CC Resolution No. 1037r~; +, y ~ r I ~ ~ RESa&~+,~N N0. 1037 ` ~,zxo ~ RE~oz~r,~tZCZf a~ ~r~.~ c~T~.r a~ CUPr.RTYNo AocEnm~Ja ~ a;~rsr;~r or ~aszs ~,ttT NHERTAS, KhSTBRId TITLE I~tTARANTY C4t~lE'ANY, SANTA C:I.1tRP. COUNT."~ DI.VI.~It32J, A CO~P(yRA'I'ION, g:^an;.or, has PRacuted a Grant of Lr:se~r~e:nt -~-~ Eck:--ia in goad and sufi'icient Porm~', conveying; i:o Ca:T~L OTr ':UP?3RTZN0, ~ra.nt©e, ar+ ea:ecaent for drafnege purposem oven the prapex~fiy ;,3.t~uated ~ the Ci~:y of Cupertino, County of Sants C'iara, Stage of tSallfornla, y cie~crlbed as folldwa: Beginnix~ at the interes~etion of the vr3ntt#~nlf.na of Wt~:1fe ~ Hand u3.th the centerline of Stet~-as~ Cre®k Bou:levai^~, as satd 3tlsvens Cr&el~ Hcrult~-t~x'd Y'ormerly existed fia..+00 Peet aitl~e,~ i;tiaid inter,aect.i:on being; ssn on the cep of Tract 1~. 2:380, a map o:f' ti+hieh is Pi1~~cl in Book 3.'„~6 of Maps at P~e$ 34~ 3'S, and 36, in th~3'01PPi.~e aP ~thrs County i~ox~7ier of said Santa Cl~ Countyf thence .f~~om said' Pc-i.nt of Begin- ni~g leaving said aas~ter]lfrse oP Stev®ne Creek Boulevard, N :to 05' 14" ~ 1915.2ti feet to a point in $ general so»ttterly line of tha:t_ certain ~~e~. of land canv©yed by deed from Leate~r.~ and I,egter.•, a car;~oratiun, to thr. State oP California, dated August 2~1, lyt~i~, ar.,d reaorcled ~tober 17, 1963, in Book 6.~3b, oP Officia:.1. Jiecox~ds at page 8, SantF~ ~ar,a County records; the!n~ce easterly clang sa~.ci ge:xeral sr.,utherly l.ia~s t-f Faid parcel of leiui deeded to the th~:.Statr: off. Ca~.ifornia, 3~ Sao 5~' a8" E 45:00 Peet to tho THUfi POINT OF ffi:GIN?tlNt! of thin ~er~cription. .. 'i'henae frow said TRUE F't)INT OF BEQINNIKQ continu~.ns~ along said ~,pneral Southerly line of said Lando deeded to the S!:ate of Califor- nia ZJ 25° U9' 1^" E 188.73 ?set to an angle point ;:herein; thence ~ 9a 18' 39" E 239.57 feet; thence aloe the arc of a curve to the r~3~ht havins a radius of 9?.tYJ feet thru n Central angle of 390 48' 24 an me ler~;th of 67.39 feet; thence S 600 14' Oy" E 31.87 feet; t,~ence leavir~ said general aoutt-,erly lire of t:aid lands deeded to the State of California, S I-~O 1~' 39" 1~' 65.113 feet to a point dir3- ta.~st southeasterly 15.00 feet mea:~~:red at right ang;leu from said ~,eneral soutt•.erls• line of the landt-~ deeded to the State o£ Calif~~rnia, thence aouth~resterly End p~zra11e1 to said general Sautherly line of the lands deeded to the State of California, S 90 18' 39~~ ~'~ 237.97 set to an an,~~le paint there_r.; tb~nce S 150 09' 12" 1~! 2:5.75 feet; thence 2J 20 ~~' S2" 1J 48.63 reef to the TRUE POItJfi OF }~t}zNNINf1. Grantor ~.ereby further E:Fnts to grantee the right end privilege to enter upon their lands coatiguouS t;o and along the line of said aerelnabove described r~trip :'or the purpose of locating, conF~tructirig, :°epairing;, nsirtaining, or replsc±ng; said public utilities or appur- terar~ces thereto, and for.• 'trh+a purpose of doing; any necessary or law- ::al act in connection wl.tn the construction o.r maintenance ref said p:~b11c utilities; th~3re is ~13a granted the right of the use of ~~uPficient land Contiguous to said strip on either or both sides thereof for the pur~,osea Jf escavt~tion of and deposit of earth and necessary building ciaterial dosing the time of conatructina said plbXic utilities, an~9 any reFair thereof. The foregoing iS subject to the following, express ccnditionn: The prp.ctee agrees to restore the Around aurfaae and any i~prov~i >nts thereon to itn original E r~3de or condition 3.n$afar as St is t~rauticable and reasonrble t;o do so. NOW, THE.~EFURE, IT 3CS ~~X R~SOLVT.:.i7, that the City of Cupertino accept s3s~id Qrant -ai' Basement so tendered; a~~c~ ~~,~ . ~ f . . IT IS FURTHER RE,SOLVLD,, L•~iat the City Lyark bc: and he 18 hereby- ~u'~horized to record gs~id Q:~~~nt a~ Easement. PASSED AT~D AllAP~~~;.D fih~.i3 x`:17 day or L'k~aember, . .....4,~....~.,.,... _~.... 1$f:4, by the fo7.laxin~,r, ~1ztC3; ~, 1~1~3: Coureai].msn, ~- 1B`,L~:~'s~.~;,~7,d, MoQlr 3t~kea, Dinah I~~S: Gounc:~.lmen. ~ ~ic+n~~ A&SEIdT: C~~EZr~~^.ilmen ~ D~t~o~:~:~• A'TrI'BST s ~I~xrenRe K. AiartYn ._._. g er ~1PPRO11EiD: re/ Paul H. Fxnoh ayor :.,2