Ordinance 624 JU4i O.RLII'tl1Y'CE OF "I'~ CI'I']f OT` C'~.!'r•Y"'~iTTt'(7 lt`I>r!'.L1,IbC t~IiA3''i`~'R ].6.3i' `.r~' ~'f~ t:1':TL`:PAL CdI7~ ,,^.C-:#~:.i~:~.:+~ '.~~= !~Y,:t,;T3'tL1:"~'7C'i. .I37S"i"141,:iJ1'fXO~, a~".P'ATFa t?f' pLaJf'RATxC7~7 7F 'Sii']CI'~t'~ P`L)Ai.loi A~~ ~ r'~I~3 dF' 1iA;'~~3 ~C,T"T"If CC~l1i1GI.1. dP 9'i!~ CIi°Y '1JY C'I.~I~d IXl AFiI:'d~l~ A>~t }~fJI~: $~trt~. c*n . ~.'f t~ ]ae~rab~- ~tr~ed t c~ rer~, +~ fol ltw.rr S+r~tic~n 16.3~.~~-. ire The p~rprntuc of t:hTe chwptrr f e to provide T~aar the prat:ectian of the Fuo11c he~.ltt, ke~:u~r, ~a•id safety by prtarx'ioing ~.ir~imulm atsr~dsY•de t`c~: t}tia det.i,~k'i, co~dF':rveticx~,~ ar inste.'liati.oa, repair ar a,.trrrttic~ns o3' ewilasaxng Paola or other p+aa].s of suer, public or private, axd +~au~pasent rtla-wed there*a; requiring a pr*~eit ant inspecfi.ian ther'e_^ar; providing; 1'or )`,Yte aeiatnistrti-tivn and enfarccrrtnt set 1":~r••trh herein; prt~viding far the quaii'ication e4nci regi~- tratirrn of pererans engageti in the busfttess of svimmirtg p,.,A? install,aLi.aa o: alteraticrna or equipatMrnt. re]at:eci thereto; ~3 }~rE~scribing for penal:.ira for violation thcreflt. ^ect:ion 16.3?.CJ~d]. I~ef;nitions 1. A}'pHOVrn - r,Er~ns tsc^epted or :.cce=titeble undt~r r~ ttgplf..•c~ble, sped-- fic~itic~n ;, t,rrtE!~ or cited ir. <:h:is ardintirce, ar accepted as stlitt~t~le for tha ~1'fil.'r) ~C(} 1SSN !+nG]PI' I,InC!'L}LiYC':i !iT1•~ T3C.l;t;r OT t}]E }t~Tlil]S±rriv~VE` Au'.}iC)-"::.y. 2. .A.1'I'I,:1'1r'D Tr':,~•1'I'iG EcC::Iit.`~Y - ::crsns an orf,:L~ti7.teti can i~r~i:~r~riiy e~,tsblis},•~d Tut t:su l,urpc,se of t,•'stil7g tc~ a.upraveci r;t~.n3,crds a:sd cs~J:•:-avc:;i r~• t.:se Adr;i::~- trat..Ivc Authority. 3. !tI)M]:CIJS'I'RATIVF.` ~,iJi•HURI'I7 -• is the indi•ridu.l afficin], bc~nrd, dt°t,~rtr;cnt, nr agency estrblisY:r~:d Inc: a.u:hcrized 'hy a stAtE, c.otat;ty, cit.w or c, t.?ser pctlitiCa:t subnivi5iun created b lav to adnir,i~tcr an:s ettfr•rcp the rc,vis :ens o_'` t,}:c avi~•+sinA pool. code as adol ted c,r ~~.~endt:d. ~. HAC'Y,WA.`~H L:(i'1'4C - wee "Fi~:.er '„t.s;,e F.)ischz~lFe Pi pint,.+~ 5. ~i0t7Y J'rr:l') -• -r'ilt~~r raid frame into a ,iiato~itc•-tti•c,e flltcr ti:r~~.~•ha:..t thH filtering cycle. 6. CAYi:'i~IU~,:. J•'I i'..:fit -- A )'Ater u j tag crsr`:-icil;e ;.;;lie !'i1.ts:r e].c::y^_.•~:. s . 7. CHi.:f?CAI, i`I.'Ii:!.' - iil,ing which cc~aveys cc~ttcer,tirat~-~3 c}ic^rrtir.a] s-aiu:ic•^s from c~. fir-e,-li ng r~J.i•~-rr~Ut:s to t`:e cS.; : u1Fc1 i :n p.i;ai nE. ~1. CIi~CiJT..1`I'i0;~ F'i:'::i:, S'.~~r::•I _ 'I`~:e aipir,E; o,: '.. ac. c, t; tht• l~aal wtru::•.~rr. r.,r~3 thc~ ^c~hanic~' rqui;.:°~^r.t. '.)sua.]]; i:,ci.ts~'.c•n sur.~i~,n piriti~, fe,.:e }~itii:~~; r~t3 reWuxn piF:x.e. M .. .. ~ 4'. t'1Jl~i'iATICtI VAI.Y:' ;, r~u.lti; a.rt valr•a i:rter~a~eci ~~. ..,N~i~C~,"'~J! ±~are than ancr t`unctitr~n. La. Ilii~ tffialD ~ The tate~l ha!c~ii z•e~uir„nt at the ~:i.rcu~wtio~n syrte~t *t kity+e 13~e~ri~x- F~t~e cs;i flar~r. ~~. R~A'.`'~ (Dii+atsrs~s~ceous ~xth) ~• rl t~"r~ ~t ~11i.rrer paid . ~'. DiA'I:K'"l"Ai ~'YP8 Fit.~'F*R -- A f1lt~rar a~rsi~ed 'to 'be used xltia filter ~fx1. J.~. FACE I'Ti:F'Illy -- 7'he piping, xitla a]'.l val•~-es ar~d fitti.n~s, which 1a >a$td t.a canu~ct kl~ 1'ill:ar syate'm tagether as t, rmit. I'~. FILTP~t -- Any appa..r~-!.us b?• which xat~~r is~ clarified. ].~. P'YL'~I~t 11I1) -- h ncn-pet~maxrent type of xllter ffiedia ar aid t>uch ns dfakrxai~.e, a:1ua etc. 16. F`1t1I`~4 CAHI'ti.Ii`3G~ -• A disJx~ssb]_e ar z~er~evable filter element r~~h3ch generrally emplc~;,•ts no ;alter +~3ci. 17. PiI.T~"R ~1~,MEf"(T -That p~u-t of r- filter Which ret.ain,s the fili.er media. 18. F7I:,'I~~F{ ME7~iA -The fine z~aterix-1 xhir~h egtraps the suspended psrticles ar~d re~aves tircra 1'rtxti the water. .1~. FiL7`:r:R R~4`J'iw -The averr~~r~ rate of flc~rr Irer equrrc font of filter rare,. ?C1. FJI,"I'r.Ii Fh"1CK - Sl,ccir+l.ly graded rack and ~;r avt-1 tasr•d it~ ::•~pxfvrt filter rill fI . ~?1. I•'lI;?'i"It S.'~.`iD -- A :~pecie.lly gr:idr..~. type of ucr-manent filter r.~~~rii.a. ?~ . ]"IC`I'ER 5i:i'"I`tJT~. -- 'I'hr-t J~art of the filter rlemert in a die.tomite t,ypc i'i J ter u_nc+n .rhf ch a cake of rif a~`•ami t e or ether nail-pex~r,anent 1'i lter si d wsy tie d~I~ositea. ~~. ~`I.L7^;~'}i 1~',~:;'~E IJ:I;)Clt,lFirli. .E'I1'lIi(', -- Piping, that. conc3~~ti~ts tirnste water f:•na r. 1'ilte, to a drainage syst.t~:n. Connection to draina~;c sytcttm irs mede~ ..}~rou~1 ~ ai r I3ap r,r other ~~.I~provr~d methads~ . ?.~. I•'i?x:S?i W.4:"F:R - ~~h~se wrate:rrW T~r~ving a ,pacific conductivity lr~~.., thrin a s~alutiota cuntainir~~; six thou;;».nd (~i,nt7t3) ns.rts per r.~illion of sodtrb el~loric~.e. >. HJGit f'}.~:.":~ RANI: I•'IJ~?'ER ~- A r.•eend filLr~r dcsikned fc~r flown :ir, ex.ce:rs c~:' ft~t g,allae;a per ~nir.,ute (Gf'M) per squsre foat. :?~,. lNL3::l' FJ.TT"'JHC - Tt~e fitting car i'ixi.ure Lh,-uugh unfrh circu7cite~d ~:ater raters the r-~,~n>.. 2"j. i~411I:"1 JIITI.~!"'!.' -- The ~~ut]et(s) st the d~eJ.~ pc+rtian of the }-oc~] thx-augh vhtrh the Hain tlav rt water leaves the pao] w},erg being drained or cirestlnted. x8. P'0+7:., - A bacl,~ a!' water si.xt,rexa (].