CC Resolution No. 1016~, w~ a~ RF:~CrLUTION N0. x.016 ;, BBTNCi A NfiSOL'i3TI0N 4F 7iIE CITY OF CUPER'rSNO AGCEPTINt~ I3Ell.'.'C~,'iION OF REltL y R0$E~t TY FOR - 'ROADWAY PURPL'SBS i~~Rl'sNB'A3, EI~tARL- 5. J. CALI, ~'.FY 4ALI and t~RI-A V. CALI, nave .~ ex®cuted a dedication which is in prod and sui'ficient form, granting to the City of Cup©rtinn, County of Santa Clara, State of Califox•nia, that !ee title to aertr~i.n real property far roadt~ay purposes, riituate #.r' the City of Cup+~rtino, described as follows: L~TI03~ Ole TAT 3, ati shown upotf that aai•ta:tn Map entitled, "lip of the Craft Ynrti<tion", which Map ruse filled Tor record in the ' t~Pice off' the Rascordec of the Countyy a! Santa Clara, 3taL•e of Cali- , lornia, in Book "Ir" ~i! Mega, page ?8, more pa~.~tic+ularly described a.s follows: E~4INNYI~Q afi the point of interaeotion of that Southerly line of Stevens Cresek Dvulevard w9.th ttie Bastex•lq line of Wolfo Road, as ai5~id Boulevard and Read ax•+e shown upon the Map of Tract No. 2880, which ~Iap waa tiled for record in the office of the Recorder of the County of ~3anta C1 arc, 9tat® of Cali~'ornia, on August 16, x.961, in $ook 136 of Maps, pagers ~4, 35 and 36; THENCE slang said line 0f t~~olfe Road, :South Oo 24' 30 Bast 15.00 feet to a point in a line parallel to end i5~,00 feet southerly rareasured at right angles to said southerly line aP Stevens Creak Boulevard; THI3NCE alor~ said parallel line North 890 35' 30" fierst 119.69 feet; TI~ENCE North l0 00' West 15.00 feet to a point on the S~',utherlg line of ,Stevens Creek Boulevard; TfICNCE along a-aid Southerly line of 5tevena Creak Boulevard, South 8q0 35~ 30" wQet 1.19.53 feet t0 the Point of Beginning. NUW, THEREFORE, BE 7T RESOLVED, that the City of Cupertino accep~: said grant so to ndared; and TT IS £'URTHER RESOLL'ED, tha4 the City Clerk be and he is hece- by :xuthor3.~ed to record said dedi~^ation and this Reso:suti.on. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 2nd clay of ?rovember, __.___._.. _.._____,..___.,_r„_r. 1961, by thE3 following vote: AYES: Councilmen - bemp3ter., 1~iL•N~rera.lci, trael, Stolces, b'inch NQES: Councilmen - Ztone AH3F.PiT: Counailroen - Crone ATTF.3T s s/ Lawrence K. A~rti.n ±~y er APPROVED: //s/ Paul }i. b'inah J