CC Resolution No. 1010' RBSOLUTIGN N'J. 1010
ts'~31NG~ A RE30LUTIOII~ OF 'rHE CITY OF CUPIE±R'1~.~ti0
i~Ql~~iUFF htave ~acecuted n d~eclicstion which is in gnod and sufficient
~vr~, grunting to the C].t,*r of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State
of Gallfornl~a, the fee t9.tle to oertaitl real Uro~vartV *or roedkt-y
purisosesu situate in the City" of Cupertino, described as fallo~re:
88C~1'?RiLtKi at the paint of intersection of the center lino of
Seratogt;-Sunt'tyvale Road, 8a originally exlated 60' in Midth, Mith
the Baaterly prolongation of the Northerly line of Treat 661 TarMn
~~ Cothntry Nomesitea, a [yep ~~! which iR~as filed for r~eQard in the
office of the Recorder of the County of Stints Clara, State of Cali-
t"orn:le, on October ~4, 149, in Boak 24 of Mspa, at pages 3b and
35; theme frt~m acid po2.nt of beginning South 890 ~~' 10" treat along
aald~ Peat taantianed prolongation and Northerly line of Tract 661 for
a dYe~t~+nce of ~40.1'~ feet to the South*~eaterly oorner of that certain
tract; of land cescribed as P: r°el One in the Draed from John P.
M.erd~taich and ;~ona, a partneerahip, to Mardesirh Cotnpt~ny, a partnership.
dated July 31, 1563, recorded August 12, 1963, in Book 6143 Official
ftecurda, page 14 Santa Clara County Records; thence cont~lnuing
gou'th 890 u5' 10" Waet along st-id Northerly tins to Tract 661 for a
distance of 1C~4.d0 fe~.rt; thence North 0° 02' Weat ens parallel Kith
thu kec+terly line oi' said Parcel One for a diatanr.e of 428 feet, marct•
or 1eua, to a paint: in a line ~hioh is part:11e1 with and riiatt~nt
Southerly 7S.aJ feet met3aurev at right angles from the said center ].ins
of Stevens Creek Road, as the same originally exiatr?d 6U.00 feet in
w'Lc)th, and tt:a~ tr~:e point of beginning of the traot of Bind to be
described; t~enctr~ from acid true point of beginning cont•inuinR North
4° 02' W nt sn' parallel the Y'isaterly line of $aid Parcel One
1'or a distance of 1';,.00 Teat to a paint in the Southerly line of
,'~tevens Cheek .~i: ~d; thence North 890 'S~' EaSt along acid lest. menta.antrcl
line fcr P cl i ~ t ~ nce of 164.00 feet to a point in the ker3terl.y ling of
maid Pat^~el t"ne; thence South 0~' 02' East along said mantionact
11ne for r distance of 15.00 f~3et to a point in a 11ne r~hir.h is paral-
lel with rnd di;~tant Southerly ?5.~0 feet mebsurecl at right a lea
frog the Maid .~ente-r line of Stevens Creek Kogd; theme South 890 54'
Went along said pat~allel li.r,e for a cciatcr~ca of 160.00 feet to faze
point of beginning.
NOW, ~'KE.~EFOFtE, t3L 7T H.ESOS.VSD, that f:h.~ Cityy of Cupertino
~~ accept epic' Front s~~ tendered; and
XT IS PISRTHER t',CSOLVt/D, that the City Clerk he and ho is here-
h~~ authorized to record said dedication ttnd thir- R.eaolution.
PASSfiD AND AbOPTED thin ,~,_~ day of _,~,.~,,r„_,,,,_
l~l~ib, bt,~ the folloo-ing vote:
AYES: Councilmen - D~empater, i~itzget.~~ld, Noel, 3toket3, Finoh
wi3atiS: Cour.cilmai7 - None
ABS~t~: Counri.ltnen - NonQ
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