~:~) irr~.~~es ax• enure .tn rt~rpth used far e~tha~° thaxr ~rri.v~izr~. ., ~ .. ~~ ,` 25i, pOC1L ~i~i l1: ~- ".'h+r c~~.ata~ne,~ ~aet~,+aeQ the f].ar. r cif. pac~l aund tl:~z maxi ~~u~ ~'' c+pcrert4~ water la+~el. x. gyp. 3, ~I~G «~ 1~7..~. rh.ca~, ctrculat~!e~a. #'i]t»r r~rsnate diacherge Di~i~Cf deck dl,au~ and vwtcrr t"i]1i a~ret~. ,~, ~1.. FQR'~'111 Pf~OL - A pt~sfa ea-L~rat 1l ~r~-.icda a~ay be erected st the •` pc: tot of intcndect usr ~d +~hich ~- tomes aubaetptr~entxlr di ara~oae~mttled and re- a~•eeted sat a, c~ewr ltacsticyrr. C.enenrell~+ inatu].1ed on the aut~i'are of the ~rrc~uryd and vithrw.t eattR'~-stf ~. ' 32. P}tt+~kAT -- 'n w distc~-ite-tI/pa rtltex• the ix-it3el wonting ar filter sid ,pXraCed crra this rilt+~a' sagrttaa i#. the atwrt of tLa fia.ter cycle. ~3• SID S Fi LT~'R ~ !1 fi 1. ter dersigincd t:o be uae3 Frith sand a,~ the filter ~,asdia send for flows not td srstcetd t'ive t;PAd per square root. `~ 34. fi.FCF.F~t'tl~t - fin a,~pe°c,r-ed plt;ing fixture or device oi" such urateria~l , ' :ahaF~ sin+9 r~pacit;~ asp :,o euiet~uat.rly reersiwrr the dfsehai•gr from w.nd3.rect ~rs;ste piping, Wo canst.ructc~' sand lcu~~at.cd as to tte rebdily c1.tYsaned. ~~. hF:TU}~ I'I~'.It1C -That partic:*~ of t;ieb oircul.atiun pil,iiig Which F•~'tc~n;ls from the nutlet t~fdc of thse filtrrs fro the I~al. t . ~6. SAI,?*JF: rA':~`F: - 7};u .~ uatera having n ~prcific: conducti~-ity in nxcc:,~- of r. :~oiut,ion r:„nc,t,.ir,in~; six th~,usrssd (6,i~f3n) party, per million ca#' sod.i~.im :,~~~. ;if:F'AFt,1':'iG*: :•'~.'~}: - A de•vicr used to r_]e.rf.1';,• filf.cr rinse= or »cr.,te uFit~.:>r. ;~<~:at•Li:;.~~~„ :~r,ilcci n r+~rl~-.atann tru-k. 3Q. SK11~:-}'I!~iTf? - A :yurr~nr.e slsirrse:t• r.o~a>,ined wi+h a va~c~nuc, din.t.nmitc filter. :~9. SIIC'1'Ibfii F'If'::JG - 7'h sat t~rtion of the circulsstion l,ipi.ng located be:turr.r. t}ar_ ~~ool s~erur:ture^ sod t}-r inlet cside oi' t•he dump and usuAlly~ inclurlc:. fist follu:rinR: mrxin a~.tlet piping, ~ki~:r:r piping, vsaculun t~{t~int.; e_nri :;~zr,3c: tnrilc s~il7ing. 1a0. :~U}iFAC.'1; r:i::'. :;ii -• A d~~vi~•c~: sene*ra11.y locKt.c:~i in the pool wall tirhie}~ s}:itizs ttse Foal : u: `'a••e I,~• drs~Ging i:cticsl. ,pater over a self-•sid,~u~,ting ws~ir. ~~1. :iWICr!I?iC :'A:r"3L - .,;,;; ~'c,r;•tru~tr-d or prcf'r~bric.~s~l,ed l,c,o'i u5e:d ;cr svir•~;•:r,F c,r hr-thir:,~,, r,-~ci• sixtc~er. (lfi) inches is det,th. 1i?.. ;',1iI;dh'.Ii~iC, ;'C}~i. - isitir~i.r. - shall include tali cs~ns4ructed tx-olw which area used cas a tgwis.ing xrool in racer.e^t.i ~., with s mangle fcsmi 1.y resfdcncA, rind sysils~.blc c~rrl~' to tht~ family o; the huc:•~:ehe~lder end his privtate guests. ' b3. DWI;"`?!3C ?'C*'~1. -- Fns?.1{t' - 11ny rw#tning pool n`.ht_`r• ti~rsss a pri.eL~c ~,W~r..>nif.~ ph01.. ~+~5. 'I'tJP,.~OVF~,R ~"x'.~!~ - ?"Y~e titer in :~~•urs, required fur thr* circiaisatic~n sy~trm to fS 1 :.er ar.nd rc cirrulrate w ~ro7.umc of w~st,er sexual to the lrool •:gl~ry~r. -3- ,',~~ .> . ,.. .. ~ I,` ~, i .. ,. i U[i ~ ~~ . ~.. CI jl~ . ~~'-^--~-=--1F'~~ G.'"i~ ? : C rat. i C?n _clf• _C!~tir 1. .A~i,niet;ra:.ive Atati:.~r9.ty a,.~! Asrliul.r~ut.L. ~'1te;rr..tie~r ttrr= t.e.z'~t "Ac~~inmct:ra::irre Aut'~~aa tty" i~; ~~eci i1a t.hi~r f)7•clit~rr.rir.e i'L ~h~a.11 be ctlreatxved tcs mss :tie ~u~ld'.ing tl:ft'ici~ or lrix sLthurize~d rcpr'e~en~ati~,!:. 2. 1~ep~,t~t iir-~ri.t~ Jt~riatQictir~n. l31~rr*~ o~laerri*~ provis3ed fatr by le:~e+, ti.e ofTit`e~ rat' t:h~ Adminietrati~~e Authari.tw ~~i be prr~ of ~e Pl~na~ixr.~ auy~ ~rv~l.a,~r~o,~nt Dr:pa~rtmei~t. ~. IAatf,e~ of The Administrative Authar~itty`. ~''•,~e Ar]trinist.retirr~ Autlrarity stral.i r.±a~intr~in put~lic office hr~ura I:r'rr:ysary tc~ r.TficienE:ty acL:iraiut,er tht prc+viait~rls a: th9r~ Ordfn+~nre snci r:rt+rrdmerrt:ra t;r~tretr~ ~,nd ah:~~.:1 a~ert`orw tha r,llrr~ 4s-g dut,iea. (ex) Tteauire subini:~sie•rr ai`, ex,~minc r~atd check pl+tsng, si•t~r_i~- ficatlarls,, d~ratirings, de~acrSptian~, ar diagralas xhere nprea8~ry to a!-orr c]car'.,y t.llt~ c:harn~:t,er, kl.nd .rind extent of pa~i. work covered. by ~ppli.crYttona f17r e~ i.crrtr.it a;yd '.s~-an r~pprr~v+~l thcrc~oY shrill isstle thr. permit; npirlird therrf'or. (b} +~allect all i•rirs far.• pcrtnits .irsuccd Rs l,~ravide;i l:y t.hi Or°cifnt=.nce, i~;sae re; ~tpts Lherefor ir, dupliccit:r, t.hc duplic:n.t•e ropy of «hlr.Y; s1t~11 i'~c r:t~.inttiincd as a regard of his office. {c) Admini;rtE-r rind enforce the i+rovirlto[IS of t.hta ~)rdinRnc:F~ in •= ^rsnrtf:r c~<:.nr:;;,tcnt with the int.erlt t,hcrrof atyrl inspcc't till pant wark :~ia;.hcrrirca by t;n.: perr:it, to ~ :;sur•c ::amplit~nce with provtsivn, a: t.hir; i)rdinrirtGC, r~C~?~rcaviriv or r_c~nciC"`.r1iI1~ :=r3ici wark itt whole car in I~;~rt, n.; c~otzditians rEquirc:. (d) Ts;~ut~ trpnn regrYC;;t .~ Certit'3r,rat.t~ o^ ;~ppt•ovr~1 .t'or ++n~• wark r:r:•i,rtJVF:si ray hl:n. (r_) t`oncie-~rt ::nd rot„~t :ill war): done ar r~7it;crirr.l~ a ,c:d ar Tlc•.inf; uc:c:d wh?.r}r cio not in r~i]. r•c;,treat, cc:::lzly with ttre j+rovi ,ion, elf this t~rciinar.nce. (1') Order ch[tn~ec. in wt~r}•*:trsn~=hip or r~ttteri tit s or bc,th r. ;sr.en:.irtl to o1,tt~in ccamf~lir.