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CC Resolution No. 1033
~ ,- - ~ RFSOL[.~7ov r:o. 1033 RE.SOLUTLON OF THE CITY COUIJCxL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO allowing certain claims and riemands irr the oum of fi7,237.28. Demand Nos 145 tliru 189. Plus Water Departtnent claims and demands in the sum of ~f;ol.$7. Demand 1Jos 2125 thru 2129. '!'t-e City Council of the GiL-y of Cupertino does hereby resolve, determine and order as follows: Sertion 1. That in accordance riith section 37202 of the Govzrn- ment co e3 ;~~~ty Clerk of his clpsignated repreaentati~~e hereby cert_ ifies to the ac~euracy of the folloxirig demands a.nd to the availability of funrls for pa,nent thereof. la/ Lawrence K. Martin `Zri~y'~Z?er tT-"~r Section 2. audited ~a raga red amount h~x'eix~ai'te~r Clair~iant Philip W. Storm Hazel A. Hile Lawrence K. Asrtin L. June Alc~ui~stan ?lorence Reid 1n'illl.am B.r•ooka R3nda11 Fitzgerald Ants V. Lahi kdde Laurin Sutniko Aiartin Harold F. Provence Robert S. Shook Kenneth Strasser Nilliam J. Benevich John ~.. Buato Edward L. Alurphy Nideko tdurakami John Parham Nea Aamuasen Becky Bartunek Sherri .Bass Gary B111.1nga John CavPlli Jack Colbourn Penny Crouse James Dozier Paul Qallua Judy (haves Bob Nunter Afichial. Kuhn Judy N. aConnell Aida Nickliaa q.~ s~A That the foll~~witi~ claims and demands have been b;~ law ar~d thr.,t the e~u~e are her~:by allowed in the ast forth. tr~arranL- Amount Fed. UASDI CP.S Orcas d.o. 1'.'~id ".'ax _ .___._~ Amount Iu5 58:x,47 7t.7~ -0- ]2.91 604.16+Mlge 146 193.OJ 31.50 4.5C~ 22Q.00 lu7 V~ic1 248 237.t~? ~~.c.,~ 5.56 153.28 149 18~).0~.` 30.10 7. y~ 218.00 150 3;5.80 46.2:1 -o- 322.~~0+t~I].ge 151 275.2: 31.70 _o- *1.00 306.50+Mlge 152 5t~7.35 x2.91 _o- 16.24 516,50 153 309.90 45.10 _o- 355.00 J54 1 4,58 26.60 6.82 188.00 155 :;2,50 24.00 _o- 305.50+Mlge ]56 312,26 44.00 --n_ 16.2} 372.50 157 180,00 3a,lo 7,~0 218.00 158 404 . G6 1-~~. Go _0- 16.21- 410.50+Mlge 159 365.36 33.40 _o- 16,24 355.00+Mlge :160 351,16 ?0.60 _0- 1G.24 338.00+Mlge 161 158.48 22.70 6,82 188.00 162 376.56 35.20 ..o- 16.24 380, 0o-~t~lge 163 48.24 3.80 1.96 54.00 164 5ci,48 5,20 s~.32 64,00 165 ''9.3g ].0.20 2,G1 72.20 166 1..55 2.40 1,G5 45.60 167 58.60 2.20 _o_ 60.80 16$ 55.82 4.90 2.2f~ 6 ,00 ~ 169 44.73 7.70 1.97 .do 5 170 15.42 0_ ,58 ?6,00 171 50.83 1}.l0 2.07 57.00 17. 18.50 ,qo ,70 19;20 17 40.97 2,!-0 1, 3 u~, ors l74 36.65 1.90 1.4ti 40.00 175 37.65 6.30 1.65 45, ~ii~ 176 33.39 1.30 1.31 36.00 $ •~ . Glai:a~ret Warrant Amount Fea. Q:.flae ~`""`~""'•"" No. Paid 'aax OASD:L CP3 Amount Ed Puccinel.l.i 177 19.67 -0- , 73 20.44 Leslie Reid 178 31.52 5.50 1.38 38.40 A, ice 179 53.16 9,10 2,34 64.60 Barti~ra Unstirorth 180 58.69 •-o.. ?, 21 60.90 L7erry A. ~oi't3.lo 181 210. ~6 31.70 -0- X63.84 306, 50 + Thomas Shannon 182 175.16 18..40 7.90 16.24 218,00 Ivan J. ~lo,ivoda 183: 4 205.20 15,90 0 8 7.90 0 29.00 0 g Thomas Stei~hana 18 191.70 .1 1 7.~ 21~ .0 Lois Inxarr~a 185 55,87 9,70 2. 7 61,04 Gloria Netr].es 18F 9.32 8.50 ?.18 60„00 ., Lati•rren~e. °K; ~ t4art~in 18't 3~1, 37 44, 6U -0- 16, 24 4~0, 50+Aflge Kenneth SY-raaser 18~i Ei0,00 »0- »0» Fit~.~'}ONClge ' Fain J. tiallu$ 1$9 140.20 t (R l P 19.40 6 00 t k l h 165.GO ep a l cemen o os e c c Water Det?artment Payroll ~~ Eobby G. Dorkins 2125 e7$.96 26.80 -0- 16.24 322.00 Paul !~ . Page 2126 228, 50 24 , OU -0- 252.50 Audrey L. Weston 2127 200.20 31.50 4.50 229.00+I~tlge Heth Helle3ae 2128 131.50 22.70 5.x;0 160.00 Anti Y:e1lc:aoE~ 2129 22.71 3.86 .9'~ 2'j.54 * Health & Trust Fund United Crusade Adopr~d the ~~ L'h. da of D~tcember 164 aye" rol3~en ng ove`m"6er , r ~ ~ 4 ~ !II ~'~~~;:~1' ~ "' ~~° ~' f I ~,,""~~H r +q den Fe '~-.TP"~ ~ ~~~„ .~, ~ , ~ „ „~ ~~„ ~ _ ~ .,,,,.,~~ , i '~„"„~a !I ~~ ...' ~~~x ~~