CC Resolution No. 1042., • I'i le h'o . 28'"V" ~. 1:Ii°Y COUNCIL 3~SCZUTION N0, 102 GiRA?J7.'I?:d R. _ VA~13~ TO F4!'-GPM t<AS, the City C. uncil of the City t~f.' Cupertino received the nppli.a~tion oP r~T-CIfi~ ..... __ paw ~ cgittrtcte f;.v a llox ~t ~ Cluster L`eve:l.opmer~t:: of. ons-f+~tul,R~y t~uue~oa, vote. xi.th a CJ~licn aX''QQa Lri a<.Yl R~2~,H gone,, i~£~ti u,tr •Ma13- Ayenuo • and f ~~AS, the ~.pplicant his, ~''~ met the burden of proof regtitd~t3 to support his said app cat nr.~, and ~-"~..AS, the Planning Com~f,saion, 'ter du)y noticed publio hear.- it~fs, ~s reootntae:<ted in favor of said ~arianvFi 3R~1, THEREFCy.E, BF. I: 1tL'.SOLV£D: 'yet after careful eonsidez-ation of tnapa, fact;sf exhibita and otha~r evidence sut~itted in ttZis ~al:ter the applic~~~tion For the Var3.a~e b~ ~r?E~~; and t:he same ins `~~'.E e'L'e F approved, su ec ' t0 the Leans anc~ coitditiona tiihicn are attached hereto and made a Fart hereof' as Exhibit "A". EE Ifi ETHER RE~~~L~TD: 'L'it the retort of findings attached hereto are approved and adopt~.;l, and that the City Clerk te, End is rereby, directed to notify the ~rt.ies affected by t:llis dec~sion. ?~~'=SEp AND ~.~OP'~ED by the City Council of the City of Cupertino, State vt Ca1i for:pia, this 21st dal or Ueeember , 19 ~ , by the folloaK-~.ng ro11 cfi_1 vote: `~ AYES- Caunci? men: Dempster, :'itz~erald, None., Stokes, Finch NAYS: Caunc~._a.en: None AB~S'E~~ Counci:men: None A FFROVED /~a/ Faul !i. Finch Mayor, City of Cupertino A7~E.S2r~ /$/~ Z~x~nae iC. .'actin _.___..r__.__,_.dW~~Cle ` .. 1 0 The ~ a~11~at~.on for a YtEPO,'~2 Off' N'I1~tD7t~1~S V~aManCe on behalf oi' Fite ,'tr.~, 1.8-V'-54 . PENT-CPM . ~.. . Rhatits ,_,_ .~_ .r - ___..._...____ - -- ..~.........._. ~. That. ti:ere a.z.^e special c;anditlons on ecaeptional characterls~ies i.n t?~ »atura of ~:~ze property to be a.xfected or that it' a location, or ~.1:'s;. avsx~und~.ngs are suoh as v,-ill permit thA Coltncil to make g detc~r- mtt~a.t:iom that a 33~eraS enror~rc~ent -of the C-rdinz~nee woald result in praet:i.~.al ~d~.ffic:ilti.PS or unneceaBary hardships; and 2. -Tl~ir the ~;anting oP the ap~i?ir~aL-ion is necessary i'or the pre- aex~ra.ti~n tend eniay-ment of sul~sta.~l:{ 31 propertX rights; and ~. That tl~e granting of the apR].i~sat3.on xilx noG~ matex~t,ally affect advea~se'iy~ the he3ath or safety off' Persons ~~esi.din.~ or ~:orking in t1iQ ne~.gPa~orhocad off' whe~ pro~ex~tSr Hbich , is the r~ub~ect oi' the application, and tit the use o£ said px~ope~rty in th'o manner ~ch~oh i. t; .is propooed t^ be ~~ tti11 ~~ot to materially detrimental to the puk~7. ~.+~ welfare or in~cz,*~.nus to the slue of }~i~opcx-t".y or improvements :~.o~cat.od in said e3ur.- rotu~~c. . . . .. , . .,: :7 ~yM .u. ~ ~ .. _. •cx:fk ._ ~~...__. oa7: or~x I ~ (~, ~ry m '.1.1,I,i'1.~1~ t~A11 '~ .. l~ Standard C~~r.Iiti.on a ; .'3 a:;~` .. ~ .1 ;:' +'~ ) 1~ That tY~e rtreats b.•t' ~~:.:+1.+,~~~; ~ 3 i:::d rio public atrec~t$, ~,».......... ~ ~ J21 \ 1~I 1A~a~M l~ That suitable e~;aeGi~a:~~.~•a .t~~:~ ~:~ravided, subject to the satisfaction of the Di.r~ctor ,of p:'farr;.i~ W[~rks and the City Planner, far al]. water and sexer S.nst,a~. ~.'