-ncr, wit:i ta.l]. i>I•clvi:;iotts aC t.'iis ()rclit;rrnc:e. (~) Anvestiraratc nn construction ar Work rc~ulateci by this GI•din:x~+c:e tirrri i;:~uc ;uch nof.~ccs strld C1I'(itr^ r3s i?I•UVldt't3 In :'~LCtion l.t+ t>r'1ri .l.fi c.~f this nrdit:r~ncr.. (h) Keep ti record of r.l? c::c:,:rntirr.`t tI•t~.n:;r.c:'.;i+,nts Uf his clifirct. (i } Trr~.ns f r_r r311 fr~c~:s cal) r_.r. Led Tay him t.v tha I~ropc:r r-ut.hori+.y provicl~~d T.y J.c~w ~,c rereivr~ :>uch ftutds. lJ) 1~`riirttain Hn ot'J'ini~-1 rc:~i;;i-er i~f al? x,f~rscrnt~, fiI•,~a ar ca rSx~ra~ti:.~n:~ l:axt"ully cnt.itled La cr:rly an c.-r engt~~e in the t+u.airrers of ~+ool irc;.tnl lrrt ion. wi~_ i' . .Apip] ,e~-ti;sr. ;af t~ta~c 1. *do F.•owiri.(~r., t.)r `.113.: v: ''.~r.•,r.:!^ c21:.~1 !?L' (}E`C'I':CC°i t~ rrq?:;.',' ^s c),crs;G,t irl arly pc~2'tlpn ni` a p,•~rsl syst.er~ nz• rtl'i;~ nti;cr x(~ri: r^~lllb.±ed >~;~• .i]ir Clrctinn.:ac {Y'i or' p.7 err exit`*..ing pool ~nc~n E12~!: v~x'Y: tiJSaa iustallcA in Hcc~I~tak:nCE •.~.th t}:c 7.r~u prior t;t,~ Ltu ri'fcc'~ivr :]a.te of this ~rdir]tsrce; exc*"iSG lrizen axly ~cr,•~1 e,•stcw ar cade verk re~.~~at:ed by this ar•di.nacnrre iti c{c•termined 'hy the A~ai'ni~tratlvca Auti~-pY'#,tlr i:p ~ :l~ react +i~ro~isx, L:nrzafe, r,~ad a ~e~ce to ]11'e, heeit.tl ar prvp+~t•t~r, ?. '~'iae px•a~vi.^~i.axre r-S' tl,ia tJz•d':.ne~nce ,ell~].l xapp2y to a3. ]. rar~.r c~(~i.e-truc:tfon, tt;s erly +h]tfireat4crnar, =:wg~~;`.a'c:, c,r rar;on::,truct.iur~, except ~~ ~rwavidr.:ci in tt-i,e: (32'•dint~rlce. t;. Td~p~ai.;rar ean8 A~.t.era,t:iont- C?xl exietti.x~g prt2:.-is~e!s on xtxic:h pool instul]atior,ec ert to be a~3t-erect, rep~irecl ar T•ezlavete~r3, c3rviatYan~. i'rcam t.Yre pr'cvir',font~ csf this Ora'linencG~: l~r~• pyrt,itt+~d, prr3vj,5c~d such dF!viatir~naE, ear+v :r,unrY tv t)+c necerstxxy tAand ere 1'.ix•et epl,rc~vc~d by t>ye Aclsai,nY,strat'ive Autht,rity. D. 1'ubl.ic 'r'4a:1t3 Itegtaix•c:~rr:er:.Ls 3'or gtii):t>Lr. pools shesll. cotn;:,7.y *xitt2 ~i.visic)n ?4~, C'hnptcr 1, ~ F~ct.ior::~ ?b100 tc, ?~l()9 ir]elusive Uf the: Crs'li f~rnia Herslth e~;ld f: ett'aty Cac?c, rand L'htsr,t.;.~r `i, 5ubchtapter ]., Group ~, 5ecti(?ns 7771+ tics jC~:3:~ 3ne]ta:>iver, GH~if'ur,,irs Admin.ist•rlstiv,p Ctsrt+~, Tittle 17, I'ul,;,it: Hr_rsl.th, and glar,zl ntt91) be rr:vic~•acd by thF• f;rsnttt ('lrlrn C'catlnty 11(rt~l.th 1)e:i,nrtr..eni;. gtruct.tlr'el 1.•]rsnt;, ::itE lc>c:rtti(u]:;, tsrsd t;tructt2l'c; rc!lrstirtip; 2•n ;~slh.l{c 17rcalt, hr]ll n.c?ct. t.hc ~•c'rt]:is•crr!nt.:. of c,ther• s:r•et..ic,n, c]f' t.hizs ttrctintsr:cr.. ,;c:ct {c,n 16.3'.l]lic]. :'r]f'r_t.v ?ircn:{r<::~.rnt;; A. ?'.`veT'y t,r:rzion ul]o ::Ytr_i.t own c,r• 1s L` ir] tx?r.:.(:t:ricer] of rrnv I,rc:rnt ,c:,, t'rl::'t11CI' $:7 1)LrC1'119,".itll' tli '_')' CC)112.r•t3(:t., :1Cf:;:i`f', tC'rlr'I]t, C72• ]]CL`r:i!?~_, Un 1~i111C1r t}]r.rr { ti nau ssi turlt~d c)r• rct. zc.nv tirr:c? hcr•~crzf'tc2• r,];t]• hc! z:it.tltst.ecl ri s;w;ir..ming }»..,7 , fish ~rtcl, klndirtE; py~o7., c)r clt:y t,tllcr l)r)riy of uratt;r rc~~;t>,lrstGr'1 h~• this ChltPte.•, ttnv 1~csl•t{ars of uhich i.sl r.ixt.ccn ~1K~ inr'ktrs c)r more, ix; dr_pth, ahz~.ll ranintr,in c,n the lc]t. or i,rc:,isac. upcsn w•hicl'1 z;uch z;xis~~a{ng Fool, fi.z;rl goad, waning cool, ar (,tt,er~ h.rt.i f icicsl i,c)ciy 4i wcst.cr• iz; lc)c~~ir~d zc2]d cuss]platc?1•y ziurrc,llrrcl:inf; :iucl, baci; of ~:titr!r, rc !'c!nc:c~, wtsla c)r uti,cr s.it.ructu2•c not 1es, tl]ruz i'i.ve (5') a'c'ct. ;ill lss?i(;ht., n(~]• r.c)r. t.}lr+n six (ft) !'c~~t, in },ciE;l]t; prr)vicit•d, hquevc!r, tl]nt. [rCttl,t. f•C,:' tIUUPS ar f;ritf.? ~, t•hc' 11C)rli.0i]t.tlt ::i;;.Cr',Sial] QI' r,l])' C,1~Cr]il1~, l1C~1CS, UI• F;ts},: {is s:;si(1 T(•nci!, k:tll, ur ot.h(:I• ~;Lrt,ctL,_rc ~;`n.l.] nc,t ,:~.r,<<cd t.l,rc:c (3~c) inche, r~ssc thrst no of'f':,ct. i;c.]•L,c~n~~lctll::r t~ the huri::r:nt,ztl :l{~„!'nsion :1,:t1] t:xcee,] ~mc! htstf (1.i2) inch r,.nd },rovi(ie:d illriher, t.l;si:. ..n .:pr:rt::.znt hcnss~c, cl:rr!;1;1](; hau~e csr ,ic:cn:;sor~• btlil.ding 27tsS• b<? ~:-;~••d tar tt i~tsrt of ucl, c~ncic:iurr_. A1] E;;s:.:~:: ur (lost c,i,^rlf nt; thrc~il~;h :;uch c~ncl.c,:,Lire .>hn.l'. Lc r.(llti pled ui tl, tL tcc~".'-c??c,;:inU and r,r11'•-:;ra.c:ts{nF.. (1l:vicE' d<!::it;r]c•d t~-, k(?~_x~, :,nd l~c•inf, cr._-:ct~lc of 1(r!C'L~ir]};, !sU~,•1, dear ar• E; U. t. (' z.r~c;urc]y C1C);4'cl i1t t-]7 t{:liC'L' ti:l;~`rl r,r)t !Ji i1S`t.tl;tl ,,;L:~ t, i tt] r:ur.h l at e'tl:ir.,? «i tl;er T>~ ril•C1: 3•i VC (>') f'aet. ra,c,vc~ t,roun:l level , cr uthcr- vi:.c .,.:sdc~ it,::ccr~s•~it,]c• frc,~ t'r]c• c)tlt:,idc tc~ clLildre•~1; ;>I•uvi•3cd, h:~ac:•rcr, LhQL tt,d! du:sr c,r :sn]• dur. i ling u:,it c,c:cu_r.{en by hu::~l~r: l)e.inF;z: .: r;ci f'or:sing cst,w lntrt oi' Lhe c°r,c]u:urr l,(~rcitrs'•l,ove rec,uireri need t, ca i. l)E te) r••juil~t,ed. Pall srlch ftitc!~; c:r dour:; .;hrl.l be }:eNt elate:! er ltstchc•d w•i,e!n tl,e pacl.l c,:; tfc):iy of :it"sto~r i;.; _. j ~. nut ttrad¢r ',hc~ cant5trsxxt ::u_~ervi;i;:sari trT u tZt.B~].ifii:d adult guard. ~. Fr>tZeitzg t.t~ , rovi~e mdequatr pratecti on ahall be i.