CC Resolution No. 1013~ ~ R~~soLVTaox xo. 1013 RLiS!I0~1 OF TfiE CT1'Y COIJPICIL OP ~ 'CITY OF CU~TKRINO alloxing,. certain ols~a and dsraar.~ds in the , sum or ,7302.25. De~.nd Nue. Ool th~ru 058. P1vxs 1~at~ Department claims and d~nde in the earn o+~ X703. T5. ' I~u~. 2068 thrct~ 2070. '!b/, City Council of the City ~ of Cupertino dose lhereby' resolves detr,br and order sec follo~ss '~tAon 1^ That in accord~nae with section 37202 of the Qovern-~ amt ~eo~"ea""~"ie "C`ity Clerk of his d~ti,gnated repre$entative hez~eby acart- i!'i~t• ~cr the accuracy of the tollati~Yrig 8smande and to the avdilabiYity 04' ! for pa~y~nt thereof. l°1 Laryrer~ae K. Martin. mr ^ ^r'y.~y ~$' A rwrrw :motion 2. That the following alaima ~~nd demands have betn.sudSted as ~cguc-"~'i~e~y 1av and that the e ~ame are h ereby a llo•~red in the sA-aunt a8 i~mrsrter set forth. Harrant ~ Amount Fed. aroga C t No. Paid Tax OA3DI PS ~gs•-"i1'. Storm ~"_" t~'~'1'.~ ~'~`T8 ~ '. `0= - ~ Ha=a3 A. Hile 002 189.20 31,50 8.30 229.00 Lake K. Martin 003 365.0 44.60 -U- 410.50+Mlge alnQra A, McHugh 004 22 .}5 ?9.30 9.62 265.37 Place B. Reid 005 180.00 30.10 7.90 218,00 L. .~ McQuistor. 006 41.83 0_ 1.57 43.40 wsaa.a.~ J, crooks 007 27 ,8a 46.20 ~ ..o.- 322,00 Rs~9a-12 J, pitzQe:a ld ooA 274,80 31.70 ..o- 306,5o+Mlge Ants ~. Lahi 009 463,59 8 52.91 6 6 ..o- 6 8 5x6.50 Suecllco Martin 010 1 .5 . 0 2 4 . 2 188.00 b I3a~wwl.d P. Provence 011 2ti2.50 .00 2 -0- 30 .50 Rab~ert S. Shook 012 328.50 44,00 -0- 3?2.50+H11ge Kea~eth W. Stras~e; 013 180.00 30.10 7.90 218.00 wil.g.iea b. 13ene~ic;: 014 360,90 49.60 0-0 410.50 Job A. e~teto 015 321.60 33.40 -o- 35 .00 Edeaasd L. Murph3 016 o 307. ~}0 8 8 30. fi0 0 »0- 6 8 3 8.00 Hico l~txakami f7 15 ,1 22.7 . 2 1.00 Jct~- ~-rham 018 3114, 80 35.20 -o- 380.00 Jerr,~ ~flilo 019 274.80 31, 70 -a 306.50 '~c:aer~ Shannon 020 191.70 18.40 7.90 t~18. 00 Ivra,a ga~voda ' 021 204.80 15.90 1 8.30 229.00 hssaras Stephens 9 022: 191.70 10 18. 7. ~0 218.00 Addr Lauren o2•' ~ 297,q3 4 45.10 12,87 35a.o0 Lois ~. anwrards o2 5.?3 7.70 2.01 55.44 f~1+~Tr•t~ »ettles 025 4 2 8.50 2.18 60.00 ~1es Kasen 026 64.82 6.30 2.68 73.80 8ez~ Eartunek 02 49.8? 4,10 2.U3 56.00 She~.r~-s Bneg oe8 2b.63 4, 60 1.17 32.40 Darr Billings 029 ?2.10 7.70 3.oa 82,80 Jabz~ Cavalli 030 74.04 12.70 3.26 80,00 Jacx Cplbourn c U31 0 2 338.38 80 6 1, 90 0 1 1.52 2 o ~+]. , po 80 00 rrrune PeXa~pr 3 5. , 3 ? , y . Jams Dozier 033 23.66 4,10 1,04 28.80 s'a~ P`3.a~irnoy 034 39.27 6, 60 1.73 47.60 Peua~. Oallue 035 77.84 8.90 3.26 9o.0U „, . V a ClBi.~~t .o~~'er E.c~~a~YB.e Rei~~ Hash~t~ Schuehle BarT~ara Unaworth Bvb 1~ncirews . Ael Thorpa' Lain !~rcheee Doarkr~ Adamo ' Botu~.e Alexander Trit;ll~st Chsth~ms ~' ~Is~a Crumb Donna Qxce Lli~abeth Greenwald Zox~.. arse Atny A . Krumm ?far-y .L.ima Q~r+c~ -~atteroli Joa.n~e B. I~Iilichevich Fees M. RemPY " Pearl Reynolds Edit~i J~J. Trompeter Hinl~`red R. Troyer Victory Winfield Bobby 0. Dockins Fau1 A. Page Aucir~y Y,. WPatan Ord' Wrarrant Amount Feed. Cirosa . No. Paid Tax UASDI CPS Amount 037 27.76 t~.6o 1.22 ~'bo 038 57.06 5.20 2,34' 039 97.23 3.00 3.77. 1'04,00 040 19.61 3.3? .86 2 :Ro ~ '441. 26.78 .20 1.02 ~.04 2 04,E 53.28 4.40 2.17 5.85 04;3 12.31 2.15 .54 1,ri.0A 044 13.98 2.40 .62 ~ •17'. r~ 045 12.31 2.15 .54 ~1~.00 046 12.31 2.15 .54 15.00 7 13.98 2.40 .62 17.00 ~ 88 12.31 2.t~~ ,54 15.00 o4g 12.56 1.90 .54 15.00 050 12.31 8 2.15 4 .5~~ 6 15.00 00 1 051 13.9 2, 0 , 2 7. 052 12.31 ?..15 .54 15.00 053 12.31 2.15 ,54 15.00 054 12.31 2,15 .54 15,00 055 13.98 2.40 ,62 17.00 056 x2.31 2.15 .54 15.00 05? 12.31 2.15 .54 15.00 0513 12.31 2.15 .5~~ 15. d0 WATRR DEPARTMENT PAYROLX, 2068 295.20 26,80 -0- 322.ou 2069 219.35 24.ao Q.15 262.50 2070 189120 31.50 8.30 229.00 Adopted the ~~ th d_ ay_oi' October, x964 ayro T en 3.ngZ~c o~Qr~T';`~'!~~'" ~ . .. ..