CC Resolution No. 1038` ~` finSOLUTxON NU~ 10~i8 IlBINQ A RJB34I.HTIO2y OP' 'I4~B CITY UR CUPERTZNn ACCEPTI~(t A QRANT OF L~ASF.t'~NT WI{ERrsAS, 11,ESTERN TI'~LE GtUARAtdTY CCl4PANY, 5Atd~'.'~ CLARA ('OUNI'Y DY'~ZSION, A COFtPORATT02~1, grantor has executed z Qrant of Easement which is in gaol and sufY' cient form, conv©yi.ng to CITY 0~' 4'UPBrt'I'INO, grantee, an easement; ~'or drainage p~ur~oec~s over the prupez~t.y situated in the CSty~ of Cupertino, County of Santa C'~.~aa~n, ~ State of California, described as follnwe: 8A3,fR~SN`I' N0. 1 beginning at the interae~~tion of the centerline of Wolfe Road with the aenterllne of 5tevers Creek Boulevard, as said Stevens Creek B~s~~levard~ formerly existed :60..00 fast wideD said intersection being shown on the Nap of Tract No. 2880, a map of t+hich le filed in book 136 of Maps at pages 34, 35 and 36, in the Office of the County Recorder of said Santa Clara County; thence from said Point of ~3egin-- Wing easterly along said centerline of Stevens Creek Boulevard, N a9° 36' 00" E 89.31 feet; thence leaving sai~a centerline of Stevens Creek Boulevard at right angles thereto, N 0° 24' 00" ~~r 45.00 feet to the THD$ POINT OF HF~iINN~CNCf for this d~ascr~iption. Thence from said TRUE POINT OF BEt}INNINQ S ago 36' 00" W 27.00 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the right having a radius of 30.0() feet thr•u a cc<<trpt angle of f39o 18' 46" an arc length of 46.76 feet; thence h 1° 05' ~4~ W 1840.43 feat to a point in a general southerly line of the': certain property conveyed by deed from Lester and heater, a corporat~~+n, to the State of California, dated August 29, 1963, and recorded October 17, 1963, in nook 6236 of Official Records si gage 8, Santa Clara CounL•S- records; thence easterly along said genEZral southerly line of th3 lands conveyed to the State of California, 1i t~9° 55' 08" E .12.00 feet to an angle point in avid general southerly line of the lands conveyed to the State of Califor~ nia; thence leaving said general southerly line of the lands conve~red to the State of California, S 20 48' S2" E 199.30 feet; Chance S 1 45' l4" E 14a;,.~6 feet; thence S fro 13' 4$" E 100.10 feat; thence S Xo 05' 14" E 126.08 xf:et; thence along the arc of a curve to the left havic~sg a radi~.is of 30.00 feet thru a central angle of X39° 18' 46" an arc length of 45.76 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEOlNNIN~~. EA,MFNT N0. ^c Lteginnir>uc at thQ intersection of the centerline cif tJolfe Road with the aenterllne of Stevens Creek Boulevard, as said +tevens Creek Br~ul.evard formerly existed 60.00 feet wide, said i.nte;csr~~tion being eha3~n an the Map of 7~'ract No. 288Q, a map of which is fl.:Yed in Hook 136 aaf Maps at pages 34, 35, and 36, ici tho office of. th;; County Recorder of said Snntu Clara County; thence from said Po:Lat of~ ~3egin~• ninl~ w~asterly along said center:~ine of Stevens Creek E~oulevard, S 8gC' 36' .U30" .W 90.91 feet; thccnCe le~sving said centerline of k tevons Cr~aek Boulevard at right anglos thereto, N Oo 24' UO" W 45.00 I'aet to the TRUE POI?JT OF BEQINNINi~ oP this d~sariptl.on, .