NO PERMIT NUMBER (2) CP �iyO / ,ua s t La, Na. / No. St'ev r APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT CITY OF CUPERTINO File NO. -7//67yawl Q� Sanitary No. SON&- Date494,96(L-� v Application is hereby made for a permit to T a story, Type to be occupied only as So in accordance with plot Plan, plans and Specification filed herewith. Estimated Value of Improvements $ �Q X 40,06FEES 3-5- Plan Check $ 10 'Al 42 A Ow r!er Address Contr. CL4Address La Phone57 7 State License Approved il•- APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL PERMIT Date 196` FEE$ Contr. Address Phone 7 J 1` L/ State License WILLIAM D. EIENEVICH Approved APPLICATION FOR PLUMBING & GAS PERMIT Dote/,a•Z 196 � GAS FEE $ 2 V// PLUMBING FEE $$ Contr ��n/ �.^ Address ��Y a��- nq' Phone (�Cy-�-� State License 101,s�� Approved —.� WILLI. iyi u. Uc Ntvlcrl APPL ATION FOR APPLIANCE PERMIT Date Z 196 FEES Contr. /Y��' Address Phone ��' 0g `3� State License L`p2 �^Z WILLI 'M D. oL' •�t�-T— Approved Applicants agree not to violate tiny of the IVorkraan's Compensation Laws of the State of California f RECORD OF INSPECTION APPROVALS FOUNDATION ^- 0 BUILDING D e actor UNDERFLOOR — _ O _ fe` p Ins act FRAME O O A,!- Ins petro LAT. PLASTER d2_6 / z. Dry -6. Ins pac r FINAL Date Ins oector ELECTRICAL ,OUTLETS SERVICE SIZ SWITCHES UNDERGROUND D a Inspector. RECEPTACLES ROUGHWIRING d_ FIXTURES FINISH WIRING opK/,� Inspector f y _DetInspector " H.P. CHARGE FIXTURES 1 data— Inspector PERMIT FEE Motors i Do Inspector TOTAL FEES FINAL 1/ 'l Date Inspactor PLUMBING & GAS MAIN DRAIN SIZE MATERIAL STORM DRAIN SIZE MATERIAL WATER SYSTEM SIZE ITERIAL TOTAL FIXTURES UNDERGROUND Z FIXTURE FEE PARTIAL ROUGH Dote I or MAIN DRAIN FEE ROUGH COMPLETE —. Dote ry "� '�'litor STORM DRAIN FEE MAIN DRAIN — Dole c or WATER SYSTEM FEE GAS PIPING , Date or GAS PIPING FEE FINAL Date Inspector PERMIT FEE MISC Dote- Inspector TOTAL FEE � MISC Data Inspector APPLIANCE TYPE OF APPLIANCE UNITS FEE TYPE OF APPLIANCE UNITS FEE CIRCULATING HEATERS REGISTERS BLOWER FURNACES COMBUSTION VENT SUSPENDED UNIT °` MISC ' GAS RANGE MISC GAS DRYER PERMIT FEE FLOOR FURNACE TOTAL FEE INSPECTED —�� "Data Inspactor """ CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO Date ..... ..................... 196f... Building Permit The Building Located at ...�......?---tv.4.... /-- A-N, . ......... .... ...... . ............................ ...... ................ .........�/................. ........... ... .1 Owned by ....... ................... Has Beet) (Completed) For Use As: .................................... ....... ---------------- -- - ---------- (.Akemd�- ...( Uj /-, .........................................................S. . ->.............. ............................. ............... ................................................................................................................................................. ------------- .......................................................................e!p....................... ----------------------- ........................................................................ BUILDING INSPECTOR 102 12/66-IM CITY OF CUPERTINO OFFICE COPY 1 ELECTRIC SERVICE NOTICE _........... ..v... f............... 14 You are hereby atoeed•to'eonn electrical service for Owner or Tenant ..............._..... .:..... .._....... ............. At ._. ..1.. ..........'..-.. .. .................... .. .. ........_.....__........................_n....... 77 Size of Switch 1.-.r-)z:i - No. of Wires ....A�.............. Siz Tres ...... MotorLoad .......................... Voltage .........._.................... Phase .._............... .............. Heating Load ........................ K. W. ....................... ._...... Voltage ....._....I.................. .. Light...../- 110........... New Service_/. Kemunect................. No. of Meters.......`......... Heat................. ??0...... .... . rev it .... _.... ?love Ser,¢c............ No. of Add. Meters............ .Power............... ce a ... ..... \face Meter,...... I' .. ELECTRICAL 1N9'GCTOR GAS SERVICE NOTICE OHIC1 7 COPY BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CITY OF CUPERTINO/, ...... 196.4? You are hereby authorized to connect the GAS service for Owner or Tenant ....... . ........... At . ................ New 44914P�14� . .Service .r/......_........... No. of Meters .._1............ Reconnect .....-........ .............. Move Service ......... ...........— No. of Add. Meters .............. Move Meter ......... PLUMBING INSPECTOR b1d.4. Dept Ofi;CQ Copy BUILDING INSPECTOR'S OFFICE Cin' OF CUPERTINO II F1 Sewer Connection Sanitary Permit No. ............. Plumbing Final Plumbing Permit Nof�-1147 A...... Lot No. .... --------------- Owner or Tenant e-—----------------------------------- -------------------- --------------------------------- At . .....Z� Tract .... . . . .......................................... 9-1 - ---------------------------------- 19AV.. Date Connected ..............................--- ---------------- P.. .... .................... Date Final ----------------------------- ............. .................. 19 -------- ------------ - ------ PLUMBING INSPECTOR 111 7/63-1M ROUTE SLIP File No . S (� Date Location � 7s'-2 Subject Notes Approved Date ris e for LOT N0. NO. STf EET W APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT / T Q r O CITY OF CUPERTINO S��/ Q W V.� 0 , Sanitary No. a W u Uatr r ' 196 Permit No. SI�6 7• oZ 0yy �! PJ2� oto— UI �t1'pp kation is hereb'yma eol a permit <m a /JUJ 2 aor�Type _.E Building W Ipe,occupied only as �• F in accordance with 0 0 PIanYSpe'4ifica�o�sr d•P o[•Plan filed herewith. Pl Ck Fee p > y u1 �liJi3 Fee$ o�sd Estimated Value of Improvements, $_� iJ It is hereby agreed that the requirements of the Cupertino Building and Zoning Ordinances and * Z all other laws applicable to the construction, location, and use of buildings within the City of J O Cupertino will be complied with. DITZ.CRANE ; a _ W Owner Address W W By L7/L!��/L� Address Qa i o Phone : ' ;q Approved State License z- /7 ING INSPECTOR