CC Resolution No. 1031w
.. .
File No. 13`y.61t
CITY CO[1AlCII. I~ESr.-L;rT7!~!I 1dL~„ 103? (lRA;aTY+;R q 'V.ARIA.1rCE
ma tiARI7Y cH~~
WIiEflEA3, the ~~ Cc~ncil of t:h~ City of Cu~:rt~.nca received the;icm at' ~~ ~ c:rwM _ ___, __ ._ _.,,
f'Ur a V'artt:tcte .~ to allow +~ ~t~4ti a 4, ~$. lot c,;l~ Shelly
la~:tween lotc~ ~3 r,~nct 3~:, Ti~ct 3~~a7 rrli+~ke QTda..Kt~nc~ rec~u3.reu 75~ sq. i"t.
• and
WHEREAS, the applicant has, ~i~f~fd~~, met L•he bu~°den of proof
required to support hi a said app].~catiori, and
~1HEREAS, the Planning Comm'~ssi.on, after dul;r no~;iced pudic hear-
ings, ,'.ia.s recommended in favoa• of said ~1ara.s~tci .
That after careful consideration oi' maps, facts, exhibits and
other evidence submitted in t}'ai.s matter the application i"or the
Variance bey: xa~t~ta, and the same is, ~~
hereby approved, su 1ect to the terms anc conditions x'raich are at~a~hed
hr:reto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A".
That thc~ report of finding;z attached hereto are approved anc9
adopted, and that the Cit;~ Clerk Ire, and is hereby, directed to notify
the parties affec~;ed by th'_s decisi;~:z.
PASSED AND At~OP?ED by t City C'ouracll of t?'.e City of~upertino,
State. of California, this 1 ~: day of r~" C ~+~ ~~. ~ ~ ; , ? 9 , by the
t' roll cr,~ll vot\e:
AYES : Coun e i lmc :.: l..r-%.-+•~i t G; . ~L6 : ( ~ -S-~c~ ~` = t ( ~. ~, ~'--
NAYS: Cottncilnten: ~t~--`
~eBB~ Councilmen: `~ ~~-~,t~rc.C
Mayor, Cityr oi' Cupertino
~1 ` •.
7.'i~e app'Licatiar+ far a Y~t~.~anco on behL.l~' at' ~-riy G'borr
f7teae shots
1 , That t~ser+e ar°e Special conditions or exac:ptiont~l chara.eterlatias
in tki~e natu.x•e of ttia property to be affected ox~ that it9 a lo~catlon, or
its eur7•oundi~r~:~ such as tti~ill permit the (:ounail to "r7tryke~ a deter--
mina.L•ion than a l`Itax~el ent"'orceine.zt of the Or~dlinance would x~eault in
prar:ticRl dif;i,C.tY'lties or unnecessary haxYiahi1~s; and
2. Thut t;he o: the applics±t;iort is itocs~sarary for the pre-
ae~~trati.nn and. a~-,joyment oY property rights; and
~. That ~whe gr'~.nting Gf the application will rot; affe~:t
adversely the k~zalttt or;f or persons residing ox• wor' l,n the
neighborhood of the pr+op~erL,- is the aub,~ect ~~i' the application,
and that the use oi' said property in thQ manner it is prepoaed to
be used krill not ba.* matF.rially detrimental to thr, public w`lfare or
insuriotYS to the value ~~f property or improvemer+ts located in said .~ur-
:::.~,~bit :~
1 - 12 .at:t~~clard Con:iitiars:~ (I•'xl~ibit ~3y
13 _~ubJCCt to urF~v~ ~. of the bu!. lding and it':: ~ ucation on
the ' of !~y the ~rclLLecl.usrva : .trd :i~lte Centro ! Cat~ittes,
bcf:re a Ruil~iin~ r'ert.tiit, i:~ to:sued.
?.1~r'ira~-.rao1'ir-,~ of ttit~ ~;urag~ ran ~'asi+eel 1J. of the suhmit;tecl
Accnxtl o#' '3ust~a-ey ~ ~ ~~cuted clo;sQ to the j',I1~;rU:scd lot
{ ~-~ ), to the :~uti+:fuctir~si of the Chie£ Hui ZnsPeator.
o ,.
~~ ~~N
~ Oct. 23,1g6u
~.'~IT "8'•
1. I.nBtall ornat~ental street; ligt~.ts. A? 1 lighting shall be de~-
$igned to in no bray inter.°f'ere witty adjacent reaaden~, d-tstriet.
2. Street trees xill be pl.4nted in the ?ublic right-o.''-~,ttay and shall
b~ of a ty. a approved by the City in paces designts#;~~3 by ~3:he City.
3. 3`raffic control signs will be placed at locations ~;~~a be tsp2rified
~y the City.
u. Fire hydrants shall be loc2ted as requested by the City.
5. ~, masonry xall will. be built Separating any cotrniercial 8rt;a from
at,y rea1dential area; which wall shall be six feet high above the
highest ac',~oininQ finished grade.
6. A?1 parking areas and driveways will ue paved as shears; on the
clot plan.
7. Curbs, g~:tters, sidewalks, and structures shall be installed to
- grades and re constructed in accordance with stanciar~3 specified
:~; tfie ~~it;• ~n~ineer.
8. drainage tirit;;in and witho'.:t the develoctrent shall be to the satis-
:notion cf tre City Engineer.
9. :.:treet ir.,prcti•ements abuttirr~ the applicant's prof e.rt, shall be
according :a City st2nd2:~?s and specific ations.
1C. "~'7e applicant shall be responsible fcr completing Gs Shown
oa approti*e~.: rlot plan, and shall be required to pay for required
engineer±n`:, checlcing, anc inspection fees prior to tssuanccs of
'c~.;ildin~ pez•
11. L2ndscapir~ shall be a:~ appraved and r,~inta~ir:ed zs strwn on plot
l2. street ~,~iderind and dedications shall be in accordance with street
xS.dtha app:yo~•ed by Cicy En~in~;er.