CC Resolution No. 1000YC . ~ s '. ~~F .. , ., .~. ~ R a~. F~~ .+~~'Y".~":~ 'lk.~~.~'C~ qt+' f"~°1~'~'~L]C!~ 1l"li:i~.)C` R'+-~RY `I.'4, ~3A. , ~) . Gl"',~~ ",~';~~ +'"~~,~;`Cf ~3A~ 'l'6i°~TixT'~~~""i' ~~~~~? 17~'~1C~~VA~I Z:" ~'~ '.~'~ 2d.~ Cp ~",~'l"`,~" ''~~'"""r~~,~, ' I~~~Ct:~I G`S~,r~f~:[N ~,4r~~r?,;p~~°;ts~yl, ,/^~~~}~~"I.~t~~Llrr'~rQ~~'RID PR4~b.'~AIy ~hn ` ~ ~~ ~s~lG~w"fir ' 4~.Lr ~rrri~~l`O,~ti ~/Lls,3.~ l"~4 ' W,iy~.~,~J' li.V~y~fy1%f yPJ~IiaM , CU3!-!1 r61,V.4 ~~~~ IIIV~A.O~ 1 ~, on ~.~±- Uo~uber ly, 1~6~+ thQ~.'~ Nua ~i.l;rrd t~.th f:b~+a 1~'i.i a' ;~stit;~.crri r~ec~taeetir~,g the annexa~ioa to thQ City oP Cup~...s~#~- a~.'L o:~ the terrltcor~r k~c~re3nai'4.:~r doearxUed; and ''~~,,!,.tftl~rt +~'ovnrsil,'~t~ ~eaEi.'ve~Ct t~videtiyars showing that, and i'ss~es ~,~~. -:~ ~.«tt-,~;en e~eaa>Yi~iati' of the px-opona~ to t;nnax Ka~td terra-- tai~*~- 1G~s: +C:~.~G'S*~ oP C~perti~b Kan f."ile~d o~rl.th the aAaal Agency nnncuca- t~iotx '~.~:a.~i.a» off' 3au~ta Cla :~. Go~tnt;;~ ~ otith the Secretary or the Ekr~. fC~t#.~eai.on of Santg CZgra County', California, and that Bald j Ho~,9` ~'~'ihaiori ha3 pr+epe.red, or ceuac:d to bi. prepa~~ed a rr~port to the '.~='c~ oP said annexation upr~n said anne:~.tion. pro~aul, all ae x~r,~i.~d by lair, and that saAd Iaeal Agency Axir-exatian Comm~.esion and ~arifl .F3caur~ry Cor.~dnsiota have appae-ored the boundari~~e of said px~r~ae~+d ~~,rewcation; and this G~u~eil frets t^etteived evidenaQ ahowitag, atuSt fisa that the above r,+antioncsd, peL-iticn xas no L• af.x~ulatedj signed ot• R"i.~t c~rAt?h the Council until s.t"ter ~aa-ic~ boundary Commission ?gad made, try caused to be made »aid repotrt and haft approvo~d said boutndaMeo„ a.itd ti~:~.l. ai'ter said Loca3 Agency Rnxiexation Cocanission had approved ! s~-1~4 a:cation proposal; and '~t~, this Council has r~cei~ved evalc1enaa shoti~ing, and further finds ~,~ '17tsat• this sai~3 !-erritrry is situate immediately ad~aoent Lo and touct~~c aam'1 im aonc~;.io~is to the bouru3ar:~ga of the City of Cuprsrtino; antf~ ~o t lase than tHelve registered voters resided with.~!n.~aid tes~rit Zt tho ticme the above m+entianed petition xaa Piled N-1.f:h ,his Cotitnc~.i, that 4a~..d :ers~itol*3r is therefore w~.inhabited, and 3. "fit seas petition 'l.ts signed by c--.nc~ra oP not lees than one- f:'our~i ~P" t land in raid terr.'~tory by h~eA and by ao~aeeaed value as shoxaz ~ ~e 3,Bt~t ec~li~~r3 aaeeeai~nt ~vl'1 0£ 'the Counter oP Santa Clara, CalYr'lcsg'~i~, i.tt t~hicr said County rsLCY, territory :la eitu~atGed; ~~, 'P~"rFOFIE: 1.,, 3P~°CI3 I3 X OIV~rT that, puretrAnt to the provisions oP tl~e F+~.~.:~t~R.on of Ur~nhabited 'p©rxd.tol,~- Acf; of 1939, a petition s~lgned 'by arts o~ trot leas than ore-f'ouT-th nf:' the land in tk~e hcsreinat'ter deacz~bQ~ ~e~xt-itory by area and by tn~aesaed value ae ariot~m on the last .~ ~~ ac~eees~nt roll of" the County of Santa Clara, Calif''arnta, ~- ~ r~; ,~nxation off' the hea~ina.P`ter dosoribetl territory to ara:td City' ~~x°l~i~~o as tu~l:cshabitcd tra~.~Lory pursuant to the ps,~vi~r~iona of #~ ,~,:~tion oi" tri~.inrra~altecl ~r~*Rtory Act of" 1y39 of the .Mate of t~i,ia"'T4~,„ 1'~'.led ~.th t;he G'o~tpt~1~. of the G`l.t~~ of I:upe:~tino vn Oafiuab :~`~, 3~~~ • .. ~+. ~~, _ ,e~ , E~CE 1S ttER1r~Y I31Vl~T tia~at i~flve~ttber 16, 196-E f at the huau.r o,C ~ ~ ~3:C 1°•~~.,e ®~' said c3aq, in the ~~ ~ of the +;rapex~ixyo tJnia~t ~c~h+aol f~a~a~t: ~~: ~.C3dQ Vista br~.v~:, Cert.