CC Resolution No. 1044a ~ .. r ~ 11C.~I42~1 N0. ~.04~ A R8901dJ':`Y+~C# 0~ ~'F'LE: CTT~' 4F CUt?`ER~INO A~'~I{CV'2A~(~ ~~,t~11Xs f'LA,1tq FOR T`riS ~~'!f'Rf7NLt-II~'T ~~F 9~lRA'1't7QA.-~4l~hZdh^lRLB ROAL t~ND eJt,' CL~P'~,PD' l~bA1~ ' ~S, there has be?en presenteQ to the C3.ty Count".1 1'br a;ppraval ' a-~ ~ix~l plarrY Ear the ir~rr.-veaaent of the eoutihweat corner of sr~tratoga~ r~~le Rosd and Maclellan F.oad; and RSd13, there ties Been px'escnted to the 171Ly Cr~unail a proposed ' ~reement for the construction of iti.tarovements; and said plans and dement bare 6Aen aprr~oved by the City Attiarney; now, therefore, B~ I~f ttgSOLVED 'Ghat said final improv~:ment Ulana of the southwest. c:vrner of Saratoga-Sunr~yva7.e Road and McClellan Ros.d be approved and T.'~tt the City Rngineer be authorlreCl to sign said plans on behalf of t'fie City of Cupertino. ~'ASSFsD A,tiD AUOI'rED this 21st day of December , 1~~, by the fallowing votes; ,~.:3~E,5: Coiu:~ilmcn - Der~ster, F`1.tzgeraXd, Noel, .Stokes, Finch DES: Cour.:.icien ~ Nonc ,k~S~N'T' : Court: i Imen - None ,~ T'T~ST : .f+"=/ La.wx~nre ~. r~rtin .. y erg w A I'~':tOVFD: /aj t~uz tt. T.tirich -~aypr ...._..._...,._._.._...