CC 01-07-98 MINUTES
Cupertino City Council
Regular Adjourned Meeting
January 7, 1998
At 6:40 p.m. Mayor Chang called the meeting to order in Conference Room "A" of City Hall,
10300 Torte Avenue, Cupertino, California, and led the Pledge of Allegiance.
City Council members present: Mayor Michael Chang, Vice-Mayor Wally Dean.
CouncJlmembers Don Burnett, Sandy James, and John Statton.
Council members absent: Sandy James was absent after 8:20 p.m.
Staff present: City Clerk glmberly Smith.
Some individtmls had applied for more than one commission. They were interviewed for
all requested commissions in one session, not necessarily in the order listed below.
Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory Committee
Council interviewed and appointed Mr. Bernie Album to this informal committee with no
specific term ending. One vacancy remains to be filled.
Cupertino Housing Committee (Financial Representative)
No qualified applications were received for this position.
Parks and Recreation Commission
Council interviewed the following individuals for two vacancies: Charlene Pai-Brizendine,
Frank Selinch, Philippe Dot, Srinivar Yo-ishnamurti, Saleem Shnikh, Stephanie Russell, and
Bridget Galane. Council re-appointed incumbent Frank Jelinch to the term ending January
2002, and appointed Saleem Shaikh to the unscheduled vacancy ending January 2000.
Fine Arts Commiasion
Council interviewed and appointed Charlene Pai-Brizendine and Carl Orr (who is filling an
unscheduled vacancy on a term ending Jam, a_ry 2001)~ Council also interviewed and re-
appointed incumbent Rita Young. One vacancy remains to be filled.
Cupertino ¢i y Council Page
Planning Commission
Council interviewed Shishir Mukherjee, Jerry Stevens, and Taghl Saadati for one vacancy.
Jerry Stevens was appointed to complete a term ending Jan. 2001.
Telecommunications Commission
Council interviewed Avinash Agrawal, Jerry Stevens, and L.T. Guttadauro for once vacancy.
Incumbent L.T. Guttadauro was re-appointed.
Public Safety Committee
Council interviewed the following individuals for two vacancies: John Drexler, Andrew
Zander, Philippe Dor, Carl Orr, and Taghi Saadati. Incumbents John Drexler and Andrew
Zander were re-appointed.
Staff was directed to m-advertise for the remaining vacancies on the Bicycle/Pedestrian Advisory
Committee, Cupertino Housing Committee and the Fine Arts Commission.
At 9:50 p.m. the meeting was adjourned to Friday, Jan. 16, at 8:30 a.m. at the Blackben~ Farm
Retreat Center, 21975 San Femando Avenue, Cupertino, California, for Council's arm~_~__al goal-
setting session.
Kim~CiPy Clerk