~ aursre to the left Nhoae tangent ~~ears N 890 36' (~0 I3 hav.f.ng a radius of ~p .00 'feat thru a cQA•-traT. angle of 90° 41' 14" an t~robi.ength of 47.8 feet; thence N to •~~' t4" W ~ 123.92 feat; thc~rsae N JE . U3' 20" E lOb.40 feet; t:henee N :t,u 0 ' 14" W 1'~J 5.26 Poet !;o can anglEl point; thence N Oo 3?' 35" E '~.~ i'oE~i• to a point in the general. southerly 13.~t oi' that certain parcel oi' lnnd co:s~~syed bq dead from Y,estex• and Laster, a corporation, tc the State o>e Galifornia, clatecl August 29, 1.~3, raonr,%~~x: October 17, 1963, in ~Boalt C~~36 of Off'i~~ia1 Raaords at p~'age n, Santa Clara County rt~norrts; thence easterly along said genara~. Thence from said TRUx? POINT OF DE4INNINtk along the arc oY' a southerly line of said lands N 89~ 55' 0~'" r :12.fti0 fe-sr; lint of the land3 cGmre;/ed Y. E 18~U.08 feet; theme, along a r. adios of 30.~J0 feet thru length of 47.4FJ feet; thenco POIHt~ OF HCaINtJINa. EA.;J~T NO„~_;t Y co:~vo,~e~ t;n ±'hr~ S!-ar.e of California, ~~her~cd .leavlnLr said general aoui;nerly ~ ttie State of Ca11.t'ornia, S 1° 05' 14" the arc of a curvF: to the right having a cc;ntral angle of 90° 41' 14 an arc S 89° ;,6' (}0" t'J 2?.40 feet to the ZstUT:: Heginnir~~ ,st s. granite r~on-unent at the intersection of the center- li.~c of Wolfe ~ity.~d witty the cer~`terl ins of Homestead Road, as Homestead Road Formerly r..l:.t.rited 40.00 feet. wide, as shown on that cartal.n map of Tract Ho. 1906, Z"~r<le f#ardene;, Unit No. ?., a map of which is fil~4d in 'Book ~'~ o~` Maps at ;gage 36 In the Office of.' the County Recorder of Said Santa Clarri Caunt~y; thence from said Point of Be~innitt~~gg aast~3rly along said centerline of H~omastead Road, N 8g° 2~' 09 E~148.1U~feet; thence ledvinp, said cente.~line at riE~ht angles thereto, .. u 3 ~ 5J. F 43.00 feet to the TRUE &'~aINT OP` BEC#INNTNa for this description. ~'henae fr°cc said ?"HUE FOZNT OF BEG~INNINa along a curve do the left xhose tangent bersrs S 89° 25' Og" '~ having a r•adiua of 10U.00 feet thru a central angle of X38° 49' 24" an are Length of 155.03 f'~~et; thence S 0° 35' 45" W 144u.73 f.'eet; thenco 3 2° 19' 14" W 199.4~t t'%E~t *;o a pul.nt on the northerly 11n~~ of that certain O.C42 acre parcel cif land. conveyed br Barrel Leonard, a 8ingle men, tothe State of Ca1i- forcgi,a, by dead, dated July 23, ].q(i2, and recorded November 29, 1963, in Book 6290, of Official Records rst page 607; thence westr;rly along saidi northerl;~• line of the lands conveyed by Deed to the State df California, S Sq° 4$' 44" 12,.00 feet; thence leaving said northerly .line og the lands conveyer] by 'Leonard to t;~e State of California, N 0° 35' 45" E 1643.91 feet; thence alon6 the arc of a c~~rve to the right havicig a radius of lOJ.00 feet thru a central angle of 88° 49' 24 an arc ler~th of 155.03 feet; thence N 89° 25' 09" E 18.00 feet to tdr~e TR(JE POIZ'T OF BEaIA~t+Ztl(3. EASJ~~IiT N0. 