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Ordinance 776
CtRi)I;~,1hC~ 1~10. 1?~i r~N hItUT~VANC~ f5F 7')lic C1TY OF Ci,1PER'l TNl'1 A~IEN'L;NC; S~,[:T]f7N l~b . U4 .1i80 . Q~` 'Ckl~ CUPFR''"INO ~SUNYCTF'A:. C70;~E 't0 PF~OV~GE ;~:?k INTEFtE~~' O,V PAY_ MiihTS Ftl~ :;'i'~t,~i Z?vtPROVE.~:iN'~"S IhSrA1.tE~ 1~r~lU~f~ FR!~VTStO;~?S C1Y t`N ,r'.. 7`~~ 14.04 QF ''~'~ciE CUF'~RTIt~ ;~4~1ICJ.'rAL C(~D~ :i 'q TH~ CIT`.' CDUN?~ll. pF 'I'FLI~ ~C7C'~'": U~` CU ~'F~t~"~1'iG l~~5 ~R~TAI~t I~5 FOLI,rC+~tS : p, ~i -~i • .",~cxian 14.~+4.I~~i of t'~~~tp~t~a' 14.04 of Cht t~u~r~rtir,c~ ~tu~+i~~pal ~ad~ i~s haer~by ~a~end~d Co r~nsi in i~~l.l eia~ #olicsnra: ~ ik.04.(l~A 1"r~c.edin~_;,errait ~~T'iir~c~ye. "C'he Cit;~ Gaunri~ finds arrd ~~rlr~rer~ thnt,---in ~o~a~: ~.nst~nce~, ti~~! public v~].f~are ~r+d ca~riv~?ni~r~cc ~d the gre~at~~st. ~ ect~nc~my attrl s~fety ~ar~ be ~r.c~ompli~h~d ~ay tht in~t~~l~ticru ~f improv~!n~~ntr ~ on uni~px~naed ~atrer.t~ pri.or ta rh~ time that an ~batting pra~erty c~+rai~r ~r awn~rs ~h~Y7 ~r.~i, n pern~it. Such oaners rrr their ~ucces~ora in title ~hould L?e r~~uire~d r.n cantributr th~it~ f;~ir, equital:•X~ ~h~are tc~ thr ~aXre~t imprave- , menr.a~ ~i~, st~ch r~reatc (just ast ~~~rmrCt~e~s~ who se+~'k ~ persnit prior eo thr ins~t~?1~- l.~Lic~n c~£ ia,prove~ :tb az•e tr~quir~~c~ tci do) rah~n t.heir. prrapcrry c~ev~Sc»p~, t>Y Wyen the.y sF~ek w per~it af t:h~ ki~~d defin~d in~ 5ect~on .14.U4.G?1U ~1., In :,uc~h i~nst~nc~s wh~r~ i~z},ruvcr~~n[s ha've b~en ia~cul~ed by kf~et Gity, or by anotht~r pro}~erty r_Wi~~sr~ wfr.hnut co~;[ t~o the ~?k~~~tt in~ ~rt~perty rar~~Yer, . it i~ rYi~ intrtnt ~f tTir CikX C.c:unr.i] that Sl1VC)RE s~Enrkin,~ a parmit af 1:hr. kfnd ( d~fi~tir~d i?t Sr_c:tinr~ 14.Q~a.(llt~ R.. ,a, a cc~n~iitf~r~a }~rrcrclrnC ta n~tai~n~Ing ~~,ic~ E~~~trnit, ~hall ~~y th~ City for chc cr,:,t of thr Ys~nd rst th~ }rr~viouS ~o~t Co t.i'ie~ City, ~r ~nothe:r F~ic~pcrrty vw~~e»r. .~~?d ~,tiall c•,~ke pa}•r.~rrita; rc~ tt~~ Ci[y {tci tt:c• ~ :i~;«ur~t ct~r[rrrn~ine~d by thi~y ch;~~+t~~r) fc~r th~ itnrrrnvent~•a~ts wF~{c~h thE~ C'it}• ~~t• :ir.uih~r prnj~~~rCy ~~t~nc~r, hae~ th~~r~rtot~:rr in~;t,711i~ii ~~ri tt~r gt~~~rtn .+b~itt iri~; e~r it~rlu~it~d in th~~ y~ru}~t'rty ot t}t~ pcrmitt~~e. i.a~•i~~~tyt~~ fc>r bnth l~and ~at~c7 ic;~~,rc~~~a~.,~•titw :~F~all inr.ludr int~•r~st in tttE~ 1urc~t~nt crf 7X pwr arit~~i~d, t.