Ordinance 633 t~1tT,!'?:kNC~ 13Q. 6:13 ,d1ld ')tLrrTNr?!5}G1; ~Qt" '1"Ml: CL~"'Y C?F t,:llPt<<RT7;dQ Awe".~~iN~ CRDkbA`ICE 1~~3. ~:~'.~D I)~SPia'`lA'Z~Y~C ~~1~~'1) '1.TM12'S OK WUL1:li RIJJ}A ~L't~'El*~l 1~f(,?l~AES~',+~.AI'i 11QIIJ? N1+iD STEVE~IS C`ilk:t~: isL~lw''1,!:~".+AlED Awl f~l~ 5T"~.•LSIdG P.Oliti 11F"CW~EN tit)MES'I R~Afi ~1+iD ~'I"~It~a C~~t•:l~ >i~U1.~~r~~Rb Z'Ni c.`I~`Y COl:1yGI1~ OF TF1E CI'SY 7g t:UP~lt3'I14C I)ti!?~ HF.I^t.EH'Y ORL)AItV AS r"~LLL1~.:: Seetintt t. Pur~o~e J. t: is the Express }~urpot:e of this ~~;~din.{:-cE to amand Ordinanre \v. '~4t7 pursuant to aut},ority cat~tained in thr~ Cs~wifurttit+ ~'Ptticle Cody: ;r,ncl s9jrE~-~;l li:-it1 u,~an ~ytreets c,r highways presently or h;:rc~afr.er ~+itinir- the City i.;~ita. .~c;.tian 2. t~finit,f-~n P;~r!~uant to :~uthorit•: r_c,ntAi.nc~d in the California l'e~hiclc Code, it it; };~•rtb~• cic:tertainced -tpo~: the ba; i~ of a traffic anti c~n~,ineFring survey that a sprvcl ctrc:at.~r or l•~s~c~r thar- a}tAt lrermitted by st.atr 1;.~c; :ts ~tp}tlicaE?.'e ufron col fc l:uad and ujrcrn Steel }.zt: f; i'.oad wou:id far.i li tote the nr•clerl.y r;ove~r~ent ut' ~~eni,:ul. r traifir, and would l:e resasrJnabl-~ and sAfe unue!r the conditic~t: ftrunei to 4xi5t -.~pot; thenc• : tr~c?ts ;+nd it is hc:r-:by ~ieclar~•d t}t:+[ the prit~.~ facie' ~cn~e•a 1 i~.;i t- :hall be as '.c•rc•in.-ftet• s,:t forth t+i~cn s.il;ns ;~rc• ere~~ta•d ~,ivint; nr,tic:ee t}tcI'troi , `~~•ct~cr;l 3. S~re.,_i1__l.irri t ._•`_'_A.F:'n_' •fh,. t:tey M:-n;tgc:r lre .ind it• h;.rcby in;.rrur.Ced to tt~.~ ~ to st:tndarci t~•}~;: of :.}~~ud linat sic;n irist:tllc,d A; racct applir_al~l-~ int. r. r;;t:ction of ::aid str-•r:t or hir,},w;-~ en-u:~ r~9cec] can l~xiiitrit "A" attached hr. re to and Wade. r: lra;t }trre•of, ti:e :~.rst;; cif tlhirh a.ee to trc p.tic: fro;rr they :rp}~>rapriate? funds of thr~ City. 3:~'I'!tt)i1}Jr:EL' at ~~ ref;:rl:;r r.^~,etiut; ot` the ~.ity Ccru~c.il cif the Clt~~ ,~f C.r-reriinc~ an the ._6Ch_.-._. day of __.?`r~Y_...__----_---' 1'.+ilo, :~r?rl }i`JACI'i;i} at a regular r..•rtinl•, of ;;;~~ City (:ounci] crf thc~ t;it1' ~!f Cupertitrcr or, the __~t}th _ dray crf °;,ey , l9?•'~ , try tl;c fcrl luwitt}; ti•nts:: ~'o t c D1~• r:?b e~ r:: er f then C i t; C a e n ~; i. l Al'}: ~ : .fuck ,on, Meyr~ris, Nel 1 i 1Q, rtlr;.rrk~, ,,~ ~ti5l'AI`7: tione A,p~'lkf7'JPD: . ~`~ ~ '~,. i~~r~-r ~ c y o ~~~ 1 `~. ~ ~~ x herrb~r certify that the City ~~r Cupertina Urdin~nn~e tea. ~ttarhrd hPrr1:~~ ire a trua end rurr~r:t copy of Aid Ordinsnct which has burn ptiblist•ed nr pasted pursuant to l~rw, ' City C;3 rk _~._ Fxfrit~; t "y^." ard. :,~~. ~~:~ IJESI(:\A7"IOI+f OF SFEf:L L1~11'1'$ ON CFR'CAIM STit~l~'.1'S +)1~ illGftWftYS DLL'1.AR~LI FRI.."1A FAi:IE: ~aAtii~ Of' S"TR~k:T OR 1?'C<It'1`10?f ~AI`1•uC°fEU SPirlri7 LIIvlT'f l•YaUTI~ILi. iOUL~VARU presently ai he~-f=rafta~: ~rit.hi.n the (:fty +~f C,~pei*.ino, r,rid situat+~+i brvf.ti~rren Pi~C1e11art Road aRd ~ter-err~ Crea~it Bqulcs~r~rd 35 wilrs per. hour 1'hDbTl~Il.i. BUUl.IMt'~1itD prr,s~ently ur h~r.•t±aftcatr writhi.a t~,e City of Cupe>ctina, and xi:uai:ed b~twestt Stevctns Creek Baul.a•iard and 3u~ipero 5err,n Freeway 4~ mi16e per hour 1 110HES:1'1~ f~AT) Iax-eser.tly or hexf:after wit~hia tht City at' Cupc~r"tino, and situatrd berw+~et~ Fookhill Boulevard and a paint 850 feet, rar~re or lfrss, fast of Tantau Aveaufe 3S stiles per hour MILLER AVF,ATiIIi presently ur hereafter within the City of Cupertino, And s3turted betwNer) they southerly City i,fu)its and Stf;vans Cicek Boulevard 3U m:!les per hour FRUNERIbGt: AVf,::7}JF situate!d lrriween fd~~l,ff' Road and a point 350 feat, n+~r+_ or less, cast of 'fantau Avrnue :i5 rnilcs par hr.,ur S:~RA7'U~p.-SL'ti:;Yti'AI.F. RbAD ~:itu.3L::d t1f!t~:,~en fiollingar fioad a7d a yoint +:,0 feet, mor'e' or less, nartl, of )acifica give 40 miles Qer hcr~r SARATUCA-SU:~".':'~',1:.F; ROAD siC+rated bf!tween a point 450 feet, rurr or lr!;;5, north c,f Y:ccifica Urine a.trd A1~•r_, Uri.~•e 3a nilr_;~. },rr hnur SARA"fUG~,-•.SU`~:.`1'V,1I.F. IiUAU presentl~• or he>rc:rfrer with:rti thf~ City c,f rul,ertino, end situated b~t;~:~cn J~lvf~r, I)riv~ and }ic:~:.=.~Stc•ad F,ouci ~0 r~i li_~ ;•c r' hour 51'E),LI`~G ROAJ) Ir:e~,rr~ily or }rr.~rr~aftc!r .:ithin thr.• City of t:upf>rticro, and situatf!d hf!~Nl~~!a Hc.~~:r~!ttc~d Rcti.rci and St~•v~:ns Cre•ck fruulf.vxrd 30 milf°s per hour S'1't:VE:JS C.1.'.'1'0:~ 1:cJAll I+rc!.,ently car hr~reafter within the . pity of C~.,!rrert~no, and s3tuntf~d between the southerly City I.' ~,it.,~ a:.d `1rC1f~11.•rn Read 35 fiilf•s pr.r hour Sft;ti'f:~N Ci:i:F.t; nOUt,t:~'~",Y..:` prc•scnt.lw ar hf•r~aftf•r r:ithin the City of C,r~,f.rtino, :-;id ±:ituatt~d hc~ts;eNn thcc~ Gest~ r2rly City l.imi L:7 and lil.rnc!y Avcnrx~ 3S •:;i lens per hc,trz E~;hibit "h" Urd. :~a. f"~? i~A~ C1F S°T)~.£~'~' ~~ ~~"1"ICflr AFFE~'Y'lE~ STEVECIS Ci~ElC I~G"Uf~EV~IRD a~.t+ua4ed bet~r~stn 8lanesy Av~snua snd +~ p~rinx ~`~p feat, ~rrxt at l~eaa~ ea:at ctf Find: Av~nue~ TA,YTAIf AV~:~IJE situatecl betve+xn 9tav~a Creek 2)e-ulrsvard +end !#crs~er teed RC-ad WOI.FE ItQA~I aik~At~~ berveea Stevens Crr.ek Br~ul~e omtd and Home~te~sd Ro~trl .. ~ fiIECL.~~.itE~7 FR~`N.~ FA~:I.kr SP~~:D LI~II` 4~ a~1~tr p,er haur~ 35 ~~~.ea pea' havr :~S s-~I1aa pa-r hour n