~-t~'t~13ed :t mv~di.t3-trly' at'ter exce-v~tian. Srctiors 1ra.3:`.D;O. i~e~ ~'grs~tr-xct.;ian Fte~tsit•~t»t~ ltrr]easx cather•~+-tae sp~cifir.d its. t*hier Ardintr~rsce. e.kl pipit's, rqui~serst e-nd rar+ter•ials u4ed in th,N pltxsbiag tsiattr~ ~hr~I1 c~yfr~trti to the :currant Urtit`E~rru 1p11tstrttr.ftig Cade, pvblir3hcd bf thtc Internr~ti.arsral A~zsaciatiara at P]ltxmbieg (!i`ticie.lr, w ~4p .eii by tre~ city c,#" Cupertina. A . AirY~ ravr-X r- A]1 ~-teriit~.et, pipit, valves, rquipateat ar ttpplirt-rsces aritering int,~s the t~orssctructi.an at pawls ar pc~rtiona thr*reuf tt?,e-I1 be a.f a ty°pe c:amply- irtg with tyic, Ordinazrsce ar of • tyl~ rcronmr•nded rtrtd e.pprave`d by d t:sationa.lly reco~,r~i~ed tix~tirrg agersr:y ar to athcr recognizr~d Cta$ndard rmcet"ptamtrle to the Adr.,ir.ie:trat:ive Author•it~•. F'ar• arty itrsas nat siaecific~-lly caveretl in thew ;r~rlu.ir,•:~r:rtte;, tit: A~~nsinirtra~ive Jluthority is hereby author~i:.erd to requirrt theft arll._ tquii~:,r-::t, ctateri9lrr, reethods a!' ronsrtrur.t.iots and rtrsign feattu-eta c,hr~:l.l Lc' ps•ove~n t.c~ 1linctir,n adreiuat.ely, effect,iv+~ly strd rrit.hout exrc+~si~re nrti:tt.r~nr~.r'icr rind rapr~rrrtic~nrq.l di fiicult.iea. It r,hrill 1~,e• t,hc^ resr.crn:;tbility of the c~vl~lieant. to provide r.ta,.h cirr;.:s, t. r;f,ts, r:,r t~t.li%r n•lr.c;•.s:rt.e rrr:oi' th4t t.hrs ctr~vicr~, nrtt,rrit+l c:r prr~~3ti:ct. rril.l r ,itir.f+it•`.crrily i'<zri'ur-zr, tir~~ fianc,t,iotr for wltic'~ it iRs ir:t<~nc'.rr:l. tir:fL:re rc,~r~b itr-a :~::r'il l bE: ::x~~i~1"i.+'i8~"Q (':r I},~`(:n}~~,CC~ f i?.r' t'•:iL~+. A. /'.1tr: ttGttc i'ci<.,~r•ivilc; +inci I•'et.•rro.ir: r.,f Gc,n:;t,r~s~.•ticart 1, i'trr~ p•ovir;iann crf' this t)rP,ins-nce are not inte:~c1~•d Lr~ preve.at the u~:t' of r-nv rr.lt.rrrn.atrt rtcait.~*r•.ta.1, r.:ethc+d of cr~nstr•uctinn, i+t}pl~ir,.ti~~E~ or wqui~- •~r•n', t~r~s~•icteci :. n ,:each ril.tr'rnnt.e hrl bc°en fir•.tt ripirrcvrd arsd it., u:;e atathcrriTr:d :~~• t.t,+~ F,,i~::nt:;trftit.ivt: Atrt.harity. ~'. ti::,~•n t.},c~rr~ it in:;ui'ficient cvidr~nr.r: t.n ..ubr,t.rint.i.r~tr~ c?riirn:; f,~r riltrrz•rt',ti•:,, 4h•~ l+~:r^irist,rnt.i-,~r^ !1ut.h~,s•.ity znriy rr~~,uirE t,^:;t.s, s.~~ i.roof of c•r•-r~lir+nr.r•, tr, 1~,r1 r:•:ae by r.n :~t~i~a'ut•rzcl rrr,ncy nt the e•xtu~rrsc of t.?rrr r-pplicti.rit. C. ~':,,:;i n,•r•r•.i rt; P,~.:Ign All dc~z,ign, cc.n,truc~t,i~>n rand r.•c,r};:•,;in:;1~i1> r:hril.l be .in cc~nfc,r;;rity «it.'w; rrccc~t~tr.•d c•ngr,r•es•Irp; }:r.*ict.ir.c:; nnrl :;brill b~c oA r;+rch chrtrrrctt"r ns> t. r, e,ecure nc rr~r.ult.z; ::•.~:z,;;trt t.r~ t,e c,Y,t sined try this Or,lin;tnct:. 1. F;vcry pc,ul sh<i11 br r~gtri~ped cc~:~i,lr.t.c wit1: ripp:,:vr:d r;echristi- r•til E'~t7L'i~';:r•:lt c~:r~::istinf; cif filter, iru~p, pit,ing, ~rrilves rind cc.~-_•~~ncnt }~tirts. :_~.`... i":'it;ii: 1'c3n]r: wir.tt rt str}•]rly of frr_~:,h wEitc~r• eQu~ivrilcnt t.o the •r~~,1u~e cif '?~~• ~>nrsl .in t}re: ::prcii'ied tt:z•n<:vr~r t.tr,^ will tre rtl:loti+c,i, :t'XCr:jit: i.hr~rc inlet ~et.s are ut;rzd the pool pipSat; :~ha7.3 br sized a4 t.hnt tY:rr ~:ritPr velocity >a.i]1 not exceed In f't, l,er scea:td tc.~r thr. i,~ryl des,;~n flpv, c:xr:rl~t t.hnt the uzitr.r vciacity 5hn11 nbt excr'ed $ ft:. i~cr second in copper pipin@;. ~ w a D. I "t~:n~ ~ 1. with ~ e~ppruvud ~. t~raty ~f.lt" elia(in~ ~. ~'oz~l ci.•reulatitrs~ pwsp~ sh~.I be eauied nn the 3n1et s', de ty~ hct.t•r• e.:d i.la: strs.ix~er wh~rz ur;ed ~rfth es l+ressuse filter. ~tr-s sY.~.l bar Ta,~-irnted c~rai .,t< st;batitntisa base in a enecrartr sit ar s t~ xwa~• r t~ pf pf xyg . 1'~pe sneJ.1 laatra Arsi~pm ccrpri(city at: the i'rildrrSt~ hes~le; (r) Fy,ra+~ua:'er XAi*tamo+ceaut ~:artL - At 1e!psti dQ f t. (~+) ~'arwu~ ryi,wtc~cnaceotitu lf±arth - 7'vel:tY (pig) .inches werutw- ~ t,!Ie r,uctitylr tide arir: wt7 !"t. tCrtal head. (r) fiapid s+ur,~l - AL least ~-5 t't. t~!) High Aatr- - At ltlq.st t"sC1 ft . ~. ~Il Lva~y Grxtrr Yelvtu ]. }r"y,rl]w~iy Fnt^ ~'Rlves s~hrLll br. int.nl]ed t. c, in-sure pralyer fLln.•Li:~+nit~ c,t t.hr t`iltrrit.ir-,n nand x~i}~tng :~,ysstA•rA. tri) W1trn thr LLIt:1p it; :located ;,!•]ou t•.hcr ovc'I•flar+ rim of ~Lhc ]~~,c,l, a vr:lvc.• •,I~rsll }, r, inatnllr•(i on t.h~' ~~ischtirge out,lrt -ittci t.lte ~u(:Li:±n line. '1't,e v:.lvrr r},}ill t, e' ?<~+'a',.rc! in ar, krce:-•.~it~le p]sc•e. (t,) VcclvRw.: shr9l.l. i;,c m(icjP of t:ut.~~ri r-lr; t.ltttt r(t•r: tai,x+r~vi~d ir, th!~ (in: fort, T'1 tt:~.t: t nt'; Cr'..i~:. NC1~.: Ct,attS nr~t1 an vr(1 ve , mriy l,c i n;;;.rt] ] tci wh!:n ;~}~}~rr.,•.•P'~ L~• t.}, c• A<?rini:itr;(t ive l.'.Lhority. ,~'. ~ttt.(•r ;qtr},l,l~• (.Irtl<•:::; r+ts ti(,I,t•i,~r.d t.yj~c of filljli~ :,}:rt.em icy itt~t.ti1]rci, ri.zt~• ?"-;(tr.~r :iu}~},ly whis•h, it: t.hr 3utlt^:cnt. ref Lhe•• :(c'.rtinirtr,it.ivc AuLhe>r•.it.~• rt,!.• t,c~ t-:,c~:3 Lo f'i 11 t.h!• .,;+ol , :,h:t: }+(^ (•nL11F},e3 vi t1" l~,ic1':flow~ }~rot.(~r.t.ian. iio over thr~ r•ir fi]1 :.}'r:ut :.::rsll t,t: wc:c•t~}.t.r(: trn](•t,:; lr,t~t~tc.d ur:(icr r, rl3vin~; hcrirri, !n• (~. hrs;it,c '''t:trr I-ie.