.l,at:]'.ana and ether publle utilxtiea j and that, an easemont bo p;1~~L+~f~.ded f'or aocess to ttie six lots rat located at a street, 15 That the L~velapment Ylan, as presorted by the City Planner (Exhibits C, it and F,) ~tur3.ng the meeting of the City Cauneil on Dec~a~btir 2~,, 1964, be followed,, except ths.t the streets shall consist cal a roadr~ay for the entire width oi' 3U ~ , inoluc'l~ns ore t.~rk+,ng lane, and w].th no sidewalks. lE~ Parking to be provided by the developer in accordance with the :~evE].op~s~~t Plar,. 16b`.fny addit;oral parking necessary in the future to be provided tiritYil.n the Development Area by the Homeawnera' Association. lCc Curb partite will riot be allowed on one side of the attests. lEd 2Ju parking by visitors in reserved parking spaces or in other drSvohayS :hen those of the car ow~:or~ o_• the host of a visitor. 1F~ y'wsi.tars o:~ly, not residents, in curb parking and guest parking $'Q~L@3. 16f T~ir+~atio^.al signs, NO PARKI2lCi a:lgns, PARKING aiRns, and P,osaibly UNF WAY signs to be $rected by the developer, as directed by t~~e City and Traffic Planner, afiter consultations with the ~i.rsotor o£ Public Wor'rs, 17 1)istaaice between detached ruildings shall not be lens than ten {10) feet; xhera the distance is less than fourtQen (14) feet, windows or doors shall be allowed on only one of the adjacent buildings. 1.8, That COVenants, Conditions and Restr±ctions be formulated and adopted to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and the City Planner. ].9 What P~ ssible clhanges in the Development Plan or in Covenants, Condit;..ons or 1~eatrictions x111 follow the grooedures sat Porth In the City Pllrrner' a memorandum of December 17, 1964 to the Cifcs- Catuzcil ('Exhibit F) , SrL~•eet inprov~:ments shall incslude a thirty (30) root raids section or Ms.ry Avenure along the entire length of the Develapoaent Area, in a location within the avnilabxe rJ.ght~of-Way to btr deoided by the Director of Public Works. N ~ ~ ~0, 30G oc t; . ~ 3, l~Gct ~~ i~tt':??T i ttE:~ _- 1. Install ornamental r~treet l.t~;h,s. All 11g:~uin`; .nt~ral.l be de- signed to in no ~~~a!r interi's::.~~:~ ~~:1Lh ~.:ljacerit r~F:J-7en`,inl district. 2. .street trees will b~ !~1•^ntc~+ ir: ~;l;u r,~:bl.i.c r~.•~t--off' -ti•~uy ar~d cr,al]. be of a ty~~e Pppi°c~vPd by the ~,ity ir. .~.l.uce:: -leaignr:+,cc1 by the City. 3. Traffic control rsi~rri3 iri?l be placed at locations tc be: c~F~acif:ted by the CitS•. 4. Fire h5-drant;s shall be locr+t;ed as t~ncuest:i,d t.~~~ 4ti4 City. 5, A masonrs• ti3a11. frill be built srpasting any cor~nereial urea fi~um any residential az•er; a;hi.cti vr~ 11 shall be 41;: f'ceL I:it;h shove the highest a3,~oining fiiiir~hc.•d l;ruriu. 6. All parlcin are~l~ snd driv~t~•ra,-s t•rill bra pave~l as st;ot•rn on the plat plan. 7, Curbs, gutters, t~ide~•ra11:3, ai1(t struct.i.trea shall br: instr~lle:l t;o grades and be constructed in ac:corcl4nce orith ~;tar,clai~d3 specified by the CitS• Eng3.neer. e. JrainraGe ti~,ttteiti and ti•:ith:,ut tt~~ development; shall ae to the satis3-- faction of the City Et1~;a.nc:er. 9. Street ir:~p_•o~•ementr~ abutting; the app?.ic~~nt' y proj~erty shall lie according to City stan~arc~„ rind ::pec;.f i~~t,tions. 