CC Resolution No. 1035'~E~~~•~ddl~~~~I.i~j-.Jh~1Yr.r ti~u'~~,.~.'~~~°.i~~ ~ I.~i;'1a.~1~7 r~~~'~ ~~~.1 I '~.~.
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R~soL~rzoir >!ro, 1035
° }3z3IN~3 A FtESOLU'rlfAt OP 'P}IE CITY OT•' CUl''t'3~i':'INi'!
,.~ 'r:01.trilA'Y Pt1RP0:iLS
T~ i~"r~",.117.~.11."t, I+I~,.i'1~BAN TM'L.G GUARAA'TX COi'~1'~1NY, SAN'T'A CLARA COCTN'1:'Y'
"~ U~'.~~UUV~„ s~ curur:~ratian~ has executed R dedication whia}ti la, in Qor~$
~t:rud aat~Ci.a~lent Portn, ~;~~nt;ing to the City o1~ Guper4lnrr,. Cc~untT of.'
. Claru,~ State ci' rallPurnLa, I:he 1`se Ll.t.l~~r k°n aerl~aln rQa1
~~, ~ ~~:~~c4tss3 fa-11aNa; >purrx~aea, sit.u~ to irk t;he C.tty, cat ftt}>sti••tik~o,
-~ .
. ~.xg;:1.s~,ing at the ittteraeation of thy: c:entey^iinc~ saP In~al~'e Roaf~ witl.~
tt~tr ~nl~a~st•line of Stevens Creek l~oulevarQ, sxa trt~3tci Stewana~ Cv.~eek B~le-
~ ' ; t~xd Pe~r.~erly existed 60.00 Peet wide, se id inte>,~sQatiora t~ed.n ehat~n ox.~
•- . • ~:-.~~ of Tarsal; No. ?.884, a n:ap oi' which ie z•ilPd 1n Book 'L?i~ of l~a~-
~~' nt ~se~•a 3~+-, 35, and 36 in the Office of the County Rer~ord`.r of tsaid
~~ ~ :?s~.nt~.a'a County; thence fx~tn said faint of Heg~ruy.itrsg along
sasdi x~,a~r.rline of Stevens Creek Boulevard, N. 89 36~ 00" L~, 89.11
te~ef~, thence leaving said centerline of Str:vena Creek Bo'~elevard at
te~+'tf+t ~Alea thereto, N. 0° 24' 00" W. 3Q. AO feet Lo a isoint in the
st7ortla~xLy line oP said Stevens (Ji•ee~k Boulevard to t}ae Tftl'1F I'OIi+PP OF
Bl~a'.!"t,1~ i'or this deacx•iption.
/~ %~nce fAbm said ?•RUE POI2JT OF 11E(~xNNTtti~ runa~ing weaL-erly along
~ J aa~:d nor'cherly 11nP of said Stevens Creek $uulevard, S. a9° 36' ~" W•
18+.1.~i1 Beet; thence leaving said northerly tine of f~aid Stevens Creek
.; Brni?.rsa.rd at right angles thereto Pl. 0° 24' C?0" W. 15.00 feet; thence
e3;3ter13r and parallel with said north~:rly 3:1r,e of said Stevens Cree'.:
Bor:le•rard, N. 89° 36' 00" E. 27.00 fast; thestce along the arc c-f a curve
to tie left having a radius oP 30.00 rest thru a central !sngle of 90°
• 41' l~~•" an 'are length oP 47,E}8 feet; thence W. l0 05' 1~E" W, 1840.08 f~tet
to a point on a general sov,th~.rly line of the lrinda conve,~ed by deed
fr~a Znster and Lester, a corporation, to thca State of California, dated
~~ August 29, 1963 and recorded October 1'7, 1963 in Book 6235, of Of fici.txl
Recs~:3s at page 8, Santa Clara CUUrsty records; thence easterly along
said genex~l sauttrerly line of said lands conveyed to the State of
la.lifox•rs3a, N. 89° 55' OQ" I;. 66.01 Poet-.; thence leaving said general
BoutY.rea°3.yoline of said ]e.n~l;s conve~-er1 to t;,~3 State of California,, aauth-
erly ~. 3 05' lid'' E. 1x40.43 Poet; thc~r~c:e along the era ut a cur~-e to
the i~ett having a radiuH of 3G.00 feet t;h>:u acentral angle of 89 l8~
46" a.n 'aro len~ggth of 4 G,76 .!•c:et; thence N. 89° 36' 00" E. 27.00 feet;
then~~ S. 0° 24' 00" E. 15. t:0 feet 'to ttse TRUE POINT OF BEQINNINO.
., '~r:taining 2.905 sores nP land more or lase.
'_r+gether with temporary constru.~tion easements on either aide
of th¢ above deucr~.bed ;;areal as fol~.ows:
EAS~rs"i'i'I 1J0. 1
13eairining at the intersection oi' the centerline o.f Wolfe Road
ulth 'the centerline of Stevens Creek Boulevard, ae said Stevens Creek
Bottle•~rd formerly existed 60.00 feet wide, said intersection being
'' ~stvaxx-~ an the MaN of Tract No. 2880,' a map of which is filed in Book
l.3fi ci' .'papa at pages 34, 35 ~•~nd ~5, in the Office oP the County
N~co:der of said Santa Clara Court;}; L•hence fmm said Paint of
13crg.ix8 .~isr~S easterly a~lorsg said cEmtc!.rline of Stevt~n~i Creek Boulevard,
K• 31i' 00" E. 8Q. 11 feet; thanes leaving Bald ~~entc~x'line oP
„ St~eg+s"xa•e ~,reP;c Boulevard at right; at~;lea they. eto, N. 0° 24' 00" tl.
