~^s - ~a1 Kati
yore City of C-~perti~ao
pro 7acnra
1' }-er~aby car•tify t?~at thr City of t'upertirw Ord:fxxa~nce rTa.
+~tterh~d her~ato is a trr~e and correot ropy of s~rid drainenc+s ahlrh~~.....
ber~f publi~h+ed or posted purr:uant to law.
City Cle