~ be r~lcu:a~dr•d iri the ~o; ]~~wing m~-~Tm~r: l.~nd (:c~st Is?tt~rest tc~ tye ~c~cr~~~d froa~ thP ciRt~ vf rurcha~:c~ to thr ~]r~tt~ tii~' ~~c~rtnittt~t' is Y~~quiCt•d t'~ tr~imhut~:e~ L}1t~ C~ty; 2. lrn}~i-ov~~c~~~nt Cnf;t ~ 7nt~~~t~:~t tca nrc~ue !'rc,a~ the .~w~~d of ~:c~ntt'act c~r lf in:scr~lY~~d by City forres, fr~,m thc~ J~tc of rc?n~r•i?~•~~ir~r~nt to thr: det~ [he ~,errmit:tc~~~ i5 reyuired tr~ r.~~tr,hur:,t= the~ t:lty. ` }!c~LJr~VEY~ .^~ll r~r ~~i,rtic~ns ~~f the~ intr~~~r;t ~;'.all ??r u.~,i~~ed I; th~ :~he,ttit~~ ~~~cr~~c~r~}' own~>t` dt~tlic-:itt~s c~T ht35 i1~~clic•ral~~d ~n t'~r Citv thtr r~~r{nirt~d l,dnC1 fu2- iml~rav~~mrr~[~.. In nu crv~~nt ~h:~ll t?tic Iii1 t~ri•st ti~:i~Vi!d ~•xi:R~~~d tht~ v,zlu~~ c~k' che F~rc~~,~rrty dNdic:~tcd, wik}? ch~ v.~lur cc~ b~~ drt~cn~iri:~d Ac thr [tu~c cyf dt~dl- •:r~tiort. T'hc C{ty shs~ll reimburve :~tty otizt~c pi-ca~~r.r~y vu~irr ~.+'ho has th.art~to- forc~ paiJ t~-~r s~~id laiid or iriSt.a~llec! f:uch ia:}>r~~~~~tn~nta~ r~nd utth whurn t.he (:ity hns rr+trred in:r~ iS T'f`_imburs:~~~r,r~t ~~~;i~~c~mr.nt f~~r the cca~e; the~t~~~ f~lus inr.i~r~~~;t ;j~; h~rrein:~t~c~vcz nrnvldcd. S:~id ~~;i>•m~~nt ~~hAll h~ madc z~t t~r t~rf~re ttie tii~c t.he pc•rznit is i:~su~d a~+ci ~cti;~ll t~e tn ~d<~ttic~n tc~ :~n~ ~~th~s- r~~quirc~rne~nC~ Qf c.hE~ (:?iaptrr. (Grd. 54b Art . I S E3 ~ 15?7'l. ) - ~ = • r „ r brdina~c~t No, 776 L?K"1'id0~t1CED at ~ r~~:wla~ ~~tir?~ n~` th~ City C~runr.il o~' th~ Cit;~ uf Cuper[i~err t'~~~ ~lt~t da;y of f7MR~~~r~t'_ 1~7b, a~ttid EJ~iAf:T~~ a~. a~ x~; -~~~r~r~ m~rti.ng af tl~e ~tty Ct~uncil of t~~E Cit), a~ Cupertino thie~ 3rd _ day ~I\ JauTyu~rr.~...._...,...._.._.~,.~., t9i7, b~ t1~e ~al3oving vr~re: ~ 1~ote ~ia~?~r~~ _of.. thc Cit.,,~r C.~unc~~ AY~S: ~rulich. .~a~ck~hrt, Ne3li~e t1'KePfe, M~v~rs , NQES : Nua~a A()SEN~': Nor~e A."`~7A1N: I~nc ° ~ ~.~~r~c~v~'.n: _ ~ . _ . _ . M,~yci~', t.i[y of ('u}~i::2 t - ATi' E:S'1` : .r .r'''~'""`'~ I hrt~bY c~rt;fy th~t the~ City r~f (~~~~~~~rt.in~~ nrdir~rancc~ "l~a. a~~:ar.}ar.~1 heretn is y tr~~c ~nd turrecc c~~py of ~:~id Clydfn.~nce~ vi~ich h+~et brF~n p~al~l is~h~d ~~r ~o~sc~d pur:~urant to lav. . ._...___...~~.~4..~.._~-~ .__~---~~-y''~ . tiJe? . ~ . ;~ty d e . - City C`lerk ^ . . . , .