3eginning at a granite nonument at the intersection of the center- line of ~Jolfc~ Read with th.e centerline of Homestead Road as said Home- stea~3 Road formerly existed 40.00 feet bride as shown on the map of that certain Tract Pto. 190fa, Verde Qardens, Unit Na. 2, a map of which is Piled in Book q$ of 1dr~ps at page 3G, in the Office of the County Recor•3er of sai3 Santa Clara County; thence from said Point of Begin- ning, uesL•erly along sa1.d centerline of said Hurcestead Road, S 89° 24' 02" i~~ 154.02 feet; thenco leavir:J; said centerline at right angles thereto, S 0° 3~' S8" E 43.40 feat to thy. TRUE POINT OF BEOINNINa for this descriptie:. Thence frog said TRUE P0I?JT OIL HE(IIN2JINQ N 89° 24' 02" E 16.00 Peet.; thence al. r~ the arc a: a curve to the right ha~fing a radius of lOO.CYJ feet thru s central angla of 91° 11' Jt3" an are length of 159.37 feet; thence S 0° 35' 45" W 1639.31 feet to a point on the northerly line of that certain parcel of land det~cribed in the Ueed fro~c Claude C. Doings, nt a1, to the State of Californim, dated July 20, I.9~62, and recorded Augut;t 31, 1962, :in Hook 5705 of Official Records at page 674, Santa Clara County records; thence Yceaterly along said northerly amine of the lands from Goings to the State of Califor- nia,, S 89° 48' 44'' W 12.00 feet; thence leaving said northerly line of the lands conveyed by (3oi.ngs to the St;rste of California, N 1° 07' 07" '~ 2C?0.71 feet; thence td 0° 35' 45" E 143$.48 feet; thence along the arc of a curve to the left having a radius of 100.00 feat thi~u a central angle of 91° 11' 43" an arc length of 159.17 feet tc~ the TRUE POINT OF HEQINNINt~. Grantor hereby further grant;a to C~rant;ee the right and privilege to etxter upon their lanc!s contiguous to and along thy. line of said here3.nabove described strip for the purpose of lc?cating, constructing, rep,aiz•3ng, maintaining, or replacing said public utilities or appur~ -2- ..:, .. r tenanaas thf3reto, and !ox tale purnc~sR of doing any nec~aaeat'y or laatul act ict coMCCtian Witt: the coiistrustion or mt~l.nte::sance oi' said pub~.ia u.".ilitiQS; there in a.~.so ~.~anLed tha righ!: oi' the u$e of sui'~f'icient 3.and nantiguaus to at~,id e';r~~f.p on ~.,:1'.-;~c~r ar both i31d~s therec,t' Yor 'i be purpose oY excavai;I.on oY acid deposit of. c:~t ;t~ and reu~seary build'_ng ~t:erial during the tis~e ot~ corietrua~ir,~ oai~: publ~,c utiliti~gsa snd zt~ny rept~.ir thereaP. Z'he foregoing is t:ub,i::ct; to tiaa i'olloti~~it~g e,.preas eonc~itfona: ~~ Tha t~raJntea ag~ea to rar3tor:: the grc~~trui gurtgce arcs eny La~proverr~anta thereon to its orlgilal grad~a or' ~eondtton insoS'ar es J.t is practicable and ree~sonable to do eo. NOW, ~~., 3T ;1C4 HP.RSSIt' RB~4OL~l~, that the City of L`t!p®rtirio accept BQ:~d f#rant of Baasement so tendored; a:~d :~T 7S PUR~.I'NR'R RFSO(LVBA, that the City Clerk be and h® is hereby suthora.xed to re-:ord a~a:id Grant of Basement. PASSBD ANl? AL~OP'.~F~i~ this day of _~r at" 1864, by the following v©te: ASS; Cocnc:i~:men ~ Fi.tz~remld, Noel, Stokes, Finch biQE~ : Cauncilme~: ~ Nan~e ABSF,.NT: Caunci:l:nen - Dempster AT7."EST /sf IawrrencA ~. I~iartin L"ri~'Ier"~' APPc.Ob`ED: /~a ~ ~.~_.rHa_~~...._..__.._....~.._........ _~;..