}~(~:;ril r1U lliI'<'(`t C)^ .iw"~~I''`C: CC, r,T)CCi.YL;rI !itl(i~l ]1C r".rltlc: },C.'t.kCC`n ritiv . s:t.c,r;: cI:•riin, :,+~a•!:r, cirtii.,riF;e svsL!'m, ~!sc))r~e ]~iL, trn(i•~r•F;rcnrnd 1r:Iic:}ting i7it, (:I• r.t,.:-,,ui 1 c;t t_i rtr,f;r 1 i ne, and rtny lir,+* cc,n.~ewctc~d to a I,i~c~l unlc~,:r taF•~},I•c,vc:ci by ti,e Ac?::tirti:'•r•t.':ti•r• AuL?,:rrity. H . St t•~srr,t i c)rt ".".z-t1: A sr•}~~srr(ti~~ri t.firti; of r+n rsi+})r-c~.c~d t.~•t•e mH;t t.,c u:: ('d Sn lipu of thf` Fit'Cal'i-r1°'nt.l()ili!d f: l',Lwt~' c,f kt.'itN u(tt(•r (ii:i},U..!:1 a},(.'-rl '::c,:l:lt'(`L.l!<j Nti ti I'~C!.'i+':l~ at.ton r.yacesat. w ti I. Tetats ~.. AY1 pool pgpilT~, rahatl b^ in~pectetl rand apgravrd before being rtaver4ed car ccrn~eea~.ed. It ah~.ll be trrstrd nn~t prcaveci tigtixt tr tha ~atir<+facticrn aP the llda..irri.stra~tiva A•itlir~r~Aty, undar a atatie arat~:r r~r air pre:-stuet test of ea:~t lara~ t:ibor7 ~5 ~3Z t.r.e ~,~ ~inri•t~s. ~. A'll drre•i~na,~r and ~-e:~rtQ pipj.rag ~hr~ l be teeter! as requires! b~' 4.ha eurresr~t lhzifcr~ .Pl~lbi~ Gcxle. .T. Drain Pipia-~ Z. L~rsina~e pipir~ aervin~ gr~.vlt3r <xverfloa gutter cirr~ins anti der:k d: ai my ~he.l ]'. be f nst.s.Iled to provide Conti nltclus t;rgdc to paint of diaa- r.harge. 2. J'oint~ and evnnect:ion-t rthall br mrcde srx rec}ui.red by the currant. r-dc~pted Unifr7r'rn Pluybing Cndrr. K. Wnt.c:;• Ne:*ting k:q~Tipfllent }'c,o.l water }teat i. rig rrqu;praent ghn7.1 conform to the cie:.i},ri, rc,natruc- tion rind i:l..t;nllrrtic~n rn~uireruent.~ rtr; set fort'r- in th^ lAteat i-dppt,r:d r.•dition o}' the U:l.ifox•r:t 1'lur~,Uing f:ode Rnd Uniform Mec'h+anirril Cade, sha11 tlCur the .A.G.A. lribc:l, ri.nQ :thn1J. incllydc± r3 cc7nsi,lr.rcaticn oi' ca-nhur,t.iun txir,~ ve~ntin~, tend gala ;;upnlw r•Tclilirr:r~r.ntr, far wcit.t'r t:rrrctc~x•s rtnci in iiticiit.ic~n t.ne fa].l.awinF, r?hnll tae rr:~~ui red 1, l.tl :1 px-UVnd l,c:r:~!rtnc:nt by-I~lir•,s Ur rtnti--:,yphc,n dt:vicr~ 4;hra].l be in:;tr~l;led t.o l~rovi cit^' a IrasS tivc r:lcrtns of x•ct,ninint; water in tht: },rnrstea• When the pump is not in ai~erat.i~an. 2. When the htscitex• is in;tri7lyd in r; l.lt, the lei'. nhnll Le l~rr,vided r:it.h iilll,rovr:d dt•Fainnbe fFtcilitics. 3. All water he'atiug eclxliprncnt shall be inst.nl.lcd with flrcn~;es or union ConnCCt.i cln ncl3r~c:ent t.o the hcntGr'. '.r. k'hen writer hcliting ecluil::~enL which i:: irl±;trilleci in ii rinsed :~~';;tt_::, hr.'i t; `.t131'y(,* li^`,,ue~'tl t.~1(: !!1`lll ilSt1C'C' 13rtd t11C 1~C7(71 , ri Ii7't':i'~I]I'l? x'el it_':• Yr11YP. :,hill] l;^. in:atnllrrd ,~n thr: l;i:;r.h!~r•t~e r;icl~~ cif the Mater ht'atin~ e.}uil~;-~ent. For w~ita ul~ i.o lend inc.lu:ii±c~ :~CL~,Ofi(i ii.'>',U.jhr. inl,ut tllc: rellic:t valve r:hAll Ur J'..G.A. r!-trr? end fc~r inllut.~ avt:r i'(10,C1r10 H.`I'.U/}lr., thc: valve :;t:~iil U~ A.:;.I'..F:. rr-t.er1. j. A check waive shn11 be loctited to },r•event backf~.aw oC hot ,r:it::r from the heHtt~r. L. GriS Piping Cnd~. Gas pir.ir.g shall cc:~;ply with tilt r-arren~, adal•trd Unifoj~l P11.T.:.bing ~{ ., M. yix~l. Ic:apact~azs A3.1 pvo], ~;n~rtsllatioas trust b~ caw~laet~. Ths pant ~s?r+a]1 bi eoa~]ete]r lillad with '~ro-tlrt` iI'u~ t1e apireti.an bef:,xv! f.ina] inspnetion. 11. l~cwtbnck Itequi~ratzswentt- 1. l-1r• (5'a t+wt~t required tra-tveata pxaprrrtll ]fines atwd pool. l~irar (~~~ feet ragtairad 1Raat~-~tRa trttructre~ and pvoJ.. ~e abavs set~,afiks azrs to r~at:er ]i.Y-i Qxcept whin aweeazuenttt at;e pru,r+rat t1~t prohibit +sncroacht~rAt; thi #i.we (5') feet dixninsi,an sh~s11 1~c to brai:k of pan] strurt,ura. ~C~PTI01~: 'I'hte f.iva (5'} feat r~equiremrnt bet~ren hours •nd pool bray be rmrd~rce:t9 if ciaatgn r~i.ll parfait a rurc:harge but a+hall »at be clQSer rh-n thtria C3' } f ee~t . 2. pia stri.~nn-ing pool structure wad related e+~uipmeant ahail, be catit-trur,tecl within art erase*zsyent. uect:ion 1b, i2,D60. F.nfarcement Authorit~+ A. Right ~f Fntry The l~cimiz,istrative Authority and A~:sier.azttr rhall c.:irry prt-pcr crcede~nt.i:zls of the rospec:tivQ offict!, L~;~on exhibition of w}iirh they tshAll ha~-e the: right of c:ntr'y, during usual }~uciness hours, to insr~c.~c:t r,rty rind rill pnuls or pc,z•t.;ctn chc:~z•eof :tn the ptu-furmrznce of their dudes. !1. nr~ngernttr Construction i•,?innevet' bwaufiht to thn attr.nticzt cif t}~c depart~~cnt hnvinf; ,juris•- dict.ior, that any con::cructian ar work re.};izlated by th3rt Orcl:inance it: h~zx~rrciczur:, dnn~;r:r•o:is, uncwtr: or a nrnACe tr. life, hr:ra].th ctr propcr.ty or ot:hcrwise in v,icrl~~t.ion of t;,.r, Uz•dinrTnce, the ::aid deprir[nent rt<~y rcyuC:st an investlFntic,n by thr Aclmini:~trzTt.ivcz Aut}-c~rity who, upon deterioining tiu~.h informrttion f.o be trtct, ~,h,zll nzcier azt)~ pzrson, firm or corpcrrat.ion, using or t~:~inr,-inl.ng any I;uch s.ortc:l;ion or rr.:~pon>;iblc for the use ar in.-+inteiliiilCE t:h~.c:of tcz d3scontintzu the ut~e of or mrtinter,.rnce thereof ar ro reprtir, a1tPr, os- r_}rrr.i;e r~rrne as }tie r.:rzy r.onc:idCr neceras.rry for the prober lrr•otc~clion of life, health car prarc:rty. T:vc:ry such orclei' shgl]. br: in t~rir.ing, addrf:,e,cd to t:he e,ti,-rzer, .rFert err prnc~n rc:r:l~;~ns.ib]e for the prczmi:.es on which Much conclitio~ r~xists .