' 4S.Q~ feet to tt•~e TRUE FOINT OF t~.E4ih'l~'INa for this dessaription.
ice from said TRUE POINT *7F AF.~3INNING S• 890 36' 00" trl.
i'~.C~'~ f'e•~t thence alon;, the a~•C c-f a c:•.rrve '-o the x'1 ht hawing a
I~s+dlza~s +~f 3'0.00 feet, thr!t a cent of angle~~o;; 3g'' 1$' ~`G" an arc
~,~.~;tth~ a! ~Pfi. fit: feet, theme ?I„ 1 n3 .~l W. 1840,i1?~ Tc:et• tr. a
~tc~An't. isn a ~~enQral aeuther. ly :iir.~ of trss t +,erl;a.ln p!.•o•putt~.y cacrr-veycd
lft' ~ i"s;~ I,s~:ater 'a.nd Laa~e~•, a co*.•porati011, .to the Stp.1'~R flf
(.~rli"~x~*rat a, ~~,t~ed August 29, 1c.3, rind x~sor;lad Uctob~tz~ 17'P 193,
1~ ~C ~ ~y1' Offs aia'i. R+tr~pz*dso sate age 8, Sr~.rYta C1~1*I'~ C~.~urt,t+~1 z~i?~e~x'°eRsla,1
..~ ~~ r
_~ ~
trter,,~e easterly along said p;eneral sottthcrly line of tti~~ lands con-
' ve;~esi to L-he Sfate of. Cztl1: ornia, N. E:9° 55' p8" r. 12.110 feet to an
~r~le paS.nt in said gern~Y~al so~.~ther3s- lira of the lands conveyed to
the State of Calif°rnia.; thetlc~ 1e.aving Qereral sa~itherly line of
'tip Lands conveye~ to the 3tat~~ a?' Cali:~.~a•-,f.~t, S. 2° $8' S2" E. 19'1).30
te'e~C• ChE;ncR S. 1 05' 1~" E. 1~I1r,26 toot; +chence S. G° 13' ld8" E.
1Ofl.~U feet; theme S. 1 0~' 1.4" E. leE.UB :t'eet; t.h~itce along the a'z~o
. Qf a curve ~o the let'r, ikavin.g .a a~adiu~r of 30,00 feet than a aen~tral
arq~I~e df 89 18' 46" an arc le.ngt;h crf l1E,'jf feet to the TRUE PnIA~I'
OF F',~G2NNI?7Q.
aid 'a~eement 1~'0 , 2
' F.~S~ NO , 2
Hcginning at the iiYterBectian of thc~ cf 1+lolfe ?~,oad
with the center]ine of 'Stevens Creek 13ou1evard, ae raid Stevens Creek
' i~ule~rard formerly ex:.~ted EYO.~.~ feel- tide, said intersection being
sbow~e on the Imp of Tract No. ?830; a map of which is Pi.lea in Hook
1~ at Maps sit pages 34, 35, and 36, in the ofiYiee of the G'ounL•lr
Aeco~der of raid Santa Clak~a County; thence from aa~.d Pbisit of He~,in-o
raid, ~e8terly along said oenterline of Stevens Creek Boulevaret, S. 89
36' c!O" ~d. 90.91 feet; thence ].caving fluid ca~nL•erl?.ne oi' Stevens Creek
l~aux+oara~rd at right angles thereto, N. 0 24' 00" W. 45,,00 feet t;v the
T'H'QE POINT OF BECINNINC3 of this description.
Thence from said TRUE POINT OF H~(3TNNIN(3 b:lona the urc of a curve
to tihse left whose tangent bears N. $9 36' 00" E, having ~.~ rradius of
3O.OC1 Feet thru a central angle of 5`0° 4i.' 14" ftn arc 1Pngtri of 47.4E3
feet;, thence N. 1° 05' 14" W, 123.92 feet; thence N. 4° 03' 20" E.
1tY.3.~:+0 :'set; thence N. 1° 05' 14" M. 1415.26 feat to an angle point in
the 5e-a:~ral southerly lane of that certsin parcel of land conveyed by
dee3 from Lester and, a corpora`.ior:, to the State oi' California,
dated August 29, 1863, ~ecorded OctoUcr 1'~, 1963, in Book 5236 of
Official ReeoY~ls xt page: 8, Santa Clara Cou~~ty rrcol.•d$; tlienoe est~terly
alan.g said general s~ut;herly line of aa:td lands conveyed i:o thF State
of Ca.3lfornia, N. 8g 55' 08" E. 1.2.00 feet; thence leaving
genieral southerly line o.f the lards conveyed to the State of ~,:al.iforitia,
S. lO 05' 14" E. 1840.08 f ec*.; the~ice ralarg +:he arc of a curz:e 'to they
rigty raving a radios of ;0.00 fee;; t`~ru a ;.~nt;ral angle of 90~' 41' X4"
an arc length oi' 47.44 i'eet; thence S, 8g° 3C' 00" W. 2'j.00 feet to the
NOW, TIiEREFORE, BE IT I~ESbI,t.' D, that ~~1L' Clty of Cupertino 8ccept
said grant so tendered; and
IT IS FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be and he 18 hereby
autE-rri~ed to record said dedication and this, Resolution.
PASSED AND ADOPTED thisTth day of Deeer~aer ., 19b4, by the
~ fallo~ring vote:
AYES: Councilmen; I'itzgerald, Noel, Stokes, Finch
' NOES: Councilmen: None '
AHS~'3': Councilmen: D+=mpater
!~~ ~MI~J
,~'~e/~ :Ga~z'enoe K. t•Sartin /e/ Paul Ii. Finch
. 1
- 2 •-
~a ~ ~ ~, r~