06120092 (2) CITY OR CUPERI'IN0 B �� ' '°° "' "" BUILD ING DIVISION PERMIT C�NTRA.CTOR INk'�ORMATION ��' BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 0 ER'S NAME: _FEYNifga UE IOHAMMAD MASADI 12/20/2006 ...NE: SANITARY N0, CONTROL NO. ARCHITECT/ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH 0 0 0 0 Op LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION IOb Description 1 search,affirm that 1 am licensed under Provisions of Chapter 9(commencing Job with Sectian]OLlO)of Divisi0n]af the Budncss and PrOfcssium Cotic.antl my license is foundation detail revisions s in full force and effect. �q= License Class Lk.# original permit #06050059 •f C Date Contractor ARCHITECTS DECLARATION i -i 1 aril rsund my plans shall Ise used as public recmds y iU oG Liocnsed Profcssioal OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION I bcrchy alum that I am cacmpt from the Conuactah License Law for Ibe :C O fallowing mason.(Section 7131.5.Business and P i fecsiam Code:Any city or county •m which.quires it permit to construct,alter,improve,demolish,or minor any suucwm prior an its issiame.also requires theii,icant for such Permit to fileasigmd summcm < &IIkisliceosedpuwu ranodiepmvisioosofdacCo uthoriUcchac Law(LTapter9 Sq.F[. Floor Area Valuation � �C (commencing with Section 7000)of Division 3 of the Business and Profuseions Code)or $0 a 5? that W is eacmpt titcmfoam and de basis for the alleged esemp ion.My violation of Section 7031.5 by my applicant for a permit subjects the applicant to a civil Penalty ofNumber Occas not mom Nan BK hundred dollars($500). 32616018 A Occupancy Type ❑1,u owner ortbe propmy,a my employcu with wage as Nee sok campevadon, will do the wart and themacture is moniumnWaralfared rarsak(See.Trill.Business Required Ins ections and Professions Cade:The ContrutoYs License Law does not apply m in owner of q P property who Wildsorimprow d codon,and whodoessuch warkhimself or through his Own employees.provided that such imprmmments art not intended maRered for We.If. however.Ne building or improvement is to within am year of complcuon.W,owner- builder will have the burden of proving Nat M did cot build or improw for purpose of We.). )I,as owner of the property,am emlusiwly contmming with licensed conummrs to construct she pmjem(Sec.7006,Businav and Professions Cade:)The Contractor U. cause law doss Dat apPl,ad an owner of property who Wilds ar'unpmvu thereon,cod. who contracts for such projects with aconuactor(s)licensed pursuant in the Contractors License Law. ❑ I am ea map,under Sec//__ � ,�, .B k P C for Nis masa/n er A, vl��' Dem WORK I's COMPENS ON DECLARATION 1 hereby affirm under penalty of perjury ane of the following dttlaradons: ❑ I ham and will maintain a Certificate of coment to salf-insom fw W bones Compen- sation,as provided for by Section 3100 of dm labor Cade,fm the performance of use work for which Nis permit is issued. 1 have and will maintain Workers Compensation Wh rance,as required by Section 3700 rfthe Labor Code.for Ne performance of the work for which Nu permit is issued. ' My Workers Compensation Insurance carrier and Policy number are: Cartier. Policy No.: _ CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE (this soNm need cot be completed if IW permit is foranc huMred dollars($100) less.) 1:cnif,Nat in Ne perform arca of the work for which this permit is timed,I shall not employany person in mym so w 0mc bject to she Workers;Conpcoundon Laws of Califamia ppa�te- i�'�/ w Applicam 01 x� NOTICE TO AP OANT:If,aarwr malking&h Certificate of Exemption,you shauW become subject to the Workers Compcvadon provisions of the Labor Cade,you most ,J,z foMwith comply with Inch p rn,vamm or this permit shall be deemed rwked. Z O CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY [—' I hereby aMM that Nem is a crosswcti^n lending agency for the performance of a the work for which this Permit is issued(Sec.X197,Civ.C.) W Landers Name z Lender',Address U Q 1 ccnify Nat I have read Nis application and sum Naz the above information is Ul corms.1 agree he comply with all city and county ordinances and sum laws relining to V building construction.and hereby authorim repmacmativat or Nis city to enter upon the CL ahbvcmcmioredpmp my fadexpeses whichma (We)since to save,indemnify and k P harmless the City o(Curamna against .U., Z incoirieg consejUdgmquence Of Umcostsandeapcnsusmit. may in any way aecmeagainxsaid Ciry U Z APPLICAIfTOUNDERSTANDS Agranturg Of IND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT Issued by: Date , a� SOURCE REGULATIONS. t /�/-,b Re-roofs Ssgrmum of�IsunuConuactor Date HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Type of Roof Will Ne applicant or future building eccupantsme or handle heaardons material az defined by the Cupertino Municipal Cade.Chapter 9.11.and dlde Heaand Safety . Sanction M32(0? All roofs shall be inspected prior to any roofing material being installed. $!o Will dsc applicant or future Wilding occupant me cquiparam or devices which If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove emit hazardous air contaminants as defined by the Bay Arca Air Quality Management all new materials for inspection. D'auici? ❑Yn yhu 1 have MA the h malous materialsmquiremcaus under Chapter 6.95 alum Califor. nia Health SidetyCode.Secuous 25505.25533 and 15536.1 umkrmnd dealt led Wilding docs not curet y hate a mane that it u my mapomihiliry m notify Ne occupant of the mquimmects . ^merrlas^asuaneco comficamofOceapanry. Signature of Applicant Date / Owner or avNorized agate Dine All roof coverings to be Class "B"or better '