•Tncl s},•ill speeifv t}te date or time r:hen such order sha11 be camp]it:d wi;~h, t<~hich shall allo~ 10 dayx in F7hich such a„dcr shell ire crmpliQd e,3t}. by the l~erxran, firm or corporation rrcr.ivin}; such urd~;r, but shall never cxckad the ;~na:in~.im , eriod for which F.uch corstructic-n can be safely u:tield ar irainta:nFSd iii the ,jttrif;,r,ant cif the Ac:ninistratllve Authority. Fc~tu!~rl, iallzrre or nef;lc.^t to comply kith s,rch notice or order z;hnll Zrr conr~ider~~d a v3ctletian cf thi,: l)ruinanra. C. Authority to Stop tJark 1'}ienever arsq coristrucCion x`e~ulated by tl~ic C~rc!iti+xncc is he>ir,g, c-r her boon clon~t can;.rarlr to the rtequiri:oa:nts aE this Ordinxura, the Adrainia- ..~.. ~ ~, ., `• rip '. ~" ..~ ~; M .,, ,,((, FP'; ~y ,~, r,,; ,~ A,~ '~a ~. r P LI'wlt~.'J~ !i'1'~l al'., .. :y ^r2'ii!^ Ftl], wU:'~ .,.Ur~}tiN,~ 4"'!t) :.}lU~ ~:C>J'~J.(:~t"1 r)1' t}Jra 117St.rL~.-` IJ'~t~i.C)21 U:1 'i}ll.:l; :[JJG:'1 'Wlrll:.-tior: htcS ,lf C'J!"1"',""{~ iiltGl i. f,) l?I':~f:Z• LiIC' :'NI~,OV1'l~, l7Y' caY+revLi can crn xhi c:; thN vim atian hJ~~s ucr~,s: rr.~ . ~.vcrti such ox"~ler shfwll be i n xx~itin~, stat~:lg Lhe r,:>.;.tx~'r at the vi.alJtt+.ion arnd i'ia:irg a t:isre lira-it :cr ec~pliacl4cr. YYc, uJrranan r-ha1Y cfea wrAy xa~rk J~'Yl J}Lr]y pc-rtiva pf` t2.a equ.iprr-a~Yt rJugu~.t~-tJxJi by tt1iJ: prdinal'1,_ts ,.i`ter a at+tip carder hr~ been ivfttiuec9„ excrpt in +~arn1'orrtcanca vitia c5lreetiona~ at t,~ie AJ~1lnistrativa Atrtb•arEt,r. stiC~ .A~ ~ r V~V • w-.w~r.~..rr....~^..~ A. qtr pav2 installa".is~r~, alterJr~fac. crr rep~.fr wc~rlc shell bar calmwrrt~ced ~ttil a ,plcx~llit trs JCfjtG s~Ch wart i'iz'JA1: s~xJ~.l hJ LlJela nlbtsine~d frds tt~a di~inistrra~'ti~er Avt.h~rita. ~. J1.11 ~:ldirJr aS' wxnte'r sixtresrt (16) inCh*a#t in depth yr trrrcatas T<JrJ«rruitr'• i.r.tr'm1.t.a. ],. ;fie iJS_uJJ4rSJ:L at a irermi#,, lya~Jrd upcatl Jaubmittef'i p1c+,12J3 rJUrld Jxprrcii"icJrtiaJys cchwll ncrt j.lrruvaiyt the A(fministrJ~tiv~e Jlutharity traaa there~^ wfter requir'in~ tlu cvrrectian at +rJrrors is raid pions and -spccitiant.ianJS, nr frnco rre•Jrentirt~ cvlas~ruJ:t:ion oirer'atioos beiln~ carried on thereutldr~r„ vlta~a irJ ^wic~lati,asa of this tFrdinJSrrce, or ram crtiaer prtrtinre~rlt ord3naa~lae rar i"ron- re,rJ~lcir.~C JJ-3'1y' c3t'h,er y~ertinr:nt ordir.Jr-nea ar tram ravoking ar'gt iFprurfcci Mhrn :ssurd ir. rrrt~r. ~. ~o },c.r.«;c:,n rthrell ilr~rsait any ~~t,hr.l• pcraaon to do ar r.J~-uJ3e r°r xsr, r,i t ~,:~ t,c• ,ir.nr r-.rii• r„u,J ; vc,rk undex• Janv pr:^1-ssi t fccrc:lYrJ~$ b;r ,:arch perrJCrns ; ,:r~:r•F~;. ii~.`r':i.Jrd .rut,c•un:r;u•t.r.•:•r ir: }Jia: rmplay. :'(^c`ticn 16.~''.OHI 4i~_i.i.'.'- °:'^•.ft,r.l''r.rmiL c4. ~~r,,• i•`:•::~:r. l~~f.r1!1v f•r.Litlyd try r-pt~ly f~~r rlnd rf:c:rivr~ ft i~r^rmit ~hk? 1 r•.{~.}. c• 1 JJ::11 ;tc }~'. ic':tt icn r;n :':~:-:::; 1',rc,^/.r,drei fc~r t.11J•rt yurpn9e. Ne :thnl.]. hive Js c•:';~e•r i }~t i (Jn c," t 1lr ,'1.u:•r-c: ~•:' c>,* the ti'(lrk },rcJprJ:;rd t.cJ bc• done rind the }c~~~n;icirl, t.xJ:,`r:-.?tit~, r,,`r`;lt':tn,~V r~f:(i lase: t)'` the' }err^mi~r^s in c•rtnnretioh tht«rc«.. k'iih. ~.{I~" ,i."1T;1.`i :, :'+:~:'~~• /.lJt}1<.~riL}' I"t`,}tJJI'I!.`~ j11;1I1F;, «~}`t'Clrir~f-tiC)Il~i. Vr drlAW- it1~':; r^iil{ 1:1J''11 t~~{,+"°:' It,I~~l:'.;1T ip1J AS :1P Ir':f~Y ri(`rtti il('C(''S11ti1"y hTl('i Jl5 }11'C1:(.`1•i~)f'.Cl 111 :.l(`:.i+)il ~.`l O!" '{.1: ~~1',~1i.lirtCP• ?c!. „S,i~: i~•r,: ir:J f'^,r i~~.`::-i t:~ f~,r rJ(.^w (•c,'a::truc! iun r;h:cl l br_ P•. is l•..: :1'', .'. l t`~1 ~'} } ~ '#:. ,'. ~ , ••~ =~, ,j~"C.` l :~ i ,' S t l (: f1G l ii iiUj~l i S`Ii t.C It(1 ({ .l r] «S 1J 1 1 1 (: 1('Il t. (i'~~. r-il Ali!"i!i i:,i ~t:~" ~'Oi ~l;.I1 r1h': t°°. }'iC:~ {'111,11 tiill•1J :3it.r" r;"::.~{P'i, lii:;+r!n«~1(intt~, t3r,d c1rA•an to r- sc•rc]c <.~`` rtc,:. `c'•:•. thr-n c lt:•-'"k'hth (1/E1} inc:h }'cr ft~nt, Jgnd 5h:>uin~, Jgt ]t•Jlr;t. tllr 1'(::1Cr:itl~: 1. }'::~}'~•rtv 1 iJ',c•;~, ~•:e_~,•~c>nt , r,n.i ri~11t„-af•-~^nv r•,f rr.(:~i:~d. :'. ?~'~.:r: ir:~; t,truc::l..r•~s, fc'JJCirI~, J"c`tF-inin;~ wrs11J3, f+nd c,t.her rr•I~:~•;a,r-t c1:w-:-r-(°,c~ri~tirS. (a,.) ~'.li~ l•t>rtic..n of Q ph~l r:`'tich is c~l:t:;t.ruwted belrtw f;r:J3c~ Jt-J5 :•r,;u17-te+i ZYY t11i , Orciirlrlnr:c^ shnl]. be rirr,~.~ned fzr,: r(,rJstcuctnd fcJr this t.y}.*r raT instrtile- tic~J; an(- far }•aa:~ib1J~ Jsu.rrhitr~e f'rc~a structure on • thr. s.`r-e~iRr.;~ or trc:::, a structure iucate•d at pr~~}~erty lines car ad~J!+ce^nt proF,c:•iies. ;~ -lOr ~'trt~~s~~d pt,f;l ~h.t, dit.e:~si.pne~d, Inc! lvc~t.crd •~~ ~!:crr; set7~wa:~s, e~i:darysrd,~, e,nc: ~3.ter~-ar:~ fr+x~ exi~ti:~g ctruaturafi. b. Prapaser' a~reh.ttuaic~I +zq~int ~~:r.ti, di.~eri~ir.