10. The applic4nt shall be respon~~:l.blc far r.oripleti.nf; r3it;e as slio:•rn c+n apt~ro~-c,~ plot: »lr~n, ~ri~a r1hr+11 he requ:lrc:d to pZy far rcquii•ud engineering, checltlr.~;, ~,n~' ~;:>; ec•tion fees prior to ic~3uance of building permit. 11. Landscnpi~~ shall be r~.3 apProV~ci a:~~, t:xij. '~r:'_ncd a3 .:,horrrt on plot plan. 12. Street iri.dening ar.d c~~~:{.^r tior.~ ~ ', •. 11 '~~~ '. :z ~~rcorclancc ~•rittt street widttia app~•cn~eu by Cit;;~ %~:~.1.~1LC:.•. C'~ i1 ~~' ~e-~-~~ C g x ~ ~~ c ~' _~ a R_ ~c_ I ~ _o ..r.~1M-.~.R IInMr" - "`d~uper nor n ., or .a 'PO ~ ThrS ~~atwraGlet ~Saynr arxd Dl~rmbere of the fTity Ccr~rncil FitU1i: Atide ka~trin, City and Traffic Planner xAbtarpnber 17, 1864 S~i~. , s C.~S IN Tl~C DI~+CrP1~61~.' f'~,IIN A.FTSR POA~ Qt~N~INt3 4F A VAR~14NCli FOR ~ ~A~ ~CTTatd 2~F~L~tIPRR'.t'~IIO ~iR~dB" ~~ .~ w r• w w w ~. w .r w w r. w ... yNrywr r w w P .- r r• .~ qy r ... 4 w M /+ IR .w r wr C~.1~{ + jh ~ ~ ~ It ~.rt p~+opoeed that the following te::t is attaahad as rl cond'1tJ.on, in the f~-z~cn of tan ~diibit, to the 'V'arianoe in question, in sass this Vax*la~ae be granttd. IL• nhould be mentioned that this t~lXt le a quo- tatS.on (except for minor ahangeta in th,e wording to fit a Variance rather thin a Rezoning) of a nection l.r. the proposed Cluster Ordinanas, Which hea bean atudieci by the Planning Commicasion at work a©asions. "In td~.~s event that the app~.i,cant shall desir© to utake any change, alteration or amctndment in thm approved Development Plan or Covenants sifter they hrcvn beer. apprc+vr~d by the City Courtail ae a condition to a Varia,~nce, a wz i tto,r rpquee .; and a revised Development Plan shall be aubr~ltted to the City Piruvicer. "If t!i'ee number of clwElling unl.ta i© riot; inarQCased, and the City Plaru~r urakas a finding that the changes are minor and do not eff"eat the gexaeral $ppaarancd of tho area; ar the int~cr®ats of owners of property within or ad,~oining the Development Area, the City Planner may certify the change an ttie revised plan. If push approval is with- held, the applicant may appeal to tho Planning Commission. "If etx$ngea are material, but tho requirements iri the Zoning OrdinanaQ and previously imposed conditions are still adhered to, and the number of dwelling unite is not l.noraaeod, the City Plrinnitr shall submit the change 7.o the Planning Com~rtsaion. Ii' the ohanga i~ donied by the Com- mi$s~An, the ap licant may oppeal to the City Council, as provided in Ordinazace 402(a~ of the City of Cupex•tino. "A ch~,tnge in the Dev©lopmc>nt Plan including c~tiango of requirementrr oY~ cond3.tionra, oi• an inarvaae of the numbi~r of dwelling ~~nitn, crtiall be procrPe~se~ as a z=one change or err anew VarianaQ . ~,~1'P,IG(~ jX ~k.t t .•~., ,,,~ a/.1 IT$'lRATNFi N(~3, DasQ. ?2, 1;b4, (not included in the manor dirstributed to t~ L'aunoilcru~rr= . ah>a~~a ~sertifierd by th® City Planner or appxwvad by the Placvithlg +Go.Trion uaSll riot requirc3 a fee. I;hang©s ac~tccified in the lest paraa~~rfi to oP i,k~e ahtrpe rrae®p, shish ta~cvo to tai gubad.tted both tq tt~e ~'ls-rac~cing Cor'cenisr3~ota an~a Cltgw Council, will requite a new applinttion far cone ahcuagA or vm:~~.a~lr~.on and t;hec correcrpond~ ~`~.lirry; Eras. ,