~l.~so, C~:1..tfQrr.~.a, la the ti.ma" la+ teas ~°.o`.L1 of thQ C~.1y ofd ~u1~es9rlrax~a tr~l31 ~'iear ~saCOr~rat~t aka by offing real prapex~l:y ~.#:Y,in the terri.torSr, h~rra?a~.tta°~° +~s- ~ ~. f#ia~~p1~'ibod, propacs~~l1 to b~ as~t~e~ted t-.o the C~.tq t~~` C~irio. ~~ r~ ^~~ t~;tc~xe the hear ,~~-t .tor^ het~~.~ ob~c~oti.una any a~,a~ of ~, ~*t try t2yo texx~ito~.~r Iracopaa~d tca be at~exed to ~ the ~.t~r o!~ l.p~~rr~ ' r'lle t~r°ftten p~x*c+t+eat ~x~t the antz...xaMai~. ~rltteis . p~c~~ iii ,Mate the nary at the a~er- of tl~~ property ~iC"tt+ and t ~.i4n aa~d ga~ea of the said p~rort;y 1n goneral teraxra 1~t the t ~ baring protoats,, or to ~i.cth the P~arlxtg rosy b$, aorktinu~, ~ca1~d. ~~1 aL~,11 heo~r and pads upok! ~tll prnteata ao ~dl9r ., 3'~. ~'lty Clerk of the City- at Glzpertino Sa heretry riitl~tatadt to o».uas~ a, erar~- of this Roso1'stiax~ to be 3b11ahr~ 1n thea i-ertix~ Caux~~rr, a ~~r-~ aS genex~el oircuxattil.+c~ 1n L'h~s City at Ci~atrt~.~ac- and in thwe SFurra.1,~ ~la,zd, a ne~rap~tper of ga.*rai olrculatAon pa+~bas.r~d e~uta~de+ ' t'he ~Etlr at at'iportino but .thin t~ C~t~ty c~P manta Clat~, [`~1#,f'or~.e~, in t,~- ~r and tSx~ as requ3.rec! by 9a~r, and to ca~~ wx:1'.ttdm tyotio~t of the ~~ertfed annc~aca.tion to be ~eaikat9 to alI peraana or boc~.9lea tai no~mc notioe~ is recp~.lr~ed Y,o fie maiaed by lau, in the s~a~raer and •; uitt~ t~.le ~ci~e required by la1t. ~„ °SYl~ ter;."ltory prolicse~'at to b~ mnYlexed to the City of Cuperti+rt.d le t.,e~w~~cy dteaoribied a$ all that ter~.tor,- situate in the County of Sanfi.~ Clara, State of 4aYitornl.a, b~otmcled and tnc-~ Fully daacg~.bed o,a follrrxB '° .~ ~pra~lon of that paroel of ].and s]eacribed na PARCEL U~,'V~ in Reed ~+~. ~13~3 to the StatB of t~.lito:cnia, recorded 0©tob©r 22, 1c/59r in Vo1~ae.~e ~t582, Page 479, Ott~.cial f't~ercorda oP Santa Clstn Cow~ty, desrx9~b~d as follows: Ci'?.N(~ at a point on the southerly 11ne oP that 2.'rU aye tr~c~r at desoribed i.n saAd Pf~RCf~'I. C~18, dlislcan~ thereon 3 $~ l5 v 33 ~, ~? . reef i'~~om the sca~th~eaterly aot~ner o sa~.d t:~.c~; hence trc~ a tasag+snt that bears N. 4 55' Ql" W., along ~- ~urtr® to *he right .. xi.t~a. ~ r~ of 6QD.00 feet; thrr~u,gh ar- angle oP 17 t)7' S2", an aro '" length a.t' 17.40 feet to the ndrt~erl;~ 13.ne of said tract of land; ` that along last said line s, 89 15 ` 33" $., 339.37 rat to a line loei~ tie a-eetorly line of the ea$terl.y~ 220 feet of said tx~ect an deoar~.t~d in saf.d PdRCEL ONE; thence along last said line S. d° 52' 31" W., 7l"~.5~ teat to the southerzy line at said '-.tact of land„ thanae a1or~,r :~ said line N. $g'° 25' ~~3" N., 348.08 feet to the point of • csaea.'~nt, t:~BT.AZNZ?tt~ 1.428 acres, more or less. 2 r, li °~ ~ ~ . _.a P1~SSED A'IZD AIaOP'1'~D at a x^egula.r meeting of the Clty Council of the Q,~.' of L`u~rtino un this .1~th day aP October ~, 1964 ~ b~v the fol- lo~.a~ rota:: .., 1~5: (:ounc~.lmen: De~~ter, Fitr~gel'ald, Pdael, F~.nch i ~'A: G17vncllnen: Nr~ne ~,.. !'~vtztzciLpsen: ~toD~B r . ~ APPRaVP.D: ,[,s/ Paul H. Finch l-T~yar;~i~y o3~L"Wp~~~na ~.` ,~'R'~'.'~,~'; ,.~.............~.~.y 3 ~° ., ., .~„ ,bra ~ ., ~ _~ ~., (, ,~~ ~ ~ ~ ', ~.,~,~~~