~aa t~,nd ]r>-rr:tityn. ~~) ~~ he>~t.rrrt~ 1~4~s: fll.tcr,~, ra,nrl tr-e1strd egt>tii,~r:rt t~aLa, '~+e ba;i#.a-d La ~ vrr~r-j~,irrf~a, ti:r~ (3) irtct~ s1sA ar thicker, it v+ai~t trt ,a~,vi~t cffctttetn. ~. Fragosed 4erak~-ax'~ otsri"i~ttarwttan ;rshtwitt~ Sts anracipst~rrd dtrrai ns;+~ . ~. AnGicilaated c+ver~ll drtxinl>~r ref ptaol site. (a.) Caritrect,or shrsll provide ,~-r,~ elevatic,n wt pc+ul sxtd at a fixed paint in thr vicinity of th+~ pool to rprrelate hei~bt vit.h ovrrsll ysrt, cl.rsinagr. '~ . Volume, ~yat.etn flrn+ reta in i~f::l7 pn~ ~r ~rS nutear . un8 turr~- c~ver 3rr houre. fl. 7.ype r•.nd sizr of f.iltretiori t;,ystrna ~d mc•tcr,~ of wa!itc Ii~li~rUbtll. 5t. 'I`y]3c• tsncl I:f: c: c)f ~)f~al hcntr.Y• i f inc]udre~, fttc]Lrctin~; rx•i.i,:,d c): vr~nt.in~, i,:trd }`,r+7vli;lt)rr.? for cc~n],ur•,tiut~ r~ir. 1~. I'c)~~] ht]+int; ]r•-~•cn~t with --71 r:i::r`t: r:h+.w r, F:r.•] t,•],rt:, v:' Ir;Htcrit-1 t.o he rt::r~d, r:nr} :;huxin!~, t.}ie Ic)c:rs'.,(un !)f tt)r_ i t.)c4tt~ aut.7et, :;urfncc rkir.:acrt; r-nri in}~:tr;, 1l, `I"tte• rrctr.ci ca:t~rccity of t})e ,)caul I~tl;:r) to G..T'.ty,. at i.h!• dr.r;iE;a hcrsci xit}- t.hc: ui,.c raid tyi:.c of ^,;t.ur inciic(-t.cd curd is}ul~tifii•c} Ii:i ::cl;•••t)rir~ini; or ::trr~i~•h:. c•ct,tT•ii`crE~r,?... ]?. D'c:r-nn cal' raddinR t~rckc c;n r+rctcr^. ]~, ;~huw !:i•r.r.~ ]rrr)Er,t.h frc~+:+ rc,:tr•re to hc)it!~r a,nd rautin~; ui' i;rc.: ] i nc~ . A. All t-ncl+:rE;rurrr:+} f;I;:: }+iz)ini; !,});s7 i }:n:c• r:r- '•.Y~rrc,vc:d 1.'1't-1~ ~lnri liQ ])l12'iC'Ci )i P..llli::~11:'9 Ut' t'~i:'1YC ~}t~~. li+t•i)r`S l]f'.7C:;S ~7r~~t•t'L`:.CC] t)}' COI1Ct•C't C wFil}:v car <=C'f t: !i. ilr. Show ]c,crit.ic>n of Fi:ry ov~~nc~•HCi c]er.trica? t:r•r•.•f~c dre)ps. The rr.quired ClE'.f:rEit1~~C Qf c)vc:nc~•rid e•le::l~ircrl !:erviec r.irc: nY)r-11 confc:rtn t.t~ the cur•r•c•t;t 7:F:tic):;:~1 ?~;}er;.ric•ril Code, c:r; F-:}r3pt.F'd by the City at' (:ui+ert inu. 1~. i'oc~]. cc,ntrtset.ar :;hall lro~';cic i)~Tar::',tion c)n ]-oc~l c:xr,avet ar; Ci t~• of Cu])er ~. i no tc) })xovi do fc)r-ms . D. Falgit.r:~~ring rice;uir~:;r~nt!: f'c)r All ''orals: 7-. Perna require3 rahu~.~f n6 at: urtt~: ~,: rste~al deaf ~o and layout •~l.l- .. ~~ .~. ~~~;, .,~~; ~M ,~ .~,, ~. stappdrt~d )gyp ralculat.inns. Lresi,tn tahrr~.l car,ply sit}~. cu!rr+rnt Uniforrri Atrilding Ca~dtr, ~-t~ adl;~ptad t+y the pity of Cuparttttcy. Maas acrd calcx~lati.uat~- shatll ba m~ignad byr •rq~ite~rer af' retard. 2. i?n',.netir at rwGazd shar~.>~, i.nd#carte acittaaarledgmtsnt of tits aet+t, scrila ,~arrdittonr f'or hilltridt p+oal iristrrllatinttn. E. Grarund Fault Trnttrxtirtsptart:. E.ectric pcnrt~r extcndad t.o rear lrar~d or neM added receptacle autltta for trt.vrablr• +ar pt~rtable gaala shall be placed can an elcct~rical circuit pror.ecttrd lay a ~,raund fault inttstrru,:tr+r to ct~nfc~Ym with thrr c~~rrtrrit adapted Natiunel Electrical Cadn of the Gitp a#' Cug+crtlrir~. P . 8und i ng• All pn5vie~tona for bonding of metall icy cyuip;~+Pr-t, goal lighting, cnisGPl]an~eo~!s v,alv~em, pipinpi, divan}; boArds, c,]ider., ladders, rtiilingtt shall be clan}~e•d, ht+~rrd or aeld+ad to pool reinforcing. C. if the Adminis;t.rr-itive Authority detcmines that the plans, spe,cS.ric.-rtlons, ctrnWing1, ciesr.riptions or infc~rr-ation turnifihcd by the :applicant. in in r:o:a}r.li.inrc wltlr this brciir•isncc, he shall f.tiryr,e the permit applied for cr1rnn p;iyme~nt of r.he rc~r;uired fee as }ic~t•c~in:rfter. fixed, 'The r~~~rc'r' recluirernents :;h.•~11 not void any ra:luirc•r.;r•nts by any otl:e;• I)e}>nrtment ar Ar;enc}' having jurisdiction. Section 16,32.0'12 Cast crf I'r.r-mit A. Every rapplicanC for a par:aic. to in,r.a]1, :alt.er or ri:lsair .~ }rnol sy;;t.cm ar }arart thc~reaf, shall state in writin>{ ern t.hc. .~pi~lic.cation farm provided for tli;at purpcae, the character of work propcised to be clone and the remount . nd kind in connt~ct ion therc:wit;i, together with ,•.sch inforn,•ation perLinr_n: f.hrrPt.o :is r1,ay be ~ .. y ~.^.:i red. B. Such applicant Shrill ray far c~a4h permit. i .:~ue~d a f+•c ;n accord-- anre with the follc:+ing schedule, and at the r.~tc }+i•ovided far each clas:;iticatiart shown therei;7. Plan check ft~e shvIl l,i pHid upcn p•~escntatian of plans far plan ch~:rking, C. Any pcrrsan who shall cammence any pnol t: c,•.-k fa,r uhir_h a pr~rzai~ is rayuired by this Ordinance without first having abtaincd a permit therefor shall if subfiequcntly pcr~~itt.rd [o obtci:n a permit, pay double the pt.,-mit fee fir:r.d by this sectiz,n fur such work, praviclt~~i however. that r.his provir.ion shall not ;reply co ~rr;~ergpncy work when is shall be do^onstrrrtt~d co the sa~tisfact.ioa of the rlrlminir:t,rati.ve Authority that such wc+rk wart urgently neeetirsary and tha± it uou nb : prar.r ical to abt:aio +w pex-erit th,rrtfar licforc the cor~at;nce~rtt of the work. 'n ~nll 8ijch cases, a per:'.c rrnuttt ba~ abtriined as ~oatt as it i.s pra+:tical to da sa, a~ if thcettt be ern wnrtesonablrr d~~la,y in obtaining stic}+ ~.1~~ pee~~it, e~-da>r~his fe•• as hvrteira prar~i,x}ed rhalti ''-~e rt~r}.~e~i. . iac t i.ea~ Z6.~2.,~173 Sc'herdula of Feeees ._~ Pear etlu~ll br based trn vaiuRtirst- and ~e,nt'a~:~r to th+r t:ch~l~u.l+~ as ;hinted u>1da~ ~1~ cu*~aret l~niY~rw~ ~leeilditeg Ce~eM ar.~" lar a,d$itian~ a>ner- 1 . Ail 1~b{rk te> >~ In~spacl:ad Ail peseal ineetaliatie~r+s ~~ a]: arati~xrw ltheerc.tQ iarclex~ein~ erquip~eaat, atpir~~ a*:,: app~,lamcera rrlate~d ther~ta :shall ba inrpectad blr thre !'+dminis- trative AtlthdbY`a.ty' tp ix~eRUSee t.eaasp~.iieaca with t}~e xartui~reraeetats n;: Chia Grd inanc.• . $. G+olled IrraprctiamR at thslx bw the duty of tho pdrlean dci»g the r+~~rk aut'hox•i:ad by they peerrnit, t!~ naCif~r the Admi~istrativa Authority that said cork is ready far inepe+c :.ion. such notifi.c.atiaa shall bee giWe,, nest loser than tr,-anty- faur (24) hc:urrs bcfur• the v-ork is to bee 1nsFacteea. Thee Administrat:Lve .Aut},ority ~,y waive the requirermetriw of writtatt natit:ez. 2. l'rasgunLte :inspebcti.ar+ rerquirwd wheen a].1 a~tea:i is din pl:.cer; }+ipi~ from pool area irw in with prerfeuxer te:er>v; ell Fttseel arYCl rtel.rtr.d attarlr~ecnts aru Properly banded; sr-.~ uric"asr v:atrr 1i}y~rt hausi.r,~ install~:~. 2. Ins,~ectihna t;ay~ilrted fvr all cnndu:?t grid Rae piping Lndc~r rlabc },afore ct~~:ka are pc,ured. ~. F'inc-1. in~pectton :r.qux.red ++!ter all r_quil+rt:errt ie: ir- plrere• and aperatSn~;; poo] ie fillr.d with ~.•ater; and rl.l fx:ncr's sand t,ete*s .install ad, 4. A re3.nspecti,on fee tai $.'>.GD pc~r insP~+cc,c,n wilt be c}iargrd for c+ech 3nsp,~r.tinn aver twa tahexe ~.•azk ix not rend}' ut come*rtions have not t>een carvpletad. ~. Ch.•nr:r Sha+11 r,rrarngc. w=t}r Ruil.lir:g i)ej,artri~rnt for in~,,•~PCtare to cnt.er Pror+erty to r.,rrka r~F~,r.slary insp~.~ctiane i:~ tror~nectiarr k~i th -:}rc poal . ~er.Clors 1f+.3:!.U~3C1 \`to]atlon - rcn+tlty A. An}• t~erson, fira- or corporation vialetinK any of the prUV3€::ons of this t)rdiru~nces shall he deemed guilty of e. ~isciram~.snt~r snd upon can- v.ictian thhrr~c-f shall ha punishr-ltilet Z.y a f3nr of not to excFed 5.5~O.OD ar by imprir;or.^.r.•nt in the Cauniy Jstil t'ar. net to exceed 6 r"~ontl+s nr icy bath ..1~+_ ~ ~ M 1 such fine a,nd iarprisoiurent. E;...}i ~ty~.rr~ty dra~~ pr any pc~Xti;rn t,t~erer~f • daxr3n~ v~rielZ vial.stivn of t4rrx Orc'.fsn~uce ncclat's aK ccir^rinusli aJrrtll ba dean~d to carstitvt:a rt sagagatte ata'~rs+sa. attri ugrn cnryviceisrp t}:rax+~af shall "he puraishat~le its haRrai.an pcnvi,des~i. Thy: issuat:~c.© or grasltin~ ~+f a pax~ti,t air appravai of plans wnd spne~.f ica t.aria sf~ll not bwe creed air conrtraa>rl to ha a prtnrit i~;•, o~z an .tpprtrval aft an,~r ~•i.s-:~ti.on rif atn?- cif 1<h,~ pravisior~rt Qf tht~ 8r'ditr^rtctcf. '1~a pax`atit prartea~ir~ to ~tias et~athotitlr to r-iolatar at cencat thrt provisirgr-s of this Ordit+rrraca rohali hr aalid. a~pRpt fnsafax art tha mark axe use which it ~tuthorisr-s !.a la~afal. l~. ate iswsuarv:s a!~ rt; ver~it Lspa~n l~l~tn~c rrnd •paci,tit:s.tiana a~lxaXl ractt: prctvant tha Adm:t.ntucraCivice Authorit}• .~'roco th+sr~fz~rr rerqui~rl.~ the ctrr~~~ection of attars to said p1.-ns and apccifieatiana or fr+us- prevnnt- ir>g GcyYlltP:rtlc:tiori aparations bai.ryi carrir`d ttn thr~rrundr`r whin in violation of th+e t?t~clinrtncm o~ of arxrr athet ordinazacw •~r frraa~ rerroki~ ~tr.y Certi- fictatr rrf Apfi*ovr-I at-ex- taa'wod try srrnr. t.;. E`~•+ery peewit i~m4•..td bw ttae Jldmini.xtrnti,rt IluthrrriCy uradet• the pr•ovii,ionn oi` tltiicc tlydinance shell +expirr- 'hy lirwitatidn grad 6ecar~ra Waal sand voiei+ 1f !:he uotK authrsrfzad by aur.}r p~ern~.t is rant cew.esaarurred .ritVain Intl datyK from Lhe dmCa of such permit, or !.f t}'~e ~~rTK a+itF•arx:a+rd by sL~ch pc~t'snit is rrumrie~nded c~X ehandonrd at anw time after the wvt•l~ i» r..arancnce~d fc~r a resriad ar"". ti0 daty~. ~ri'C~r+s much ~w•ar•k .caa be rrcorraar-ced a nerw• pornait =.h~~-11 bs fir:;t alytnined, Src~ticrn lb.?2.t)9t} Sr:v_eRrrtbil.it~r If am• provim,inn caf thin ordit~sn~.:e car n,•~plicati+an t}:c:~Af to nri;+ pu:~:..~i ar r.lrr.t~^+n:tw:,,~.em fs h+zld t~zvaltd, ~,~~~h i:sva}idity sha11 nnt. ~ffer.t athe-e prov3si~:riu ur ,.pJ~ISc.-tiontt cif t}~iM c~rc?ir.nrce ~•hiF.}e can -:++ };ivari effect kSthout chr+ in~+alir: }~+rraa•is;icr. or a~~x~}ic.-tiun~ arzcl to this end thz~ pravision~ of t},i . urciir,anr ~+ art ~i+ :•.l.~tr~•r: ra },~. s~,v•:ra-hle. Se. c:tiora 1$.37..1Ah f•:ffrr+:ttvw nete 'Iht, Urdinan~cc ~~ha:l oe nfC+-ct:vc r+r~d <;~~-:r~tive th3r,.y (30) clays frc:rn nnrl aftr.r the dates of its r-c1c.;l~tion. I?:'FROIII;CJ~:JJ st a r',rgular r„~.;ai~r>~ of the City f:oanc~il of the City of (~upr.tt~~:n tl•f: _- 15th _- cJ••y of Apr_!1 ._ _..._+ 1374+ and l:::AC1'::b at a r.~~,ulrir ret:tfng of the G~t~l: Cis^ir~ct-i of tt-c City of !:t.~pcrtinn t:hia .. ?rd . ____--. riay nf_~_,Jun±e __~ --.-_-_-' I~374+ by the foLld~~ita~ vote: Vatd ?ic~:~t~c!rR of _the City Cot:nr.il AYF-.S; frolich+ .Jsnc~K,on. Mc~yets, t~eJ}is, SF~ari:s 130F,S: tione ABSENT: Npne A1tSTAIH: None -x~--• ...y ~ ~~ ;~ ~,,. ,~ ^~ 1 . .~ .... I-~'>P1RCIVF~ _ _ _'r ~_ ~ j ,l Tia~~or~ City of Cup rtirir~ ~`_.~_,,._ I h~rt~'hy certify that, the City of Ci:r,hrtirro fJrdit,anr.r. No. (c•~~ at~is~che:~ T•,c~retu ig a true and correct c:.,j~y of paid Urdinanre which h.a8 neon puhli~hcd or poutrd pursuan+~ to law. ~+. r . Rude CiCy Clerk --15~~ ~ ~